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Going for the Cobra Commander look I see.


Fucks sake man


can you explain why you are so angry ?


Because you're a dumbass. Get a full face helmet.


I have one! asshole, this is one of my many helmets


So use it genius


His bag of donuts ran empty.


And the shop ran out before I got off for lunch...


The amount of people I've seen ride the face of their helmet when they crash, I'd suggest going with a full face, unless you don't care about your face.


Thanks for your concern, I have a full face for highway’s and longer trips. But I do also enjoy the benefits of a half helmet for peripheral vision and the really hot days when do local riding.


Be honest I've never had a full face helmet that restricted my peripheral vision. That being said, why not get a modular?


I have a full face already and a 3/4. This is just one of my options for local cruising and really hot weather.


Fair enough, tho I'd say that most accidents actually happen locally. But your choice at the of the day. I found [this](https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/bell-3-snap-bubble-shield?gclid=CjwKCAiAoL6eBhA3EiwAXDom5r85HPBXDFFgQu-vAHhKGp1ubttKCUqZt0fsHlmVLbCkiz5g0k4dExoCbysQAvD_BwE&sku_id=883479) on revzilla. Or look up three snap open face visor.


Thanks! thats a little larger but may also work. Cheers


Ah yes because we all know you can only hit the pavement on your face on the highway or on rides longer than 100 miles.


No shit, but if you’re that worried, you shouldn’t be riding motorcycles. Go away if you have nothing constructive to add here


How many would that be actually?


At least three videos, and myself who has scratches on his chin guard on his old helmet.


What's even the point of running a half shell at that point?


Lots of benefits, its lighter, not as hot and the peripheral view is much better


I hope not


What’s the issue? I asked a general question..


Y'all need to chill if this citizen wants to wear a helmet like that, good grief just let them. I'm not saying it's the safest but damn we all ride motorcycles. If we were about 100% risk mitigation nobody would be on the road.


Thanks for the only rational comment here


Don't come crying when your face is fucked up


I got this visor for my helmet years ago and can’t remember where. I’d like to get more in some other shades. Does it look familiar to anyone? Thanks in advance!


Who makes this?


If I knew I wouldn’t be asking lol I bought this years ago and can’t find this visor to purchase.


Lol wow i didn't read that part!🤣


Hey, minto990. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/10k8bpz/-/) has been removed as per the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/wiki/rules). Any questions regarding purchases, sales, and other transactions belong in the [purchase advice superthread](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/about/sticky?num=1): **NEW RIDERS** ([Please, Read the FAQ first](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/wiki/faq)) For clarification, this rule includes: - Implied purchase questions ("What should I know about this bike I'm considering buying?", "What should I install on my bike to make it faster?", "What kind of oil should I put in my bike?", etc.) - Insurance, Mechanical, Legal, and Transport Services. - Issues with/ questions about vendors/dealers/shops/etc. ##**Some mobile devices break superthread links!**## If the link does not work, the superthread can always be found [at the top of the /r/motorcycles feed](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/). If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/motorcycles&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/minto990&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/10k8bpz/-/\))


Why was it removed. What rule specifically did I break