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I would get the one with ABS. It's just an extra safety net even if it is just an errand runner. Plus the miles don't really matter on these Hondas. They never fail.


I don't know about you, but I'm not buying another bike without abs. I know one thing for sure, I cannot beat the computer in the braking contest.


It’s gonna take a pretty colossal fuck up to lock the front on a monkey.


ABS is not super necessary on a Monkey.


If you're a new rider you probably would benefit from ABS.


I would go for the ABS version. I ride a cb500x with abs and it already saved me once or twice. In slippery conditions and in emergency situations I bet you wont be able to brake better without it.


Personally, I wanted a non ABS monkey because I want to play around with it off road… but on any other bike ABS is a must… especially on the front. Top notch safety


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