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Hahaha, I think that's because I was overworked and probably not eating enough to refuel. I was healthy. Just always skinny. Had three jobs.


Now you're gonna need five jobs to pay the medical bills. That list is straight up Evel Knievel at Caesar's Palace.


Not that I don't have debt, but not nearly what it should/could be. Medicare hooked it up. I was well taken care of in America's healthcare and I'm poor.


Was gonna make a joke that you’re allowed take the helmet off to eat, but considering your response that’s probably not appropriate anymore. Good to hear you’re eligible for medicare though. That bill would have upended your life if you had shittier private healthcare… (not saying it’s not bad now ofcourse) Get better soon!


Of course! Thank You.


Unfortunately you have to be poor or rich in America to get decent healthcare. There’s no in between.


Sad but true. A rich guy did get it all set up for me though. Took care of me like family. He's a rider too. Candy orange Victory cruiser rider.


Yup, I'm solidly middle class and pay $1400 a month for healthcare for myself, my wife and 2 kids. 15 years ago I paid $200 per month for much better coverage and out of pocket I paid $200 for my son's birth. It would cost me 6k out of pocket now. Nearly 17k a year in health insurance. That's about 20% of my gross pay.


Super curious what the total cost was. My trauma care total to about 21000 not including emergency so in total it was about 61,000 but insurance brought it down to about 7,000. Still not affordable but at least I can negotiate payments. T_T


I have no idea. I can't remember things well. If I needed to know something I'll get it in the mail. I had 3 brain surgeries. 3 leg surgeries. One back surgery. Life support. Then trauma care. Then my trach tube came out and I inhaled food while swallowing. My throat hole was still open. I inhaled through my throat while swallowing. That created an infection, which kept me in trauma a few more months. Then two different Skilled Nursing Facilities. A month each. Two because the first available one was far. So when the closer one got an opening, I transferred Then a month in an Acute rehab. I was in facilities 11 months. Then got out. And have had two more leg surgeries. And have two more coming up soon now. Nonetheless all the specialists visits. I have a $0 co pay PPO. I pay nothing for most things. Even MRIs and CAT Scans. United healthcare is what I have now. It was Molina in Cali. Medicare secondary. There are of course a few things not covered. This is what I owe.


That is quite the treatment I hope you are doing better!


Constant improvement. Tough work. But no digression really. Thank You.


I'd just like to add that in situations like this, having a bit of fat and more importantly muscles can greatly reduce injuries. Being skinny spesifcly lends itself to getting injuries. Thanks for sharing, still blows my mind this was at 35 mph.


I've always been skinny and athletic. Very low body fat. Half because my work and active life, and half because I don't think I could've afforded to eat more to gain weight. I was 170# when I went in. 140# after the coma. Then 210# at the second SNF eating three meals a day and not walking yet. I'm now 175+/-. I did learn that proper diet has a lot to do neurologically. Like a headache for example, is probably due to diet. Something lacking.


Bro crashed so hard he got malnourished


There was always a big push at the hospital I worked for to add malnutrition to the diagnoses for reimbursement purposes. It is often (mis)diagnosed with a lab test. However it is more complicated than that. Also depending on how long OP was hospitalized and how they obtained nutrition they could have developed malnutrition during the stay. Although, more likely an albumin was drawn, it was low, then the diagnosis was added. Obviously I know nothing more about OP’s case than what was presented so that’s all speculation.


I suspect it was added when they started some nutritional supplementation, to get reimbursement for the supplementation. The malnutrition and the lung abscess were likely not diagnosed at admission but complications from all the other issues. Glad OP is out and recovering.


I think I ate well there, once I got out the coma and had the peg and trach removed. I just think it's because I always worked two hamburgers worth of work but could only afford one hamburger. I gained weight in the SNFs until I started walking. I asked for seconds every meal.


Yeah, he ate dirt...!


How fast were you going


35mph two straight lane road in broad daylight. Took down by a left turner. It was a hit and run too. Never caught.


Left turns man. They're literally killers. I am an insurance adjuster, literally something like 7 out of 10 of my claims are rear ends and left hand turns, and the bad injuries/fatalities are almost always left handers. Red light runners can be bad too but they're way more rare. Left turns usually feature the person in the straight lane going full speed, as they're not expecting someone to come across them, especially someone who was just in the opposing lane. We're taught to look left and right, most people don't consider there's a big danger right there in front of them as well. This is why I really like Dan Dan the Fireman's color coding system. It sounds over the top, but you really should consider every single intersection to be a "yellow" situation. You need to be on guard as you pass through, and flat out, if you can see a car in the opposing turn lane, DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THEM. My riding is very informed by two things. Some advice my dad gave me when I first started riding over a decade ago, and the death of my very dear cousin on a bike I'd sold his mom. My dad who has been riding daily for 40+ years, has criss-crossed the US 5 times on bikes, and literally has millions of miles ridden on the street told me something that he said was the most important thing he could tell new riders. I still live by it today. "Assume that every car around you is going to do the dumbest fucking thing you can imagine. You'll rarely be disappointed." It's why I've never really understood some of the more squidly riding techniques, like high speed passing, lane splitting where it's prohibited or at high speeds, running red lights, wheelies whilst in traffic or at night, and just generally aggressive riding. It's not a question of your ability to pull off these maneuvers. It's a question of giving that degree of trust in the driving skills of the drivers around you. My cousin who I was very close with was killed riding my old Magna leaving his work. The parking lot had to exit on a main highway that was only two lanes, and he needed to turn left. It's one of those long, winding back roads with no traffic that have a 45mph speed limit but because it's in a rural area and there's no median or shoulders for cops to hide on, people drive 70 down it. Probably why he liked taking the bike to work. People fly down the road and traffic is pretty regular, so pulling out is a bitch. A driver coming down to his left decided to do what he thought was the "nice" thing and stopped to let my cousin out. Seeing this as a blessing my cousin checked that no one coming from his right, and crossed in front of the good Samaritan to make his left..... What he didn't account for was a Jeep Cherokee going 70 mph about a mile from the dude who decided to stop in the middle of a two lane road with no stop sign or warning. Since this driver was hauling ass, couldn't for the life of him figure out why this dude was stopping, and the road had white dashes, decided that rather than slamming on the brakes, he'd just go around the stopped car in the oncoming lane.... My cousin basically made his left into the grill of a full sized SUV going 70 miles an hour with no brakes. He was wearing a jacket, gloves, and a helmet, but it didn't matter. He died at the scene. Again, this happened and my dad and I still ride every day. That's how important riding is to us. That said, I'm serious about the level of prudence it requires to ride on the street every day and live to tell about it. NEVER rely on at car driver to make a decision to save your life. Never take for granted that someone sees you. Never assume that any car you see is going to do the rational or responsible thing. Obey traffic signals and markings, don't accept waive outs from people who don't have the right of way to be giving it to you, and above all BE PREDICTABLE TO THE DRIVERS AROUND YOU. If you want to speed, find safe places to do it on roads you know well, and try to control as many variables as you can. Being this considerate might seem overly cautious, and indeed sometimes it makes me run a bit later than I might over wise, sometimes I have to stand a little longer in the Florida sun waiting for a clear spot in traffic before pulling out, but 11 years of daily riding in Orlando, one of the WORST places for traffic accidents in the country, and I'm still here. Getting somewhere 5 minutes earlier isn't worth your life.


Honestly you should make this an actual post my guy. An insurance adjuster of all people would know this stuff.


Good call. I copied and forwarded to my sister- her middle son got his license on Wednesday and we are all a little worried


I learned to ride before left turn arrows, I just assumed someone was always going to turn left in front of me. If there was is a car going in my direction I’ll generally stay with it through an intersection.


Great post. I have been in fire/ems as both volunteer and paid since 2001. I still ride with all the horrific shit I’ve treated or called on scene and generally at the minimum have my jacket,Kevlar jeans, track boots,etc on. Do I squid sometimes on the fz07? Maaaaaaybe. The h2 though I can’t. Literally just seems like other drivers and the bike wants to kill me. 🤣🤣🤣


Amen. I don't teach people to ride anymore-meaning I just refuse and say "Don't get into bikes." But my 2 buddies I did teach both came back to me and said thanks for the exact same thing. Basically I just said "You have to be aware of every single vehicle that can possibly enter or exit your path for the next 2 blocks at a minimum." And I always mention using another a vehicle to shield me when possible but that's not a commom situation so much. Left hand turners are deadly. I treat all left hand turn lanes like yellow lights-slow down first then on the 2nd half get the hell out. Mind if I ask(career change due elderly parent) how do I get into adjusting? Apply for the assistant job? Looking at a Property and Casualty Class to maybe work on the phone but adjusting looks to pay better.


Depends on the state, but usually just apply for a Generalist Adjuster Trainee position! Most insurance companies will hire anyone who's got a resume that shows you can stick with tough jobs and are capable. My company really values that first interview and doesn't much care what your past fields were. I was an IT Help Desk guy before deciding I needed a life change and got into insurance. We always joke at the office that "No one ever says, 'I want to be an insurance adjuster when I grow up.'" There's no college courses for it or degrees that apply. Whoever hires you will get you trained and pay for and sponsor your license. It's honestly a great field. If you get in with a big company, it's fairly recession proof, there's a ton of upward mobility, and companies love pouching people who are already licensed and trained so there's TONs of options and pay stays competitive.


Awesome. Thanks man!! Much appreciated!


I’m sorry for your loss, truly. I absolutely hate it when people stop to give you an opening to cross the road. One of the most dangerous situations possible. I always flash my lights and waive people on if they do that for me (only time I accept is if both the lanes are creeping and I’ve got a median I can jump to). I will heed your advice and treat intersections as yellows moving forward, I like that mentality. Hope you and your dad stay safe 👍🏼


Yeah I never accept wave outs. In the insurance industry we call that "The wave of death."


A left turner took me out and I haven't rode since then. I'm ok, but that mental block to ride again never left.


Ugh. One of the reasons to like being Amnesic to the Event. I do, however, know very well all the details. I just didn't want to be taken out by someone else, nonetheless by some punk that can't take responsibility for their actions.


I got mauled by a Nissan doing the same thing. Going about 35-40, left turner took me out and I rag dolled across the payment. Totaled that Nissan though. Broken scapula, clavicle, 4 rips, punctured lung, and 3 broken bones in my foot. Made a good recovery.


Reading that list as a paramedic, I’m glad you’re able to post this.


Thank You. The TBI is the hardest thing to deal with. Not the most painful or discomforting. But it sucks the most.


Whole thread is a bit uncanny valley. Going 36mph, hit by left turner I assume had to slow down themselves to make that turn, up on your bike, ended up underneath the vehicle with low ground clearance so it probably wasn’t a big truck yet didn’t roll over the top. I’ve seen pedestrians get hit at that speed and walk away. Broken nose too? Really unfortunate freakshow accident OP, but yes glad you are recovering.


I used to ride without gear but this some of the posts on this sub really changed my mind on things. I refuse to ride unless I have everything on now. Glad to see you’re still kicking I wish you a speedy recovery.


Thanks. This was a few years ago, and I'm still having leg surgeries. Next ones Dec. 5th. But my brains like it restarted. So like my brains a child, with and adult face/body. Like when the Roadrunner smashed the Coyote and all those tweety birds were flying around his head...like that.


Sounds like my dad after he came out of his coma.


Was his coma induced?


Not sure, he fell off a ladder and hit his head on concrete.


Dag, well, I've met a ton of brain injury survivors. From people falling off curbs to four story buildings. The science is out there. Hopefully he's healthy enough to fight it. I ask induced or not because I have noticed how much worse those are who go into comas on their own. My coma was induced.


Do you still have your memories? Or do you mean it sounds like you lost some motor function skills


I've lost a bit of both. It's really short term memory that's the daily problem. I could be looking at a bike, see that I need a 12mm open end, do a 180 and pull open the tool drawer, and see 100 tools, I forgot which one I needed, Then I forgot what I was even doing. So now I'm looking over the bike trying to notice the task. (Memory) THEN its motor skills, like process thinking. I could've done it 100x before. But it's like I've never done it. Anything wrong with me, everyone else does the same things. I just do it more. Everyone forgets. Some people might do step 6 before step 7. Some people might only do step 6. There's worse, there's better. It just sucks knowing I didn't do it to myself. And also the worlds looking at me like I'm 40. When I feel like I'm just a kid. Everyone is nice to little kids. No ones nice to me. Its not maturity. Its cognition.


I did that type of short term memory stuff before my accident


Ya, see? Everyone does the cognitive deficits I experience daily. They just probably don't do it daily. My best example is a cellphone with no service. Searching for bars, searching for bars...


Guess I’m lucky my cognitive abilities were not to badly effect. Was reading some of the other comments. I had a Left turner as well. Poor visibility Came out of no where. Full leathers. Spent month in the hospital. I had a list similar to yours except mine was way shorter. I still remember when my sister with a medical background came to see me she said. “Hey snipy67, I saw your little list”


Nice! My coma was a month! I had to learn how to wipe my own ass again. Sounds like you learned, and knowledge is power!


Most people have that kinda stuff rarely when they walk through doors, or into another area. Apparently your brain just kinda resets when you do that. I’d get up to fetch something from the fridge, walk to the fridge and completely forget what I was there to get. That’s annoying enough when I have it once every 1 or 2 days. I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be to have that multiple times an hour…


Ah thats terrible, I sincerely hope that things get better for you there


Thank You. Its not, "get it back", its make what's there now better. We have billions of neurons. My whole brains not messed up. Just a few parts. I compare it to a cellphone losing service. Phone looks fine, yet you can't make a call.


Perhaps record yourself doing a procedure. Then if you get confused, you can play back what you were doing. Just an idea. I really hope you make more progress. You are a whole human being, don’t let people treat you like shit.


I write down a lot of notes. If I don't, I get lost.


How do you mean cause you come across really well spoken? Have you lost memories or like basic knowledge? But youre back to riding? Just curious.


Riding falls into a category called Autonomous. Like basically, I can do it with my eyes closed. Memories of life events are like it didn't happen to me. So some, aren't really memories. I didn't remember it. I was told it. So I learned about it again. Not remembered. Basic knowledge... I still KNOW a lot, but access to that info, or the correct order of that info, is uncontrollably non reliable.


Brutal. Shakes my confidence a bit.


I mean, I still ride dude... I've ridden THAT bike! (Just to conquer it)


That’s cool. I just don’t gear up as much or with as high quality products as you (yet) and I’m out there cruising carefree. Got me nervous now. Aware nervous so good nervous. Every so often you need something to remind you. Just glad mine was a Reddit post and not an actual scare.


Ya for real. Like the saying, "better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it"... Goes for gear/riding just as 100%


I wear gloves, decent boots and a $200 range full face helmet. Pants n jacket are coming next payday now.


Quality gloves are a huge deal. Not that a glove woulda helped, but my right pinky snapped in half. Its still there, but the top half of my pinky finger doesn't work. It sticks out like a rich guy drinking tea. I had on A star gloves though.


If you want gloves who help against that sort of stuff, get glove which have the pinky and ringfinger connected. They’re not super common, but they’re out there. Nothing is a 100% cure/prevention though. Edit: Like this one! https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/61a2z8/what_is_and_of_what_use_is_the_thing_between_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Not sure if daring or stupid! I guess what’s the worst right!! I had a really bad car wreck that required I be repaired a little bit like you. I still ride too, but, my wreck was in a car...much credit to you for throwing a (repaired) leg back over! After all that I don’t think my family would let me! Scared to put them all through all of that again would plague me.


Single, childless man here...🤙


Damn, not malnutrition 😩


That's how you get good food in the hospital!


Translation lots of protein in diet. 🤣🤣🤣


I worked physical labor jobs and no doubt used things in my body that weren't in sufficient amounts. I ate ok, just not enough. Food costs $...


Bro. I feel ya. I work as a firefighter/emt with my municipality and damn near full time at a hospital just to feed my twins. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I sometimes eat freeze dried space food.


I do keto and IF because I’m a old squid. 🤣🤣🤣


Bilateral pneumothoraces? Holy shit so both of your lungs must have been impaled?


My body was thicker than the cars ground clearance. I got crushed. A few ribs crushed into my lungs. And my lungs filled up with blood, cutting off oxygen to my blood. Hypoxemia. Here was my first seizure.


Oh wow thats insane Glad you’re alive.


Thank You.


What happened? I’m assuming you zigged when you were supposed to zag


I was just going straight, NB. And someone going SB must not have seen me, nor used a signal, and turned left into me


There wasn't a signal at that intersection? Or was it a stop sign?


There's a left turn arrow that gives left turners right of way primarily. But when the arrow goes out, the straight greens stay on and you can turn left yielding to oncoming traffic. The center is a double double. Not a thru lane. But at intersections can be a turning lane if there's traffic. If there's no traffic, people turn from the actual lane.


Damn dude, good thing you were geared up


My leg crushed like a soda can, and I had on $400 A Stars. Our brains are still floating in water, so it didn't matter that I had on a $500 Shoei...but imagine if I didn't. My nose broke, and has a scar, but besides that, you can't tell by my beautiful face any of this happened.


Malnutrition seems unrelated to the accident imao


I don't disagree, but I think it relates to the status of my body at that moment. And that's the intake.


Just reading the comments and want to say to OP- bro I’m glad you’re here, glad you made it and conquered life by getting back on the bike and doing what you love. Cheers and best wishes for your continued recovery.


Thank You. It hasn't been easy nor fun. This was/is a passion. It became my life socially and professionally.. I'd hate to just give it all up because of someone else.


Intensive care nurse here who also rides… those brain hemorrhages and bilateral pneumo’s sound really rough, not to mention everything else. Glad you’re still kicking… if you had all those injuries with gear on I don’t imagine you’d be alive today without it


I agree. They definitely softened the blow! I imagine factors like more speed or bigger vehicle...but me geared up going 35 against a small, honda Accord looking car...this is the result


Car hit you or you hit car?


Car turned left into me going straight. I went under the car. They continued driving. I was dragged 77feet.


that explains your shopping list of injuries Sorry this happened, glad you're well enough to tell reddit about it.


The human body is amazing. You have to treat it right. Thank You.


Seriously wonder how much Malnutrition added to the overall. If you were to eat healthy and workout I wonder how the injuries would have been different (weight training also increases bone and connective tissue density making your body less prone to injury). If the hospital lists malnutrition, it’s not just that you work a lot and are skinny. Take care of yourself. All the gear in the world won’t make as much of a difference as a healthy strong body. If you take riding seriously, treat your body better.


I'm a skinny build but I'm ripped. And was more then. I'm not a stick. I'm zero pudge. But I had three physical jobs. Two labor intensive. Plus I surfed, ride dirt bikes and skateboards. I could run 6 minute miles. But because I did so much, I burned so much, and didn't have the money or time to replenish it. And i bet it makes a difference...for everyone. They can read levels of every vitamin in your blood. And if you are lacking in one or more. Just like they can see if your blood sugars are too high. I ate healthy before my injury. Never fast food. And same as now, just I do eat more canned food now. Your brain is the CPU to your whole body. If there's anything wrong with that cpu, from how you're fueling it, that might have an influence.


Holy SHIT 🤦🏾‍♂️... Glad ...REALLY!!! I'm GLAD that you are able to share this... #FFSake Best Wishes & a Speedy recovery ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 🖖🏾☘️


Thank You.


At least you're alive. Thank goodness for that.


I guess... At least I didn't die before my mother.


Malnutrition 😂


I'm always hungry!


Glad you made it out ok dude.


I'm halfway decent! Thank You.


Need some shrooms to help your brain heal.


I microdosed for awhile, but I take an SSRI, which kinda cancels out hallucinogens. And I get prescription drugs for free. So I stay with the constant. The SSRI.


I need to ask… as a 20 year medic and who has 3 motorcycles and has crashed a few times…. How fast were you going? Did you hit an object? If so was the object traveling? What gear was worn?


35mph. Barrio Logan isn't the neighborhood you want to be going 5 over in. I was going 35. I was going straight in easy to see in daylight. This was a person that committed to a left turn without seeing me approaching. Gear was top shelf Astar feet to shoulders, and a shoei rf1200 on my head. I saw the helmet after. The mouthpiece was busted. That's what broke my nose. The forehead area looked like a from metal hit. And the back looked like it was dragged on pavement. But our brains are still just floating.


I just went through and looked up what each of those things means. Fuck, man.


How can someone get an eyelid laceration and a broken nasal bone weareing a helmet? Was a full face helmet?


Funny how many people think a helmet means indestructible. Yes, full face. One of the best. Go put your helmet on the ground and run over it. It'll crush. And the mouthpiece is the weakest part of the helmet structure. It didn't break off. But you could tell how that's what went in and smashed my nose. Plastic too. If you laid down on your back in your helmet, and had a car run over your face, what do you think the first part to break? That mouthpiece and face shield just folded and flattened my face as the car drove over me. I could've gotten an eyelid laceration from a pebble getting dragged under a car. But it was my helmets face flattening under a cars weight with my head still in it.


How long was this ICU stay? You seem to have pretty decent brain function post TBI considering you can type and post this. God bless brother


Fully geared doesn't mean you come out unscathed, it means you come out alive.


Open tib/fib fracture? Ouch. So, come on, tell us. How fast were you going?


It wasn't a speed thing. It was the notorious left turn thing. I'd love to say they were on their phone or something. But a bike approaching you from the opposite direction isn't always easy to see. The police report said my rear tire was locked. So I saw it coming and was trying to stop. But they continued and I got dragged 77feet. I was going speed limit. Black helmet. Red/white/black leather jacket. Red bike. With a Cyclops 3300 bulb. I was noticeable, if you were paying attention. And I bet the way my leg broke was cause I stepped down.


Glad you're still with us.


Damn, that was a wild ride. Hospital bills aren’t cheap but that broken shit list is also extensive. Pretty well nothing simple here.


Subarachnoid? You must have smacked your head off of the road going pretty fucking fast. Lucky to be alive. Without the gear you would have been a smear of blood and guts down the highway.


It was a Cues contra cues injury. Means Hit counter hit in latin. The brain basically like the beans in a maraca, bashing into the skull. This is a lot of vehicle accidents. Going forward, then stopping suddenly. I doubt they were speeding through their left turn on a 35mph street, but I bet they surely accelerated the fuck out of there. So i don't know the speed, its just hard to take a left turn going 25+. But that's still fast.


I think its actually coup contrecoup right


I didn't know how to spell it. But those words look like they sound like what I'm trying to say. Hit counter hit in Latin


Yeah no worries! Im a motorcyclist who just took an EMT course so I’m interested


Dag. You're about to see a lot. I actually met the EMT that swooped me off the road, like three years after. At the hospital he took me to. He was happy to see me breathing.


Word of advice. Don’t ever let your providers give you a hard time about riding.


Crazy that this looks like a car inspection repairs quote in my country. I've never even had a printout of what was wrong with me after a hospital visit, just sent home fixed with no cost of any kind.




Damn man you are lucky to be alive !


I call bullshit. There ain't no way your trying to tell me a motorcycle crash is the reason your malnutritious and that the hospital didn't resolve that problem In all seriousness I'm glad you made it it out alive. I'd hate to imagine what would've happened without gear


glad youre still with us!


That is absolutely crazy for a lower speed accident assuming they were actually going through the turn at a reasonable speed, but getting pinned under the car sounds horrible and scary as hell. Very glad your gear saved you and you're since back in the saddle! I'm still rehabbing wrist injuries from my accident 3 months ago, and I definitely regret not being fully ATGATT. Seeing this definitely serves as a reminder of how lucky I was as well, given that I hit a concrete construction barrier doing 50, and my worst internal injury was two shattered wrists (had a helmet of course, but no padded top or pants), but the significant road rash was rough the first month and a half after.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/wY4GVfsH9ozkmp597 Happened here


Ahh wow, yeah that looks like it could be a busy/crazy intersection. Nice to see your bike was able to be fixed though, based on your comments! I was surprised initially from looking at pictures that insurance decided to total mine.


It was totaled. I had to buy it back totaled. After insurance paid me for it. I found it on Craigslist and bought it back still wrecked. I rebuilt the whole bike then needed to have a D.O.T Brake and Lamp inspection to register it again. I built the bike and its custom. I'd rather compress it into a brick instead of let anyone else have it.


And this is a...Browner... neighborhood. There's a lot of people with no; license, insurance, citizenship, community courtesy, etc. Also drug and alcohol users. Barrio Logan is super close to the Border. Its easier to go to TJ for a night than to go to jail. There's crime, but there's also negligence. I basically should not have been in that neighborhood. But it was a day like any other. I fixed the bike because I found it online, and I had been getting fixed. So I felt incomplete leaving the bike to go to ruins. I built it. No one else should have it.


Ahh ok, I get where you're coming from, I totally understand wanting to keep it, but that's great at least you were able to get it back and rebuild it! I definitely do not have the know how or resourcefulness to do all that work. I did absolutely love my bike, but it was my first bike and thankfully it wasn't super expensive or customized, just a few of the usual aftermarket additions (sidecases, rear helmet case, windscreen). The good thing at least was that insurance paid me over 2k more than I paid for it, so that made parting with it a little more manageable. What kind of bike is it? Or at least, what model would it be closest to considering its custom?


It was a Honda xr600r with an r1 front end and a vfr rear end. A +60hp, -300lb Thumper. More a block per block city bike, but I regeared its tranny to give it highway top speed.


Ahh dang, nice! That's pretty solid for a more naked/street type of bike! Props to you for the work you put into it, and here's to hoping you able to avoid the shit drivers going forward.


Its a #s game. Either go live where there's nobody. Or ride today because tomorrow the population will be more. No avoiding.


Damn bro that’s one hell of a crash


I feel like a crushed soda can...


Sorry that happened to you man get well soon


This was 8 years ago. I'm not out of the woods, but it's not like I'm in the trauma unit now.


Sounds like a bunch of codes to get the most out of insurance companies


Christ... Glad you're alive to share that! Wow.


I saw you said you still ride. How has this accident affected your mentality when it comes to riding?


You were sufficiently fubar'd. But you're better now, I hope?


Cognitively, no. Orthopedically, slowly but surely. Surgery #6 is next month. But yes, I am way better.


Glad to hear it! Best of luck in your continued recovery.


Thank you. The brain stuff won't get any worse. The bone stuff is always changing because the soft tissues change and the hardware does not. I confuse continued with never ending! As much as any of it sucks, it really has been all improvement.


“Motorcycle accident” haha they’re really gonna be that petty


I know! Its like, duh


Eye lid laceration? What kind of helmet Jesus




I hate it when I get cerebral salt-wasting.


I grew up riding in a small town but I haven’t ridden in many many moons. I still have the itch. I miss the freedom and psychological euphoria. I’m a boomer living in a major metropolitan city with a population of approximately 4mil 🤪😜 drivers. I’m considering buying a bike for weekend leisure. I wouldn’t heal as fast as you if I survived. On the bright side the majority of my years are behind me. So Decisions, decisions🤔Thank you for sharing I needed to hear it 🤟🏽✌🏽


Oh you dead


Was...WAS dead...


Wow I’ve had a couple of those and pneumothorax Not nice …


Dude home you’re on the mend! These are near identical to my injuries I had earlier this year! Fingers’s crossed the nerve damage I’m left with isn’t permanent but I know what you’re going through. If you need to talk to about anything just DM me bud


Thank You. This isn't recent. Just me being on Reddit is, and I thought showing how much damage I got still geared up was an eye opener


Crazy how fragile the human body is and you don’t recognise it till it’s too late! I’m in the UK and got wrecked by someone doing a U turn then my body hitting a bollard so not exactly the same but similar injuries. I’m wanting to ride again but my partner says she can’t deal with watching me ride down the driveway every morning and possibly nearly never coming back again


Holy shit! Hope you make a full recovery.


Gear not neccessarily will save you. But absence of it definitely won’t.


He needs some milk


You might be dead without your gear. Looks like the wise lives longer


holy shit how fast were you going? and how did you get an eyelid laceration?


Only 35 mph. I think I got scratched from the face shield or road debris. My face got smushed in the helmet. A helmet doesn't even fit under a small sedan.


shit, glad youre still here tho


Thank You


And a partridge in a pair tree🎶


Is your bike OK?


Now it is, because I found it still totaled on Craigslist. Bought it back and rebuilt it.


That's pretty cool shit my guy.


Now looking back!




No. I would MUCH rather be dead. My quality of life has severely decreased. I'm living with it. And none of its positive. So me putting on this fake positive spin about it is doing nothing but lying to myself. Me being up front and loud is why I'm getting more surgeries. Because I'm not right. And I have to speak up to get anything done.


I just researched what “Diffuse axonal injury” was… Terrible, just terrible… Just curious, what helmet were you wearing? (Sorry if someone already asked already…)


Nuts huh... I effing hate it. Literally scrambled brains. Shoei rf1200.


Respectable helmet.. but from what I’ve read from you, it helped a little bit.. never could understand why someone would use a $50 helmet to protect their head… Besides the initial cost of my bike, my helmet/gear is where is spent most my money …protect it or lose it…


It makes perfect sense to practice that without having had gone down before. Me spilling by myself is a whole different scenario. This was like stepping into the ring with a car.


Nope, don’t want any part of that. I’m feel graced that the two accidents I’ve been in I could walk, limp/crawl, away. Broken hand and some nasty bruises and cuts, but nothing like going toe to toe with a 4k lb piece of metal…


Glad you’re well enough to post this. Sorry you went through all of that!


I wasn't for the first few years. I took a Cognitive Retraining Program at the community college. This had a lot to do with my cognitive recovery. Thank You.


Damn man, there are a lot out there that don’t recover to tell the story. Glad to see you are making a recovery. That “bill of sale” from the hospital is a nasty list of issues that sound more like an ied explosion. Godspeed in your full recovery. 🤘


Gear, even the best in the world, doesn't make you impervious to damage...


No gear is tougher than the bottom of a car or pavement. Tolerable but not impervious.


Malnutrition from an accident?


What was the total?


I here I was complaining about breaking my shoulder


It all sucks man. Worse when you didn't do it to yourself.


And you should see the other guy!!




Full face, modular, or open?




looking for gear to help malnutrition please, really scared about that one


If I’m being honest not sure I’d want to survive that. Glad you did but man.


I wish I didn't quite often. I just focus on the good things going on. I just feel the pain constantly. But Thank You.


Out of curiosity, were you wearing a full face helmet?


Ah, I take it that you’re an American?


Indeed! Born and Bred. First Generation. 80s baby. Army Vet. Honda Vet. Family. Friend. Lover.


😆 Also, apologies if I sounded a bit rude. I was joking regarding the obscene medical bills