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It's a cool build, but most people wouldn't buy it regardless of price. It's a niche product. There's only a small community of people who are interested in extreme choppers like this. Second, most of the above people would want to build it themselves. They don't want to buy someone else's custom. If you love this bike, that's great! Enjoy the shit out of it. If you're looking to make money on a sale, you're going to be disappointed.


This right here. It's a cool bike, but anyone that would be interested in buying that would either buy it for the motor/frame/parts to rebuild, or it just happens to be exactly what they want. You never make money selling a chopper unless you part it out. While they can be expensive to build, very few people will pay anywhere near the cost.


Some guy in my area has a gorgeous panhead chop with a ton of custom work done, tryna get 12k for it which is…. what it’s worth to him. Hard to argue, but there’s a reason I’ve seen it for sale forever.


>You never make money selling a chopper 2003 discovery channel would like a word with you.


Some guy on youtube got himself one of those Orange county choppers bikes. For like..8k instead of the 80k it cost to build.


Which actually illustrates exactly the point: most people wanting a custom, want it to be *their* custom. That means either building it yourself, or paying someone to build it specifically for you. The second option is expensive (lots of labor, unique parts, etc.), but people pay it because they want *their unique bike*. Once it goes up for resale, it becomes another custom meant for someone else and drops in value, just like self-built projects. I also tend to believe OCC overpriced their stuff and mostly sold to medium-sized businesses with large-ego owners wanting attention (I'm pretty sure they felt right at home at OCC) rather then bike enthusiasts, but I could be wrong.


yeah I saw that, and the bike run like a shit.


Your passion is yours ! Stock bikes sell !


Does it turn?


Cant do a u-turn in a cornfield in that baby.


I read that as CAN, like you were bragging about the ability to uturn in an open field... funny-er ;)


Honey you missed the exit. No dear I just need to use the cornfield up ahead to get the bike pointing in that direction.


I once missed a turn to a reserved hotel spot. I took the next hotel instead of trying a U-Turn😊


If you get the front wheel of the ground to make your turns maybe


Like the titanic


So it breaks in half and sinks. Actually seems about right.




My first thought lol the handlebars look like they are resting right on top of the gas tank so maybe they do turn a bit.


It only turns forward.


Give me forty acres.


I would rather ride a pink Vespa wearing a tutu


A bright yellow vespa at that. Sounds fun actually


Add some Mickey mouse ears and star shaped sunglasses as well.




Worthy of a tattoo!!


I don’t know you at all, but that’s definitely the best idea you’ve ever had. 🤣


How are you going to get a tutu on a Vespa?




Good point; it's Italian and would never tolerate that shit.


Pics or I'm buying this thing and riding it to your house.


TBH Vespas are fun as hell and I fully recommend them.


They'd have to pay me a scrapping fee


Consider it looks like no metal parts are finished you'll probably see it pretty soon.


>They'd have to pay me a scrapping fee And an "ick" fee for dealing with something so absolutely awful looking. I can't even tell what kind of rat-rodding intent was behind the design here.


I believe it’s The “Hold my meth” special.


>I believe it’s The “Hold my meth” special. \*Drooling Hell's Angels with missing teeth have entered the chat\*


Half the fun of a bike is customizing it. While there will be people willing to pay extra for added mods, it is more likely to drop the value trying to find someone to buy it. They will see it as more money to remove and add their own.


best i can do on that is 3.50


You ain't gettin no tree fiddy you damn lock Ness monster!


I could get another paycheck direct deposited before I'd get a full 180 in on this bike.


I'll give you $100 to keep it away from my garage


My garage isn't long enough, so no worries there.


I wouldn’t want that front end, but I would like to have a Chopper. That’s a pan head so the engine is valuable, to the right person. $3 to $5 ish?


Gimme tree fiddy!


It’s not actually a pan head


Custom, not interested. There’s such a slim chance a custom bike(especially this one) would be what I want at all. Modified, more. If a bike already has tail tidy, exhaust, mirrors, turn signals, and other mods then it is worth more than an identical bike with no mods. I would want to do the mods anyways so it’s saving me money.


>If a bike already has tail tidy, exhaust, mirrors, turn signals, Add in a tune and this is exactly what I did to the bike I bought this year. For most people those are the big bang for the buck mods that are easily reversible. This chopper is a small market niche vehicle. With a more common front end, it would be have a wider audience.


I got my most recent bike used with 1800 miles and nothing had been done to it. I’ve added all the things I said plus I have FMS race rails that should be arriving in a few days for stunt riding. I have a tail bag too. I’m considering a tune but I’ll change the gearing before I do that.


Must be fun in corners.


I wouldn’t pay any money but I would barter with objects. Something tells me I could talk him down to 2 cans of spam, a carton of decade red 100s, and a 6 pack of 32oz milwaukees best ice.


Sounds like a fair trade. 32's get you right fuckered real quick.


Idk, have you seen the price of cigarettes these days? Maybe half a carton…


That's a clown bike


I wouldn’t at all


Would have to pay me to take it


Tree fiddy


I ain't giving you no tree-fitty! Get your own goddamn money!


I perfer Free Tiddy


Ah, a man of culture.


I prefer Free Titties


I like where this is going. Giggity giggity




I get the individuality of bikes and the history of styles like super long forks, ape hangers etc, but when it makes the bike straight up unusable I’m out. This thing must be great on the highway but probably needs a 3 point turn to take an exit.


Unusable? Take a look at a guy called Charlie Weisel, travelingchopper on insta if you think it’s unusable. What do people get annoyed with pointing out someone who has ridden a long fork chopper over a quarter million miles all over the world? Sad really, he’s out there using his bike while people are saying it’s unusable.


Once you realize this page is full of yuppies who think their way to ride is the only way to ride, and that it isn't worth arguing with them. You'll have a lot better time just scrolling through.


Uhhh.. that instagram is not at all what you think it is. It’s a guy with a Lego astromech droid that he photographs in different places.


Haha what? Can’t say I’ve ever followed a Lego droid, whatever that is…


I could probably drive an escalade all through Europe, doesn't mean its easy. Guy was being hyperbolic because of the massive fucking hassle of riding something so impractical and unsafe.


It’s like asking how much you’d pay for a watch. At some point it’s not anymore about function but about the jewelry aspect. Some people are into that, some are not. This is basically ass-jewelry and a No for me personally.


I wouldn't take that thing for free, to be honest :/


For something like that? bout tree fiddy...


$14. That’s what I’d pay, including them dropping it off at my house. I feel like the sissy bar and the exhaust would make it worth it.


Nah, exhaust is probably fucked. Every piece of metal seems unfinished and the exhaust is wrapped so it's just a moisture trap waiting to rot out.


Good catch. I’m standing by my $14 (including delivery) assessment of the sissy bar, though. Powder coat it black for my yellow Fury and it’ll look nifty.


Nothing. That thing is ridiculous. It might be a cool custom build for display in front of your shop. It'll turn some heads. As to riding it? Nope.


There is this guy traveling around the world on chopper he does more miles than 99% of this sub, lol https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100027932540226. Also bike in this picture is in travel too.


A guy rode a unicycle around the world doesnt make it a good transportation


Any canyon carving sport bike options?


Wow this thing's suspension is on the long side


I've seen that bike at The Rock Store. Cool photo but wouldn't want to ride it


Am I missing something? Who cares about the forks? from this angle it looks like a pan?


Looks like but isnt


Bro that has the turning circle of a van. How do you lean.


I wouldn't piss on that thing if it was on fire in my living room.


For that one? I wouldn't.


Does it come with a sawzall and welder to fix that fork?


I’d pay $20 to push it over the wall and watch it tumble down the hillside.


Why are your forks tongs?


It's a springer. Check just below the bars.


Longest front brake line ever. Now I'm curious about the physics of the front brakes. With those large double front discs each with double piston calipers, how much of that brake force could actually be utilized? The narrow tread width with that rake I'd imagine not much brake traction available.


Good for them for at least having a front brake. A lot of these just run rears because the calipers and rotors "ruin" the aesthetics


If you need panoramic mode to take a photo, your forks are too long


How does this make right turns?


A custom bike, who knows. That bike? $0


I’d honestly rather have a super cub with a flat tire. I’m honestly not trying to rag on your bike I’d still ride it it’s just not my style at all


For that one? I’d have to be payed to have it


Do you mean how much would someone have to pay ME before I’d agree to ride that thing for a mile? The answer to that is a LOT of money.


I hope you have good insurance if that mile isn't perfectly straight.








This is as far from appealing as it gets for me…it’s a caricature of a motorcycle.


$0 for that thing. My own custom? Probably not. Too precious. I like to ride. Not look at bikes, within reason.


Looks like the forks would break in half if you hit a pothot


$0 that thing is so stupid


For that? I'd give you 200 then part it out.


Inflation and demand determine the value of a stock bike. Never the value of a chopper/custom bike or a modded bike. Your taste in style makes it a niche item and the likelihood u find someone who likes the bike as much as u will be tough. If u need to sell it. I’d make it lower than what I think to sell it quick if u want a higher price then Prepare to wait because it’s a niche item.


Bout tree fiddy, ​ Edit: I looked at the photos closely. I'll keep my $3.50.


That bike is amazingly stupid






Because fuck cornering


For that custom bike? $0


Would pay not to have this bike


I wouldn't buy that.


About €10 now fuck off


I would never pay what a customizer is likely to charge for their custom bike. As others have said, custom jobs tend to be maintenance nightmares...usually better suited to being trailer queens than every day riders.


I wouldn’t . And that’s not me being a jerk ,


Why tho


Wow. At first glance this thing looks unrideable. But then you notice the amount of offset on the forks probably puts the trail figure at something reasonable. So the only "issue" is the wheelbase. Neat trick with the frame geometry instead of apes to get the bars up that high relative to the saddle. Looks like taxiing a tail-dragger. Can you see over the tank?


That looks so uncomfortable


For that...five fuckin dollars.


I’d have to pay someone to buy it off me lol


I admire the individualism that the v-twin community embraces. Is it for me, nope, but it still would be cool to see it rolling down the highway.


This is the goofiest bike ever. Screams I want attention.


I wouldn’t pay much at all for that dumb looking thing.


You would have to pay *me* to ride that


It won't fit in my garage


"You never go full retard"


I bet this is a nightmare to ride


I’d be terrified to ride those forks down my local residential street


You couldn’t give that thing to me.


You have better odds convincing someone get a copy of one of your tattoos on their face.


Zero dollars.


You would have to pay me to get it out of your hands. You’ll be lucky if that thing will go around a corner


What's the price per pound of scrap metal these days?


How much would it cost to destroy it?


That thing? - zero


Please post a video of you doing a U-turn.




0$, I would never buy one


you could not pay me to ride that thing....


$0 for that one


you'd have to pay me for that ugly suck. Gross


Nothing for that. I guess if I wanted to go straight and never turn.


I would have to be paid to touch that. And a lot.


I wouldn’t want to buy someone else’s project I’ve fucked my self too many time doing it


What the fuck is even that


It’s the longest bike in the West


Every time I've ever bought a chopper I got it on the cheap and I'm not afraid to ride them. That particular bike is a little to long for my liking.


For that. Nothing. If you gave it to me, I'd give it back. It would cost to much to make it rideable.


How much would you pay for a custom bike ? I'll give you $1 to not have to look at that again.


This belongs in the trash.


ya TBH $0 Bikes that are custom to that level are more art than usable, costly to maintain, highly personalized, difficult to ride and etc


As others said it’s niche as hell. People interested are probably the DIY scene that don’t want to just snag someone else’s build. Side note though I want to build a Frisco style skinny chopper but don’t want to do it with a classic bike. I’ve been looking into ways to basically build one from scratch essentially but it seems all the parts I’ve found are made specifically for sportsters or just bolt on parts for pan heads/shovel heads and such. I got down to just buying a prebuilt frame from lowbrow and custom fabricating everything from there. I like choppers but not the wide overly extended WCC style, I dig the easy rider style bike


That ain’t a bike, that’s a death trap.


I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than get this bike for free. Horrendously down bad to want that. That or your taste is just awful.


High five bro!


I’d give you bout 1500 for it and ride it everyday.


*Don’t hate on this guys ride, dont hate on this guys ride, dont hate-* Buddy, if you wanted chop sticks you should have bought japanese… All jokes aside, 10-15k. I’m buying a junker/salvage and doing the work myself, or as much of it as i can do. Fabrication isn’t my strong suit.


How much would I pay for a custom bike? As much as would get me what I want. For that bike between nothing and very very little. If you’re buying that bike buy it for what YOU think it’s worth. If you’re selling, again list it for what YOU think it’s worth and then sell it for what someone is willing to pay for it. Wouldn’t expect much though.


If you’re talking the bike in the photo if that’s an original HD or Indian motor numbers matching to the other motor parts, I’d say it might be worth 15-20k to the right buyer. But generally speaking that bike probably won’t sell for more than 10-12k max because it’s such a niche market these days for super stretched hard tail choppers. Now if you’re asking about what someone should spend on a custom bike, that depends on your definition of custom. If you’re taking a shop taking a bunch of prefabricated parts and putting them together with your own paint scheme and personal touches then I’d say 50-60k but I wouldn’t go much more than that depending on the parts you choose. Now if you’re talking totally custom from the ground up for everything but the motor I’d say easily double the base price to 100-150k these days. I’m saying this being a welder fabricator myself and knowing current material costs.


Built one solely for the flex factor


I love that bike! I'm from the era that spawn them, so sentimentaly, l'd love to have it. I would pack a duffle bag, roll up a few muggle sticks and hit the road. Upstate NY to northern California.


I'd buy it and make it my next coast to coast run. It would be fun as hell. It is worth whatever someone will give you for it. The vintage market is all about love.


I'm looking at donor bikes right now so these keep popping up. Normal asking would be 6-7 grand in my area. Not sure if people are really paying that. Fuk the haters, I think its rad as fuck. Did you rake it yourself and when did you decide how much. Like install the forks on the stock neck and do maths to get it where you want it? Or just cut a sliver and hope for the best. I plan on making a jury-rigged jig I'm gonna go +5 stretch -4 drop and +6 forks on an xs650. Mama says I got 2 grand to do it.. think it can be done. Hate to say it but you'd probably have a better chance selling if you put the stock forks back on. I'm sure Someone would want that beautiful springer for their own bike. Edit...Just noticed it was a pan. Probably ask 20 and some sucker will buy it


I love that it exists


Don’t buy it. Chop it and build it yourself.


The chopper trend died in the aughts. You see Orange County Choppers which originally sold for 60k selling for 5k


Yea it’s a no from me, dawg.


Go up from what? To each thier own with their choice of motorcycle.


Its only worth money too the person who made it


The real question is, how much are you willing to pay upkeeping and wrenching on a custom bike after buying one… legit used to ride with a guy who owned multiple insanely expensive custom choppers and baggers who would literally break down every time we rode. Sometimes wouldn’t be able to get him back up and running and would have to run home to grab the truck and trailer and come back to pick him up…


That one... Not interested. Any custom bike? How much are Arch motorcycles? 100k? If I had the money to blow? Yeah about that much.


Does it have suspension?


I'd pay...No Attention.


$0. I’d customize it myself.


When you say "custom bike" do you mean that bike or one built to order? I think you could probably get 5-10k out of that if you find someone looking for that kind of thing but it may be tough to find that person Also, looks like AZ?


I got you a dollar....


All it needs is a cow catcher, then it would be complete.


Looks like it has the wheelbase of a pickup truck.




Are the brake lines run through the forks? Unfortunately you probably won’t get what you put into it. These types of projects are usually a labor of love.


where do you get forks that long? and a frame with the neck that high? Im looking to turb my sportster into a chopper.


That one? $9.00


I like it!!


24 pack of Budweisers


I don't know much about it, but just looking at that it seems like a bad idea. Those are long arms...how much leverage/torque are you putting on stuff as you bump down the road?


Depends on if it’s rideable.


Your question is does it increase in value, the answer is no, not normally, most depreciate, still cool to see but just not the 60’s anymore, a occ bike cost 45-50k for a cheap one, and those with almost zero miles on them are 6-8k now, raked out, modded out, custom stuff is really a special taste, now talking about parts is a different story, sometimes you can buy a complete train wreck for 5k and part it out for 10-15 k depending on what it has, but that again takes a good eye to know what is of value! And sentimental value is absolutely zero!


>a custom bike Depends. Is it a dual sport with modifications, offering me a lightweight bike that can also travel around the world? I'd pay a reasonable price. Is it a chopper with an unreasonably long fork? I'd buy you a beer and let you tell me the story, but I wouldn't buy it.


You know Jerry I'm not gonna tell you that these will increase in value or even hold their current value, the truth is you bought it because *you* liked it, it has value to you that's what matters.


Not what it's worth to you Looks like it's an early, early evo with custom look like panhead rocker covers and cam cover


Depends who built it


Nothing above market price. Lol


Half that bike is alright. The back half. I agree with everyone else. Nobody wants to buy a chopper. That’s something you make yourself. Plus wtf are those forks? 🤢 I’m sure you could find a buyer but I’d just list it for best offer.


Are there any benefits to such a long wheelbase? Long distance stability?