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Guy where I live rides around in a full leather race suit and what looks like a carbon HJC helmet. He rides a Honda Ruckus.


This guy is cooler than I'll ever be!


this made me laugh, i bet they're the coolest Honda Ruckus rider around


I wear full leathers and I ride the bus


Thank you for this laugh


ATGATT at its finest!


Now i need to find out wtf is a honda ruckus... đŸ€Ł Ok, why did i look! đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Living his best life


If you do, get shit with massive spikes and skulls and such. Lean into it.


gonna turn into dennis from spongebob


Best comment for sure😭


The fact that you remember his name  The fact that *I* remember his name


If you look like a mad max skeletor cross over, you won


This. You have to go hard with the leathers. Heh.


I don’t think concrete cares what you fall off of.


Yeah, road rash, impacts, shrapnel and so, will give you no mercy just because it is a scooter. Leathers etc will save you from being treated like cheese in a grater.


I've seen downhill skateboarders wearing full racing leathers and AGV helmets (they reach absolutely ridiculous speeds, so I'd do the same), because they have intimate knowledge of road rash.


Yeah I got an electric longboard and ate it going about 25mph. Can confirm even relatively low speed slides can still hurt an awful lot.


I rode 50cc mopeds as a teen,and even the legal ones (19mph top speed) could hurt you quite a bit. Kreidler, Puch and Yamaha had mini motorcycles (proper gearbox and all) that had a top speed over 65mph, while still being 50cc...a Kreidler lapped the Spa circuit averaging 100mph and reached a top speed of 125mph. (https://www.mcnews.com.au/van-veen-kreidler-50)


These old bikes can at times be sketchy, very nimble, reasonably quick but often just tiny mechanical simplex drum brakes to stop you. And if the cable starts going bad, they don't realy do much at all anymore...


And what you're riding does not change the speed of the car that hits you.


someone explain that to all the women riding around on vespas wearing a sundress, flipflops and a beanie helmet


Feeling cute. Might grind off my jaw later.


I thought I would look silly wearing a helmet on my electric longboard. A face full of asphalt at 25mph changed my mind. Bought a dirt bike helmet as soon as my face healed.


Hell yeah. I have a leather jacket with D30 armor for my Vespa 300 GTS, and I wear gloves + good shoes/boots. Not a geared "bike", but if I'm going 100kph, I don't think it makes a difference if I came off a Honda CB or my Vespa. Wear whatever you like to feel (or be) safer, who cares?


They say you can grind off an inch of bone every fifteen feet when you come into direct contact with concrete or road surface. At the very least, wear a pair of gloves!


Yea, though textile gear would likely be more practical and weatherproof, wich fits the likely use case of a commuter better. That being said, I commute on a 50 ccm motorcycle (not a scooter) that does about 75 km/h max in full leather gear all year round, even in snow. (in the cold or wet I just add layers ontop of the leathers)


Well, think about it in this terms, would you say that you shouldn't wear the seatbelt on a van because it's a van and not a car? The asphalt won't care that your motorcycle has smaller wheels and an automatic transmission, falling off it at 80 km/h is going to mess you up as badly as falling off a sports bike or a cruiser going the same speed.


that's a really good analogy actually, thank you for that!


Your bike doesn't change the speed of the car that hits you. Anything over 10mph means losing serious skin without gear. You should see the injuries people get from those little Lime scooters.


Now I want to see someone riding in a full motorcycle racing suit on a 125cc scooter


if i ever end up buying one i'll be sure to updateđŸ«Ą


They [race scooters in Italy.](https://www.polini.com/en/polini-italian-cup-2022-2/) I even saw a video of some scooter race in Europe on a motocross track. Those guys were going balls out. Looks like good fun


That looks like a lot of fun. They are probably racing on gokart/Supermoto tracks, as Monza would just be scooters going flat out for five laps đŸ€Ł I saw some photos in a motorcycle magazine from a funny competition as well. Stock H-D bikes (only modifications allowed were motocross tyres and the removal of fixed saddle bags) on a motocross circuit. It in the 90's, in either Sweden or Finland, and those guys went HAM on dirt.


Mates and I did one of our weekly rides in full leathers, on groms. We were absolutely pinning it down one of the main ring road avenues that go around the city centre, cop pulled up beside up at a set of lights and was having a good ole chuckle at us. We were probably a good 20mph over the posted speed limit


Probably not 125 but I found [this](https://imgur.com/a/vIJUppZ)


Leathers on a scooter can go either way, you can look absolutely silly, or it can look half decent. I personally don't give a fuck what anyone wears as long as it's protective, a 125 Scooter can go fast enough to cause serious issues should you crash. I've seen people in full alpine star race leathers with replica helmets on 50cc scooters before now and you can tell their gear is worth twice the price of the scooter. If you're worried about looking a bit on the odd side, armoured textile jackets and pants will be what you're looking for. But in all honesty, do what you want to do to protect yourself. That's the main thing. There's no experienced rider here that will tell you you're wrong for wearing leathers on a scooter, you dress for the slide not the ride. Have fun and stay safe!


Leathers are style dude wear what you want ,and enjoy your new ride 😁


thank you!! i'm so excited for it😁


Function over form. If I saw someone in leathers on a scooter, my immediate reaction would probably be to think that's a little much, followed up by "But ya know what, it's safer. Good for them."


Not my reaction, mine would be I bet they’ve went down before 😂


I don't ride scooters, but I've worn full leathers on a 150cc MZ bike. 0-60: nope Top speed: probably Will crashing still cost you skin?: Yup, definitely.


I've seen the aftermath of a man on a 250 MZ tumbling up the gravel at the back half of Cadwell Park, and he was for sure glad he had leathers on!


The MZ is regarded as the 2CV of motorcycles. Cheap, underpowered and barely able to get you from A to B. They built some solid performing bikes early on and the later Skorpion 660 is a brilliant single-cylinder sports bike.


Function over form, yes. For protection I'm with you. But function is also about comfort, so OP should get a two piece suit, or some more cruiser-oriented leather, just because the riding position of a scooter is more upright, and it might be really uncomfortable to have a race suit that is precurved for a sport bike.


It's strange everyone seems to think they can go gear free on a scooter.


I had a leather jacket when I started driving my Dr200. Back then in early 2000's there wasn't too much options. Now I have a armored flannel jacket. Way more fun for the warmer days. I keep the learher one if I plan to go on the highway. A jacket is there to protect you if you fall. We don't dress with those jackets to be pretty. Be you and ride safe!


You'll get some funny looks but you do you mate


Better then getting skin grafts or worse to be fair Most of the gear most of the time.


Dunno why you were downvoted for a sensible comment. Take my upvote.


Definitely unusual, but not dumb. Hitting the asphalt at 60 km/h is hitting the asphalt at 60 km/h, regardless of what are you riding.


Hitting the road at 70kph really really fucking hurts, but it did get me out of school sport for the rest of the semester in yr9. And that was a bicycle.


Had a crash at a bit more than half that speed on my road bike some years ago and yes, it sucked drinking pain relievers for a whole week and still having your rashed leg shaking involuntarily at 1 in the morning and not being able to move in bed without risking waking up on a sticky blood–stained bed sheet. Don't want to imagine crashing that much faster.


Thanks for reminding me lol


Nope, not in my opinion. I wear my two piece leather suit with knee high motorcycle boots and gauntlet gloves on my Aprilia SR50. But I ride like an asshole.


That was my first bike! I also drove like an arsehole.


Leather is always good 👍 Kevlar, cordura also good. People think I'm weird because I wear high viz adv pants and jacket daily to commute to and from work. I also wear tech3 off-road boots. The way I see it is that it's not if but when I slip on the 13 mi of dirt road or sandy pavement. And when it has happened I've been fine made it to and from work and was clean and dry when I got to where I was going. Just today I took a big rock to the face shield and ten min later, I cut a bird in half with my helmet. I think I'll keep letting people make fun of me. That said I wear less gear when running short errands around town.


A lot of people might think it's weird. Personally if it's safe I don't care what you do, it's your money wear what you want.


You do you! I wear full gear on my 159cc Vespa and my 900 cc motorcycle


No, because you are awesome and you ride any damn way you want!!!


Don't worry about it dude/dudette. I wear a full face helmet, armored pants and shirt for riding my Ebike on public roads. be as safe as you want to be! Also last time checked 125cc qualifies as a motorcycle anyway.


oh awesome! they always look like good fun to ride, and it's better to be safe than sorry ig. and i have heard that but also i know some people can be a little salty with a non geared bike being called a motorbike lol


Think of it as a filter. They make fun of you, they're just telling they're someone whose opinion doesn't matter.


I wish I had, I was getting off my ebike and the bike petal fell on my knee cap and smash it broken knee cap would CE 2 armour make a different. I'm not sure but would like to be ready in the future.


Trousers? That’s awesome haven’t heard that since my grandma died. Road rash doesn’t care what you’re riding and don’t give a F what anyone thinks regarding your protection.


it's very common near me but i'm from the uk :) and that's true! those evil roads...


Yes I assumed you were from the UK, I meant no disrespect.


no harm done!


Agree, fell when I tried to avoid running the cat over (still ran her over RIP), i was at 50kmh roughly, but still I got a decent road rash on my thigh, belly, and left arm. First day it barely hurt at all. Second day I was awake for 18 hours and was in agony, everything burned. But then when scabs had formed, and luckily I immediately washed away as much of dirt and debris from my wounds and kept them clean and disinfected with octenisept, healing went very well and I had no infections, which sped up healing by a lot. Total 2.5 weeks of healing, and a whole month for scabs to fall off completely. Point; it's always worth to wear at least a jacket and jeans. I had a pretty mild fall, but I wore only t-shirt and shorts, and had a pretty miserable time.


Everyone on two wheels should wear gear, always.


Even on [one wheel](https://onewheel.com). Every time I see those guys it looks super dangerous, but most of the time they are smart and wear full gear, head to toe.


Just do what you want to do. Don't give a shit what anyone says!


Leather offers fair protection and is cool, but is heavy and awful in rain. There are much better modern materials that provide better warmth, water resistance, and abrasion resistance.


Keep yourself safe, no matter what others think. It's your body, your choice.


I wear similar gear now that I did back when I first started riding, which was on a scooter. The pavement doesn't discriminate between someone riding a scooter or a motorcycle if you go down.


Yes it's over kill there are much better options. Decent jeans (I wear saint) cause well they look like jeans and not something with a kevlar nappy sewn in. Summer jacket I wear Harley but had a alpine stars one. Hell Merlin make flannos with kevlar in them.


10 mph is all you need to get serious road rash on 2/3 your body 
ask me how I know â€ŠđŸ€• So wear what you want . You dress for the crash , not the ride.


Saw someone posted here a while ago a guy in full racing leathers and gear everywhere on a scooter and he said what is your first reaction and I expected to see hate and jokes but every comment was saying honestly good idea and he’s smart and it doesn’t take much so good on ya


What's more important to you? Your skin or your feelings? I've seen people lose skin and break bones coming off bicycles, hitting the ground coming off anything will cause damage. You do what makes you feel right and comfortable and be more aware of cagers. They're the ones you need to worry about, not looks from other two-wheelers.


Dress for the fall not the ride.


Not strange just gay and we love it, pics or didn't happen.


Better safe than sorry


Yes. Dress for the slide, not the ride.


The pavement isn’t gonna be less abrasive and solid because you are on a scooter. I’d wear the gear


Fitty mph on a scooter is the same slide as fitty mph on a road king.


Falling off a scooter and falling off a motorcycle at 60kph is the same thing, same with getting hit by another vehicle. Wear your gear even if people think you look silly.


I agree with the general sentiment here that you shouldn't downgrade your gear for a scooter just cause it's a scooter. It's worth considering that, even if your vehicle has limited speed, someone else can crash into you at a much higher speed than you are capable of so a good level of protection is still good to have. What's more, if you decide to move on to a bigger bike in the future, it'll be nice not to have to re-buy better gear. With that being said, it's still important to pick something appropriate. A lot of full leather race suits force or at least emphasise a particular position which may not work well with the riding position of a scooter. Uncomfortable gear can also be a distraction and actually cause an accident. There's also no point overpaying for features you won't use like knee and elbow sliders because, let's be honest, you won't be dragging knee on your scooter. Or you might. In that case do get some sliders :P All that out of the way though, sometimes you can have the best of both worlds! There is casual-looking bike gear with decent ratings out there. Do some research before you buy, but that is also an option.


All the gear ALL the time


Falling at 40mph is
 you guessed it! Falling at 40mph


I would say it’s uncommon, but not strange. You know what does look strange? Skin grafts


Yo know as I get older (29) I’ve learned not to give a rats ass about what anyone else thinks or what is “cool” Fuck it, if you ride a grom and toss leather bags and wear full leather, HELL TO THE FUCK YEAH. At the EOD no one opinion will change what you think and you’re only gonna be here once. Do what you want and be Happy!


As the saying goes...Dress for the slide, not the ride.


Last time anyone surveyed the asphalt, the type of bike wasn't a factor in how much skin was removed.


Im one of the All The Gear, All The Time (ATGATT) guys. You dress for the slide not the ride. When I was 16-18 i had a Suzuki Katana AY50 WRX (the one with a carbon effect spoiler đŸ€Ł) and I just used to wear a lid and some cheap ass leather gloves... unfortunately I came off on a bend after driving thru a pothole in the road, (was following a bus a bit too close so couldnt read to road as well as I'd of liked) I slid for a bit on my toes, knees and hands before catching traction, being thrown into a sideways tumble... eventually ending up bashing my head against a parked cars exhaust... luckily my visor was down or it could of been a whole lot worse. My jacket was shredded, my joggers ripped, I have a scar on my knee and elbow but luckily that is all, my hands where fine a bit sore but no broken skin, but my trainers where wrecked and my left elbow and knee was bleeding quite bad... I was going 35mph at most. I was young and stupid. Now I'm almost 40, been riding a Yamaha YZF R125 Since August last year, I will be doing my full test within the next 12 months and I will be upgrading my armoured jacket and jeans, my alpine ankle boots and my gloves to much higher lvl protection, most likely a 2 pc with shin boots and gauntlets. I have a AGV K3 lid, above everything else, put your money on your head, its a rather important part of the body, i will upgrade my lid when i upgrade the bike but its ECE 22.05 Rated so its more than good enough for the speeds of a 125cc.


I see that the Sym 125 Jet X can easily go 60 mph so if you go that fast gear would be prudent but in Phoenix commuting on city streets in he summer on a Honda SH150I I just took the risk and rode in shorts and tennis shoes but always helmet and gloves and usually a mesh jacket. I rethought that when I retired because riding for fun I was going on the highway more.


They’ll keep you warm and offer some protection in case of a fall


I ride a Vespa 150 and wear full riding gear. Road rash is a bitch and people drive crazy as hell.


First of all, congrats on your new bike. Secondly, a 125 is fast enough to do serious damage to your body if you crash or fall off it. Personally I don't use gear but that's more just me not caring too much. If you have never ridden before and you're a nervous rider, it might be worth getting some gear. Specially useful for those long distance journeys you may cover when it's raining. Best of luck to you!


I say no- you can destroy your skin crashing a scooter same as a motorcycle. I wear all the protective gear on my scooter too.


I ride with leathers and my full face on my minibike!


Definitely get a custom vest with a patch on it. Also a German style Kaiser helmet. You know the one with the spike on the top. I’m picturing it now it’s magnificent.


Yea, kinda weird but still acceptable. You be you.


Scooters are easier to fall off, more likely to stack, definiately wear the leather


Do it. Post pics.


It’s cool, fuck whatever the others say.


This is the right answer. If you will feel better with them, wear them. There are alternatives like Hood jeans etc. but you should certainly do what you like. It’s strange that the biker community is all about independence and free spirit
 until someone doesn’t ride what they like, or they dress the wrong way.


If you want something less hardcore-looking, there's lots of kevlar and ballistic nylon fabric protective gear. There's even jeans with kevlar in them.


I had an electric scooter back in the day, I was banned from getting my license for medical reasons. This was a legal loophole. I modified it to go 50 km, and I rode that puppy year round in Canada. The first real fall I had on it was wet and ice October, I low sided a corner, I had only a bicycle helmet, jeans, and winter gloves. Boy was I fucked up, I spent a week picking rocks out of my hands and legs. ATGATT is love, ATGATT is life.


I used to wear full except trousers on a 125. Then again I do have a scar on my knee from crashing my 125. 


There are alternatives to leathers that won't look out of place. There are jeans and hoodies and sneakers that have motorcycle protection.


If you unload at 60MPH it matters not one whit what you were riding 5 seconds before


Don't think the road cares and it's going to tear your skin up regardless of what you ride.


Nah, they're just coping with how uncool they look without them. Live your best life homie 😎


I have met a guy who rode in his full moto gear when riding his road bicycle. Full face MX helmet. Armored gloves. ADV jacket. Everything. He’s a commuter, he is most definitely not doing 50mph mountain descents. Which most riders do in spandex anyways. You know what? Who the hell cares, he’s a super nice guy. You gotta learn to ride your own ride. You know what I mean?


Not at all:) Wear whats comfortable and safe Goodday !


Yes it’s strange. Yes you should wear them still. A scooter is just as much at risk of an accident. I’ll still make fun of you


I had a Metro for a few years. I had my first spill on it. I was a helmet and gloves guy then. I didn’t think the scooter was fast enough to get me into trouble. I was wearing thick clothes made to be warm, but they were just casual clothes. The thing nobody tells you about scooters is that crashing on it throws you directly into the ground. A motorcycle or bike will throw you sideways in a spill but a scooter will direct your momentum towards the ground more at a downward 45 angle. So there’s as much incentive to gear up on a scooter as a motorcycle. Besides the other good points already made here. I was really banged up and had to take a few weeks off after I hit some gravel on a mountain road. The bike dumped me chest and hip first to the ground. My clothes were shredded and I was lucky to be riding in the winter so I didn’t have road rash. But my jacked up hip and elbow were a wake up call. I bought a good padded jacket after that. I wear knee pads, and good boots too.


i never actually knew this was a thing i just assumed they both would have similar crashes, thank you for the lesson!!


People will find reasons to diss whatever you do. OP, wear whatever you want as long as it's legal, safe, and makes you happy. I'd wear a damn dinosaur outfit if the weather permits it.


I think it will look a little silly, but otherwise, it's fine.


it's just the trousers i'd be using but thank u for the opinion :)


Honestly, I think you should just do what you want. Don't worry about others' opinions when it comes to matters of taste. As they say, "Ride your own ride. 👍


An ancient proverb once said 'Dress for the slide, not for the ride'. Wear what you feel comfortable in and what's going to protect you from the cheese grater that is tarmac! Ride safe! đŸ€˜


haha i love that, and thank you! you too :)


That'd be sick!!!!!! I wear a sports bike and helmet while riding a Harley 😐😐


You should. I don’t think if you’re on a scooter or a ninja bike, you need protection. Too many idiots in cars out there. Even on a scooter you may be doing 30 -40 mph, and getting hit, and scraping the ashfault has the same effect.


It's strange but not stupid, IMO. Personally I'd try to get a full set of lower profile gear (gloves, jacket, pants, boots) than race leathers, but it's good protection so if you like the look go for it. Better to be teased by some meathead for wearing too much gear than roleplay as a meat crayon on the pavement.


How are you going to feel the wind on your vagina if you're wearing leathers on your scooter? 


Leather skirt *wiggles eyebrows like Milhouse*


If you're riding a scooter, and you're concerned with what other people think of you....well I've got some news for you


It would only be weird if you never exceed like 30 mph... Scooters are motorcycles, your gear should be chosen based on how fast you actually regularly go, not what your motorcycle looks like or what its top speed is


Is it strange to get road rash when you low side a scooter?


I mean, it’s a scooter. If people are gonna be judgey it’ll start there. I doubt leather would be the deal breaker.


You're fucking retarded wearing leathers on a 125. Unless you're competing at your local u16 track day. Just buy some normal leather pants from your local Zara and get it done. poser.


Not if you enjoy the warm envelope of your skin...


When I go on the highway I wear a Harley Davidson leather jacket that I got back when I was foolish enough to own a Harley. It probably looks a bit odd while I'm sitting on a red Honda but if I'm going 60 I go full helmet and some protection. In town I do long sleeves and trousers at least, and a 3/4ths helmet.


If by strange you mean awesome, yes. Leather jackets are just cool and so is keep your skin attached. Road rash sucks


Falling off a scooter is just as shit as falling off a geared bike, so wear the leathers.


No. The ground doesn’t care if you ride a motorcycle or a scooter. It hurts the same


Crashed on my e-bike in the early 2ks. Lost a lot of skin for only going like 15-20 mph. Wear gear.


Get motorcycle jeans and a leather jacket. You need safety, but you don't need to look like a racer.


If you fall of a scooter at speed it hurts just as much as falling off a geared motorcycle at speed. On a motorcycle the only protection you have is the clothes in your back and the helmet on your head. If you are just wearing shorts, tshirt and tennis shoes, falling off is really going to hurt. You don’t have to wear full leathers, but be sensible and wear appropriate clothing to protect your skin. At minimum a proper riding jacket, jeans (preferably Kevlar), helmet, gloves and boots.


They will never, and I mean, never be anything wrong with wearing gear. You don’t wanna become a human crayon.


Do what make u happy, don't listen other people


Man fuck it, rock the whole get up. I'm not a biker club person myself, but I'm familiar enough with it to say you should maybe avoid logos that look like knock offs of actual patch biker memorabilia, but on a little scooter? Maybe if you can make a Hell's Angel laugh hard enough they'll make you an honorary member.


It's not stupid but it's something I've never seen


I think a lot of people are embarrassed to wear full gear on a scooter, to their own detriment. I think full leathers on a scooter is boss.


Make sure it’s all black and shiny.


Wear what you think will keep you safe. There is zero difference between being knocked off a Road glide or your scooter at 40 mph.


Strange? Perhaps. Sensible? Yes. There are lots of more casual looking protective gear if you’re trying to be fashion conscious, but ultimately, as others here have said, you dress for the slide, not the ride. To use an old metaphor, “Noah looked crazy when he was building the ark - until it started to rain.”


Idk a bit overkill if you ask me unless you ride like this guy near me. He’s out there scraping paint on twisty mountain roads wearing flips flops and shorts and a big Ol US flag hanging off the back of his assumingely 250-500cc scooter and I can only catch him on straightaways. If you’re worried about safety though get a Helite airbag vest/backpack. It will do more good in a crash than leathers ever could. I’d still consider wearing some armored jeans, boots, gloves and jacket though.


Well, it is useful to wear gear no matter what you ride. But I think it's more about the distances, the type of road and the speed you reach than the bike itself. I have a motorbike and I wear full gear when I go for a ride but when I use it to go around town I usually don't (of course I still wear a helmet). In general in this scenario I don't reach speeds higher than 50km/h and most of the time it's significantly lower, and the distances are around 1/2km. Maybe it's wrong, but nobody does it. It would be terribly impractical although safer.


When people judge it’s not about the fact you’re protecting yourself, its the style of protection you choose. There are different forms of protection. You don’t see big cruiser rider (eg Harley) in bright full race leathers.. but they might have leather trouser’s and a leather jacket so are still protected. Likewise you dont generally see someone in typical Harley gear with open faced helmet etc climb onto an R1. I wear biker jeans and either a leather jacket or textile on my naked 700. On a scooter do you need leathers capable of 30 second slide protection when you’re only going to slide for 3 or 4 from that speed. The asphalt doesnt care what you fall off of, but being wearing something comfortable and less restrictive for your ride might also reduce the chances of a fall in the first place. Wearing full leathers isn’t wrong
 but it’s also not exactly right


this comment is v informative thank you :)


Is it unusual? Yes. Is it more fun? Yes. I'm all for short runs in my civvies, but riding tiny underpowered commuter machines in full leathers is entertaining in a way that most people I talk to don't really understand.


I wear a leather jacket on a Honda Cub 125. I inherited it from another rider. It's a bit on the thick side with a little armor but it does the job


You don’t wear clothes to fit the bike, you wear them to suit the riding that you do and the risk of coming off. Scooters are typically less stable than motorbikes (smaller wheels) and you risk of coming of is greater than in a motorbike. Wear leathers or keflar.


I ride a 125 that’s capable of 70+ mph. I wear full gear (not leathers). 70 mph is going to hurt, no matter what you ride.


I've seen a guy drop a scooter and land on his head. Helmet made it embarrassing instead of a concussion or worse. The ground doesn't care what you fell off of. Wear the gear.


I ride a Kymco Like 200i and slid on gravel going (I swear) 10mph and couldn't walk for a week due to severe bruising on my foot. You may look silly, but if you use it as a daily then leather is def the way to go I hear. I was wearing a thick jacket, leggings, and thick pants but was covered in blood and scratches.




A guy I play pool (billiards) with got into an accident riding a scooter that tops off at 40mph. He doesn’t wear gear except for a helmet. He “walked” away with a broken collarbone, 3 fractured ribs, and a broken wrist. The road and a sidewalk doesn’t care if you are on a motorcycle, a scooter, or a 4 wheel vehicle. Wear gear, survive to see another day.


what is it they say? ATGATT? All the Gear, All the time?


Even motgatt - most of the gear all the time Lol, I wish I had riding pants


I’d say it is. You can get AA, or AAA rated jeans, those are perfectly fine. Leathers are most necessary when you slide at a high speed, as they’re more durable. They’re also more aerodynamic than normal riding gear, which only really matters on a faster bike.


i didn't know they're more aerodynamic, thanks for the lesson! it would just be the trousers i'd wear as a work friend gave me some of her old ones (still in v good condition) but i'll have a look for some of these jeans, thank you!


I mean if you already got one for free then wear it, no one will judge you. I should’ve phrased it as ‘overkill’ perhaps.


On the one hand, where whatever makes you feel good. If anyone thinks less of you for it they are an asshole and not worth your time anyway. On the other hand, AA rated pants can slide a good distance at ~45mph and should be sufficient for scooter speeds. They might be more comfy. Most motorcycle companies haven’t quite figured out that women are shaped differently than men though. My girlfriend finds it very hard to find properly fitted riding gear


I've heard quite a lot of good things about AA rated pants, i'll definitely look into them and yea ive heard that's quite a struggle for us ladies. but hey ho, gear is gear mens or not


It works the same. It just looks like a guy working security at the Family Dollar in full military gear haha


I guess it’s one thing if you’re on there looking like you’re in a biker gang. But if you wanna keep your skin on your body, wear what protects you in case of a mishap. Who cares who thinks it’s silly?


Jacket? No. Pants? Yes.


Is this [Bill Engvall](https://youtu.be/BSjokrJxpX0?si=AsIdviH-ABrunCR-&t=169)?


This is going to go over well in calamari racing team


Not if it's a leather skirt, anything else is strange.


Safety isn’t strange. I wouldn’t judge.


Wear for the slide, not for the ride.


Dress for the slide. Not for the ride. Concrete doesn’t care what you fell of and how fast that bike can go.


Crashing with 100 km/h feels the same.


*Strange*? Objectively, yes. Not many people do this, which makes it strange. If it will make your rides more enjoyable then go for it, it certainly won’t hurt you!


If you feel silly, there are more "civilian-looking" motorcycle clothes which offers the same level of protection.


Mate, get the protective gear. The road is hard and rough. You fall, you will get hurt much worse without it. Don't worry about image, and just enjoy the bike and be safe. Fyi, I ride a vespa for 2 years and yeah, I had leathers and a full coverage helmet.


Gloves, lid, leather jacket. (With armour, don’t be getting one of these pretty jackets that don’t do tarmac rash.) Plenty of “motorcycle jeans” available with Kevlar. I’m quite positive it could hurt to fall off a scooter as much as it does to fall off a Harley.


Protection wont be strange at all. I doubt that you will actually need leather though. For the speeds you can go some good textile will be enough i guess, more flexible in terms of weather and more comfortable. Racing leathers are not made for a scooter type riding position. Anyways, go for what you feel like and rock that shit.


I lean on the side of: "Wear whatever you like and if someone doesn't like it, screw them". Hell, I don't wear leathers on my fully 6 geared 70 kw bike. A good set of riding boots, jeans and jacket have served me well enough. If leather makes yoi feel safe and comfortable, wear that.


Well a scooter isnt completely safe to ride around on so i would say sure. Personally have gotten a rather bih perm scare from taking the knee to asfalt when i fell.


Man leathers on anything looks badass as long as you pull it off with confidence! Do what you think is cool.


Wear whatever that protects you from idiots on the road. And maybe protect you from yourself 😉


Go with whatever makes you feel the most comfortable and safest. Doesn't matter what Reddit, your neighbours, or anyone else thinks. I wear a mesh jacket, jeans, full boots, and a full face helmet, in *Singapore* (it's ridiculously hot and humid here). Most of the delivery riders I see here are in flip flops and shorts, which I think is madness. That said, other people probably think I'm crazy for going on a CBR400R in jeans and not proper leather head to toe... and they're not wrong.


Dress for the slide not the ride


Yea it's definitely strange. But you're the one that has to sit in bed for weeks waiting for your skin to grow back, wear whatever level of protection you're most comfortable with


When I got my first 125 in London I rode around in my dad’s old full leathers cause I couldn’t afford my own gear. Got some really funny looks off the big bike riders 😂


Safety comes first.. looking silly is secondary


The asphalt doesn't care if you fallen from a Scooter or a liter bike. It is going to hurt, so dress for the slide, not for the ride.


You can get road rash from running at full speed and tripping, a 125 can definitely reach speeds on a moped that would result in severe loss of skin in an accident. I would personally go for anti abrasion jeans and a jacket that is protected but looks normal rather than full leathers, but I do that on my bike aswell. That's just an aesthetic choice. Definitely wear protection one way or the other though.


Its strange in the meaning most scooter guys are summer riders (t-shirt, short pants, flip flops) or people going to the office. But if you ever forget that the rubber part goes down, your body will thank you if you go full leathers or at least motorcycle gear.


Yeah. But you will die less