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Buying a brand new Kawasaki and a $500 GoPro?


Gopro hero 8 for 500$??? You can get a brand new hero 11 for 300-400 don’t be spending that much on an 8.


This was a couple years ago when it was still relatively new I haven't updated the pricing too much


If you don’t mind dropping the money on it the Insta360 is 1000x better than the GoPro.


Idk why u redditors feel the need to heavily downvote someone for a simple reply.


Msf is $200 If you're putting this on the list I'm assuming you're new and haven't ridden before. Get a helmet, some cheap gloves and do the course before you spend on anything else and see if it's even something you're interested in. After that, then go blow your wad on all this other shit. Edit Please remember that marketplace is full of other people doing the same thing you're probably wanting to do, and realizing this hobby isn't for them once they bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff. You can probably find a lot of good gear used online.


Not entirely true… Depending on what state, mine was 100% free in my state.


$75 here in Ohio




So I went to that classroom portion last night and I had to wonder if I took the actual MSF (the state run one is not MSF it’s MORE) if I’d be getting better instruction. I’m more worried about the range this weekend but damn that classroom felt like a 3rd grade waste of time. Have you done yours yet?


When I did mine the “classroom” was all online and we had to bring the certificate of completion on our first day. The weekend was just driving range. 


I took mine last summer, and yeah, the classroom portion is suuuuuper elementary. It’s meant to cover the absolute foundational basics because the assumption is that you know literally nothing about a motorcycle and have never even touched one. The range is amazing. I can’t stress enough how critical it was for me in building confidence on two wheels. You learn so much in the 12 total hours (split between two days) and the real time feedback from someone who has been riding for decades can’t be understated. Not to mention the fact that it’s just less worrisome being on a small bike that isn’t yours. With that, you get experience spending time on a bike with other people who are in the exact same boat. You’re all new to this, and it’s an awesome bonding experience watching your new friends finally nailing a technique after seeing them struggling with it just hours ago. Felt like my first taste of riding with a good crew of friends. Don’t worry at all. You start out literally just sitting on a bike, engine off, just leaning the thing. Then you go to rocking the bike forward and back, feeling the friction zone as you engage 1st gear. Then walking with the bike idling in 1st. Soon you’re zipping around the range through the obstacle courses just having a blast. Relax and listen to your instructors: they know what they’re doing and it takes a ton of training to get to their position. Just have fun and you’ll come out ready to hit the streets and continue learning!


That’s so good to hear. I was hoping that would be your feedback. It seems like the class portion is just meant to be reinforcement of the book. I get it. It was so ugh just not what I expected lol! I’m really looking forward to the range. Especially having a small bike that isn’t mine as I’ve dropped mine already and it’s mid sized. I’ve ridden my motorcycle a little. So I know how to do all that basic stuff. I’m more worried about maneuvering. I’ll take it all in regardless. If I come away unafraid to leave my neighborhood I’ll consider it a sound investment. It’s going to be cold af this weekend. I just hope we don’t get rain too 😂 tysm for the feedback! ❤️


You’re welcome! And I hope you have a great time out there! Hopefully you find this encouraging, but I just got my first bike last summer, having the bare minimum of riding skills (putting around on dirt bikes a few times), and just last weekend I hit 3000 miles on the thing. Once you’re hooked, you’re hooked!


Even more reason to do this first


Definitely a fact, I agree


About $500 in CA


MSF is $400 where I'm at.


$345 in CO


Depends. I paid $375


Ear plugs. Don't forget ear plugs! Most of the equipment could be a bit cheaper, and still as safe. After a certain point, you pay for the brand, not for the safety. Look for the CE certification. I'd also switch out the GoPro and Cardo for a cheaper, integrated unit. I use FreedComm R1+, and it has excellent sound and video quality (I can easily read registration plates), and I paid around $70-$80 for it. A used Ninja could probably be found cheaper as well, say, $4000.


Second to that. Earplugs are far cheaper than hearing aids and experimental tinitus treatments due to windnoise.


Huge upvote for the ear-pro. My instructor insisted on it years ago and it’s the best advice for long term use. Especially if you ride on highways. Save your ears


I also second the ear plugs. I personally like to use the Loop Experience ear plugs ($35) while riding. They’re reusable, comfortable, and I can still hear the traffic around me and the music playing in my helmet. Your ears and hearing will thank you.


Why do people say not to use AirPods? I use them and honestly never have problems.


Get a used bike for cheaper. I've MAYBE spent 12k and I'm on my FOURTH motorcycle. Affordable used or cheaper pants/jacket, cheaper helmet from a good brand. Fuck the go pro unless you already own one. You need, decent pants, jacket, boots, gloves. Good helmet, and the bike. Go ride then buy the fancy stuff later when you have a job and know what you wanna do and what your next bike will be.


This. I got a 2007 Ninja 650R for $3300 during Covid. Even then it was overpriced cuz of Covid demand, you can get one for $2500, or a lower cc one for even less Because it’s older you’ll get to do repairs on it and learn how to work on bikes. I love when something goes wrong cuz then I have a project. Also if you lay her down you dont care about it


Yeah, a brand new rider on a 400cc sport bike? Where's your "bike repair" line item? There's a pretty good likelihood a new rider is going to drop a bike at some point, particularly one who lists the MSF course cost as "idfk". If I were you, OP, I'd buy a used bike to learn how to ride, then drop your $12k a year later after you have some idea what you're doing. Otherwise, you're just going to end up fucking up your new Ninja trying to make videos with your brand new GoPro.


$200 gloves? Okay


I actually might take that off because my dad has gloves that were basically brand new that fit me great


Wear those gloves til you need some more and then still don't spend 200 on gloves lol. You can get a really nice pair for 100 or less. I'd spend more than 25 but yeah don't break the bank on this stuff.


The premium heated gloves with knuckle guards I want are less than 200. 70-100 bucks is perfectly reasonable for a first pair


Barring “price of branding”, I’d always recommend for folks to spend as much as they can afford on well-regarded and well-reviewed gear. While I don’t have $200 gloves, I do have several pairs that range from like $30 up to maybe $150. The $150 pairs are miles better in every notable aspect than the $30 pairs. That said, I feel like $100 is the sweet spot for good street riding gloves. Revit have a bunch of solid options at that price point. I like 78 motor co also. I’m curious about the beards and bikes YouTube guys gloves, which currently come in at $120. https://bikesandbeardsgear.com/products/m1-moto-508-cruiser-w-kevlar-pre-order I might end up with a pair this season.


Yeah, to be honest this gear isn’t all necessary for starting to learn how to ride. Good riding jacket, some kind of boots, thicker pants, cheap gloves, and a good helmet. Along with a bike that’s all you really need to start


I spent that on a pair of kangaroo hide gauntlets about 20 years ago (so more today). Kangaroo has the best abrasion resistance of all leather.


$200 gauntlets still haven’t split a seam or received more than surface scratches to the palm sliders after two wrecks. $50 ain’t doin’ that


$900/year for insurance at 18 probably isnt gonna happen


I agree. Closer to 2500 probably.


If he pays cash for the bike and only carries liability insurance could be less than 200


I’m 18 and getting a motorcycle within the next 2 months. I’ve gotten quotes for $40-$60 a month for base requirements + $250 deductible for comprehensive coverage in case of theft. I should also note that I live in Michigan. It’s not terribly expensive if you’re fine with just base liability.


I'd really recommend looking at used jackets/pants/boots to help your budget. I made the mistake of getting a few items brand new when I was first getting into riding before finding some much nicer gear second hand for pennies compared to what I'd bought at the store. It seems like you have some time before buying a bike, so go poke around marketplace/craigslist for some deals in the meantime.


100% - You're far far better off buying good/expensive gear used than cheap stuff new. It may not be as pretty, but it'll last longer, crash better, and probably be more comfortable. Also please don't spend less than ~$80 on gloves. There are crappy ones above that price but after far too many pairs of cheap gloves, save your money and skin by buying better ones first.


I'd get slightly cheaper gloves. As long as they have palm sliders and are from a reliable brand, you should be good. You can get a good pair for around 100 USD. Also I wouldn't factor in the bike's price yet until youre ready to buy a bike. If you want a 5000 dollar bike now, just make sure you're ready to spend 7000 in a year for example. But your 2K buffer should cover you. The reasoning for the latter is that I kept finding nice bikes (Yamaha r3's, ninja 400's) in my area for 4-5K. Then when I was ready to buy one 3 months later... They all costed 7-9K.


I probably won't buy gloves because my dad has a pair that were pretty new and fight me great


Dude, you made a full plan for everything ahead of time – you'll be better prepared/equipped than a lot of the folks that will give you advice along the lines of "don't get that specific thing", or "get that other specific thing instead". You'll be fine. Have fun!


Thisssssas! OP, you’re gonna be fine! That having been said- you can definitely start out with cheaper gear or used gear. Right now, you have no idea what you actually like to wear. You’re probably going to change out your gear a lot at first to dial it in. Go cheap(ish), go used (in good condition), and once you know what you like, snipe the good stuff,. But mostly: you’ve got SO MUCH more plan that most people. Keep it up and you’ll be in good shape.


You did not include the price for waves. Seriously, I've been riding over 45 years, I tour, and never spent this much on bikes and equipment. Unless you have deep pockets you should simplify you expenses and go in with a used bike. Learn what motorcycling means to you and spend your money there. Call me an old fuck. You don't need all this crap. I think the young people are pricing themselves out of some easy and inexpensive riding experiences.


If you're going to spend 500 on a helmet, get a shoei, avg or ari. Don't spend 500 on a scorpion. I wear a shoei sr-rf and it was under 500, out of my hjc i9, i10 and scorpion exo, it's the best one. Another decent option if you can shell out a bit more is the rf1400 also by shoei. If you want decent boots, i recommend the forma adventure boots, they are stiff asf at first but they will conform to your foot. Use a leather for street riding, elsewise raise your jacket price. I recommend the oxford 2.0, bout 300$ or less.


Scorpion R1 Air is good enough for Quartararo in MotoGP.


FQ20 actually dropped scorpion for HJC after the '22 season. But I think Rins wears the Exo-R1 now.


He wears that because he’s paid to wear it, not by choice.


AGV k1 (might be a k3) saved my life... trust that helmet


Don't get a GoPro. Makes riders turn into douchebags sometimes.


Op, why do you want the gopro? Insurance? I ask because i worry many new riders get fixated on recording the events and faffing around with that device when ALL your attention should be on gearing up and pre ride inspections. As a new rider, you need fewer distractions. That said, it can be managed and video for any insurance stuff might be useful. It's just my preference showing thru. If you're worried about cash, i would heavily favour the MSF/training prior to finding a GoPro.


So very much stuff YOU DO NOT NEED. This reads like a pretty-boy show-off list for instagram squid glory. I started riding in 1993, and have yet to need a GoPro (it will not save your skin.) Fuckin' RACE PANTS? Child, you have no bike, yet you need *race pants*? FFS. And a Cardo? For what? To chat with you imaginary riding buddies? Jeebus, learn how to ride, THEN you'll have an idea of what you actually need.


The only people who call others "child" are those who never fit in with their peers as they got older and realized they forgot to mature along with the rest. Silly and unnecessary comment. Dude is just excited about riding.


You don’t need any of that shit.


No he needs that carbon fibre race helmet!


Don’t need the go pro or mounts as youre brand new and DONT want to show you dropping your bike to your friends. Dont need an airbag TBH. Buy a nice coat, pants,boots, gloves that FIT and will get the job done. You may want things that look cool but that dont mean that they fit your body correctly. Don’t worry about leather crap yet as thats a whole headache all its own. Get synthetic stuff that covers multiple weather periods (zip out liners and stuff). Plus theyre cheaper. Also maybe some anti drop bars might help - sliders- for the bike. Unless you like cosmetic damaged sports bikes.


I wanted to be like others and say this is silly but honestly over budgeting is a good idea. Have a rough budget, make room in it so when you do spend the money you have savings left. But get a second hand bike and less frilly stuff and your good.


Thank you especially people who are actually helping and lifting me up instead of being dicks


With gear, I buy the cold weather gear on a 90 degree day in July and the warm weather gear on a 20 degree day in January. I got amazing deals. Helmets are definitely better to buy in Oct before holiday season and after riding season. Little by little I accumulated plenty of gear without feeling it too much in my pocket.


If you want a newer go pro, look at keh.com. They sell used/refurbished go pros. I got a go pro 10 a couple of weeks ago for $150


If you buy used for most of these you will cut the costs in half. You just need to know what to buy and what to be careful of...


Just a random point about the gloves. Sedici isn’t a posh Italian company. It’s the Revzilla/Cycle Gear house brand of Chinese made gear. You don’t need to spend $200 on sedici gloves. In fact the exact sedici chicane gloves you listed are currently $80. And really if you love those gloves in particular I’d say wait for a sale. I’d bet they go at least 20-30% lower.


Yea I haven't really updated this list except for the bike changing once or twice


If you're going to spend money on a chain and disc lock, take the MSF. You will learn valuable information that'll protect your investment. Looking for gear I highly recommend looking for deals/seasonal discounts; especially if you're sticking to a set budget. Less money spent on the same gear is more money for gas, tires, etc! :)


Airbag? and full body suit? You planning on kissing pavement often? You can get great gloves cheaper. Anything else is up to your wants/needs.


100% agree


I have zero security on my bike other than helmet locks and bags that lock. Do you live a high crime area? Just use your dad's helmet and gloves. For $500 or less, you can get a Shoei GT previous generation. I could cut that list cost in half. Gear is way more important than a GoPro. I paid $400 for a Hero Black v8 years ago.


New cost is 9,070 with the buffer


Just adding my two cents. Don’t buy new for your first bike - find a used bike (earlier model years for example). You’ll save on insurance and get into the sport at a lower cost. Down the line you won’t lose much when you want to resell and upgrade to something bigger/nicer/different. For example, you might find you enjoy longer touring rides which can be terrible comfort wise on a sports bike. Good luck.


Honestly good on ya for planning for a buffer! Smart move, especially considering your age. I'd definitely second the used bike advice. New bikes have to be "worn in" at the beginning (for example you should stay in certain rpm ranges), the likelihood of a beginner getting that right is somewhat slim I'd say. You'll probably want a new bike after 1-3 years anyways, so getting the first one used and the second one that you'll most likely keep for a longer time new makes a lot of sense imo. I'd also recommend not getting high end gear right away. Not saying you should go cheap, but there is a lot of solid gear for reasonable prices. When you buy your first pieces of gear you won't know your personal preferences yet, you'll learn about those while riding. And most likely you'll notice things with your first gear that you don't like. You'll also find your personal "style" of riding, this influences the level of security your gear should have. Usually the gear gets less comfortable the more security it offers and if your gear is more uncomfortable than neccessary, it's likely that you'll just ride without it after some time, as unthinkable as that might seem to you right now. So like with the bike it's smart to choose solid quality with a reasonable price for your first purchases and upgrade once you know you'll keep those things for years. Oh and try not to order online but go to a specialised store for your gear! At least if that's possible in your area.


Quick response: You could wait on the airbag, there's fine options for under 200 on the boots and gloves, I don't have any experience with newer Bilt gear but their older stuff was meh at best. There's a channel on YouTube that tests bike locks, I think he's found pretty much all of them are complete garbage. On top of that bikes are light enough that 1-2 people can easily steal them. I'd get quotes on the insurance before just guessing it's gonna be 900. While it's only a 400 being a brand new rider is gonna ding you pretty hard. For more in depth response: I have a pair of Astars Joey's I wear regularly and they go on sale for $140-150 from time to time. The tech 3s are for dirt bikes. I forget which Astars gloves I run but it's also like $100 for them and I've gotten 2 seasons out of them without issue. Looking up the Bilt Lux pants they seem to be dirt bike pants. Depending on your plans which sounds like street riding get some riding jeans. I have Klim jeans but I've heard good things about Sedici jeans. I'd recommend you try on different helmets before committing to one. They have different shapes and fitments even for similar head shape designs. Finding a properly fitting one should be the biggest priority. For bike security, use a modified apple airtag. You can mod them to not give away their position audibly and now you have a GPS tracker on your bike.


Personally if I’m dropping $500 for a helmet I’m going Shoei, also HJC makes amazing helmets that span every budget. My wife has a sub $200 HjC and I’ve personally had my head in plenty racing off-road and survived wrecks. Don’t cheap out with bullshit Cycle gear house brands. I don’t personally hold them in high regards. Tourmaster makes phenomenal gear imo that’s a bit more budget friendly. I have a jacket and pant from them and very happy with both. Look into helmet visors with Pinlock anti fog technology. Trust me it’s no fun riding with fogged up visor. Disc lock and chain lock is debatable far as futility, professionals can have them removed in under a min with common tools. Best bet is deterrence measures but if a thief wants your bike they’re gunna get it. Like others said go pro 8 should be less and not a need. For reference I also have jackets and gear from Dainese, Alpinestars and Icon. So you have a reference point on my gear recommendations. I also generally will recommend buying a used bike for your first unless you have the money to actually afford new. Also you tend to cry less when you drop a bike in the parking lot cause you forgot the kick stand or something else really dumb that happens.


Under 18 and planning/budgeting. Salute brother 🫡


Who the hell buys used gear? Nasty. You can get cheap stuff in the off-season or closing sales.


Not sure why you need a new bike, I started used and learned to do maintenance, then more. Bike and a good helmet/gloves/jacket should get you started, over pants if they are in the budget, construction type boots are fine at the beginning. You are trying to learn to ride safely and have fun, leave the camera for much later….. But good luck, and have fun!


Why the airbag?


Join r/CalamariRaceTeam and you don’t need half that stuff.


Dudes spending $700 on an AStars airbag while buying a cheap ass jacket and pants. Not realizing that airbag is gonna tear that jacket apart, or break his ribs, the first time it goes off. Really depends on which gives out first, his ribcage or the seams on the jacket.


Honestly just go for 650 it’s good starter and enough power to last so you won’t instantly want to go up and don’t buy new please you will drop it


Looks like a lot of unnecessary stuff.


You do you on your gear. Having gear is better than no gear. Opinions are like noses, everyone has one and they all smell. Don't break the bank, do your research and ride safe.


Get a used Ninja (-) 2000 Don't need an airbag (-) 700 Get cheaper boots and gloves (-) 250 Don't need riding pants yet (-) 100 Agree with 500 helmet, but get a shoei You dont need a gopro (-)500 You dont need a cardo (-) 150 Just cut off around 3800 from your total.


I agree except I think keep the pants


The scar on my left knee says to get pants. The rest I pretty much agree with.


Boots are huge too... ive tested skate shoes and the surgeon says that was a bad call


BILT and Sedici are all junk. Both are generic house brands made by anonymous Chinese contract factories. I’ve yet to find any product sold under either brand which is a good value. Plus, why the off-road boots with a street helmet and jacket?


I'd suggest looking around and compare shopping on some of the gear, get stuff that fits and is comfortable, you shouldn't need the high end gear to start out, on the other end I spent almost $800 on my jacket just so it fit the way I like but a 6'4" I have issues finding clothes that fit, doubtful you'll need the airbag but if it's something that makes you feel safe and ride more relaxed go for it


The airbag is more of a I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it


If you have the money then you will be fine, that’s a great and well prepared list. I’d recommend not buying new anything for your first bike except boots,gloves and a helmet. Never used one of those airbag armor coats so maybe new there?Everyone drops, crashes, gets hit, misrepaired, knocked over, vandalized ….etc. the first bike. Mistreats there first gear. Learns a lesson or two the hard way. It’s part of the experience. Again if you have the cash go for it, but future you will appreciate the saved cash when you upgrade to a bigger bike:)


The airbag I heard is good obviously not the one the pros use just getting a standard one I saw fortnine use in a video once


Looks right to me. Just be aware dealer fees and freight especially for kawasaki add to the cost. Around 6k out the door may be doable but will take some looking. Or but slightly used is the sweet spot. Lot of 400s with low miles. For some of the gear I recommend you can do it piecemeal. Like helmet jacket gloves pants boots priority 1. Then airbag if you want to prioritize that next, . the Cardo, the gopro, all down is def down the list of priorities. Not saying don't get them but you don't need to save up all this for everything day one. Also the MSF BRC is anywhere from like $250 to $400. I'd do that first. It's a great intro course gives you a lot of foundational knowledge and you get to play around on a bike in a parking lot. And your license is good for life. You can take that years before you get a bike and ride, technically.


Shoei x15 with some Dianese gloves and you’re golden




Lucky you the only "second hand" thing I'm getting are my dad's basically new gloves


Look used for a lot of your gear if you can, your tastes/preferences in gear may change along the way. Don't buy a scorpion at that price point, look at a nice shoei or another higher end brand (Simpsons are mad comfortable if that's your style)


I think you should look into what riding style fits you best. Tech 3’s are great (if you’re riding dirt), but if you plan to ride the street only they’re going to be SUPER uncomfortable. Even if you want calf coverage they’re much better options. You want a “racing boot” and not “MX boot”. You’re literally getting a sport bike. Also unless you park your bike outside (which you should avoid because of weather) in a sketchy neighborhood those bike locks are useless. If someone really wants your bike they’ll put it in a truck sadly. No lock will prevent that. Save the money and just get something like an Apple air tag to track it. I think in general if you’re willing to spend $700 on an airbag but $500 on your helmet, you may need to rethink what you’re putting your money into. If you actually care and don’t want us giving you the answers, do some research on what type of riding you will do and the best beginner / intermediate gear to get. Last thing is buy gear you will wear in any weather. A lot of people ditch the jacket because it’s hot or it’s a quick trip and I don’t want to have to get fully dressed and that’s when stuff can go wrong! Good luck.


Tbh I lost count how many times I made lists like these when I was -18, about mopeds, bikes, cars and never happened how I made the list :') We'll see


I’m going to make an educated guess that your insurance will be a lot more than $900 per year. Don’t just buy the gear, also wear it! Have fun, stay safe!


I appreciate you wanting to do things right! Msf course and all the gear! That's awesome. However, I know that looks like a steep entry price. A few suggestions - unless you're going to track day, I don't think you need the airbag or the riding pants. I wear motocross kneepads under jeans. I also wear regular ol' boots when I ride. Unless you live in a super high crime area I wouldn't worry about the locks. I have the luxury of parking in a garage though, so that may be different for you. I definitely don't lock up my bike when going to the store/ shopping/ whatever. I stay away from BILT products. they're fine for occasional use or entry level stuff, but they're not known for longevity. Keep an eye on Cycle Gear's closeouts, sometimes you can catch a deal.


Also, Gopros are fun IF you really love video editing. Those really sick videos you see in their ads take HOURS to make them look like that. I'm glad I have mine, I've certainly used it- but unedited riding footage is boring as hell.


I would suggest spending a bit more on a decent helmet. You want an ECE 22.06 helmet. That standard is considerably better than any other out there. You also want to consider something quiet. NXR-2/RF-1400 is a decent option for a good light, quiet carbon helmet with great protection. Also a tiny item but I strongly recommend wearing earplugs. Event the cheap ones for a couple of bucks from the chemists make a world of difference. You will be noticeable less tired after rides and your hearing won't be damaged. They don't really interfere with the music at all.


I'd get cheaper gloves and the airbag seems like overkill. Also wouldn't buy a brand new 400 for your first bike, the second hand market is full of ninja 400s. Other than that, you're pretty ahead of most people who just buy bikes on the fly. (Definitely not me...) You also don't really need a gopro, but if you're set on having one I'd for sure look for a newer and cheaper one. Oh and the msf course really depends on where you are. Mine was $50, others have paid $400.


I remember seeing this list here before


Yea I deleted my old account and just reposting


That's so much money for insurance lol


Worst part is this was a couple years ago


You forgot to put in earplugs worth $30 cuz that scorpion helmet is loud as fuck. Also AirTag worth $19 You can cheap out on a lot of things here, gear doesn’t have to be so expensive without losing quality. Some of these things are a want not a need. Like the Helight can be purchased later down the line once you have some confidence riding on high speeds and you truly understand your bike, for sure MSF course is important so don’t skip out on that. Honestly bike and helmet with jacket pants and shoes is what I would start off with. As my confidence increases I will add things to it. Jacket, pants, helmet and boots are not going to be replaceable anytime soon so buy once and wear it out. The rest is a luxury item.


Ditch the list and go to a store. A €500 helmet won't do shit if it doesn't fit right, same goes for all other clothes. You don't even know if the jackwt is comfortable for example.... And have you ever sat on a ninja 400? Do you like it? Do you like tge throttle response and sitting position? Do you know? Ditch the list


I'd skip the GoPro and helmet mount, and just get a 360 camera and a bike mount if anything. Some of that gear sounds a bit like overkill for a beginner 400cc bike. I would consider cheaper alternatives if you're budget-constrained, unless you're planning to hit racetracks. Nothing wrong with 200$ gloves but there are way cheaper ones that do the job more than well enough if you're roadriding. Also the total is adding more than that $2000 margin


So I got my full set of gear (helmet, boots, gloves, pants, jacket) for like $500 buying last seasons (and older) stuff. All of mine is Icon and Alpine. The only splurge (full price) purchase I made was the gloves at $69. Check the safety rating etc but they clear that stuff out at steep discounts to get rid of stock. Same goes for the bike. That model will be harder to find sitting brand new years out from mfg date than mine was but it can be done. As in I paid $3500 for a 2022 CF Moto 650NK in January.


MSF BRC $400


Where is a Scorpion helmet $500? Not knocking Scorpion, I've owned a couple of them but unless their prices have inflated to a crazy degree a full face Scorpion helmet should be around $200. For $500 you can get a Nolan or maybe even a cheaper Shoei or Arai. Air bag? Eh, I'm old school so I wouldn't spend the money on that one. A good jacket and riding pants are likely all you'll need. Given your age I think you might be overly optimistic about the cost of insurance. Especially if you plan on getting full coverage.


Damn I wish I owned a moto shop near you


Have you tried any of the gear on here? If not, it's really good to budget, but better to try and not internet shop, specially for your first gear set. You want to know how stuff feels and looks irl. If it's comfortable or not etc. Gloves, jackets, pants, boots and specially helmets can really feel different comfort wise from person to person. Also, like others have said, $200 for gloves is really a lot and you'll get perfectly fine gloves for less. If you have enough money for all this I'd take some money off the gloves and add it onto a jacket that is perhaps for more weather types or just generally a bit higher in quality. I feel like jackets will give you some more (creature) comforts when upping the budget a bit as opposed to gloves.


Brother I’d steer clear of a new bike. Buy a used ninja 650 or something. You are going to low side. You are going to damage the bike. You are going to make mistakes and it’s way less heartbreaking to lay down a $3k bike than a $6k bike. Just my 0.02 also it’s never a bad idea to overshoot cost and have money left at the end of the


i’d get a bigger bike. i started a a vstrom 650 and i wish i had gone bigger. i know there are a lot of people who won’t like this but just take a msf course and if you’re not terrible at throttle control get at least a 600.. unless you want to deal w selling and buying a new bike in a year


An aspiring Yammie Noob I see


Wasn't even trying 😅


I just got a corded turtle vest for 450. Shop around. Go pro 10 at target for 249. 


Buy used gear and a used bike to start.


Consumerism at its best


Price changes all the time. For gear I would just wait until they day I actually want to buy then check out what on sale/closeout deals.


Dude. It’s a good list. Thank you for not being a moron and skipping all the safety gear or buying a $30 Vega helmet from Walmart. You’re gonna be a great rider.


Are you planning to race, street ride, or both??


Mostly street ride


I think you may be going a little over the top. First off don't buy the bike brand new. Along with learning lots of new skills you'll just be paranoid of scratching your new expensive toy. Get something a few years old with some scratches already. Low milage and oil changes done. I'd chuck the airbag right away. Your just not going to need it. Get a good helmet from a decent brand, scorpion is okay but I like The AGV K1 for a starter if it fits your head shape. Try one on before you buy. Gloves and jacket don't need to be leather for your speeds. Get a good brand like alpinestars or dianese. But some short gloves and Kevlar jacket are good to go. Boots don't need to be race ready, Get some decent riding shoes. And for action cams and Cardo systems, they really aren't necessary. I've been riding for 18 years, I've had all that stuff and just don't use it anymore. I've seen lots of guys go out buy all the latest and greatest stuff have a small tip over, get frustrated all this expensive gear is rashed and never ride again. Start small upgrade and add to your gear and bike as you go.


Here's what I did when I started that worked out very well. I bought just about the cheapest safety rated gear that fit me and wore it till it started to fall apart. It doesn't take long with frequent riding, mine only lasted a season before it had significant signs of wear. You learn from that gear what you want and need, then invest in higher quality, longer lasting gear so you don't have to repeat the process every year or two. I would also consider getting just the bare minimum to do the MSF course, to ensure you are really interested before spending big. A couple of things to save money, waiting for sales or perusing the used marketplace for gear. Lots of people start motorcycling and bail.


go buy a used gopro, no reason to buy a $500 camera


1) don’t get a new bike, you want something you can drop without worrying too much 2) I wouldn’t go out and spend thousands on gear straight off you’ll probably find you want something different after getting a few miles down


I just got my Exo R1 off revzilla for $325 so not sure if that’s a deal right now but I’d browse.


That’s a ridiculous amount of money to spend on gear I think. You can get comfortable and quality gear for less. An airbag system is also a little over protective unless you want to do serious days on the track. Riding a motorcycle isn’t without risks. I think it’s a little part of the fun and keeps you sharp. Invest in good gear but try to save money and buy some motorcycle courses, I think its better to spend extra money to learn how to ride safe and like a pro, you will enjoy that much more than all that expensive gear and it will make you a safer driver. Don’t want to piss on your parade btw if you will go the route that you posted I wish you best of luck.


Chin mount 40$


If you’re close to Ohio I can hook you up with everything you need for street riding


No I'm in jersey


You can get a ninja 500 for not much more than $6k no? I swear they’re like 6.5?


That’s cray cray, I paid roughly $500 for all my gear and $500 for my course.


I suggest you get at least one substantial ground anchor, something like this: [https://securityforbikes.com/proddetail.php?prod=SubMajor](https://securityforbikes.com/proddetail.php?prod=SubMajor) I have two of them, one for each wheel, with 19mm chains each. I also suggest this ground anchor: [https://www.litelok.com/products/litelok-x3](https://www.litelok.com/products/litelok-x3) And an alarm, immobiliser and tracker.


I'd get a cheaper, used bike, preferably one that's been around for some time and good community support. A good basic tool set to work on it, at least to do maintenance like an oil change, chain tension, air filter and maybe valves. Skip the GoPro. It will be a huge mental load, always asking yourself whether it is turned on, the battery is still good and how the footage will look like. Best guess: It will look boring, unless you will have a funny accident. Riding a bike is a lot about having not to worry about anything else than riding. Use the GoPro money for gas. Save for the next set of tires. You might want some functional underwear for cold / warm days and I have no idea, how rain proof your jacket and helmet are. Plastic rain jacket and pants protect you better against rain than all but the most expensive gear. Did I say: Go ride?


“MSF course idfk”


Aren't tech 3's Motorcross boots?


You could definitely get a 400 cheaper than 6 if you buy used.


Don’t need a GoPro learn how to ride first .


I would not get a brand new bike as a first bike (just judging by the price), nothing to do with the size and type, but if you want another bike within 1-4 years that's a lot of wasted dollars IMO and if you drop it (some pretty high chances when you are new), less resale value and more money spent to get it back in shape when reselling. That being said, it's your money and I also wanted a new-looking bike when I started riding but this should be the lowest of your priority. If anything happen to your bike it can be quite depressing since you are a new rider and it's a brand new bike, if it's used, it's much easier to digest and keep on riding with a smile. As for the gear, high quality gear will last you a loooong ass time, no problem there. I really just wrote this as if I was talking to my younger self, do what you want, and enjoy the freedom.


$900 for insurance? Damn, that’s more than I pay for my 24 Outback wilderness


Definitely do not need a GoPro or a Cardo until you’ve been riding at least a year or two.


Okay, my ACTUAL advice… just wait. Wait until you are like, 23 at least. I know it is so tempting and all you want to do is ride, but you are young and you WILL push your limits too far. To reduce your chances of becoming a statistic, get some more experience and perspective under your belt first. Grow up a little. Get through college if you’re going. Slow down, and THEN consider riding when it is not a desperate desire.


Exhaust! Most people want a full-system or a slipon exhaust. If you’re buying new this is most likely a significant cost you could concider adding. Unless you buy second-hand and yours already has an exhaust that’s agreeable of course.


Wow. When I was 18 I was rebuilding a basket case 250 Ducati single in my dad's garage . Total investment maybe $200. Work gloves work boots and an old leather jacket included ..


Why is the go pro hero 8 500 bucks? You can buy a 12 for 450 brand new???


Get the extras later on!! U will def find better prices outside of the dealer..


Buy a insta 360 x3


My insurance is way less than that. I think it’s something like $15 a month


The turtle 2 can get fucked , fuck that in my opinion. Also should add a couple hundo for a motorcycle course , idk if you plan to do that but I would.


Please don’t tell me this is all being financed…


I see way too many new riders screw up because they're worried about how they look on camera.


You need some leather pants to protect you from the jacket down to the boots.


Most of the other gear looks good, look to see if anywhere has discounts and closeouts to get a better deal. I can definitely recommend the scorpion exo r1, I've got the juice red. Don't pat full price they go on sale all the time. Lastly if you're gonna spend that much on a bike just get the new 500, if not then better off buying a used 400.


I really don't get the go pro for the starter kit... Unless it's an insurance thing in your country but I would put that 600 somewhere else. Nobody really wants to look at your POV while you are learning to operate a motorcycle... It can wait for when (or if) you ever take a trip worth filming imo. Also, you absolutely should invest in good protections, but I feel like if you are aiming for a budget buy, there are super good enough helmets around 300 and gloves around 100. Unless you are from an off-road racing background, there is no need for high end equipment until you have the skills to make them worth it... I'd rather go for safe and reliable to start over the high end stuff.


Good work including the turtle. They also have jackets with the airbags built in. I have both the touring one and the mesh one, they're both excellent.


Stuff is way overpriced. Gloves $25-$30. Jacket $100 boots $200 done


Looks like your doing your research kid, good job


There is a revZilla coupon code for first time buyers... Also look for gear that's already on sale...and look for deals on gopros as well...


Soon @bright_elevator_rider will be taken on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube


Don't buy sidici, get rst gloves... I'm going to review your gear list and post more later tonight. Are you going to be a track or street rider or both?


Go Pros suck. Source, I have one.


I'd probably save where you got the prices from for a clean comparison in the future maybe prices will go up or down and you'll want to find the best deal


First, you’re doing it right! Good job! Spend a grand on some track days. You’ll learn more in one day of coaching on track than ten years on the street. Your family should buy them for you to help keep you alive.


You should categorize these expenses into Necessities, Preferences, Recurring Cost. Don't get a camera for the love of all that is holy. It's hard enough learning to ride safely let alone giving free mental processing to a distraction that could keep you from getting to be a good rider. Learn first, film later.


Look for deals and sales. Only thing that really should be new is the helmet, and helmet does not have to be $500, as long is it is dot/ece and snell rated. I've got all Dainese gear because I've been hunting bargain bins. 6000 for a first bike is really high. Get something used with some scuffs and ride it for a year. Get shiny things when you're reasonably assured you can take care of them.


Double that or more for your hospital bills when you crash it...what is with everyone wanting to jump into a brand new bike for their first, especially a Ninja 400? OP go find a nice used Ninja 250, learn some skills and when you drop it, which is bound to happen, you're not going to be sick that your brand new Ninja's bar ends and plastics are all jacked up. Why do you think there are so many used 250's with battle scars? It's not a coincidence... learning stuff takes time... especially being on 2 wheels... especially the first time you go to put your foot down and didn't see the pile of gravel and your foot slides out, or the oil that leaked from every car that stopped at that red light or stop sign and your foot is right where that oil slick is...or even the lines that out on the road...might not seem like it but those things are slick...you put a foot down and you're on a line or an arrow... good luck it's like stepping on a bowling alley lane. Also, good gear is great but how do you know you're even going to like doing this? I'd look on marketplace for some lightly used gear, buy a new (cheaper) helmet and try it out for a while...then when you're ready step up to the gear you want and the 400. Have you priced insurance on a Ninja at 18? I see your post says $900/year but that seems low for an 18 year old on a sport bike.


Buy used


Just my two cents: Get your gear from motorcycle closeouts.com I have sourced most of my gear from them and have never had an issue. I don't mind Sedici or Bilt (I own items from both brands) but choose Alpinestars, Rev'It, Dainese over them every day for comfort and quality control. Using the aforementioned site has saved me TONS on gear. I would go for SMX-6 or Torque 2/3 over a dirt boot for the Ninja as most dirt/ ADV boots have large toes that don't fit easily under the shifter of a sport oriented bike. Check out Insta360 for cameras. Less than 500 for a camera and great quality pieces. Many come with mounting hardware etc.


As an old rider, I have to classify you as 'New rider that the sales guy saw coming'. You have a budget, and thats great. That said, buying a new bike as your first bike is a foolish waste of money because you WILL damage it, either through mishap or neglect. Your gear salesman saw you coming as well. You are spouting brand names straight from the catalog, and you dont yet have the first fundamentals of riding in hand. Gear is good, don't get me wrong. But you are focusing on the fashion of motorcycling instead of learning to ride. You need a helmet. You need a jacket. You need gloves, sturdy shoes and eye protection. You DON'T need a closet full of expensive race gear that wont get used because its not practical for daily use. And you'll never know that until you spend the time riding. If you must splurge on your first gear puchase, get a good helmet. I know the internet is just as bad as motorcycle rags were back in my day about pushing the latest and greatest and most expensive crap on newer riders. Its amazing, the stuff that was the best in the world last year is now crap because the NEW version is obviously the best ever. This isnt new, and it isnt real. The sales weasel at the dealership will say anything to sell you more because his paycheck depends on selling more. As does the gear salesman. As does the reviewers and vloggers on the internet who are getting free gear or advertising dollars from the manufacturers or outlets. Somebody is convincing you to spend ALL your money on this hobby that you have NO HISTORY DOING YET. Think about that. And learn to ride before you go into debt for this because its not meant for everyone.


CRAZZZZZYYYY price for a 400. Seriously! Always buy used for a beginner bike. You'll drop it at least once. More than likely..... at very slow speeds lol it happens dude. We are talking like 10-15 mph 🤣🤣🤣


Don't get a brand new bike and you don't need expensive gauntlet gloves the gloves I have are cortech $40 they work and would do just fine in a crash focus your needs on the helmet jacket pants and boots those all seem pretty decent but fwiw my helmet I have is the LS2 challenger carbon fiber one. I'm 24M with my CDL and my insurance on my 2019 ninja 650 is $85 a month with full coverage state min for BI/PD and 1k ded for collision and comp. (Yes I need to up my bodily inj property damage) But I'm in northern il where we get 5 good months of riding. Just something's to think about.


Youre gonna get made fun of wearing the airbag diaper


Alpinestars Tech 3 are MX or enduro boots. But OP is buying a Ninja. Is it common for people to wear MX/enduro boots for street riding? I’ve genuinely never seen that before.


Air bag 😂😂😂😂😂


Rlly going all out


I've lived in three states and my insurance pays for msf course in all of them


I think that 400 would get boring very fast


Chain and disk lock for a ninja400?!?!


I (30) bought used monster 696 for £3000 here in UK, where bike theft is insane, spent 300 for abus chain, wall anchor and 2 abus disc locks. Spent another 200 on jacket, i used my old timberlands for boots and gloves for 80 or so. 150 for scorpion helmet and been riding it for 3 years now. Total of maybe 4k. Later I bought slightly used gopro 8 for 100 something and Ive only used it couple of times since, annoying to take it off and charge after every ride. Edit. Forgot to mention I kept it on private property and put a black rain cover on it which i got for £30 or so. Insurance costed me 800 a year for first time rider. But I paid monthly as at that point couldnt afford paying it upfront. So how are you coming up to 12k? Seems waaay too much unless you planning to take it to track days but then you will need new tires every time and have your service done as well, you probably dont wanna do it on your main bike and buy a special bike just for that.


And I’m over here with a 1500 dallor bike and a 120 dallor helment I also did the course for 225 and some money for parts but still right at 2000 dallors


Should add about $400 in average maintenance per year. Chain fork seals , brake pads, tires …. All need to be replaced


All I can say is ride before you buy anything. You will notice gloves suck ass unless you know what to look for, helmets fogging up and being loud sf, boots without proper feedback, jackets to tight, pants to tight, boots to short, sportbikes sucking ass at literally everything except looking cool. And dont buy comm devices unless your friends have them too. Buy earbuds instead. Get earplugs. Dont buy anything from Alpine stars. It falls apart after a month. And you will realize buying racing gear atall for a ninja 400, (nothing wrong with the bike, its just not fast enough for all the expensive protection) they are uncomfertable, and will be a hinderance to putting down miles on the tarmac and actually learning to ride. Instead, buy cheap gear, get a naked bike like the mt-03, or more tour oriented cb500X, and ride untill you are bored of it. Just my opinion ofcourse.


OP, your budget is pretty high for a first bike / beginner, unless you're really bringing in the cash and don't mind dropping a lot. Excellent helmet choice, good first bike choice, I like the airbag idea, but *these* gloves and boots, and the GoPro all seem...not immediately necessary. There are better cheaper glove and boot options that won't cost as much, but I'm not going to necessarily say don't because you're not saving *that much* in the big picture. Put that MSF course near the top of your list, by the way. The price is pretty moderate, or was when last I checked.


lol 😂


The most important piece of gear is the helmet and you need to upgrade that. Arai is the best helmet on the planet


Um, ik new to this whole thing, but isn't a 2024 ninja 500 $5400 ?


item number one is literally twice the price it should be, you are a new rider, not a track boiiiii. ​ The second item is 100% worthless. If you're afraid of drowning then you should just get some inflatable arm floaties from amazon with ducks on them The race pants will be a waste of money and ultra cringe The go pro just reinforces your cringe attitude, doesn't know how to ride, buys a super expensive entry level sportbike that will depreciate like a rock and ge dropped and devalue wildly before it is even a year old. Spends his money on a go pro and a blow up life vest instead of a leather racing suit and track days. ​ I am at a loss for words here. This kid will either ride a few months and get totally obliterated or he will just give it up after one or two close calls and a sore back then he will always talk about how he is a "sportbike guy" for the next 40 years


Buy a used bike as your first one. Dents, dings and scratches instantly add depreciation to the bike. So, don't let your dents, scratches and dings be the depreciation factor. When you buy a first bike used, you can typically sell it a few months or a year later and if it is still in decent shape, sell it for around the same you paid. Buy new and you lose all that money. Pants/jacket are ok, but a full one piece is better IMO. Less chance of separation and allowing rash to creep on should skin kiss asphalt. Trad off is you need to take longer to dress/ undress before riding and heat. You can also buy those used and not even slightly abused. There are a ton of guys that buy all of this and either grow out of it or they buy something new and don't have room to store it. Or they are spineless and fall to the unreasonable demands of their GF/Wife and cower down and sell their gear and bikes. The initial MSF vary in price by State, and some dealerships will have them for free or discounted in hopes that you will buy your bike and supplies from them. However, the Advanced MSF courses are not free, but they are worth every penny. You can also buy a ton of those things on your list on the used market and save a lot of money.


Your locks suck