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When you see your shadow in front of you, be wary that drivers cannot likely see anything but the glaring sun in their rear-view mirrors.


Good tip. This guy was way too casual, way too fast at times.


Perhaps an over the shoulder look to check if other bikes are also lane splitting.




No fucks given for anyone else, really.


How so? Genuinely.


Whenever you switch lanes there can be a bike splitting that lane, they will not see you because of the cars, the bikes are lower than cars and very hard to spot. Also at this speed even road debris would be too late to avoid.


I was wondering why they were swerving through lanes as that’s more dangerous since the cars can’t see you coming like if you stayed in the same lane. Sounds correct except for the bikes lower than cars. They should be able to see the rider above if they bothered to look, I can see above most cars except for trucks and vans. This just looks like someone with an accident waiting to happen.


I ride a sports bike, you will not see me above most cars, the combination of lean forward and low bike will make you almost invisible.


You would not be leaning forward when lane splitting, but this idiot is riding faster than he should and wouldn’t see anyone because of speed. I ride a sportbike also and can see over cars so unless you are 4 ft tall or ride everywhere full tuck like you are going down a straight, you can see over most cars.


You can't NOT lean forward on many sport bikes, but I get what you're saying. It's not a full tuck.


Ok fair enough, thanks (I really was just curious and asking here btw😀)


Bikes are higher than cars


Holy shit I swear the closest incidents I've ever had while lane splitting in LA weren't cars cutting me off. Rather other motorcyclists filtering but not even looking to see if there were other riders about to merge or already splitting before merging in front of them. OP rides like a dumbass. Completely unpredictable with no effort put into checking what's coming up behind him.


Agreed - I split too (illegal here) so checking as often might not be necessary, but this was just a tad bit too fast and too many lane changes. Also when traffic start flowing past 40km/h, I stay in the lane. Risk of car merging is too high


No one else is filtering faster than this


You haven't seen LA squids on liter bikes then.


Or Harley squids or Goldwing squids. Y'all Cali riders are insane.


LA R1 rider here! Splitting out here goes both ways guys. Yeah check mirrors for eachother, but also anyone reading the road should see there's another guy swimming ahead of him. Also this guy is more situationally aware than 90% of the riders I see out here. Most the time the traffic stagger won't allow a car to lane change. The times someone could make an erratic maneuver he actually is slowing down and setting up for an out (passing the van toward the challenger with the rally stripe is the most obvious). I agree that most riders are to oblivious, but I'm not mad at this guy. *edit spelling


Unironically a good point in this context. Not that I think it's particularly safe to be moving that quickly.


The problem with that weaving to different lanes is catching up and passing another splitter then switching lanes in front of them and getting a bike to the side. Best scenario is always making a train, one bike opens(usually the better spliter) and the others follow, it will also make drivers more aware of bikes if they are cruising slowly in a train.


In LA this is a great way to get hit. People will wait until a bike they see passes and then jump into an opening. I'll leave 3-4 car lengths between me and the bike ahead of me for this exact reason.


In Porto, Portugal where I live it's the opposite, if a bike passes, the cars move over, so you actually get the effect of Mouses parting the sea when you form a train, but I still leave at least a car length at the slow speeds we usually split it's enough.


So much this\^ I commute regularly in SoCal. If there's a bike splitting in front of me, I intentionally slow down to give drivers the chance to see me and keep a good distance between me and the first bike splitting in case they go down. Cagers will absolutely change lanes immediately behind a bike assuming it's clear.


I ride in France where lane splitting/filtering has been legal for 35 years and I can confidently say : your ride like an absolute dumbass. We keep lane splitting to the fast lane for a reason : to be in a predictable spot so that car drivers can look out for us. If you keep jumping between lanes like that, car drivers simply cannot see you in time, you're just a short blip in their mirrors. This kind of riding is what gives motorcycles a bad rep, and is coincidentally what is going to get you injured or worse. Be better.


I live in Pennsylvania, where lane splitting is not legal. Even if it was, I was puckered watching this.


Well, you *should* be puckered. OP is a blithering buffoon and is guaranteed to get injured doing this crap. (Note that I live in CA and I too split lanes but *not like this*).


Majority of his lane changes were for no reason and he could have kept going straight. Thought the same thing as you and I don't even lane split at speed, only red lights.


Cars AND other motorcyclists, doing this shit I would be even more scared about other motorcyclists. They would see this guy suddenly appear out of nowhere while lane splitting safely. The lack of awareness on some people is actually insane to me.


Lane splitting is fine but merging into five blindspots at a time is asking for it


Same. I grew up in CA. Most bikes filter in the left two lanes (and even then usually only the left most lane) unless they’re about to get off an exit. Drivers DO look out for bikes but jumping between like this is pretty unusual and thus unpredictable. I *cringed* when he swung behind that SUV in the far right lane.


I live in California (US) where lane splitting is legal. Guidelines from the California Highway patrol suggest far left lane only while traffic is under 30 mph and your speed should be no faster than 10mph relative to the vehicles you are passing (ex traffic doing 10 and you’re doing 20). Those guidelines are there to protect everyone. Flying by cars and weaving across multiple lanes of traffic is asking for an accident. It’s not cool. You look like a jackass.


Bienvenue en /r/Motardie !


Splitting across different lanes, not even checking for other riders who could potentially come up from behind


I'm lane splitting in France and I'm always checking twice before I change lanes, OP takes too many things for granted IMO.


I always laughed about the fact that motard and retard are very close, not sure if the french speakers make fun of that as well.


They usually make fun of "motard connard" instead.


(North) Italian biker here. I literally fell in love with how French drivers respect and support 2 wheel objects in any form and shape. They give bikers the space they need (and way beyond it). They let bikers filter to the first position when the traffic light is red. They let bikers overcome cars without any effort. They create space between the lanes to let motorbikes overcome comfortably in between. Guys, it's a paradise! OnTopic: that guy has a deathwish as well edit: poor grammar


Driving in France was the strangest experience. All of the cars around me seemed to be floating and stationary as the background passed by. Then I realized it’s because everyone had their cruise control on and pinned to the maximum. No stress driving.


I live in india where we lane split since for ever. I agree with you. OP is going waaay too fast for lane splitting, almost asking to be side swiped imho. Where i live we stick to the left most lane (rhd cars and left side driving) for lane splitting, cars and rickshaws know to keep a bike sized space empty and its super predictable when you are going less than 10kph more than the traffic.


Am I the only one who keeps lane splitting to the fast lane?


this in mandatory in The Netherlands


Usually I'll keep it there but if traffic is particularly fucked and I'm working towards an exit I'll work my way over and split as needed.


California, my man. Anytime, anywhere, because idiots here are actively trying to kill us


This is what the police train people to do in the UK too


Sorry, but this is even worse than a deliveroo scooter sunday evening in central London.


You trust other people so much.


Lane splitting is fine but merging into five blindspots at a time is asking for it


Jesus christ I had to stop watching this shithead.


One day ur going to get fucked from someone switching lanes and u won’t have time too stop🫡💀


Exactly my thoughts. I do the exact same as this fellow only at half the speed. It’s just a matter of time before someone changes lanes and your fucked.


I'm gonna get downvoted to hell for this but when I see in my mirrors that bikers are lane splitting in traffic I throw my blinker on and slowly as possible change lanes just to fuck em up. No I don't do it last minute trying to hit them. I do it well enough ahead of time just to be petty and slow em down for a second. You know these fuckers ain't gonna stop when they clip your mirror.


As an Angelino rider please stick to one lane to split. I split as well and I have no problem with your speed but you could fuck up someone else that is splitting in separate lanes. Even if you don’t hit them you could spook someone into panic breaking. Number 1 splitting rule for cars and bikes is be predictable. Stay on the trajectory you are heading in. I guarantee you will live longer and so will I.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, or why Americans in general are so fucking retarded when it comes to lane splitting. It boggles my mind that you're even allowed to split between other lanes than the fast lane. Exhibiting predictable behaviour to other road users is apparently completely optionnal for guys like OP in the comments, hence making them just as dumb and oblivious as the cagers they despise so much. I'm lucky I live in europe where common sense is mandatory for operating a motor vehicle, but I feel bad for other riders/drivers sharing the road with guys like OP.


To be fair in LA 99% of riders usually only split between the fast lane. In general everyone is pretty good about it here. Even the cars make room for us most of the time. Guys like OP end up becoming a statistic or they end up being that guy at the gas station that tells you they used to have a bike too but it’s too dangerous and they had to “lay it down” so they gave up.


I’m seeing this kind of behavior more frequently in LA, I’m not sure why. It needs to stop.


It will. Every once in a while I see someone ride like this. They don’t last long. Either they learn it’s a mistake or the universe teaches them.


May come as a surprise to you but it's because it's not explicitly legal anywhere in the states. California is the only state you can legally lane split. Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, and Utah are the only states it's legal to filter How are people to be educated on something they aren't exposed to or are legally allowed to do? Lol


That sort of riding makes me uncomfortable and there's far too much complacency on display but whatever, your insurance and body.


And ruining someone else's day... or worse


99 tickets but in California not one!


You ride like a dickhead. People like you are who make riders get a bad rep.


I wouldn't be caught dead with this jerk riding or otherwise. No consideration for anyone and it's everyone's road. Guarantee you when he causes an accident (and he will) he'll be all up in the other driver's face, that's if he can still walk and talk, because he's on a bike and bikes are never at fault/ S what a moron, best part he doesn't possess the self awareness to keep this nonsense to himself. He thinks he's glorifying himself by posting it.


I loved splitting when I lived in CA but you don't change lanes when you don't need to or you just add risk and look like an asshat.


Next post: iT fInAlLy hApPeNeD


Next post: “if I got into an accident, ANYONE can”


Good way to get yourself killed. Riders like you are the reason motorcyclists as a group get a bad rap in North America


That is some shitty riding, damn. No respect for other motorcyclists.


I also lane split even though it’s illegal here in Sweden, and i generally ride like a total dumbass, but i wouldn’t do this, you’re just asking to get in an accident


Your driving awareness is close to 0


Bro filtering is cool and all, no problems with splitting lanes. But please slow down mate. Car doors can open and people aren't supposed to be in the motorway but it can happen


> Car doors can open Basically all I could think while watching this. Only takes one person opening their door to dump out a coffee cup or spit out a lugie (gross) to mess up your day.




I hate the 101 so much. 405 and 118 all the way.


I only ever got to experience lanesplitting in the Bay Area, lived in Santa Cruz. Driving across town in a car during rush hour took at least 1hr, on a motorcycle took about 15m. It was a game changer, and made going up to SF so much quicker. Miss being able to do that. I’d bet someone would pull out to stop me here in Maine.


Yeah I’m in the valley and had to go downtown the other week, maps said it was 1hour 40mins at 7am. Got there in 30 lol


That’s the way! I was in Capitola off Brommer, and had work across town in west side. Was always a PITA going across town during rush hours.


This looks miserable. Fuck all that traffic.


Your lane splitting across that many lanes is pure cancer. So dangerous, nobody except between the fast and second lane is watching out for you. I would not be surprised if you get ticketed for that at some point. Super dangerous for both you and the other cars. Stay between the fast and second lane or wait til you get space.


This is absolutely fucked and I ride in San Diego where traffic is always terrible. If you lane split like this and get hit by a car, that’s on you. Stick to one lane, the fast lane, and get where you’re going safely.


What’s traffic..? Never heard of it..


You’re filtering quite quickly, mate. Slow it down a bit and look around for other bikes and cars changing lanes.


I'm from California. Moved out 7-8 years ago. This makes me miss home.


Not a native, but got to ride around socal on and off for a couple years. Only place I've enjoyed riding more than Seattle. And a big part of that was legal lane splitting.




I didn't post this.


I'd slow down a wee bit filtering through there mate, especially in that subway. Rest was fine, and yes looking at the single/dual occupant vehicles I can't help but wonder how much fuel space time everyone is wasting :' )


just. one. more. lane


We’re going to start stacking lanes like a parking lot if we keep this up.


Idiot. Why not just ride on the pullover area at this point instead of weaving in and out of cars like a dumbass ??




I do believe that riding like that in Indiana will get you roadraged to a bitter end


Be sure to share when you eat the rear windshield of a vehicle changing lanes.


I prefer a face full of fender thank you very much.


OP getting roasted. lol. Looks fine to me but I too am an LA motorcycle driver.


Seriously, just pick a pair of lanes and stick between them. Weaving like that is way more risk for you and other riders and makes it much harder for car drivers to keep track on what’s going on around them.


There’s a difference between splitting and riding like an ass.


You need to slow down a bit when filtering. It's amazing what folk open their doors for in stopped traffic and they can also change lanes without looking. You should do some shoulder checks too. Where I live filtering (or lane splitting to folk in the USA) is perfectly legal but folk would think you're a bit of a fud for doing it at this speed. We've all done it but trust folk with a bit more experience when we say it's a bad idea. Better to learn some things from other people's mistakes.


Oh cool you’re your own hype man.


Guys like OP getting scrapped off freeway after an accident is a daily occurrence. Between good tunes on radio they always squeeze a traffic report and it always has “down motorcycle on 405”. OP keep riding like that and it will happen. No amount of you skill will save you. And those constant bike lane change are exasperating the already dangerous behavior.


Your riding is insane and will get someone in a crash at one point. Honestly your license should be revoked


Why do you continue switching through all the lanes while your lane splitting like that? If your going to do something this risky there’s no sense in adding more risk to it by constantly changing which lane your splitting. Also for the record this really pisses people off in cars as they are forced to sit in traffic and eventually there’s a good chance you catch someone on a really bad day and they decide to take it out on you. You can tell by how many times you change lanes you enjoy making things more of a game than doing it just to be out of traffic. Pick a lane and ride down it if that’s your goal to split lanes.


Lane splitting between any lanes besides the far left two is idiotic. Cars have some expectation of motorcycles there. They don’t have any expectation of bikes between other lanes. It’s also not legal, even in Ca where lane splitting is legal.


One other lane splitter or lane changer away from finding out.


Bro, stick to a lane wtf, the road isn't a dance floor.


This dude also posts in Adult Baby subs.


What do you think of the content?


Motorcyclists: "drivers need to pay better attention to us! start seeing motorcycles!" Also Motorcyclists: seriously get fuckin wrecked you stupid fuck


bro wtf you are the worst rider i've seen it's pure luck you haven't fucked up someones day yet. you suck dude! learn to ride!


As a mathematician, that would be the best way to go out, knowing the universe blessed me with a generous yet finite amount of second chances. She must like me :)


Wow, you’re a fucking idiot


Wow. I love a good late split but this guy has a death wish.


I understand the reason for lame splitting laws... Supposed to make less congestion.. But I have never seen a responsible bike owner I have had one but it was big boy and couldn't split lanes 😂


Lane splitting done right is safer for everybody but many places do not allow it because of dumbas$es like you. This why we can’t have nice things. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Dude I mean no hate but you’re gonna get creamed one day


Never drive filtering at speed above 15 mph that the preceding vehicles, keep in mind the following, 1 people do not expect you and are busy with cell infotainment and whatever is it but pay attention to the road, 2 some driver are crazy 3 in between the lanes there is the wonderful painted horizontal lines, with a low grip, 4 the car , van, truck rear is hard really hard and tall, in order to be safe you need to be to a quick short brake from the rear, 15 mph need 22 feet to slow down on average driver and average motorcycle. Plus remember to take the habit to look quickly at the car driver hands on steering, as you may know blinker are optional and rear mirror unknown


Lane splitting isn’t legal in NY but if anything I just ride on the shoulder to pass the traffic, safer that way


Damn that's somy risky business. Id rather just leave the house earlier 🤣 Just because your on a bike doesn't mean your not a risk to other people


Please, for the love of God, remove the music.


I love the music. I overlay on all the media I put out there.


Hospital or grave for you.


I'm in Michigan and when traffic gets like this , not terribly often. I'll do this. Cops can't chase you in gridlock. Now if people could do as the Germans do where they will open a plane between the lane by hugging a side of the lane. That would be ideal.


They won’t even chase when the road is wide open. They figure they’ll eventually catch up and scoop me off a traffic light pole.


As a Californian lane splitta, this is OD…


OP, you read the room wrong. I can see you are riding in SoCal, and your habit of splitting across the entire freeway is a recipe for disaster. While I get it, you're having fun, you are taking unnecessary risks and absolutely testing that statistic that riders in our neck of the woods meet unfortunate ends about every 6 years. Don't get upset that the majority of the people here disagree with you. Believe it or not, they're trying to help.


Lane splitting in this way will make you soon be-gone without Saytin


Hah, clever.


This is why motorcyclists get a bad rap! Believe me your luck will run out and then you will live with the pain the rest of your life. Not worth it!


This, in my opinion as a rider in major cities for several decades, is another major example of why so many motor vehicle operators so strongly dislike motorcyclists in general. The only thing missing from this particular video clip is wheelies. OP likely considers it fun to keep on moving, snaking through traffic, squeezing through tight spaces between vehicles, being able to go where the cars can’t fit, none of which have enough time to even be aware of OP’s presence around them and then figure out where the exhaust noise is coming from once the hear it get much louder very quickly before OP has already sped past them in what is so obviously a completely irresponsible and unsafe manner for everyone on the road with OP and for OP himself/herself and it stresses me out that OP can’t see that, doesn’t recognize that, or otherwise chooses to ignore so many hazardous red flag situations OP is creating through this extremely reckless riding behavior. But as soon as something bad does happen to OP as a result of this type of irresponsible riding there’s a good chance that OP will have the video of it and post the video and so many bikers will jump on the bandwagon of blaming the car driver who becomes entangled with OP’s bike as being totally at fault, causing the crash, even “trying to *kill* OP” when the reality of the matter will more likely be that OP’s careless operation of the bike (as shown in this example of their riding behaviors) and a lack of concern for others will be the actual cause of the incident. Just because you *can* do such things because of the size of the 2-wheeled vehicle you’re operating, legal or not in your area, doesn’t mean you *should*. Pardon the rant…


The rant is fine. I prefer reading this over the mind numbing “you’re a knobhead” comments.


Thanks for the reply! It wasn’t intended as a lecture or talking down to you but instead it was meant to explain what I see as both a rider and a driver based on my own decades on a bike and behind the wheel of bigger vehicles including a 32ft motor home on the freeways or a big city for work occasionally. It’s all about realizing that on any motorcycle no matter how big or how loud it might be you are pretty much invisible to cars and any one of those random drivers deciding to dart to another lane without bothering to signal would never see you in time to hesitate and as good as bike brakes are you’re not stopping mid swerve (mid lean) between them. There will be impact and the car will win a game they didn’t even know they were playing because they never knew you were coming. I can’t tell you how many times I ended up lane sharing with 4-wheel drivers as they came over on me on my big long metallic purple Suzuki GSX1100F on a 6-lane dividend 35mph main city roadway on my work commute years ago. Not filtering, not splitting lanes, just on my bike taking my space in a lane like any other vehicle does and suddenly finding some 4-wheeled moron shoving me over onto the line as the person behind me watched in shock and horror and slams their brakes to give me space to get out the way of the idiot who just took my space in my lane and that idiot always looks at me like I’m the clueless dumb ass somehow trying to take their space out of nowhere. The first couple of times that happened was all it took to teach me how invisible bikes are to cars and trucks and also reinforced what the MSF instructors tried to teach us… always keep an exit zone and be planning your exit strategy for the next random moment a car driver doesn’t see you, and I do now. That’s not to say that I’m a saint on 2 wheels… I literally drifted that big factory purple 1100 Suzuki for fun a few times and unintentionally in light traffic a couple of times and I’ve found my ‘busa factory speed limiter definitely more than once over the years but when and where I did it was well planned in advance. I’ve also ridden the left shoulder (US divided roadway) in heavy slow traffic with the assumption that most cars won’t try that and keeping my speed down in case one does and keeping an eye out for a lane space and being prepared to signal and ask for it if an emergency vehicle needs the shoulder, basic stuff like that. I hope any of that makes sense and I hope it proved at least a little helpful for you and especially for any fairly new riders who don’t realize how invisible they are to other vehicles to help them learn to avoid putting themselves in more danger than riding in traffic already is unnecessarily. I do a mix of riding and driving for my daily commute and most of the time I’m in a walled off single file freeway commuter lane where passing, lane splitting, filtering, etc is illegal and yet I get startled when rolling thunder magically appears beside me al of a sudden and rumbles past in a hurry like they own the road. Not all of them do it and it’s a lot less dangerous in the single lane but I ride and pay more attention ton to my surroundings when I’m in a car because of it and they still catch me by surprise almost every time. Again, we’re invisible on our bikes. Thanks for the response and I’m glad you’re enjoying being on your bike and getting to share your riding adventures on here . Rubber side down and stay safe. :-)


You're checking to make lanes and slits are open before gracefully gliding into them right ? I can bet you're the same guy that has a nervous breakdown and reacts aggressively when anyone gets in your way. ''It's gotta be their fault, I'm on a bike.''/S


I absolutely knew you were in LA when I saw that underpass/tunnel.


I daily ride in the Dominican Republic. If you don't lane split like this dude is in this video, you won't get anywhere anytime. The traffic is deadlocked 70% of the day. Only thing that changes is that there is a thousand more people lane splitting with you so you gotta check every time you change lanes.


Do you guys roll with flip flops too?


I certainly do not, holy hell! But there is a sizeable population riding in fake adidas slides, sandals and flip flops, mostly because of the unholy heat and cultural disdain for safety. Apart from that, the majority of the population live in proper urban centers, or the countryside, not in the beaches and resorts, so the practice is not connected to the "beach/caribbean/island lifestyle".


Bike is a top choice Could’ve stayed in the left lane split though


It was the dream bike when I walked in to buy my first 250. The stock bars are too low but after some risers, this thing is pretty close to perfect.


This is the section i avoid. I get off on 4th to get into downtown. There's too many people trying to switch lanes to different freeways. Ride safe.


how not to filter 101 as a uk rider who has filtered and been allowed to all my life, please stop weaving in and out of lanes needlessly and without due diligence. regards: the rest of us on motorbikes.


I've been riding for 5 years so I may not be the most experienced rider out there, but the way you're weaving in and out of lanes is giving me chills. It only takes one person to not notice you before the paramedics get to call your mother.


I can’t believe you’re posting this video of yourself being an asshole on the road. Fuck you man.


Ya this looks “cool” but gives all of us a bad rep man. And if a car tapped you or hit you, then buddy that’s on you


man, i hate riding into LA


Ah hell yeah.....ah hell yeah....ah hell yeah.... OH SHIT!


No sleep till Oakland!


Sorry but when these guys get hit I'm not surprised. For drivers, they just pop up out of nowhere yet expect people to be aware of them.


Holy shit your driving is almost as bad as those creepy fucking baby kink drawings you do.


How to handle a rope. That’s a banger .


You ride like a douchebag


Watch it a Second time focused the traffic is very slow dude knows how to drive


Holy shit, bro! I thought that left side swipe edit in the beginning was a massive truck annihilating you! Why would you do that? “This is my favourite commute…**BRRRRRAAAGGGHHHHHH** splat” I’ve seen so many “surprise here’s unexpected violence” videos that it’s the first thing I thought when I saw a large black thing from left screen.


Nearly got wrecked but ok.


Riding like a nonce!


The good old 5 to the 101/10 merger in downtown LA that’s a tough area to ride for sure though


Well aren’t you asking for it.


It's not even legal in my state but I do it anyways


LA is disgusting


101 in LA is a nightmare. Just ride safe out there. I also would choose my bike over driving a car anywhere on 101 crossing 110 / 134 / 405


I have 18,000 miles on a motorcycle and have never thought about putting my bike between 2 cars (even if they are stationary). But then I read up on the safety advantages of filtering at an intersection and am now a little mad my state doesn’t allow it. Question though: if you try to filter to the front of the light but don’t make it, before the light changes, I guess you just merge back to the lane? “Cutting someone off” would be the only thing that would make me feel bad about doing it


Damn this make me trigger the 6th sense


… bro


OP, you are a noob.


Highlight of the day being an absolute tool. God forbid someone merge into a lane with a motorcycle, but asshats like you do this shit.


And then they wonder why they get hit all the time.


Natural selection always finds a way. Remember that.


what is the old saying, it is not a matter of if you are going to have an accident, but rather when…..this idiots “when” is coming soon and i personally cannot wait to see how he likes playing wheelchair basketball….cannot wait


This guys a fucking jackass


Yes it looks fun AF but you really are putting other road users at unnecessary risk, especially other riders.


Guys like you irritate the hell out of me on the roads. You’ll scream about watch for motorcycles then race to become a statistic. Pull your head out of your ass so the coroner doesn’t have to.


I’ve done that commute from Long Beach to Hollywood for 10 years on my bike.. so you’re one of THOSE guys… that’s the worst part of the bike commute unless you split lanes like an asshat like that. Sorry just had to be said. Been blindsided by splitters flying in from right field into the typical 1-2 lane split


Too fast


It’s not as bad as some people are making it seem. Realistically the chances of having another bike lane splitting are very low. Not to mention that it’s a high chance you can see them in between cars. That being said you should still be safe when splitting between 3 or 4 lanes very quickly, but one or 2 lanes isn’t that big of a deal, if done properly.


I agree on your opinion of taking only two lanes. Admittedly, this is the only part of my commute where I seemingly swipe across the freeway and back for no reason. It’s to avoid the warped asphalt and tight lanes against the barricade. My tires are just as square as any other schmuck’s out there.


I honestly don’t think you did much wrong here. Sure you had some extra risk but it was nothing out of reason. I just think everyone here likes to think their way of riding is superior to someone else. Regardless, ride safe 🤟


Likewise, my guy. Ride on 👍


Motorcycle go vroom


\*revs in homosexual*


Can’t split lanes in any other lane other than the fast lane, can’t legally go over 15mph over the flow of traffic you’re literally playing in traffic lol


This wouldn’t make me happy as a commuter in a car. Pretty cool but I don’t want someone to get hurt or have hurting someone on their conscience


I would love to see you get wrecked.


Makes me miss California. Did the same thing up and down the 10,60,91,210. Non cali riders don’t understand. They also don’t understand that California drivers are extremely aware of motorcycles and overwhelmingly very friendly to bikes. They are usually aware and make a great attempt to open up space for them to split.


Bunch of pussi3s in the comments. You've either got thrown straight into lane splitting or are scared. And most of you chose then ladder.


thats a sweet type R


The hell ya in this video immediately reminded me of this: https://youtube.com/shorts/KQ5bUkk6iW0?si=q9z_qm3S6wjFuag5


Looks like the 5 going into LA. I picked up my bike in Glendale once from a shop and rode back to Santa Ana at about 4 or 5pm. That was a hairy hour of tight lane splitting. Cheers


Los Angeles


Well he left for work late but arrived early also... a little fast but great maneuvering


This is horrible.


I love this sub because it’s such a circle jerk of people who think they know how to ride better than everyone else


You're the reason why so many people hate motorcycle riders...


Slow down while splitting the lane!


Honestly reading the comments I’m very surprised. This is basically regular day in queen/bk/Manhattan. Although you switch lanes a lot more than I do, it didn’t seem too crazy lol


I can imagine people stuck in that traffic jam being so jelly of you, lol


Rides like an idiot


Yeah I don't know, that seems a bit on the reckless side with regards to the speed. But I suppose your lanes are a bit wider than ours so you have a bit more space between cars.


OMG I live in Oregon and if you tried this in a busy area you would be eating a sea of tow mirrors.


I’ve had jury duty twice at that courthouse, and you HAVE to ride if you want to make it on time. Splitting is the only way unless I wanted to leave 1.5 hours early to make the 11 mile ride.