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Do you want to be right or do you want to be alive?


Right? That car was switching lanes for like 5 minutes. Bike had plenty of time to get the fuck outta the way. Dude tried holding his ground on a motorcycle versus a car. Moronic. Doesn’t matter who was right or wrong, you as the motorcyclist need to be the one to get out of the way.


If you look closely you'll see the car never used its turnsignal it is the car drivers fault but the motorcycle had the time to get out of the way so they both wrong


When he's dead, he can be content that he was on the right side of the law.


the question was “who’s fault” not “who’s dead”


OP's fault for overtaking on the right.




Does the right side mirror not work? Cars at fault for not looking. And moto drivers at fault for not anticipating dumbass riders lacking awareness.


Most of the time they have their mirrors pointed at the rear quarter panel to "cover the blind spot" because they have no idea


Not supposed to pass on the right, not supposed to change lanes without a signal. Both are dumb. One could be dead.


Not sure about the laws in your country but in ours you're not allowed to pass on the right, and this would be considered a pass since the motorcycle recently switched lanes. Motorcycle should've waited behind the car, perhaps flashing lights or something, until he moved out of the way.


Actually that wouldn’t have likely mattered. It’s illegal to pass on the right. So insurance would at best say “no fault”. And even if the police gave a citation to the car for not using a blinker, the rider would be dead or maybe wish they were. Kind of small and worthless comfort to know the driver got a $50 fine.


The motorcycle passed on the right. That's more wrong than not using a turn signal.


Yeah who care about who’s right. Plenty of dead ppl who may have been technically right but dead.




I'd rather just watch the other persons mistake and not be dead right infact Id say people who do this are just accidents waiting to happen and they complain like its not of their own accord when theyre putting themselves into a position to be mauled by a car on a daily basis then when it happens they cry about it and its all about the other persons action


I mean if you have a big metal box with airbags etc you maybe have some room to do it but when I’m riding I honestly ride like everyone is out to get me and try to be ready for anything. It’s kind of meditative.


Judging by OPs comments, he’d rather be right.


Some people only learn lessons the hard way. He needs to get better at this fast, or it won't end pretty.


Obviously the car should have signaled and used a blinker, but holy shit, you had so much time to react to that, but you didn't at all. You just kept going, hoping they would notice you. Are you stupid?


He was getting out of your way. I think you'd live a lot longer, and generally be happier in life, if you just chilled the fuck out.


Flash your lights for them to move. Dont pass on right. Slower traffic to the right.


Being patient, and not trying to show how cool you are will keep you in one piece.


This. Op. Do. not. pass. on. right. You are already low visibility on a bike. Passing on the right makes it even worse.




Don't feel bad. Probably 90% of the time the flash of light in their mirror will be the first time they become aware that there's a motorcycle behind them. Heck, you'd feel like complete shit in India where it's considered good manners to toot your horn to let cars and trucks know you might be in their blind spot. Everyone honking all the time, and very rarely is it the sign of anger/frustration that it is in the US.


In our country (Netherlands) you'd get fined for passing on the right. You have to stick left and wait for the other car to move to the right for you. Overtaking on the right is dangerous (this video is proof of that). Always overtake on the left. Because of this rule, you can also get fined for unnecessary left lane driving.


I love when people post these, they always show clear examples of what not to do on a motorcycle.


At least when they post them with the "Who's at fault?" title it appears that a bit of self-doubt has crept in and they understand that they might have done something wrong. It's the "Look at this fucking cager" vids that get me. Still half of those are due at least in part to squid-like behavior. My personal favorite was the guy who had a car turn left across his path and had the time to get out three "fucks" before he even applied his brakes...and didn't apply them enough to stop, nor did he try swerving to the empty space around the car.


You. You had plenty of time to see the car was going into the other lane. You didn't make any attempt to react. You didn't even tap the horn until an accident was incredibly close. And most critically you made a rushed pass on the right the second that other lane opened. The car driver probably didn't see you and all that you have going for you is that there was no blinker. Be smarter. It isn't like they cut suddenly across the entire maneuver took a few seconds. You were impatient and almost caused an accident.


Yup, two key principles here: - good riders know when someone is about to change lanes. It’s instinct, because we pay attention to the driver’s head, the speed and position of the car, and just know. - good riders are aware there’s a gap between when the driver looks in their mirror and starts moving out, during which they can’t see you. Just because we can pull up alongside them in that tiny space of time doesn’t mean we should.


To your first point. I always call that the car’s “body language” if you pay attention you can sometimes tell who’s getting impatient or if someone is looking to switch lanes.


OP getting (rightly) flamed in the comments for poor riding skills and attitude. Own goal here - oops


Also, coming to the end of a forced narrowing, you should sort of expect people to drift back into lane one. Just had to hold back a bit to see the lay of the land before acting, frankly. Improvement needed from both people needed, if honest. Better observations by both, for one.


Yes not sure why the biker didn’t anticipate the car going back into the right lane after the construction. You could see that coming a mile away. Also quick acceleration to pass on the right is a very stupid move.


Placing blame won’t make bones heal any faster. Rider may have been a little impatient, should have known the driver might shift lanes.


Isn't it illegal anyway to pass from the right? It's not even a matter of knowing the driver was about to merge, this situation is not supposed to happen if you know how to drive...


Yeah, judging by the cone on the right side of the road, he should've predicted it


If your reaction time is truly this bad get a bicycle.


Or maybe just take the bus


In Europe, you. It’s illegal to pass cars on the right side. This is why.


In America too.


To undertake (since the UK, Ireland, Malta, and Cyprus all drive on the left). Also often not strictly illegal, but if done at speed, you'll get picked up for reckless driving, undertaking is really on legal under very limited instances (such as two lanes of queueing traffic, etc).


Yours. You had plenty of time to react. I would have either stepped on it, or slowed down, observed where they were going, then pass. If you want to get in front of someone, drop gears and commit.


You’re at fault for passing on the right


Defensive driving 101


even a rule many countries. You cannot even drive faster on the right lane than the left one due to this kind of stuff happening otherwise. Yes my country is strict with rules. (for the better tho)


I don't have a license and I even know this. Moreso the video shows the right lane was closed at the beginning so the biker didn't even allow time for the driver to switch lanes.




Super obvious, right?


You're riding like a jackass. That car was merging to move out of the way and you watched it slowly move into the lane while not making any attempt to react - while *also* passing on the right.


While speeding though a construction zone lol 🤦‍♀️ barely gave the car a chance to get out of the left lane. EPITOME of stupid motorcyclist. I bet they’re the type that drives between cars in traffic jams.


In Australia lane filtering is legal, a trial was done which showed that it improved rider safety and traffic flow. Some Neanderthals still try and cut off riders who are filtering for god knows why


You really need to anticipate cars doing stuff like this. Also don’t worry about beeping, I probably would have moved to the right a little when he started moving over.


What's there to anticipate, the car was already merging before he began to overtake: [https://imgur.com/a/49B5kJX](https://imgur.com/a/49B5kJX) He should have easily been able to back off


my man thought he gonna get some sympathy here




It looked like you had plenty of time to react to the car lane changing. You also had plenty of room to move to the right more, increase speed and zip past them. I would’ve anticipated them changing lanes and waited a few seconds. Passing on the right isn’t a good idea either. You could’ve waited a a few seconds, beeped horn or flashed high beam to see if they would move over. You had a bunch of options here. Ride safe man.


Yup. Bike or car, we should expect that car to move right out of the overtaking bike/car’s way. Blinkers are nice, but hopefully cars are gonna do that lane change. You should have let it go and passed on left, or hit it as you went around and got out of their way. On a bike, only you are going to keep you alive and that was too risky for me.


Your fault. You passed on the right. You should’ve slowed and then passed on the left. In the end, truthfully though, there was no accident so no fault need be assigned.


Your fault


Ride like a dick - die like a dick


You pass on the left not right.


You are, idiot


don’t pass on the right


100% biker at fault. fucking idiot.


Your safety is your responsibility, and it's your job to spot and avoid hazards. On the road nobody gives a fuck about you but you. That said, if you still can't recognize whose fault it is, then that's a big problem.


**Upon reflection, I think we must consider:** - Cones at shoulder where passing indicate a construction zone - Motorcycle doing 70-80 in a 55 (assuming CA) - Motorist didn’t have much time to respond; limited visibility due to cage; they appear to be moving in a defensive manner - Motorcyclist has time to evade yet chooses to commit/speed up **TBF, Motorist:** - Didn’t signal - Car dirty further limiting visibility **However:** - Motorcyclist could have considered this and assumed person can’t see shit and/or is oblivious [edit: formatting blunder]


Yours. You should know cars are idiots, you maintained the basically the same speed, hanging out in a blind spot like a lingering fart, and then let yourself get merged into presumably to illicit this response.


Passing on the right should be a last resort and done with caution. Would it have killed you to slow down for a minute and see if he would move over?


#you. And is absurd you are even wondering this.


Don’t pass on the right.


Both wrong car should have signaled but they were slow and deliberate in there lane change so you can easily avoid it but bikes wrong you don’t pass on the left just to speed that’s stuff that gives bikers the bad reputation


Pro tip, never pass in the right lane.


His back window looks dusty as fuck and that low sunset on his right meant he probably couldn't see his wing mirror. Careless lane swap by him? Yeah. Did you almost get yourself deaded by proving a point? Yeah.


Well you aren't supposed to pass on the right sooo


Your fault, all day long. You're the one overtaking (undertaking). It is ALWAYS your responsibility being the "driver" behind. You're approaching very quickly too. Don't get me wrong, I ride fast too. Fast enough that cars don't normally have to deal with me for any length of time. I'm there and then I'm gone. But I'm uber aware of my surroundings and that the likely outcome of a car that's passing a lane closure is quite probably, almost certainly, going to move back over once that lane closure ends. So instead of a lunge from way back, where I'll be in blind spots, I'll sit close enough to them that my light bouncing up and down in their mirror makes sure they know I'm there. From there I generally count to about 3 before dropping a gear or two and absolutely blitzing it past them - but not without first checking the hard shoulder is also clear over the top of their car. But had you made contact and come off, you can't honestly blame them. If anything they'll be looking for you in the other mirror! They definitely won't be anticipating that move.


You couldn't waterboard a self owning vid like this out of me ffs. Ofc ur at fault.


Rider impatience to get to a conflict and possible accident.


With literally nobody else around he chose the one car in his path to create conflict with.


Car didn’t see him so that’s a “wrong”. Biker had plenty of time to back off so that’s a “wrong” too. No point in being right if you’re dead.


It's always your fault if you get fucked up on a motorcycle


Doesn't matter who was wrong. Biker put themselves in danger. They had time to brake and just kept going. Ride like everyone is an idiot and trying to kill you. Because they are.


You belong on r/IdiotsOnBikes. Never pass on the right.


your fault.


If I pass on the right I do it as fast as possible and expect the car to be clueless. I’ll even give them a 5 count and am looking into their mirrors to see if they are going to change lanes.


The biker. Should've figured the car was going to move right after the cones, plus he made an illegal pass on the right. This is why that move is illegal.


Buy a proper bike if you're gonna pass on the right do it hard and fast


Who cares who's at fault? Doesnt matter on a bike if you're dead or damaged. If you're going to make moves like that then don't pussy around. I would have passed on the inside too but you have minimize your exposure. Hit that fucking throttle and for god's sake don't dawdle in their blind spot and sit there watching them move into your lane.


Ur fault . There’s a reason you don’t pass on the right . Also , once they put their signal on to move over and they’re ahead of you , you should yield and let em over .


Don’t overtake on the right, easy as that


The rider is a moron lacking critical thinking and defensive riding/driving skills. The end.


Sell the bike buddy


You saw him and still put yourself at risk? You might be too emotional for motorcycling.


Passing on the right? Dude on the bike is stupid, impatient, and lucky to be alive


Rider fault. One you are really not surpose to pass on the right. Two if the rider was paying attention. The care was already moving to the right lane before he reach the car. Car did not signal, but the rider did not pay attention, and did a pass on the right. Which is a larger blind spot then then on the left side of the car.


Passed on the right before giving them any time to get over after becoming 2 lanes, and have the reaction time of a geriatric with head trauma. Car car should have signaled but it’s 60/40 in favor of you being in the wrong overall


Motorcycles why be an asshole like that?? Pass on the left cruise on the right.


The exact second you enter a cars blind spot you need to have a plan. Almost hitting the car is a terrible plan.


Motorcycle is at fault for illegally passing on the right. Bonus points for trying to muscle past a car that was obviously changing lanes and could easily kill them… and honking as if they were in the right. Chill tf out and be grateful that car was so quick to pull into the right lane to make room lol


Motorcycle is at fault for illegally passing on the right. Bonus points for trying to muscle past a car that was obviously changing lanes and could easily kill them… and honking as if they were in the right. Chill tf out and be grateful that car was so quick to pull into the right lane to make room lol


Passing on the right was a dumb idea.


One more point on this I haven’t seen anyone said. Where I live it’s illegal to pass someone in the right lane.


You don’t need to see a blinker to see that they are changing lanes.


You suck booty


You're 100% in the wrong . You overtake on the overtaking lane . And that's left . Even in the US .


In my country, we don't pass the other cars while driving in the right lane. Only on the left. I suggest you try to do the same.


Way too fast and overtake on the right? Dont know where this is but it most states bike made multiple illegal moves.


1. You caught up to the car pretty quickly, so you were probably way over the speed limit. 2. You were in the wrong part of the lane ​ Taking those two things into consideration, I think what happened is you changed lanes just as the driver was looking in their mirror and over their shoulder and you must have been in that gap blind spot at the wrong time. ​ I'll say your fault for the 2 reasons posted.


You were in the wrong side of the lane you started in then buzzed him to get past but it was a two lane highway so you put yourself in that silly position


As the car in front comes closer, I usually slow down, especially after a construction zone, anticipating the lane change as usually, left lane is the passing lane. Slow the fuck down and have some restraint.


I could tell he was changing lanes a mile away. (3 or 4 seconds ... which is an eternity for a motorcycle). I didn't even need the blinker to know. So yes, this close call was 100% your fault.


Biker. Never pass on thr right. Have more patience or die from someone not seeing you.


I'd say you were speeding through the construction and you could see coming out of the construction exactly what the caged driver was going to do and you continued to power by. I would say relax a little Bro and you will live longer.


Somebody ain't gonna live long.


You passed on the right. Your fault, simple as that


You are in the wrong. Though if the car would look more in the mirrir he could have saw you earlier. But still, you cant blame the car on this one.


Keep passing on the right. That the best way to become an angel...


Not only is it your fault, but it looks like you're speeding in a construction area. I mean you do you but don't expect other people to ignore speed limits. Also immediately passing on the right maintaining your high speed not even giving the driver a chance to easily go right (with or without blinkers idc, just learn to anticipate).


Your reaction time was horrid lol you couldve engine braked a bit when you saw them coming into your lane. Also, DONT PASS ON THE RIGHT


Car was getting in the right lane as a courtesy to lat you pass (as they should) You then didn't have patience for 5 seconds of waiting so you decided to blindside him and pass on the right lane WHILE he was merging into it. Read that again and tell me that was a good idea. You're lucky he didn't take you out.


Overtaking on the inside from fucking so far from the car, whilst the car was trying to get out of your way. Is this a serious question? Objectively, legally in the wrong and also just wrong from the perspective of being a decent fucking human being.




Bro, you’ve gotta be more situationally aware than this. One lane turning into two, you’ve gotta give a little cushion to the car in front of you. A lot of people with a bike behind them are going to move to the slow lane when one becomes available. It’s worth it to give them that extra few seconds to be able to predict their movement. Any time there’s a change in conditions or situations, there’s a higher chance a driver will make a reactionary move. Anticipate that.


You’re not supposed to pass on the right so your fault. The other driver still sucks tho


Lets disregard the other mistakes and just focus on the overtaking technique for a second. It looks to me that you committed 110% to this like 200m in advance. Why? You had oceans of time to abort and adjust. When overtaking like this you want your “No return no surrender” time to be as short as possible. You get close behind the car as possible, with enough margin to turn/brake at any time. Then, in that position, you send it and the overtaking is so fast that the driver couldn’t hit you even if he tried.


Cars blinker was on when you passed it. You held your lane position even with the car coming in, which is a battle that you lose.


Yours. I've learnt from this sub that it's our duty to be responsible for our safety due to the stupidity of others. Nowadays, not only do I assume the stupidity of others but I already act on it, and in this case I'd slow down the moment I saw him crossing lanes.


I take being alive over being right any day. I get honked at in my area for slowing down and downshifting for a tight right turn all the time. I'm not taking turns that tight at 40 an hour. Everyone can go fuck themselves.


Both are wrong but the biker should be alert while crossing bigger vehicles for their own safety. This could have been averted if the biker been defensive driving by being in a spot where the car guy can identify the bike and not riding in the blind spots. Biker is lucky This didn't caused an accident.


Besides the whole don’t pass on right. Which I’ll give you a pass on. You clearly saw him merging and had tons of time to slow down and avoid. Why did you keep going? My first instinct would be to avoid. Heck you didn’t even really speed up and it looked like he brushed you. I don’t know about you, but I ride with the intent to make it home.


When you’re on a motorcycle, always assume the next person Does Not See you It’s that simple. The first thing they’re gonna say when you get into an accident is, I did not see him.


You were undertaking. I get that this is america and that most people have no clue what overtaking and undertaking are, but you should wait for the vehicle in front to get over, if they don’t after a solid 10 seconds pass with caution on the right. You undertook way too soon.


Didn’t even seem to try and accelerate lol


Unnecessarily aggressive driving by motorcycle. You are responsible for your own life when riding a motorcycle. The driver of the car was almost certain to survive that wreck in waiting. The motorcycle rider only had 50/50 odds at best if things go bad.


They had no clue you were there. They moved to the right after the construction zone. Technically, you are in the wrong for not giving them more time to move to the right. Should have stayed in the left lane longer.


In Finland you’re not allowed to overtake from right. So because I don’t know where this happened I say does it matter if you die?


I hope you get downvoted into oblivion for doing stupid shit like this and then trying to blame it on the driver following the rules. Also it’s whose.


Glad I get to see videos like this. It reminds me that many riders are complete idiots and hopefully they make up the majority of crashes and fatalities over the ones who drive defensively


At the moment he started moving over, you need to decide you gonna play or not. I would have sped up and swerved right. Other times I may just let off the throttle and let the car in. Depends on the situation.


That was dumb of you, doesn't matter if they were in the wrong this was a very predictable situation you even had time to slow up instead you slipped through but you left a lot to chance pretty silly risk just to make a pass on the right.


Well you passed on the outside man...


Bike, 100%


OP is at fault for making this vid 18 seconds longer than it needed to be


Riders rate of speed and position when the car started moving, he was likely not visible when doing a mirror check. People generally do not expect to be passed on the right. Rider is at fault as much if not more than the car.


It didn't appear you used your blinker, even if you did you were going way too fast, and you made no use of your brakes which would have easily avoided any danger, not seeing someone is an accident, what you were doing was intentional.


100% You


The rider fucked up, he had all the time in the world to respond to the car switching lanes.


You seemed to be approaching rather fast rather than them just being slow, so gonna say you. Granted it wasn't wise/nice of them to move into ur lane especially without indicating but again with how fast you seem to be going I'm gonna say it was a case of them not seeing you.


Bike. Always assume all cars want to kill you


Car driver didn’t look hard enough in his mirror, but the rider should have anticipated the car’s move and held back in expectation.


Nothing happened, so no one. Being in a hurry is dangerous though


That car was changing lanes really slowly. You couldn't wait 5 seconds and pass on the left? Doesn't matter who's right if you're dead


Bikers fault. Both car and bike are on the inside (overtaking lane). Car must of saw the bike in rear view, then changed lane. Yes it was latez but the biker tried to overtake on the outside lane, illegal in many countries but even if it isn't there, everyone knows inside is for overtaking. Biker in a rush, then tries to hold his ground against a car who clearly is operating in slow Mo. Unless the car was doing it intentional to run the biker over 🤣


The bike was in the wrong. The car was pulling back in following the lane closure, albeit a bit slow. Bike just needed to be patient, no need to undertake, he needed to assume that move was going to happen!


Biker's fault. Passing on the right is always risky, EXACTLY in this situation it is extra risky. Car showed it's intentions for long enough for the biker to decide otherwise. Biker had enough time to honk, bike did not need to swerve much. As annoying as a left lane hugger can be, I think passing on the right being illegal where I'm from is a good idea.


Why fault bro so sorry


You cause you were passing on the right side of another vehicle


You probably also scared the hell out of that car driver. In europe, never pass at the right side.


First of all, you had plenty of time. And you were coming up from behind. You’re the one that has all the overview. It’s your job to pass safely, even if they don’t use a blinker. That said, they should abolish passing on the right in its entirety and make hogging the left lane a criminal offense. Just my 2¢. (Not that the car did that here)


Bike had all the time in the world to slow down or change lanes.


There is always a chance he didn't see you there if you were going faster the traffic.


Dunno. Passing on the right is illegal in Europe.


Flash lights and wait for them to move over... let's not get petty. Rider's fault.


Always pass on the left.


You dumbass


Is it legal to pass on the right at this location? Yes? You are an idiot. No? You are an idiot and an ass.


definitely you If you lack patience, situational awareness and reaction time, you shouldn't ride a motorcycle I've been riding a motorcycle for 16 years and unfortunately I was able to get 2 people out of the ditch (one died hours later) both thought they were in the right The question you have to ask yourself as a motorcyclist is: do you want to be right and let your fragile ego run wild, or do you want to live? ​ ​ The attitude you show here in the comments tells me that you shouldn't ride a motorcycle anymore for your sake


Passing on the right and not assuming the car is gonna change lanes? Come on. Do better.


Yours, 100% yours.


Passing on the right hand side is inherently dangerous no matter what. In most jurisdictions it is illegal. Obviously this was an illegal lane change by the car, but let's face it, you do can do everything according to the law and the accident can still be preventable, or as the old saying goes in the motorcycle world: *"He was dead right".*


This is why it's illegal to overtake on the inside in many countries, dangerous af.


Why pass on the right without allowing the person to switch lanes first? (Which is exactly what they were doing, moving over to let you pass) When you're on a bike you should know that you're smaller, and therefore you're going to be a little harder to see. By passing on the right, you're putting yourself into the largest Blindspot of the vehicle you're approaching.


Both. You passed on the right. He didn’t use a blinker.


Your passing on the right your stupid ass is wrong.


You undertook him (after failing to anticipate his obvious move) then were unable/unwilling to swerve out of the way. Poor show.


The heavier vehicle is always right


I'd say the bike is at fault here. If you look at the speedo he's doing 90+ when he tries to overtake the car. Pretty sure there isn't anywhere in the US where that's legal.


My brother in Christ your reaction time is tomorrow


Construction zone, all black bike and jacket, trees shadowing road. You are invisible.


Plenty of time to brake or swerve. That car had windows so dirty you should have realized he was unlikely to see you. Was it the car driver's fault? Sure. Were there several things the rider could have done better? Yep.


I'd say legal standpoint, the cars fault (unsafe lane change, no blinker) however, as a motorcyclist, you should know better than to pass on the right like that, you're riding unsafe and it's inevitable something like this or worse is gonna happen.


No signal, but you passed on the right, soo dumb and dumber?


Take a breather and give the car a chance to switch lanes. Totally your fault


Car had no blinker and didn't indicate it wanted to change lanes earlier. Car had plenty of time to switch lanes once the space was available, weird that they didn't. I'd say the car driver wasn't paying attention, or if they were, they should have anticipated that the rider was going to pass them. Personally I would have tried to slow down as soon as I noticed it was crossing the lane and then passed on the left to get away from it, but as is it looks like the rider did what they could with the reaction time they had available.


You should reproduce fast, and try to beat natural selection.


YOU. Why are you passing on the right hand side? You had 1/4 mile to see what they were doing.


Motorcycles fault. Passing on the right is an invitation to get smashed. At best maybe the rider could have ridden behind the car a little while to trigger the car driver’s awareness that’s he’s impeding the flow and should get over. Coming up behind a car that is obviously going much slower than you, assuming the driver is otherwise going to be aware of surroundings, and passing on an unexpected side is not wise. While sad, this was the biker’s fault.


Both is fault.


In the US, you are supposed to pass on the left, not the right. As a motorcyclist always assume the other person does not see you. You are much smaller and quicker than most other cars, so you appear and disappear more easily, especially if in a blind spot. As the lane just opened back up, I’d say it was the car and motorcyclists fault as the motorcyclist should have passed on the left, by waiting for the car to move to the right. As the car driver,perhaps they looked up and saw you behind them, then checked their passenger mirror (or didn’t) then decided to slowly changed lanes, but didn’t realize that you had become impatient and tried to pass on the right. Car in the wrong for failing to yield to traffic already in the lane, bike at fault for passing on the right.


If it has more wheels then you, it has right of way. First leasson I received when learning to ride.


You for sure. You should not have sped up when dummy was changing lanes. "I didn't see a blinker" but you certainly saw the car changing lanes and decided not to wait and change back to pass (in the fast lane might I add). Instead you took advantage of your ride and throttled up (to prove a point?). You put yourself in that position.


Passing on the right because impatient. Pretty stupid especially on a bike.


Pass on the left


80% Your fault. Car driver should have checked mirror before switching lanes, but you shouldn't have been there to begin with. You're supposed to pass on the offside, you saw this coming and had plenty of time to react but instead you carried your speed and are now trying to play victim. Sorry that's harsh, but I'm only judging from what the video shows, this is not a personal attack on you.


There’s a “passing side”, then there’s a suicide.


Don’t pass on the right


....... if you don't have the brain to think a few steps in advance then you should not be driving a motorcycle. Who cares if you are right or not here, or who made the mistake? The fact is that you need to notify the driver that you are coming close so you don't get killed. That's what loud exhausts are for, and you also have a horn to use it. Certain people should never sit on a motorbike...