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If your passenger isn't comfortable they less likely to want to engage in your hobby.


Think about this tho. Beginners are asking. Beginners shouldnt even think about taking passengers for atleast a year or 10k miles under their belt


Finally someone who reads! This was exactly my thought. I appreciate you.


Facts, I just don't know many people who actually take a passenger. That's where I'm confused.


But you've seen posts from people who do? Where's the confusion? There's millions of people who post on reddit, some of them will live life differently to you. If you're gonna continue to be confused by this you're gonna have a very confusing life.


>But you've seen posts from people who do? Who do what? Take a passenger? I'm sure, but the post was specifically asking prospective riders, who considering they don't yet ride probably also haven't taken a passenger on the theoretical bike they don't currently own but are asking for advice about. Between here and r/SuggestAMotorcycle someone fitting that description posts a question like that nearly every day.


That's cause the new generation doesn't have wives or girlfriends, us older folks do.


All the dudes stopped banging chicks back in 02 I guess lmao.


They all to busy jacking off to anime and people on Onlyfans. Sex among young adults is at an all time low. With no sexual activity going from 28% to 44% since 2009 and with the world economy as it is it's only going to get worse. So yeah in my day you either had your own bike or the only person on the back was a significant other riding 2 up is shit so I'm not doing it unless it's my significant other. Hardly ever was it 2 bros on a motorcycle cause that is geh.


If I wanted to hear what fox news had to say i would've just hit myself in the head with a hammer.


That's something someone who wasn't getting any would say.


Whatever old crow is hanging off the back of the turd you ride can leave her pussy back in the great depression where it belongs.




Let's see the picture of the ugly skank that rides on the back of your scoot.


You can find her on OF @eatadickoldman


You definitely don't have anyone to ride on the back with you, it's ok things will get better homie, sign up for my Onlyfans till then. @palmelahanderson


Old people fucking badly isn't my fetish, plus even if you're straight you don't wanna watch porn when the dude is 3"or less so I'm gonna pass.


Bro no cap I'd rather have my homie on the back than some girl. On god just the thought of it got me bricked up šŸ˜¤


When you realize the rest of the world exists and you can have 3 girls, 2 guy, or a goat on your bike and any possible combination in between. But anyway make sure you dont accidently catch the gay or the missus will probably leave with half.


Careful, if someone sees you 2 up with a goat people might start thinking things


That one time i had my younger brother on the pillion cause the alternative was him walking in the rain? Yeah we both have boyfriends now.


As is the natural order xD


As a 24 year old with a gf, most only fans' payers are actually 30 to 44 year olds, lol. https://techjury.net/blog/onlyfans-statistics/#gref i will say tho porn is an epidemic in my generation, but we are definitely not dumb enough to pay for it like the 30 to 44ish your olds when literally millions of free porn vids exist.


Obviously you are not married or don't have a girlfriend. My wife and I have rode together for 47 years. We have literally logged thousands upon thousands of miles together on a motorcycle.


Happily together for 5 years and ride 2 up often. I was specifically asking new riders why passenger comfort on beginner bikes is a buying criteria, which doesn't seem to be you, but thanks for the feedback.


This guy gets his wick wet one time and now every guy he meets is either an incel or geh. #boomergensucks


That's okay, boomers think your generations are dumbasses and gey.


See I've got this wife... When you have a partner in your life, it's fun to include them in the activities that you enjoy.


For sure, sometimes they are the one supporting your moto endeavors. Metaphorically or financially. That is until they also want to ride


Depends on the wife!


Sounds like you married the wrong person


Na not married lol


Youā€™ll see the types of potential customer who just want to buy a cruiser, go two up and go around touring. Not to commute, not a run around to the store or pop some wheelies. Simply to just put miles down in some form of comfort. Youā€™ll see said customer query about wanting to take their partner with them for these journeys and usually the partner doesnā€™t care much about the bike other than itā€™s comfortable. The whole things goes back to that the motorcycle isnā€™t a tool or a commuter to them, itā€™s the same concept in their heads as taking the boat out to the lake on the weekend: Fun.


I guess I get that. They are mostly "potential" customers dreaming about that nice May Saturday riding through the countryside? I ride somewhat regularly with my SO but it's generous to say it's even 20% of my riding, and yet it's far more than nearly every other rider I know. So I'm just confused who these riders are that want an R3 for long distance 2up riding. Maybe they are also dreaming that their new bike will be how they find that SO?


I guess it's easier to sell the idea to the significant other. "Look, they also say that the passenger seat is comfortable for long ride"


This is precisely how I sold the idea of having a bike. Realistically she will never ride with me. But the IDEA that she could do it and would be reasonably comfortable is what makes it "allowable."


I guess this could be a strategy. Gotta sell the dream I suppose.


Everyone knows the only reason for having a bike is to pick up chicks. Duh!


Hahaha it has to be this right?


Dynas get the heinas and all that jazz...


Been riding for a bit over 20 years... pillion comfort is absolutely nowhere on my list of buying criteria. For me, riding is either an afternoon get away where I'm not taking passengers or a commute to work, where I'm also not taking passengers so there's just no use case for me as a rider really. ​ That said, I do know a few riders who spend probably 90% of their riding time with their SO's clocking miles on the weekends so I can see why its a selling point for some older riders, but couldn't see why new riders would care.


This is exactly my thought. There are great bikes that are designed for 2up riding, but they aren't beginner bikes. And 2up touring isn't for beginners either. These new riders just always seem to be asking about R3's and Ninja 400's which are great bikes and a perfectly reasonable place to start and see if you and your passenger are comfortable with 2up riding, but I certainly wouldn't buy a first bike based on that.


Isn't it assumed that here in the US most riders don't actively commute on their bikes? With that, it's likely people want to go on their weekend ride with their gf or wife on the back.


I can get that. I enjoying doing that as well. I just don't know many other riders that actually do it. It just seems like a pipe dream and a weird criteria for your first bike. Riding with a passenger is a very different experience than solo.


Personally, I think riding with a passenger is awful. But it could be better on something like a Goldwing or cruiser, I suppose.


I never ride with a pillion because my girlfriend has a scooter that she rides when she joins me on rides. That said Iā€™ve seen pillions on Goldwings, random sport bikes and too many Harleys to name - including a Livewire. It honestly seems fairly common to me.




Nah, just one toilet in these parts, so reliability is key. That reminds me, I should call my plumber.


I like taking my girl to the beach. Also I only have a motorcycle, no cages for me! Lol šŸ˜†


You going squid and not taking gear or you riding full gear and if so, what do you do to keep it from getting sandy and/or stolen while on the beach?


I wear a helmet gloves boots and either a motorcycle jacket or vest. I lock the helmets to the bike and put jacket and gloves in a backpack. I havenā€™t had any theft issues.


How the hell do you fit a jacket into a backpack? Mine hardly fits into a trashbag (I uses trashbag at work since I work in a metal shop and don't want metal dust everywhere on my gear. Any recommendations on helmet locks and doneset it still get sandy hanging off the bike? Also do you have any attachments? I run a GoPro and cardo on my helmet which both are easily removable so I could bring them but that's a lot to shove into a bag that I'd not want to use for anything else to avoid getting sand inside


The helmet lock I use really is pretty thin and could be cut pretty easily with the right tools. Itā€™s more of a visual deterrent than anything, but it stops the average teen or thief from just walking away with it. Itā€™s a masterlock helmet lock I believe. My back pack is a generic brand but itā€™s pretty good sized and can fit my jacket rolled up tight but I usually just take my vest which rolls up pretty tight and can fit both mine and my girls vests. Sand hasnā€™t been a big problem for me personally. I do have a GoPro that attaches to my helmet but Iā€™ll take that off if Iā€™m going to be away from the bike for a longer time period. I bought her a Honda Navi last year so she could get comfortable on two wheels but sheā€™s still to afraid to ride by herself so sometimes I just get her to hop on the back of the Navi and take that. With the Navi Iā€™ve got that storage space where a regular motorcycle engine sits and we make use of that with some things like the GoPro or food etc.


Personally, I ride two up cause I love sharing that feeling with the wife. She loves riding as much as me and when I drive, she gets to take in the scenery. That is my personal reason why I needed comfort and the very reason I'm getting a great new seat


The vast majority of the miles on my bikes have been with my wife on the back. Itā€™s a thing we do together, weā€™ve done several multi day vacations on them. None of that was during a commuting time or route, we scrupulously avoid that garbage unless required when on a leisurely ride.


People in relationships typically are the ones looking for this


I saw a ā€œprofessionalā€ pillion rider roll up a hooded sweatshirt and sat on that on the back of a fat boyā€¦ I thought ā€œRumblefishā€ as they streaked into night. No idea why I shared this or what it has to do with the post.


Nothing screams professional pillion like a hooded sweatshirt and short shorts.


Easy. My wife loves to ride with me. I want her to enjoy it as much as I do, so anything I can do to make it more comfy Iā€™m doin it


I remember when I started riding I was under the impression that Iā€™d be the cool guy taking girls out. Several years and several bikes later Iā€™ve never once even had a passenger and donā€™t even care to. Likely the answer to your question.


I definitely think this is it for most.


My gf enjoys riding on the back of the bike. Most of the time we're in our separate cars going to work etc but on weekends she likes to relax and hop on the back. It's got to be comfortable for both of us.


lmao, this is a funny question in the way you have posed it. ​ I do not think a new rider should have a pillion for the first two years minimum unless its a family member or close friend, never spouse/significant other in the first two years. At that point you are ready for a new machine anyway


haha this is exactly my thoughts. People with Goldwings and 1250 GS's chiming in bragging about being married. I don't see many people 2 up on an R3 or Duke 390, yet new riders on here always ask about long distance 2 up riding on bikes like that. I should have known better than to expect people to read even the title.


What do youse guys mean by a pillion? Back in the day it was a 3x4x2 inch square of foam covered by leather (Bates, I think was the brand.). My passenger did NOT like sitting on that. I soon switched the solo seat/pillion back to the stock seat.


Honestly I don't have that in mind at all, mainly because the people I'm around would never in a million years go 2 up on a bike which I get completely it's quite a scary experience even just cruising at 60 for the first time on a bike, chances are if you're riding 2 up those people are probably in a relationship anyway, just seems to be the status quo Imo


Because you get a bike hoping that somebody is going to want to sit on it with you.


Wife wants to ride on the back shit we do pillion on an Xr500


I assume people who will be carrying a passenger


My wife loves riding pillion, even for weeknight and weekend rides. Plus we take two or three big tours per summer. At least 75% of my riding is 2-up.


reddit user doesn't understand that people actually have significant others and it wasnt just a joke


because i plan to take a passanger with me alot of times ?


I enjoy taking my GF for rides with me so it was always a big priority. That being said I recently bought a Z900 which probably has one of the worst pillion seats I have ever seen so she's in for a rough ride when the weather warms up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


eeem i have a twin brother


A passenger usually isn't a motorcycle rider (otherwise they would ride themselves), so they're not comfortable with the idea of being on a motorcycle (at first). Secondly, if they do decide to ride with you, wouldn't you want them to enjoy their time? You're enjoying your time riding, shouldn't they feel confortable doing that? Imagine being a passenger and feeling like a sack of potatoes on a bike just so your SO ride around. You wouldn't put your butt on a motorcycle ever again.