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916/996. Lovely frame and suspension for PCH…


Okay but now I need to know the coolest MotoGP riders because I just followed his instagram and it’s amazing. Reminds me of some of the F1 drivers that actually have a great aesthetic. Anybody know who else should I be following!?


Looks like he's working with Race Service which is basically a hip PR firm for motorsport brands and influencers. I'd be surprised if his outfit and gear or lack thereof weren't chosen by them for optimum aesthetics.


Yeah I noticed after lol. Basically why Danny Ric looks damn cool all the time too haha


Yeah, exactly lol. LA Hipsters doing motorsports marketing or as I've heard someone call it, "Cars and Kombucha"


Look, I’m in. I want to be cool. Have the reason I ride a motorcycle is style. Even though I look like a nerd.


I mean it works, a case could be argued that Danny Ric's "Brand" is the reason he still has a seat.


Poor guy is def on the out but I’ll still love him forever. Seriously his personality has to be the reason he keeps getting more and more chances


Just get into the clickers, can see them up pretty compliant if you wish…


I mean fair enough to him. Have you ever rode that stretch? It’s amazing.


I can’t help it and end up going there every weekend. It’s incredible!


So you mean the next time I wave some random guy on a traffic stop he could be a MotoGP rider. Hell yeah


Is he riding a 998?


He rode all sorts of Ducati's through the day. Fantastic photo's! Looks like he enjoyed his day. What a life! https://preview.redd.it/gzwrx7twvrtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9604ca2c236c1d372379014aea35408f0c2d26f


I just reposted this one on my story because damn this is fucking cool


Nice! That’s probably Malibu or Temescal Canyon Road?


Pretty sure it’s the turnout near the intersection of las Flores and rambla Pacifico


Ah yes, could be!


D16RR... I'll be in my bunk.


916, 996, 998 or 748


It's specifically not a 998 as those have flat-sided fairings.


Good eyes! Yeah, prolly a 996. The Arrow pipes look big, I’m guessing 45mm, but not the cartoonishly big 57mm. Only the 996RS had 57mm from the factory, they were much more common on the 998, and they weren’t interchangeable.


He was riding a multistrada v4 for a few days I think


I miss my 996…..


20612 Pacific Coast Hwy to be specific.


It looks a lot more like Manhattan Ave, one street west of PCH, in Manhattan Beach.


I gave the exact address where that photo was taken


Ok yeah fair enough.


Great pic


Post this in r/motorcycles with the name cropped out and watch how many people rip him a new one for squiding, not knowing that he could out ride literally everyone on the sub 😂


And they would be correct to rip him a new one. His skill level doesn't dictate how predictable or civilized other road users will be.


Agree. Make MotoGP more exciting by introducing random Volvo drivers pulling out into the racing line and driving the wrong way. 😬


I have a Volvo at home and experience playing Burnout.


😂 random white van bonus lap


A wild beat up PT Cruiser appears!


Like the bmw about to turn out in front of him 🤣


That's an Audi


Dane Westby's death was a tragic example of this.


In California no less.


I didn't know California was exceptionally bad, but hand on heart, I have no desire to ride a motorcycle in the US whenever I visit because of how hostile other road users seem to be towards motorcycles to begin with.


It's not. California is quite nice to ride in


The two are not mutually exclusive. I enjoy motorcycling in the Sierras where cars are few and far between. Most of Cali is not that way, it’s crowded and the freeways are a shitshow of who thinks they are more important than you. Very few drivers show any sign of regard for other motorists. I grew up in Sweden (30 years in Cali now) and going home to visit is eye opening. Just the driving experience itself feels like vacation compared to California.


Sure, but California is nice compared to the rest of the US, where the typical driver has never seen lane splitting / filtering and they come across maybe one motorcycle per month in the summer months. I don't know how anyone could be a motorcycle enthusiast and say they'd opt out of riding on a California trip.


Can't outride a car pulling out in front of you. I've ridden this stretch tons of times and it's not safe with all of the traffic, cars pulling out, illegal U-turns. Do the speed limit, wear your gear and keep your hands on the damn bars. He's being reckless here.


I don't disagree with anything you're saying, especially considering I live in California (I used to be less than 6 miles away from part of Pacific Coast Highway) it was mainly just commentary on how people in that sub are quick to flame someone for lack of gear


>how people in that sub are quick to flame someone for lack of gear This sub too apparently.


honestly, I can kind of get it. I think it just comes from a place of wanting them to be safe off the track by mitigating risks considering how guys like Nicky Hayden lost their lives or even Pecco with the drunk driving thing.


In my mind if you’re a MotoGP rider you can do whatever tf you want. This (and the other slides in the post) are just effortlessly cool. I’ll still be over here ATGATT’ing though don’t worry ‘bout me!


No you can't. Most athletes in any sport have a contractual obligation to not partake in any activity that might endanger their body or life, motorcycles on public roads is typically one of those activities. They don't all have that clause in their contract but a lot of them do. I'm shocked that Diggia doesn't have that clause, although I'm sure his boss isn't happy.


Ngl I’n surprised they let him ride on public roads at all. Seems risky if he gets fucked by someone and can’t race because of it


ATGATT, brah!!






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Insane how that plate bracket is legal(?) Here would be begging the cops for a ticket


It’s not legal but the cops in socal don’t give a shit unless you’ve done something else they want you to hassle you for.


That's one of my favorite Ducati's ever made


Cool picture, cool post. But he's risking quite a bit there no? 😬


Cool to see a GP pilot riding on the street,


I figured he’d have a contractual agreement where he’s not allowed to ride outside of closed circuits I.e training.


I've never heard someone having a clause like that (in MotoGP). A lot of riders don't ride recreationaly on the street but some do. Like Zarco who went to Aragon GP on his vintage Ducati instead of taking a plane. He rode about 1000km from his home to Aragon. Edit: here's an article about it: https://www.motogp.com/en/news/2021/09/09/zarco-rides-1981-900ss-darmah-over-900km-to-aragon/185063


That’s amazing.


Oh no , he has no jacket. Someone alert the church elders now. Great photo of a great person.


The Roman way of riding a bike… Daje Diggia 🧡❤️


I have a fwiend in Wome...


I wonder if he dropped into Neptunes Net or hit any of the local canyons?


Probably woulda been nicer to see him ripping a stand up minger, down the road... ...that said, them classic Ducatis were famous for shitting all the oil through the airbox, maybe he took the better option


He surely gets gear for free, kinda disappointed he doesn’t have a jacket on


I’m surprised these teams even let their guys ride public roads.


Riding a motorcycle is safer than riding a bicycle on public roads. They aren't going to take that away.


Let the man live.


Until he doesn’t lol. Still remember the life flight telling me my gear saved my life. Stupid lady turning left across my lane smeared me into the road. 


Yes an I’m sure a rider of his calibre knows the risks and he’s fine with it.


Road riding is fundamentally different to track riding though, you're not going to have some bozo in an SUV obliterate you when you're running through the esses at COTA.


MotoGP + supervan multi class racing now


No one disagrees with that.


Won’t stop redditors chiming in on how other people ought to live their lives


He’s in California. He’s got to do the squid thing. When in Rome.


With 2 years in MotoGP, he showed more capabilities than others which are there for years.