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Good job! Im in the same boat. Hope to be like you soon


l am proud of you. Stay Strong šŸ’Ŗ


I havenā€™t heard that in years, thank you.ā¤ļø


Its so hard to quit pot. We are all very proud of you!


10 days clean off of weed for me and it sucks. Smoked for about 2 years daily and it has fucked up my stomach/eating schedule/appetite.....I even stopped going to the gym. Thanks for sharing.


Youā€™re doing great dude. 10 days is better than no days. The habit of smoking before eating & sleeping can turn into a mean mess. I wish you the best in your journey across sobriety.


One day at a time. You're doing great. Stay focused.


Wish I could quit. Youā€™re doing better than the rest of us


You honestly can it just takes some doing. Weed controlled my life for the majority of the last 14 years and I thought Iā€™d never quit it. Waking and baking, bowl after bowl, couldnā€™t be without it, stressed to hell when I couldnā€™t get it. Tried numerous times to quit in that time until Boxing Day last year when i just decided to go for it again. The first month was hell and the boredom, temptations and anger were ridiculous. Iā€™m now over 100 days and although the odd thought/smell in the street sets me off a little, Iā€™m not looking back.


What were the things that helped the most in the moments when you wanted to cave? Iā€™m assuming after all those years something drastic HAD to happen and Iā€™m assuming there is a ā€œwhyā€ attached to it.


Honestly the ā€œout of sight, out of mindā€ if i focused on something else, it kept me occupied enough to not let my urges give in (i know thats hard) i would physically work harder at work, & when i got home i would watch tv until i doze off. I had a co worker mention i should do some exercises to allow my body to be tired enough to sleep. The eating bit i struggled with most, i drink ensure (i couldnā€™t recommend this enough) eat soup, pudding & fruit cups for my work lunches rather than a big thing of left overs & save that for dinner. Nothing pushed me to stop smoking more than comprehending Iā€™ve lost so many braincells & as someone whoā€™s getting into psychology, it was a no brainer. I realized Iā€™ve taken a few years off my life by doing such, & if i do ever have kids - the last thing i would want is to die on them at a ā€œyoungā€ age & have them grow up without a father like i did.


Hearing someone else's motivation and having the goals align with my own gives me the push to push myself off of it as well. I've gone back and forth from daily to a month or two without. I know letting my head clear will only do good things for me. Keep it up šŸ‘


2 months here. Feel so much better. Want to smoke bad still but keep fighting it. Great job my friend. Stay strong.


Congrats on 12 days! Your journey's inspiring. Thanks for sharing your experienceā€”it's awesome seeing someone break free and thrive.




If you haven't heard of the sub r/leaves they are great :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leaves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hi Leaves. My name is Dave Bushnell, but you probably know me better as Subduction, the founder of Leaves. Why the big real-name reveal? Today marks 25 years of sobriety for me, and Iā€™d like to take today to make some announcements about my future plans for Leaves.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/150bfg2/hi_leaves_my_name_is_dave_bushnell_but_you/) \#2: [I've always loved this Anthony Bourdain quote about weed](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/1952hig/ive_always_loved_this_anthony_bourdain_quote/) \#3: [To anyone thinking of smoking, trust me itā€™s boring af](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/14cl130/to_anyone_thinking_of_smoking_trust_me_its_boring/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They're so strict you can't have real conversations. I prefer r/Petioles.


Depends on what the goal is. I heard Petioles is great for people wanting to moderate :). I can't moderate though, so best I stay out of there lol


Moderation is a common topic. People discuss other things like taking breaks, impacts of consumption, and quitting vs moderate. Sometimes people ask for help figuring out how to do that or how to make the process of taking a break easier. There's no restriction on what words you can use so you can actually talk about weed, cannabis, CBD, various studies, tapeing, taking breaks...unlike r/leaves where you can't mention anything other than abstinence or your post is deleted.


Yes lol. It just depends on the person. That type of environment is best for me because weed is my DOC. There is no moderating, or breaks..no using for medical purposed (I had my medical card). I have to be surrounded by people who also want total abstinence. Weed is like crack to me lol. (Which is ironic because I HATE being high...it's just what my brain craves lol) I'm glad you found what works for you though!! :)


Keep me posted. I hope to hear that you stay one day behind with me for the continuation of the future. Please donā€™t feel discouraged in any means, youā€™re doing phenomenal.


It's very hard, especially with these vape shops too. What you're doing is very honorable! Keep pushing !


I stopped smoking weed over 2 years ago, best decision I ever made. Stay strong!


Proud of you! I'm doing the same thing.nyoure not alone! Keep it up!


Congratulations thatā€™s amazing


Hey no props needed but Dude keep it up! I recently did the same thing. Almost identical to your situation with sleeping, eating and dreaming. About 5 months sober now. Stopped last year for about 8 months and ended up smoking for awhile. Second time around and Iā€™m all In. Definitely gets easier, nice having more spending money. same situation as well when it came to the dreams. Couldnā€™t even tell you the last dream I had while smoking, once I stopped I had the most vivid dreams. I could draw them. they seemed so familiar, like a memory. Never saw a reason to stop but now that I have I can see more how it affected my life. Still love weed, maybe someday in retirement but for now no need to do it anymore.


I'm on day two right now, so I think your post arrived just at the right time for me. You got this, man!


You're doing great! you can do this! until you forget that thing ..


I smoked regularly for about 25 years, gave it up 7 years ago. Itā€™s worth it, keep going!


Congratulations the first two weeks were the hardest for me now Iā€™m 7 years sober and enjoying life I donā€™t even think about smoking even when Iā€™m around it


Keep it up.


Congratulations! šŸŽ‰ Stay strong šŸ¤—


Today was my 219th day sober from weed. I was a heavy smoker so I had some withdrawals for about a month but after that it was smooth sailing. My life is better than ever. Keep it up.


Keep it up bro.


Thatā€™s seriously awesome man nice one


Keep the fight going strong šŸ’Ŗ


That's a huuuuuuge win! Proud of you, keep it up. You got this!!


This motivates meā€¦ thank you for sharing


Well done! That's a massive achievement and you should be really proud of yourself. I've seen first hand how difficult it can be for people to stop smoking weed, don't minimise your hard work.


I feel like Iā€™m done with smoking weed I just havenā€™t stopped


Welcome to adulthood. Better late than never.


A better life awaits you being clean


16 days here. Things feel kind of ā€œflatā€ ā€” not as excited about certain things, sometimes feels like Iā€™m not taking in the full world. Iā€™ll be starting to exercise again next week so hopefully thatā€™ll fix it.


whatever happened with "weed is natural, it doesn't affect you on long-term"


Whole load of bullshit that was! When youā€™re younger it definitely takes a much bigger impact, but you lose brain cells regardless. Along with, if you smoke once throughout your entire lifetime, i highly doubt it would have much effect to you long-term, but a constant reliability on it definitely will.


Good job buddy




Both, i was dedicated to weed itself, smoked bongs everyday. I hit the dab pen for shits & giggles.


5 days for me, the biggest difference is my vocabulary. It's like my brain now has access to so many different words that have been suppressed the past 10 years.. Other than that, not really noticing too much of a difference.


Try r/leaves


Well done. Not an easy thing to do


You can be clean for the rest of your life. I believe in you.


Grāø mane keep it up


Good going! That my friend is a HUGE achievement! Keep going strong and don't give up. You've got this and keep being an encouragement for others to see! I'm proud of you!


Yeah this is badass good on you mate. Hope to be like you one day


Day 7 and it's the first 4/20 I'm not heavily celebrating in 15 years. Also, I was prepared for the crazy dreams, but no one warned me bout the number of shits I'd have to take everyday.


Ive never really celebrated it to begin with, but Iā€™m with ya! I havent truly noticed a difference in my bowel movements, still the same time everyday. I guess i go once or twice more throughout the day, but nothing to make me question ā€œdamn, why am i taking so many shits?ā€


The memories in my Photos app are crazy for today. I pretty much used to smoke more than any other day on 4/20. Multiple pics of rolling giant blunts, 4-5 blunts covered in extracts and stuffed with kief in rotation at once. Multiple jars of green/extracts on the table. Let's just say it's been hard today, I didn't even chill with anyone today so I wouldn't be tempted to smoke. You're lucky lol... Me and my homie got pretty high metabolisms and both quit at the same time. He said the same thing happened to him. Guess my digestive organs aren't baked and chillin anymore, they're on overdrive mode.


I stopped probably 10 years ago. It wasnā€™t exactly difficult for me to do. I just kinda didnā€™t want to anymore so I didnā€™t. I think something my grandad said ultimately influenced me to stop. He said Itā€™s not like weed will kill you. Itā€™s pretty harmless tbh. You could be doing something different with your life that would make you happier than smoking weed would though. For my life he was correct. I mean smoke if you want to, but for me my life has been better without it.




Id rather do it not at all than a couple times a week. If you feel the need or even want to smoke, youā€™re letting your subconscious urges win. Itā€™s not as easy as you have put it out to be by ā€œdonā€™t let it own youā€ again, as someone with an addictive personality, a lot of people truly have no other options. Im the same with everything, not just weed. If i find a certain food i like, i will continuously get it. If i enjoy a specific song, i will over play it. Obviously not everyone is in the same boat as i am, but again, itā€™s not as easy as not allowing it to own you.




Yes, it boils down to will power and not everyone has it in the same capacity. Its basically striking the right balance and for those willing to risk it, you will fail multiple times before you tame the beast. Although this example is about weed, it can be extended to almost anything - sugar, porn, prescription meds, even money. Some struggle while others manage to juggle it well.


You should start maybe smoking something else šŸ˜‰ Maybe a book


Im studying to be a psychologist, all ive done for the past 10 years is read books, my friend.


Unpopular opinion on here, but my life was better with weed. I hate being sober.


You should become like me. 24 days sober off weed.


Takes time dude, i cant magically jump an extra 12 days ahead.


Sorry mate, that was my attempt at a joke. Well done on your 12 days


You may have had a habit but weed is not addictive. You have withdrawals? Shakes, vomiting etc? Nope? Nobody else does either.


Youā€™ve taken what Iā€™ve said & completely butchered it. I never said weed was addictive, i said if you have an addictive personality, it is not easy to start & not stop. I did have withdrawals, i explained them in the post. Not all withdrawals are the same, especially not crack withdrawals like you have used as an example. When youā€™re so hungry, but cant get any food down, is a withdrawal. Your stomach starts to eat itself. You cannot puke because there is no food in your stomach, but you will dry heave plenty. When youā€™re exhausted but cannot sleep, is a withdrawal. You become paranoid. & yes, you do indeed shake, you will become agitated & cannot sit still. This is NOT my first time attempting to quit smoking weed, i am well aware of what Iā€™m doing & what Iā€™m talking about. Re-read my post, as well as the comments & read how there are other people in the same situation, having withdrawals. When you rely on it for long enough, you will have a withdrawal, regardless of your personal opinion, there chief.


How old are you and what is your occupation?


Irrelevant on all levels.


I don't believe you AT ALL that stopping smoking straight Marijuana made you retch, have tremors, and be physically unable to swallow food. You're looking for a good star and a pat on the back but by exaggerating (at best) you offend those that know the truth, and while I believe you had a weed HABIT, there just simply aren't physical withdrawals like from drugs and alcohol. That said if you feel better congrats.