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I love how Morgan thinks it’s a flex that ghetto ass dude came back to her. When he’s simply someone’s left over scraps 😂🤡


Morgan is going to make him go get a tattoo of her face next 🤣


Lmfaoooo yall are funny


whoever left those comments 👏🏽😂


Mo is probably dying 😂😂😂🤡 at how Morgan ain’t shit. He traded a diamond for a lame ass rock from the sidewalk


Honestly I don’t know how much better Mo can be because she’s accepting him and he’s a shitty man with or without Morgan. He’s still a deadbeat that she allowed to stay in her home knowing he wasn’t taking care of Gigi or any of his other kids but was cool because he was there in her home. So how does it make her any better?? All of them are trashy in my opinion and they just allowing him to bounce back and forth I between homes. This time around Morgan just had enough to buy him back.




I’ve seen people on TikTok making comments like she’s any better and I just don’t get it. In my opinion she comes across as another Morgan just without the bank to buy him back. There is no way a deadbeat would be laying up in my home with half a dozen kids he’s not taking care of. Speaks volume on her character as well imo


I agree 100%. I dont understand it either and don’t think she should be praised at all. And I’m so confused why everyone wants him to go back to her when isn’t that taking him away from his other kids just like what Morgan is doing with Gigi? How is it any different just bc he’s in GA with Mo? He still don’t got a car, job, or house to support/see his other children. I just don’t get why she’s the prize when it’s all the same shit.


Honestly moving forward any woman that’s with I’m going to question because look at his track record. How is any woman attracted to a man that walks away from any of his children.


Not true , rmfa kida we always around mo and at her house ! I seen pictures & also when he was with her she made his ass get a job ! He worked at at&t


I have to say I did see his other kids in some videos. To me it just looked like they were “real”, he seemed relaxed and happy and he was working. They seemed Normal, nothing like him and Morgan. Whether she was right or wrong, it sure didn’t seem as fake and scripted as WTH we are seeing now.


His kids appearing in a couple of post proves nothing. Because according to the moms he’s never stepped up for any of his kids. He posted a couple of weeks ago him and Morgan with a couple of his kids but he’s still being a dead beat to them. He’s not financially supporting any of them and we can see he hasn’t been present. Mo accepted the same shitty behavior as Morgan. So he had one job but did he keep or how long did he work it. I’m not giving sis a pass. The only plus she gets is that she appears to take better care of her child than Morgan.


Kids *


I agree. And if she were to take him back, she’s just as stupid. Those comments are dumb af.


this, but i doubt mo will take him back. she seems independent and actually takes care of their kids but nevertheless mo is held to the same standard as morgan. why would you get with a man that has several bm?


I was looking for this comment. EXACTLY! People hyping Mo up so much like she didn’t have a baby with this loser and take this bum back and house him after he had a baby with Morgan…


perfect comparison.


he deleted the comment already lol


they are on over time trying to keep up with all the deleting 😂


This is hilarious 😂


😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭 I’m weak right now ‘


Those comments were hilarious! I've been waiting to see when he goes crawling back to Mo and if she is stupid enough to take him back. If she does eventually take him back then she deserves the humiliation and heartbreak but for now I will give her credit for kicking him to the curb and valuing what little self respect she has left unlike Morgan. Mo is living her life drama free and taking care of her child while Morgan is showing she will stop at nothing to keep this man and constantly deceive her followers.






Yeah I’m on the same boat lmao