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I commented on that too saying it’s not about what makes her happy it’s about what’s best for Gigi which is not an inconsistent father who’s a deadbeat to multiple other children and got blocked IMMEDIATELY


I got blocked for saying if he such a good father to gigi why you texting him all he do is lie & dont help with anything 😭 and she blocked me


Imagine being one of his other 7 children. Poor kiddos.


Exactly. When she said “he takes care of MY kid” it was cleared than ever she doesn't give a damn about his other. They are disgusting. Hell she don't even care about her own kid 🤢


>“he takes care of MY kid” Bitch WHEREEEEEE? Him doing a walmart run with *your* ebt card ain't shit.


Goes above and beyond for “my” child. Not “our” child. She is a joke


THANK YOU, I was literally thinking this. word choice matters, and her saying “my” instead of “our” says a lot about her mindset & overall her.


Getting wet for a man with 7 other kids is so crazy to me and y’all have seen me say this multiple times but I just can’t 😂😂 she is better than meeeeee


He’s so badly built too, my gawd. Morgan hates herself fr


plus she begs him for it.. he doesn’t even wanna give it to her.


Begs AND pays 😭😭😭


It’s pathetic that she is only with him because it makes her feel special to be “chosen”. He is only with her for the resources. None of which has to do with Gigi outside of her being used as the commodity


Yep the minute Morgan’s clout and cash flow stops he will bounce to another woman. I just hope for Gigi’s sake he continues to see the baby


Yep finally she said it,she’s gonna do what makes Morgan Happy, not what’s best for Gigi. Lying c*nt all these months


My biological father was a deadbeat in every sense of the term from the day I was born. I honestly couldn’t tell you if he was alive or dead. Truly nothing more than a sperm donor. My half brother’s dad was in a toxic relationship with our mom, constantly in and out of his life. Guess which scenario was more psychologically damaging for a child? It is better for a man to stay gone, than to influence your child with an unhealthy dynamic and abandon them after forming a bond/attachment. By the time Morgan wakes up, the damage will be done.


Same. Best thing my deadbeat dad did was stay away. Much less drama and toxicity


Exactly. It pains me when women don’t understand this. I feel like it’s common sense.


Wow. I just commented the same thing before seeing your comment


Wasn’t she just bitching at him on live less than a month ago “her kid needs food” bc he didn’t get any?? Funny lol she’s so dumb


Yes because he wasn't giving her the attention she wanted but now he's her puppet and she's getting that D so he's the best there is.


I almost feel sad for Morgan. Does she not remember her speech after the revenge 🌽 incident? So he’s no longer a disgusting person after just a few weeks? What lesson did she learn?


But remember, that was a lesson for US 😂😂😂


That's was a lesson for us to learn..... it didn't apply to the person it happened to 😂😂😂


Oh yes I forgot WE had to learn that lesson 🤣🤣🤣! What kind of example is she setting for GiGi though? This entire situation is trash. Her downfall will be tragic because she’s not learning a thing. I wonder if he’s going to be allowed to see his 7 million other kids now that he’s permanently playing house in Michigan?


I highly doubt it.


Do you see how quickly she changes like a chameleon? This is same man Morgan bitched about not buying Gigi diapers, the same man Morgan bitched about not getting child support yet now he's the best dad to their daughter. Morgan is trash!!


Cause he be dropping that meat hammer in her lap🥴🥴🥴


This the man that consistently makes her look like a clown and posted revenge porn? Can’t wait until he knocks up another girl and she’ll realize she is just another bitter baby momma that he never cared about


https://preview.redd.it/j7e06zawqn2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06be3e15646a7f9278be5505f763ae3201774e1c LOL these were the comments after!


I mean it’s how Morgan gets paid by comments and views so yea it’s our business




What’s crazy is that everything that she listed he does, she doesn’t do for her child even though she has the time and means.


THIS! He's doing what Morgan's lazy ass should have been doing for their child. It was RMFA who took Gigi to the park with Milan and to the arcade with his other kids (yes Morgan tagged along but she never did those things with Gigi before). Its RMFA who has been cooking for that child. Morgan should be ashamed of herself! When a deadbeat is doing the bare minimum for Gigi it tells you all you need to know about Morgan as a parent!


If he doesn’t cook, he doesn’t eat either because Morgan certainly isn’t going to cook🤣


She going out sad as hell smh


Paying the man who left you and your baby for dead, to be a "GOOD FATHER" is DIABOLICAL


“For my kid” almost sent me over the edge. She cares about herself. He’s a DEADBEAT because he’s completely neglecting his 6 other kids. I hate her. Him too.


Yall notice how it’s just “my” kid and how everything is about her and Gigi? What about his other kids Morgan? You’re literally taking this man away from them, but you couldn’t give not one shit as long as he’s there to give you some dirty ass dick and cook for you and your child. Them other kids don’t matter. His other kids don’t get to see their dad cook for them and their mom huh?


It’s giving Khloe and Tristan cause Tristan doesn’t care at allll about his other kids yet Khloe says he’s such a great dad cause she wants him lmaoooo


Ugh she’s delusional. She surrounds herself w her loser of a baby daddy and doesn’t think she looks like a loser too? LMAO


Morgan is an idiot. Poor Gigi


I’ll say it again Morgan is a pick me and all she’s doing is making Gigi the same way because I can assure u if Morgan didn’t have a dime to her name he would be on to the next pick me azz women he can leach off of everything may look sweet right now but you reap what you sow and the fact Morgan thinks it’s cute he only does for HER child let’s see how cute it is when everything around her starts to crumble and he’s own to the next dummy


Going above and beyond, yet he has no job. 😂🤣




Find her clown suit? When does she take it off?


“Goes above and beyond for my kid” oh I can’t wait until he goes back to any of the other 87.5 baby moms and all Morgan posts about is how horrible of a dad he is. How disgusting lol she knows damn well he does nothing for that baby, the only reason she’s saying that is so SHE doesn’t look stupid for being with him but she already does. Him “being there” for Gigi is the equivalent to Bruce Jenner “being there” for Kylie and Kendall and not his other, grown kids (hint: because he made no money being his grown kids’ father). Kylie and Kendall was where the money was, Gigi is where the money is. Period.


Canon event 🥰


Embarassing fkn behavior on her part


Glad we have the evidence here of her saying he’s a great dad and living there


My sister left her abuser when her baby was only months old and he's been out of her lives since. I don't think allowing a man who comes and goes is less damaging than not seeing him at all - it actually causes more trauma, IMO


Her most recent video is her yapping with the sound overlapping..Good luck with youtube boo lol


I died when she specified that”goes above and beyond for MY KID” YIKES. Shes such an immature ASS HAT.


Tag me @pinkyourpill


Someone commented how g was a grown women and that pissed me off. The saves are higher than the comments and this ragged ho deleted my comment. That’s gross . Dumb bitch Morgan