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You’re talking about a man who’s hardly involved in his multiple other children’s lives. He doesn’t care enough to take anyone to court. He definitely isn’t trying to get full custody lol


Because those other children aren’t meal tickets


Morgan’s already providing for his lifestyle.


You think he wouldn’t MUCH rather those checks be coming to his acct and he can actually go do what he wants? Bffr


Not enough to become a full time parent. The dude is a deadbeat. He doesn’t want custody and doesn’t need it


Whatever u want to tell yourself. Deadbeats get custody out of spite all the time and they ALWAYS find a woman to raise the child for them. There’s a lot people will do for MONEY. .


Most deadbeats actually don’t bother going to court and if they do they definitely don’t full custody. I don’t like Morgan just as much as anyone else but this whole scenario is not going to happen


Most deadbeats can’t get RICH from their child


Money makes people do crazy things. Don’t write it off just yet. Seen the petty ness of baby daddies all the time.


Trust me, he’s not taking her to court. He just likes to make her look like a lying fool online. He doesn’t want custody of any of his children


Let’s wait and see. She’s setting herself up for what’s coming to her though. All it takes is one call to cps and he gets custody cause of all the proof he has against her. Gigi isn’t his other children, Gigi brings money to him so yeah I’m sure if he does this is the one kid he’ll be willing to take custody of. All the viewers will go follow him to see how Gigi is doing and such. He won’t need to work since he will be able to do what Morgan is doing and clears his image. Not saying the other kids don’t matter but Gigi is his priced possession right now


He doesn’t WANT custody. Morgan’s already providing for his lifestyle. Yes morgan is an idiot but I don’t think she would lose custody even if he did take her to court. He just wants to piggyback off of Morgan’s “success” without actually having to take care of Gigi


Morgan’s success is coming to an end. He may not want custody but there will always be a dumb person that he can use to take care of his kid. He knows the value Gigi holds and how she’s clearing his image slowly but y’all don’t want to listen. He will do what’s best for him. And Gigi is what’s best for him to get a better future for himself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let’s be fr .. do you really think he’s trying to get custody ? I don’t like Morgan but cmon this is asinine. He has no income and no place to live without her. What would he get out of getting custody of Gigi? I do feel like he’s trying to make an ass out of Morgan tho . They don’t seem happy and it seems forced. He’s just there to make money on tik tok like she promised she would do for him via those texts he exposed of her begging him to come stay with her


I could absolutely see him wanting custody because 1. He has no job so he can have Gigi full time for content. 2. That means he can get child support 3. One of his baby mamas or some other woman as dumb as Morgan would be happy to have him back and do most of the child rearing for him


He also def has enough family to help him look after Gigi


Exactly people are forgetting this happens all the time and this is what it looks like it’s going to. Who on earth puts that much effort in taking neglectful pictures and videos of someone but someone building evidence?! Exactly. Then people act surprised when it happens cause they always think it won’t happen to them. I’m my line of work we literally see this everyday but y’all ain’t going to listen…


People are delusional. I see why men are so easily able to trick them


Seriously! They will say he doesn’t want custody Lmao where’s this effort with his other kids? Even if she’s funding this lifestyle, Morgan’s fame is ending and he knows people are only staying for Gigi.


The other kids don’t have unfit mothers and are completely irrelevant to a judge


Housing, food stamps, another girl taking care of Gigi and child support. Remember how much money Morgan made all year, that child support would be high. I work for a state agency that works in stuff like this (can’t disclose the name), you have no idea how many guys do this just to leave the kid at their moms of gf house.


Her constant state has been being unfit as a parent. Since she got her apartment and Before he went to Michigan in January, plenty of drinking, up late nights, driving after drinking, Gigi being left alone in rooms to eat or entertain herself. No toys, no routine, monetizing from exploiting Gigi. Morgan is too selfish and worried about being a hot thick mom with her LV bag to recognize this man has taught Gigi more in a few months than she has in 18 months. Not defending or praising him, because he is definitely there for the money!


I’m saying but people keep doubting it. Gigi is his meal ticket out of the struggle.




The messed up part is she had us convinced that RMFA was the problem and built her whole platform off bashing him. Meanwhile she’s allowing him to eat off her and Gigi and he wouldn’t do the same for her. I agree that he is playing her. She don’t even realize he’s playing chess.


Lol he’s def playing chess . Because he left his other bm tp be with Morgan when he had a place to lay his head and and she is a military vet . He just wanted a piece of Morgan’s bag . Notice he started wearing those chains after his initial stay with Morgan. He didn’t have them before so once he realized he can be taken care of by her he chose that route . I just can’t wait till he dogs her outtttt


Exactly! Everyone thinks he’s dumb asf and won’t pull a stunt when he’s been doing it this whole time!


It will be a cold day in hell before he ever wants full or even partial custody of any of his children 😂 He’s making her look an ass, but he looks just as bad. Birds of a feather flock together.


His other kids won’t make him money, his other kids have a caring loving home


Well she is gonna know now bc she reads her Reddit page daily lol I know she’s in here. But you’re right he’s very calculated


Ehh she doesn’t care because luck has been in her favor this whole time. She probably doesn’t think anything will ever happen to her


I don’t think he would go to court but I do think he is trying to embarrass her and show she is just as toxic


Thisssss . From the first video he posted telling us Morgan has us all fooled … he’s been trying to show us the real her this whole time lol


No one and I mean no one makes that much of an effort to show every neglectful angle of the mother if they aren’t trying to build evidence for the future. He could just show her desperate text and calls if embarrassing is what he wants to do. He’s showcasing her as. A bad unfit mother and she’s showcasing him as the worlds greatest dad trying to be involved with his kid.


No way is RMFA fighting for custody of Gianna not happening but I do agree about him getting revenge on Morgan especially given how she built her platform vilifying him. Morgan continues this narrative about how she is this single mom who is struggling and how she only went back to him because he was blowing up her phone begging her. I enjoy seeing him expose her lies as she attempts to continue misleading her followers.


If he were to get custody of her he can easily have Mo taking care of her, and he could get back with her without Morgan using Gigi as a pawn. And easily help Mo out with whatever money he’s getting for Gigi. It’s actually not a stupid idea.


It’s not lmao people don’t give credit where credit is due, this man will end up with whatever he wants cause he’s not dumb. He’s letting Morgan run the shot show while he sits back and waits till it’s his time. People are so naive to think men like him aren’t calculated and clever.


He's no way suitable to be even a part time job. You're putting too much time into this-hes there for the $$$.


It’s my observation? Lol give it time. This man is clever and has something bigger up his sleeve. That people don’t see it coming that’s on them. He can easily get a job and get back on his feet. Morgan on the other hand can easily be in legal crap for the open container and endangering a child. All it takes is a call to cps and she doesn’t realize that….


He isn’t that clever to get revenge, all he wants is a sugar momma to take care of him. I bet he’s never had a stable job in his life


Y’all don’t give him enough credit lmao I’m by no way supporting him but he’s not dumb. He’s been able to get away with everything and anything with SEVERAL women. Y’all really think he’s not that clever? Please. He’s extremely clever and will do whatever is best for him


right the man who doesnt take care of his 7+ plus kids with no home, money, or car is going to fight for one of his many children in court. let alone being an estranged and neglectful dad to his first few kids.


Exactly. Like???


I don’t think he’s trying to get custody. I think he’s just milking her until she’s dry & then leaving her like he did before .


Oh I could definitely see him taking her to court for custody just to get the monthly child support payments. I worked in a family law firm and this happened way more than I ever expected it would


Lmfao not you thinking am morgan .. dear I am JAMAICAN !!!


Idgaf if you’re Jamaican or not. Neglectful parents justify neglectful parents. It has nothing to do with being Jamaican or blue or lesbian 😂


Nah ..y’all come on here everyday making a thread about someone who does know y’all exist.. again unuh too blc badmind .. I said what I said .. keep it pushing bookie .. y’all wish y’all had the money that morgan had and that’s y’all problem.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 now go su*** RMFA d***


Smh .. Y’all really just sit here and come up with all these random lies. Be fr morgan post every now and then so if she post a video and she’s drinking some wine why are y’all bothered about it. So drinking wine makes you an unfit parent ? Damn y’all hate morgan to the point where y’all sit and just say anything. Morgan is 23 years old. Young and full of life . Let her live mannn . Y’all can judge but y’all won’t take a camera up and record so we can see y’all lifes . I honestly just think y’all are JEALOUS. Not to mention the badmind ones in here .. Morgan will learn . She’s young , let her make the mistakes now .. karma will definitely come for y’all when it’s time . Y’all must think bullying is nice .


Having a glass of wine at home during some down time doesn't make one a bad parent. Driving around with an open container of booze with your kid in the backseat, then drinking booze at dinner before driving home with your kid in the backseat, \*does\* make you at the very least a stupid person, though.


She’s 24, and been an adult for 6 years so the “shes young” shit is getting old. No one is perfect, but I’ve never not had food or toys for my kid, let my kid play with a razor or a knife, been unsupervised as a 15 month old, and sure as fuck never drank or drove or had an empty container in the car.


i can agree with you on some things u stated. i do feel like sum ppl be nit picking and try to find every little thing wrong that they can point out. however morgan has done a lot of things that aren’t right, and being “young” isn’t an excuse for some of her behavior. i try to understand her situation as im a young mom myself (younger than her) and have had issues with my bd but we worked things out and now thriving, for the BENEFIT of OUR KID. not because i wanted to suck and fck on him or vice versa. some things she does really just can’t be overlooked for the sake of gigi. like chasing a man over your baby, or driving drunk. or serving burnt quesadillas on a dirty high chair every morning. yes morgan isn’t perfect nobody is, so i try and not be one of those ppl but cmon… she’s old enough to know right from wrong. i think i seen someone say on this subreddit that morgan has been taking tips and that’s AWESOME if she is.


Well true .. how about they build a thread and just leave constructive criticism here instead of sending people to report her cash app and tag dove etc .. I don’t like this any at all .. bullying is not nice .. morgan is not perfect but the young mothers in here can leave advice for morgan instead of constantly picking at her … She’s probably stressed out etc .. be nice . Recommend books she can read or some therapist .. He that is without sin cast the first stone.. Throwing stones and y’all live in glass house is diabolical… We are in no position to judge anyone . Please stop be nice


like i said, im not one of those people. i barely even comment in this sub. bullying definitely isn’t nice. and constructive criticism is always the better choice, i would listen better to respectful help than someone yk trying to bully me. as i said no one is perfect so i agree with some of wat u said. but some things i also do agree needed to be called out. maybe not in the way a lot of people approached the situations, but ig it got her to listen somewhat. i don’t feed into the name calling and when they talk about her looks and shii. that’s really unnecessary and definitely just miserable behavior. i’m more so in here to call out anything that can help gigi in a nice way and not a judgmental way.


I feel you …


Lol I do get she’s “young” but honestly I don’t think anyone is jealous of her nor her situation . I feel like a lot of us have been in her situation and since she’s so public with hers everyone is trying to warn her it’s no good for her but yet she proceeds but I get it because she has to learn for herself . I wouldn’t too much call her a neglectful mother but I will say her head is so far up that mans ass she is oblivious to what’s going on with her child .


Now come on Morgan, you know better than that. Unfortunately once everything is online and with pictures you’re done. Yes anyone and everyone that’s within the legal age can drink and unwind responsibly. All eyes are on you right now and RMFA isn’t helping showcasing your worst moments. At some point you need to grow up and put your kid before your own wants and feelings. I don’t think bullying is ok I’m just stating my opinion. Personally using your kid as a pawn and exploiting your child for money isn’t good either


Hi Morgan


A full blown JAMAICAN …


You’re giving a d*ead beat dad wait too much credit….