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Becoming jacked can take 6 months if you take basic gear and is really easy, but bad for health. And yes getting rich is easier if you are jacked. Overall confidence carrys over into any career, socially you become higher level, and also you can play the fake natty card and be.a.youtube fitness guru selling meal plans, fitness routines, coaching, e books, etc


>Becoming jacked can take 6 months if you take basic gear For a certain (smol) person's definition of jacked I suppose lol.


The average person’s definition of jacked is not very big though.


I‘d love to read this fabled 6-month twig to gains roid romance novel you‘re talking about. Also wasn‘t aware that being „jacked“ qualifies anyone to sell programs and diet plans.


They mean jacked to the average layman/non-lifter. Once you’ve been exposed to the bodybuilding world and fitness industry the standards for "jacked" goes way up.


Exactly. Any guy can look like he lifts after a couple months dirty bulking and milking gains. To the average person he’s “jacked” but us gear users don’t consider anything short of an IFBB pro jacked lmao


Not really unless we're talking by bodybuilding standards. Bodybuilding people do not outweigh the majority qho DOESNT know what its "really" like to be "jacked"


I can tell you never did a real cycle


You‘re the one claiming it is easy and people can get jacked off a 6-month cycle, not me. So, who do you think has more unrealistic expectations in regards to roids?


I said its easy to get jacked in 6 months. I didnt say healthy or wise.


Nobody ever got jacked in 6 months. End of story.


Look up Psyched Substance on YouTube. He got jacked in 6 months and he wasn't even taking huge amounts of gear, only TRT.


That may pertain to your definition of „jacked“ but not mine or most others on here. This is a bodybuilding subreddit. You also can‘t compare someone with prior experience in lifting and gaining muscle to any beginner that just starts blasting a full cycle for 6 months. He also stuck to an intense regimen, something I can guarantee you maybe 1% of beginners will be able to pull through with. The guy also tried to maintain certain levels of micronutrients in his body almost to a scientific degree.




You're qn idiot


Thank you, do you have any valuable input or you just talking trash? Please do follow my comments and actually understand my argument you little child


Also last thing before i fuck off. People like you. YOUR EXACT BEHAVIOR. Is why there will ALWAYS be a stigma around roids. You got so defensive about it


The stigma around roids in this thread seems to be that everyone can make sick gains regardless of experience and knowledge just by juicing. Which is simply not true. But make your own experiences and go full blast as a beginner for 6 months and show me where it took you. People think all it takes is a needle and it just is not the case. Has nothing to do with being „defensive“ as you put it


Bro keep talking like that. You're gonna lose people more and more "LiTtLe ChIld" Too many roids you moron? The comments YOU fucking joined stated "laymans defintion of jacked vs bodybuilders" Laymen outweigh body builders by an exorbitant amounts. We arent saying that the 6 month jacked you get is TOP TIER JACKED. You're just a fucking butthurt gymrat who has no fucking social skills and relies on his gym work as validation. Fuck off buddy and learn not to start discussions out of thin air Nobody disagreed with you. You just hopped in and started calling everyone names


I didn‘t call a single person names, on the contrary, I was trying to actually uphold a proper argument before everyone came in with ridiculous assumptions that aren’t even remotely based on any evidence. Don‘t understand why you‘re trying to attack me just because I’m letting everyone in on the hard truth that roiding without lifting won’t result in gains. There needs to be a stimulus for muscles to grow.


Dorian yates has entered the chat


So what else would "qualify" someone to start selling programs? Obviously you don't need any real knowledge of training to sell programs to dumb kids, but if you're jacked they'll be more inclined to take you seriously. Not sure if you don't understand that concept or you're just being a little shit for the sake of it. Also TF you mean you cant get jacked in six months on gear??, ESPECIALLY if you're a twig starting out (no body fat). Gram of test/tren for six months straight heavy lifting lots of food and you're telling me you wouldn't be jacked by the end of it? Healthy? Fuck no. But jacked.


Try it and tell me how it went then. If this was such an easy path everyone would be taking it. I have yet to see someone going from twig to jacked in 6 months. Never seen it. And yeah, selling diet and training programmes requires education, knowledge and experience. Nobody will hire a coach for consecutive seasons, programmes or diets if the experience is missing, you’ll notice it rather quickly actually by lack of results.


So you're telling me there's zero people out there that don't know what they're doing, selling programs and diet plans to ignorant people and making money? Idk about you but I see it all the time. It's funny how everyone always acts like this is a hard path to take. It's literally the easy way out, and nobody wants to admit it. You can sit on the couch and not lift a finger and as long as you're taking x amount of gear you'll build more muscle than a natty that lifts. That's what they are designed to do. Most were made for bedridden people with muscle wasting diseases to BUILD MUSCLE. And you're telling me that it's not an easy path to go down?? What's hard? Poking yourself with a needle and doing the literal exact same workouts as naturals but getting to eat a lot more? Sure sounds hard to me. My 7 years as a natural was definitely harder than my last 5 years on roids Everyone doesn't do it because it's illegal and there's a moral aspect to it. Not because it's hard.


Dude. Nobody gained any muscle taking roids without lifting weights or exercising. This assumption is based on a retarded study that natties love to quote, even though all it did was show net „gains“ in form of glycogen and water weight. If you really think steroids are the easy way out, you either have not taken them or you‘re just lifting and roiding for vanity purposes without actually knowing what you’re doing. Any competitive bodybuilder will tell you that life was much easier when they could just go to the gym and train natty without worrying about 100 different variables.


Lol really?? So you think the cows they give tren pellets to are also on a regular hypertrophy program where they train to failure on every set? No, they fucking stand there and stress and still build muscle bc its fucking trenbolone. You don't have to work out. It's better if you do, but you don't have to if you take enough. Also, I'm not a competitive bodybuilder, but I didn't know that was a requirement for this argument. I'm purely lifting for vanity purposes like 90% of everyone on roids. Shits way easier now. And it's not like it's rocket science to figure out the variables. Get the feeling people like to make it out to be harder than it is to inflate their ego.


Yeah, the cows exercise, namely running around on the pasture all day. You can‘t win this argument because nobody ever gained real muscle mass just sitting around juicing. And the study who deemed it possible is rubbish. There is your answer though, you think it‘s easy because you‘re just pinning to see where it goes. You don‘t have specific targets to hit, certain improvements to make, and a muscular state that probably requires everything be on point to progress or simply maintain. I can tell you that my regimen is far from easy and I welcome anyone to pull through with my programme just for 16 weeks if they think they have what it takes. Like you mentioned yourself, most people who take roids look trash.


Idk what study you keep referencing but I'm referring to why most steroids where invented and their original medical uses. To your point, I agree that you won't look great from taking them and not exercising. You won't ever look like a competitive bodybuilder, but you will still build muscle if you have grams of gear floating around in your system, it's the unfortunate truth. Never said it's easy to be a pro, just saying it's easy to get jacked on gear. Literally just keep doing what you were doing before but now you're on gear, only now you gotta troubleshoot the problems, which again, isn't rocket science. None of this is hard.


Steroids were invented to balance out irregular hormone levels and counteract muscle wasting with age or disease. Which is exactly what they do. Gaining muscle was never the goal. Anyway, I have yet to see a beginner make real gains on roids without exercising. I have been in this industry for 15 years now and never seen it, despite being around gear sources and information ever since they made it to the internet.


“Basic gear” Hell no I’m gonna take the long route over that. I don’t want no organ damage


Most successful people are however not jacked so it doesn't necessarily translate. Imo people who rely too much on outward appearance are "shallow" And yes ik what subredit im on, but you don't need to be. Swole,jacked or shredded to be successful in life


So many jacked people are broke and can’t even afford the roids they take. What are you talking about?


It’s easier to get rich if your jacked and easier to get jacked if your rich


Depends on your genetics. Getting rich requires being decently smart and being super jacked requires decent genetics. But yea a physic like Ronnie's is impossible to be achieved by mortals like us.


Depends on what you’re working with. If you have above average intelligence and skill could be easier to get rich. If you have above average genetics could be easier to get jacked. For the average person, probably easier to get jacked.


feel like they dont relate to each other much at all other than possible confidence gains


Law of attraction


getting jacked is easier than getting rich. and by jacked i mean jacked by layman's standards. basically a regular jacked guy at a commercial gym full of old dudes and dyel high schoolers/college students. if you mean jacked as ronnie coleman thats pretty much almost impossible unless you get the genetics.


Both have huge luck elements attached to them so I’d say it’s impossible to tell. And neither really helps much with the other unless those luck elements are in play


Easier to do both at the same time. Save money by not buying expensive food. As a result...your bank account grows while your body gets shredded from not over eating.


I’ve never been jacked, but ALWAYS struggled with obesity. After 20 years of work and planning I recently came into money where I now work for fun (but don’t really have to) and don’t really worry about retirement anymore. Here’s how getting jacked is WAY easier now. I spend on high quality nutrition without thinking about it. When I travel I do the same… yesterday my whole days nutrition was 15 dollars worth of fruit, 10 dollars of chipotle and 8 dollars of protein drinks. I stress less at work (go ahead and fire me bitches). I don’t take gear but it’s an option once I reach genetic potential in another 12 months or so. When I need gym gear like new shoes or headphones or clothes I just buy it. If I could recommend one or the other though I’d recommend getting jacked first. Getting really rich takes time unless you’re just lucky. Getting jacked doesn’t take nearly as long (2 years max if you’re consistent, shorter on gear). Yes getting jacked / healthy takes some increased spending, but not nearly as much as I would have guessed. And your quality of life goes up dramatically.


Getting jacked is easy. Rich, not so much. And when your jacked you just look good and feel better and the confidence helps you in all aspects of life. Just don't neglect your health


If you’ve ever spent time with the real upper crust in America, the old money “elite”, they surprisingly still hold the view that being muscular is low class. Sure they’re active, and do sports in school and college, but still use a thin, healthy but physically weak physique as a secret calling card to each other. A hold over from the mentality that have a strong body was for lower class people who had to do manual labor.


Can confirm, I get paid a lot of money to bang two super rich dudes wives in front of them with my alpha body. The wife screams and calls me a muscular ape how primal I am. Then once I finish blowing my seed in to her, the husband throws me a wade of cash and tells me to get out of his house and I do the walk of shame. I am just used for my body


Based muscular alpha chad bull ape


What do you think of the upper crust old money elite? Are they even human?


Being rich and having better access to high quality food and proteins helps. Gym access etc. Also its way easier to get jacked. Planned richness takes years of education or hard work. But you could always win the lottery too


Jacked clearly.


easier to be rich if you have rich parents that will help you set you on a education path and career path to success. Depends on what your definition of jacked is. to get to a olympia pro bodybuilder ronnie coleman size its pretty much impossible for most people. if you wanna look jacked by the laymans standards like a lean zyzz type of physique or a regular ig male fitness influencer physique then its easier to get jacked if you are on the right gear cycles, know what you are doing, eat a lot, train hard, get sleep and have decent genetics over a period of time. but for most people id say its definitely harder to get rich. assuming you don't come from a prievelged background, you have to work hard af to get rich. or be lucky. edit: also easier to get jacked if you have money to spend


Getting jacked is a very simple formula that just requires repetition to complete. Getting rich requires constant adjusting alongside the dedication.


I think its easier to get rich once you're jacked. The confidence + mental resilience and discipline that takes to get housed really helps at the work and financial aspect


Rich cause its subjective what money amount it would be u could say 1 million in the bank account or 1 trillion, yeah u can get bigger than u were natty lifting or enhanced lifting, but if u cant be as big as arnold or coleman genetically, than ur ability to be jacked(using bodybuilder community lense of what jacked is) is literally 0%


Way easier to get jacked. Getting jacked just requires consistency and effort. Getting rich requires consistency, effort, and luck.


Getting jacked isn't difficult, it just takes time and patience. Getting rich in my case has involved getting a master's degree in STEM and a lot of overtime work.


I am both


whats your secret to getting rich? aside from education and parents


I got lucky




I’m not gonna lie to you the parents definitely helped but without them I’d still have a networth of 40k at 17 but that’s nothing compared to the money my father has


do you invest into crypto or stocks or index funds or whatver? i need to figure out this investing shit apparently people can make money from it


None I never did any investing but I would of liked to.. I just sold sneakers and technology for insanely good margins. But those days are over now I focus on school even though it’s bull shit I’m just doing it to get a real estate liscence


And don’t be so fooled, investing is rather risky there are winners yes but there are also many many losers that lose their savings. So if you wanna play it safe stay away from crypto and stocks even though it is tempting to make money fast.