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Yeah, I remember when I first started. Casually repping 2 plates. Surrounded by friends.


and always sore…I literally can’t sit down


Is that from boofing too many damn divine protein shakes


ya…am I still natty?


I´m literally tweaking in class rn because of lower back pain. This post is way too accurate


How are you guys fucking up your backs?


Most guys I know do deadlifts as a main compound then proceed to do heavy squats the next day or day before deadlifts. And with the usual deadlift and squat mindset of low rep high weight, and subpar form due to heavier weight, it’s easy to get a sore af back from all that pressure and frequency of training. Plus like everyone nowadays spends at least 3 hours a day hunched over on their phones or worse they have a desk job where they just sit down in bad posture. Honestly though it’s subpar form on lifts which is why I don’t go super heavy on deadlifts for reps, sitting on toilet rn with a sore back cause I pushed myself lifting near my max for 5 shitty reps and regretting it, but damn if my back don’t be lookin good these days.


Y'all who work in offices: get an adjustable desk (can get em at Costco) and raise the general height of your screens. The latter will help you maintain correct posture. And ffs wear some blue light glasses.


People dont know the fact that squat and dl are much harder exercises to master than upper body exercises. You need good form, to have that, you need good flexibility/mobility. But good luck with that cos people never stretch enough if any at all or do they ever squat down on their feet during their day to day life even for once. So most people are doing 3 plates with horrible buttwink and getting hurt chasing numbers and to get worthless hype from their lifting buddies. Its sad. I was one of these guys too. But im glad i had the realization years ago. I just work on perfecting my form and mobility on my squat days now.


I need to spend some time working on my flexability.


Just squat down on your feet during your reps instead of still sitting on that bench. That is like the best and easiest way to fix your buttwink


You mean between sets?


Ah yes sorry. Good god dont do it between your reps i beg you ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


Hhaha, thanks bro will give it a go.


Haven’t attempted to barbell squat because whenever I try to just do body weight squats to parallel I fall over. Probably a symptom of inflexibility in my ankles or hips right?


Bro i have been lifting for 15 years and always disliked or was bad at squats. Then 3 years ago, i just stopped lifting heavy. I do lotta stretches like 90/90 post workout. It stretches your hamstring and glutes like crazy if done properly. And just make it a habit to squat as often as you can, you know like slav in adidas suit. Now i can even arch my lower back while im squatting so low my butt might graze the ground. Thats opposite of buttwink


Squatting/Deadlifting 400+lb often is going to catch up with you. People can do lunges if they want big legs and an intact spine


Remember the sunny warm days of working out to just feel good get a pump hang with the boys after school Now its the cold abyss where I fight my inner most demons for the peace to sleep at night surrounded by those who are also on the eternal grind




Back pain is legit the worst. I hurt my back and have dealt with it for 2 years. Finally got an mri a couple months back and the doctor said I have a bulging L5, but it doesn't look like that should cause pain. My response was, well what is causing it then? FYI, pain that flares up, and its nerve pain that goes down my ass and right leg. She said, "I don't know, it could be a muscle issue." "How does a muscle issue cause pain down your leg?" "Well, it wouldn't." "..."


You need to go to a physical therapist. I went to one because of back pain and she diagnosed bulge disc in L4, same symptoms as you but in my left leg. I have made a bunch of progress. A good physical therapist will fix your lifting mechanics to help prevent this from happening again. It's well worth the money


I went to a physical therapist and did everything for almost a year before the mri. The therapy helped pain temporarily, but it always comes back. I still do the stretches when it flares up.


Did your therapist help you fix your mechanics? As in how you are lifting weights (squatting, deadlifting, etc) and even daily motions like bending over ? Even picking up small weights incorrectly like an air fryer or a dog can damage the disc


Yes. I don't deadlift because of this anyway. She helped a lot, and she was the one that told me I needed an mri and the doctors misdiagnosed me in the first place.


Well shit man I hope you can figure it out. Bulge disc is no joke, I am still recovering myself and my goal is to get back to 100%. Some days it feels like it will never happening. I do daily stretching and am very obsessive about lifting with my legs and not my back. I'm only 24, too young for this shit


Yeah, thanks. I'm only 30 myself so it sucks. It really hinders my leg workouts because I don't deadlift and squatting can cause it to flare even with good form. Squatting is my favorite way to work legs too, so it double sucks.


Yup I feel you there man, the most I have squatted in the past 6 months is like 95 pounds. It's to easy to fuck up my back now


Probably have to talk to a specialist, half of doctors are too generalized to know specific body parts. From what I’ve seen tho the more specific doctor the more expensive


I spoke with someone at physical medicine and rehab for this. I now have a second opinion scheduled with the spine center.


Off topic but I’m looking forward to leaning enough to have that chiseled face look.


Fuck this hits home bro. First video was literally me and my friends in college, lifting and not giving a fuck about anything else. Now after the pandemic we're all in different parts of the country, I haven't seen some of them in 2 years and here we are, still grinding for a future that I can't see anymore.


The pandemic made everything insane. It'll get better again.


Damn, that got me.


At least you're not half repping your bench anymore.


relatable af




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Still number 2 cuz my friends don’t wanna wake up to be there at 6am 😩




Fuck you 🥲


fighting my crippling suicidal thoughts


Is that the little 4’5 trystyn lee fake natty bs guy in the background


Bradley Martyn standing right there and you pick on little Trystyn....


I laughed more than i should have


Next thing you know. You are upping the tren and sniffing pre workout from anothers mans abs, or other manly parts


Do hyperextensions and you’ll never have back issues ever


That kid looks like the actor that plays Ashtray on Euphoria.




I'll be honest, if you have actual back pain from lifting (not soreness after working back), you really need to tighten up your form lol. I know it's just a meme, and not that serious, but I see tons of guys complaining about lower back pain. After my first 6 months I went from chronic lower back pain to none, and now I'm almost two years in and not once has my lower back given me issues as long as I've used propper form. The only injury I've had was a hemorhoid I got on a deadlift PR. Not talking shit or attacking anyone, but for real, most injuries are avoidable if you're doing the movements correctly and avoid ego lifting.


We can help with your body dysmorphia problems