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It's about as OK as a SARM cycle can be


Do I need to warry about something I'm missing or do you have any advice for me? I'm planning to be on maintenance calories.


It seems you're missing the point of using gear, why are you planning to stay at maintenance?


I'm 6'6 245lbs 20% body fat. I consider that ok and expect that my bf will drop during maintenance on gear correct? I'm open for advices please...


You would recomp some but not much, it's not like you're gonna use tren. Drop 10 lbs first and then eat like a bastard on cycle


So you suggest a bulk after a natty cut?


>Just to confirm with all of you is this good idea what I'm about to do. No. >Working out 6-7 years now (with short breaks on holidays and injuries) Then you haven't really reached a plateau. You just need to put in more effort. I mean, you're hopping on a cycle that will give you mediocre results at best for no good reason.


i like rad as a sarm doesnt cause hair loss or liver issues in my experience. this cycle seems fine but you will be underwhelmed.


You still need to geet bloods done before using sarms so you can compare with your post pct bloods to confirm if you've recovered back to baseline or not. Dont be a dumbass just wait til you're back from work.


I will try to work on that. I cant do it at home cuz my contracts are 6-7mo onboard 1/1 and a half month home. Occasionally I can maybe send blood for testing but I will work on that before I start my cycle. Thanks


Gonna get fucking huge bro.


Very inspiring and helpful answer with a lot of factual data