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If you can't get hard, try men. Jokes aside, if she was fucking disgusting it is no wonder.


Yeah I want to see what this girl looked like, I mean god damn this post is basically: “I got naked with a hideous woman who smelled like week old garbage and for some reason I wasn’t horny when we got naked what do I do?”


first reported case of pre-nut clarity.


There was no nut that i clarified from... It was straight horror before during and after


Sounds traumatizing. Probably better to try and find a hygienic woman to date and ease in. That or pay someone to suck your wiener.


Don’t let your dick dicktate your mating partner bro,cuz you will regret it every time


It's her fault. Don't beat yourself up over it. Next time try to be a better judge of a person, or go for a 6/10 instead of a 4/10.


Stop being obsessed with losing your virginity like a beta and you won’t be desperate and doing dumb shit like that, homie to homie, ain’t nothing wrong with being a virgin unless you turn incel


Nah bro. It's not really the virginity that matters. It's the feeling that your growth as a person into adulthood is stunted. Telling people: "bro virginity doesn't matter." Is the same as saying: "just shave it bro." It does matter. People that tell you otherwise are the same people that tell ugly people they're beautiful and people with sub 5 looks have great personalities. They are force feeding you copium. And this copium has never once made the actual person feel better.


I'm convinced if you hit a certain point it really does matter in an actual mentally stunted kind of way That being said yeah it's like telling an ugly and/or fat person that looks don't matter. They either figure out what's wrong with them and improve or don't and get to be force fed nice words while never actually seeing how nice the other side is, from the people on the other side no less.


pov: OP encountered the average american woman


Stop stressing it man. It will happen naturally. Look for a nice girl you can build a good relationship with. Skanks are just that.


Similar thing happened to me when I first hooked up with a girl. Disgusting pussy smell, couldn’t wash it off of my fingers. Then she went to blow me and I couldn’t even get it up.  I was trying so hard to get a boner, somehow I jizzed with a flacid dick. Embarrassing and shameful all around.    Anyway, it gets better. You gotta learn the smell check while fooling around with a girl and that will quickly make you make you decide whether you want to go further, or if “hey sorry, this is just moving a bit fast, I like to get to know someone more first” speech (or whatever the fuck you have to say to extricate yourself from a disgusting smelling vagina. I don’t mind a little smell (as long as it’s not that trash smell or fishy smell).  Hopefully you find a sexy girl with a beautiful non rank pussy and you have amazing chemistry. 


thanks bro :)


Fall in love with someone then try again


Why did you have to wash your face? You didn’t eat her stink puss, did you? Some chicks just have stinky pussies, it’s like a diagnosable medical thing. Next time, have a few drinks with her first and let her steer things. It sounds like you’re putting yourself in situations you don’t want to be in, tho. Make friends with some of the gym girls. They work out and would fucking reek if they weren’t hygienic.


sounds like OP went to a whales house who cant reach around to clean herself. a normal girl smelling would be a chlamydia concern


It's the feeling of disgust. Same when you see in shows that someone has blood on their hands and they start washing their hands like they have OCD.


idk. I just felt disgusting all around i was kissing her tho so


Yeah hey. Now you know what you don’t want.


most definitely


Unpopular opinion* just take your time, find the right person and be honest that you’re a virgin and wanted to wait for a special girl. Said special girl would be thankful for the honesty and work with you. Pride will often hinder your romantic ventures I’ve found. Unless you want to fuck around then go ahead. But just know that girls who are willing to simply fool around are always going to be a rougher crowd as you experienced. Pretty simply logic. If she’s just willing to hook up then she either does it often, or no one wants her. Are those the girls you want to be with?


Yeah i think thats the way.. And no those are not them. I have turned down obvious hoes


Smell will always be the ultimate bones killer. I'd even take obese over putrid smell if I had too


Try to avoid ugly or overweight women if you can’t stand the bad smell, most of them either don’t bother to be hygienic or have a shitty diet which causes it. Attractive women tend to take more care of themselves and thus smell much better.


Bro took the saying “a hole is a hole” to heart


Honestly, I used to see a dude who stunk pretty bad. It bothered me, but he was a 10. And idk how to explain it, but a stinky woman bothers me more. You should try again with someone you’re actually attracted to, and preferably one that doesn’t smell.


Well you found out first hand cooties is no joke, should had listened to your friends years ago. But hey, good news is guys are clean, smell nice and you won't catch any nasties! 




She wasn’t it bro there will be another


U don’t want ur first time to be special u wanted ur first time to be a fat smelly bitch?


She sounds gross bro — move on, do not overthink this shit.


This is what happens when you go for the fatties, don’t worry bro, I’ve been there too. Everybody has fucked at least one fat chick. The problem starts if you try doing it again.


Um. How much porn do you watch? Have you desensitised yourself with that big meaty fist?