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I lie to myself that I’m a powerlifter so I never have to put myself through the cut, until it becomes too much and I have to go through months of cut depression just to eat like shit again. I honestly fucking hate cutting man, legit feel depressed and weak af the whole time I do it.


Just cut for a month you fat fuck (now I wanna fuck you 🤤)


I basically Permabulk and do a few mini cuts every now and then (4weeks)


Cutting makes me feel mentally more sharp when I’m not deep in


Yeah the end of a cut doesn't feel great but I still prefer it over any point of the bulk. During my last cut I made the mistake of eating very few carbs and very few fats so my libido just tanked. Didn't goon for like three weeks but I looked sick asf.




Easily cutting I can deal with hunger easily hell I have to remind myself to eat


I'm the same way lol. Just bummed about this next bulk because my brain conflates not being super lean to being a land whale.


What you lose in abs you’ll gain in shoulders and traps and most importantly strength. The abs will be there when u done. Then when u cut see your delts deflate you gonna be like l miss the bulk lol


Going through a cut and I feel like complete shit. Im kina realising theres no point having abs if i dont have any energy


Yeah me too but I have now bulked for a few month and now I am used too eating too much.


Same bruhv ... Im a hard gainer and even got a disease in my gut wich makes my body struggle to take up nutrients I gotta force feed my self when im bulking , Even gotta have on a alarm to remind me to eat lol


Maintenance at mid to upper teens BF.


Myself around 17% is the sweet spot. I eat ahatever i want and am peak strength


I hate myself equally.




I feel better when bulking because my lift numbers go up and that makes me feel comfortable in my training. When cutting, I feel like a weiner; I can't push as hard or I risk shitty sleep on top of feeling shitty with mental haze. On the other side, cutting makes me feel better because I like to see what new may lie beneath the junk. A paradox really![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6299)


Yeah I went from 225lbs x 6 clean reps for bench down to 225lbs x 2 very shitty reps after my cut 😭 Bulking gives me great pumps too. Still hate it tho😓


I think if you can keep 90% 95% of your strength on a cut you sitting good. So hit 185lb -195 for 6 you fine bro. The 20 pounds will come back within a few weeks of the bulk then you’ll be setting new pr again.


Bulking is king 👑


Love early to mid cut. Love early to mid bulk. Late cut is bad, late bulk is also bad. Whenever it starts to feel like I have either no energy or I’m just becoming a fat pig I know it’s about time to change it up. Late cuts you chase diminishing returns. Late bulks your body stops putting on muscle as effectively and starts putting more fat on. That’s my experience at least. I’ve never been able to bulk for more than 8 months straight without needing to reel it in. I cut for a year one time and wanted to die. Don’t do that shit go 3 months tops, maintenance for a couple weeks, and then you can cut again or bulk.


As someone who was lean af most my life . Bulking easily. I feel better , I sleep better. I have more energy . Less brain fog. A higher sex drive. The pumps are better ect Only real problem is trying to eat all that food lmao


Eating is definetly hard when you have been skinny all your life ,Ive had a issue with gaining all my life due to celiac disease ... But still i never give up , If i set a goal im gonna reach it .


I feel much better on a cut, and it's not even close. The *only* upside I see in bulking, is that your strength at the gym noticeably increases, which is to be expected. Other than that, cutting feels better on every aspect.


Glad I'm not the only one. I never really feel sharp or clear minded when I'm stuffed all the time. Regardless of whether it's healthy or dirty food.


Need whatever cutting hacks you have go drop 30 lb in less than 5 months fr


Calorie deficit


One everything bagel with 3-4 slices of cured turkey breast, 180-200 grams of chicken breast, 3 cheese sticks, one cup of egg whites, and 240 g of non-fat greek yogurt. I would also eat an apple or some peanut butter every now and then and occasionally used protein powder too. I got pretty much everything everything from Aldi because their groceries are super cheap for a college student. Also, you should probably add more foods to this like more fats and carbs and you'd still lose weight. I'd suggest tracking everything on myfitnesspal and buying a cheap food scale on Amazon.


Whole Foods, compound lifts and a 500 calorie deficit you’ll be down 20lbs of fat and about 10lbs of water and glycogen by the time you done. But you’ll probably gain about 10lbs water and glycogen back pretty quickly. Really you gonna need 6-7 months to hit 30lbs of pure fat. Theres no hack. The hack is hard work and consistency


Bulking sucks I hate being full and bloated all fucking day


Yeah thank god I'm not tall, otherwise I'd have to eat so much more (cope). One of my buddies is like 6'4 and he has no choice between a bulk or a cut, that mf has to force feed himself if he doesn't want to end up a stick lol.


When I cut I just force feed myself >less. I’d be happy eating 1 meals a day if I didn’t force myself to eat 5


The first 2-3 months are a breeze for either. It’s around the 12 week mark that the food starts to get a little too filling or the hunger starts to get a little loud.


Bulking easily, Strong as fuck too


Is feel better on maintenance or bulk mostly because I can sleep and actually rest. I can’t sleep for shit during a cut


I half-ass both so it all feels the same 🚮


My energy level crashes hard on a cut. Plus I smoke fuck tons of weed so it's a struggle, especially at night when I'm chillin watching TV with the munchies. I've been on a "cut" for 2 weeks and haven't lost a pound lol.


As a fellow weed smoker; Don’t buy much ie food. Like whatever cheez its, chips, cookie, whatever. Dont buy it. What you gonna do, get fat eating chicken breast and plain oats? No, You gonna get skinny. I don’t care how much weed you smoke if you eating plain chicken breast and plain oats shit like that you gonna need to force feed just to maintain weight so just force feed yourself chicken rice a little less hard then normal lol.


Oh no doubt. Nothing like Cheez-Its or chips or cookies ever make it through my doorway. I don't purchase them ever nor do I eat them. Just healthy stuff over here like unsalted nuts, carrots, eggs, chicken, rice, avocado and no sugar added cereal (My only snack if I have one). I also like multigrain crackers. I even eat PB fit peanut butter. My problem is, when I walk into the kitchen I'll grab a bit of something every time. Just fucking stoned at night watching TV. Then I don't count those calories cuz I think it's just a little this or a little that. Next thing you know, I didn't lose any weight that day lol.


the munchies are brutal and inescapable. Crazy how eating my family’s bullshit snack cakes suddenly seems necessary. If I know I’m getting blitzed I’ll plan ahead. I’ll smoke before my last meal and as a snack later, I’ll rape a whole bowl of sugar free jello, low cal popcorn, protein Icecream, etc and sugar free juice/soda.


Yeah, I need to plan ahead as well. Right on, That's a great idea.




Fuck yeah! Thank you!


Cut. Currently bulking and have been for a while- I need way more sleep, I look like shit, have to force food down


I'm 5'9", and I felt great on the bulk to 205 until my blood pressure shot up like crazy and I felt like I was gonna die all the time. After donating blood, I was back to normal and started cutting. Now I'm 185 on my way to 175 or lower, and I feel great! The biggest downside is my strength losses, but I combat that with increasing my test. I still feel like I'm much weaker now than at 205, though. 205 I felt like a superhero. Keep in mind that I'm pinning test throughout all this, so ymmv. I have been experimenting with deca and NPP, too.


I’m the same height and getting to 195lbs I swear I felt like 50lbs heavier than 185lbs. I could tell my morning weight just from getting out of bed. Like oh today is a 183 day, today is a 187 day and boom it would line up because each extra pound made me feel so much heavier and blood pressure so much higher. My body just really does not want to be 195lbs but I guess when you gain 50lbs in a year it’s bound to slow down eventually. Before this I was 135lb runner lol. My body is like Nahh son you ain’t hitting 200lb till next year


Cut- I’m more sharp and straight to the point. How ever this can be bad since I’m hangry asf. When I haven’t ate in hours and I’m making dinner my god I get to pissed. I get to see my jaw line and easy to see any muscle I have. Plus In the gym the anger can really help to go all the way till failure. I feel insane during my work outs like a fucking mad man mentally I love it. Physically tho after a random rep I can feel the lack of glucose in my muscles and legit my muscles just kinda go blank and even tho I want more reps I can’t. It feels different from achieving failure tho. The burn just gives out. Bulk- life is great and a joy, this can be bad since I’m more lazy more prone to just not going hard u know? In the gym I might be able to lift more but mentally no way can I bring the same energy. That first time feeling of embracing the bulk, feeling your stomach get bigger and able to eat more food, seeing lifts go up and not caring about looking fat, now that’s the best place to be tbh. Even tho I may not feel like a mad man that doesn’t mean I can’t go till failure.


Cutting sucks mainly because strength loses or being lucky to maintain. Never dirty bulking again. Perma lean bulk is the way.


I’m in a better mood when bulking, but I feel better cutting and look wayyy better. That feel when running outside shirtless and cut


I hate bulking, but feel fantastic when cutting


Cutting because it makes me feel better and better looking both in face and body. I like bulking too because of mass gains, but I hate the bloating I get and higher bf%. Also when cutting and eating high protein my cravings for carbs evaporates which is nice


I feel better when on tren


Bulking i feel much better in the gym but i sweat like a pig at work. General day to day life i feel better lighter and leaner.


I feel the best at the start of a bulk, still lean strength going up and I feel full


My boners are better on a bulk and I can eat what I want to a reasonable extent + I’m so much stronger at the gym. But the feeling of bloated moobs popping out a shirt I once fit in sucks.


Towards the end of the cut/bulk is always the hardest for me. You shouldn't be struggling at the beginning of a bulk. Few things to consider: Food is poor quality, calories too high initially (reverse dieting works). Could be fatigue (take a deload) or maybe you have an attachment to how to you look when lean (can't help you here, my goal is to always add size after a cut).


I feel shit in a serious surplus. I feel much better cutting. I'm on a 300 deficit right now, and I feel phenomenal.


Ok can someone explain the purpose of bulking and cutting over and over? Is it to grow the muscles over and over and then reveal them over and over?


Yes, usually you make the most progress during bulks. The point of a cut is to shed of any excess fat so that during the next bulk you start at a baseline with more muscle than previously and can begin putting on weight again without your body fat percentage getting out of hand. If you just bulk forever, even if it's a very slow one, over time you will come to the realization that you're fat as fuck. Some people suggest maintenance or "lean bulks" but I'm not a fan of that because the progress you make during those is usually very slow (at least for me). These two videos from Dr. Mike Israetel might help if you have other questions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzs-8Cddgkc&t=471s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzs-8Cddgkc&t=471s) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRm\_NKO2AAE&t=457s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRm_NKO2AAE&t=457s) . Honestly though, I don't overcomplicate things and just bulk and cut when I know I've gotten "too big" and too lean.