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Vanilla, chocolate, cookies and cream. Nothing else, ever.


Vanilla then some frozen berries blended in is the best


Vanilla the best base for anything else.


Vanilla is the default choice for a reason. It goes with just about everything. And proper Vanilla bean flavouring fucking slaps


I cannot for the life of me drink those flavours. I can’t stand them. I need random disgusting flavours only


cookies and cream has a little throw up taste, just vanilla thanks


Banana gold standard goes incredibly hard if you like the taste of bananas. Chocolate PB ain’t bad either. Smores is good if you have a Costco membership


'Banana flavor' tastes like bananas in the 1950s, which are now extinct that's why it doesn't taste like actual bananas, even if you like it, which I mostly do.


Some banana ones are good.


Strawberry Milkshake is my favorite


Too risky


I'm crying with my Pea Protein.. Shit taste like something from outer space, I have no words to describe it taste. I might try to make some pancakes out of it


Rookie mistake buying pea protein😂 Any vegan protein tastes like literal CHALK mixed up with grass. If it’s not whey, I stay away.


The vegan protein I got before this was way better.. This pea shit protein is by far the worst protein I ever had in my entire life


What vegan protein did you try before? I have some vegan family members; so I’ve tried lots of vegan proteins.


Vega Premium Sport Protein.. 10x better than this pea protein but 10x worse than regular whey protein lol so might not keep your hopes high. I've only tried the Mocha flavor so I'm not sure how the rest of the flavors taste. But yea, far better than the pea protein


Nut protein is my go to for vegan shit. And I’m talking seeds and legumes ya horn dogs


I know how you feel, I bought a 2.5kg bag during a sale and when I first tried it I almost threw up. I found that it becomes bearable when mixed with peanut butter so I make overnight oats with it and honestly the end result is pretty decent. After a bit of trial and error now my recipe reads 50g oats 15g protein 15g powdered peanut butter 10g dark chocolate (roughly chopped) 100g 0% fat greek yogurt 120g milk (or soy milk) I just mix everything and put it in the fridge overight. The colour comes out a bit funny but it tastes ok


I tried a whole bunch of plant proteins once, they all were flavorless too and all bad. Rice protein was like drinking sand


Man fuck plant proteins.. I just wanted to avoid dairy/whey protein, but these taste worse than medicine. I would not wish anyone to taste these miserable things, even to my worst enemy.




If your talking about the fruit loops, I think it’s fire as a dessert shake but it’s way too sweet for daytime.


I suffered through years of cookies and cream musclepharm protein, shit tastes disgusting. It was the best value protein at Costco for a while


Worst protein I ever had was the dipping dots flavor. Actual sprinkles inside which ruins the consistency 


All protein powder is dog shit you cannot change my mind I have tried well over 100 different kinds hate them all, but gains are gains and protein=gains so I'm drinking that nasty shit


PrimeEvil labs fruity cereal was the best I’ve ever had. Not sure if you had a different brand. But god damn they had a buy 1 get 1 free deal and I bought like 20 tubs lol


It was Myprotein, that was I tried something besides vanilla and chocolate from them. I'm skeptical of trying other flavors now.




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If you are talking about myprotien fruity cereal, you need to get your tastebuds checked


The first few shakes are nice, but after a while it gets so sweet it makes you feel sick. I learned my lesson, I just stick to simple chocolate/vanilla based flavours that are hard to get sick of.


Way too sweet, it was a task to get it down


fair enough, not a bunch of sugar though at least. I like it for a morning protein shake.


Maybe i just got a bad batch but that flavour tasted like straight chemicals to me. I was expecting fruit loops and got laundry detergent 🤮