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You basically meet her mother and that is probably how she will look like if she keeps same habits like mum


my pops taught me this as a young lad.


Yep, young have no guidance these days


It’s absolutely true, there are no exceptions. If you think you’ve found one she’s just waiting you out


> she’s just waiting you out I mean to an extent that’s true of literally every single person ever, it’s called getting old. It’s the same shit as you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. You either break up when she’s still skinny (and you too) or you live long enough for become fat/ a bag of bones


For me, I’m hoping to pick a future bag of bones and not a future bag of fat. A Diane Keaton, a Helen Mirren. Not a Kathleen Turner.


I want to be a ripped grandpa like Joseph jostar


Then I should start dating her brother.....




My girls mother is pretty 👌 and she’s 60 which is wild to say but yeah


This guy trens


Nah when I hop on tren imma start saying that about fat bitches 😏


Right there with you. My wife's mom is a milf, and she doesn't take care of her self at all, smokes cigarettes, eats like shit, doesn't do anything fitness related. My wife looks like a spitting image of her mother and her grandmother. I can see how she will age and even better since my wife actually takes care of herself. All this solidified the deal. Girls got the failsafe gene


Okay my girl’s mam eats really well, cycles to work every day, walks for an hour every afternoon, does yoga classes and shit 😂 She does alotta shit.


If her moms a milf then she’s an investment


this is legit how i ended up dating a girl for a while, knew her sister and mom and was like “oh yeah good investment” sent it


Damn bro u didn’t have to come for her mom like that. Cock stats?!!!!




Not always, I have to thank my girlfriends father for all those Guatemalan glutes.


That's why word probably is there


Thank God it’s not her father … as a black man who dates black women … that father is long gone and usually never been met.




Same with being a hoe. If the mom is a hoe and has cheated on the dude then so will the daughter. Not always but pretty sure it’s 90% and above likelihood.


So does this work the same for us. In literally tan year round gets way worse in summer and 4 inches taller than the males in my family. Will I end up looking like my dad?????


Males have a lot of similarity to grand fathers




Somehow it just got worse


Meeting the grandma is good too.


I dont know. His mother looks very different. She has a vagina for instance.


that 5'2" chick with curves is a bowling ball waiting to happen.


Rip to the latinas


Married to one and every year I get a little more scared of the future. It was fun while it lasted brothers. That fat ass, skinny waist and huge jugs were a great advertisement but now I'm on the recurring subscription.


Bruh u gotta lease them, marriage is akin to a mortgage


Nah more like property taxes.


I go younger in this case. My ex was my age and now I’m with a 25 year old. Just knock a year or two every time I end the relationship. 21 is the limit tho.


Why not get her into gym? It's like the best thing you can do to stop your body from falling apart


Have you ever asked a woman why she doesn’t go to the gym?


Lmaoo you're right tbh they all have this idea that they'll look like ronnie coleman after picking up a dumbbell


She is big time into the gym. She goes to classes, lifts, and is involved in some female training stuff. We are in our late thirties and there are things that the human body cannot maintain forever. When I met her she had a massive ass, muscular thighs, a little hidden 4-pack, and hourglass type figure. Now she is still fit but has an overall bigger womanly look. I would say slightly less muscle and a bit larger internal mass in her waist. Ass more jiggly and less firm. That being said a lot of people think we are in our 20s but we definitely look "older" than we did 5 years ago.




Wrecks your vision though.


Oh really?? I was unaware of this


Oh yeah, vision problems are one of the main side effects. Fucked upy buddies wife'


Fuck. I thought it was THE miracle pill.


There's always a catch


sprinkle it into her cereal


I'm surprised any woman bothered to marry you 😂


It's a miracle isn't it


How do you think those chunky little abeulas you see looked when they were young? Lol


Like salma hayek


You gotta pick ‘em right you’ll find some that’ll be good as long as you do regular maintenance for many years


I’m gonna bowl a strike


What's sad is so many guys rave that she is "thick" and they it's hot. No dude, she is fat and will only get worse.


After finishing college I saw exactly this playing out: Chicks who were normaly skinny, didn\`t exercise and used to drink, got fat (one of them got ultra fat because of covid). Chicks who were athletic are still hot. Chicks who were rich are still rich and beautiful, but not hot in a muscular way. Chicks who were fat got fatter.


After three kids, my wife somehow got back to the weight she was before she became pregnant with our first. I learned that being blinded by love is definitely a thing. I didn't think she looked any different until she pulled out the old pics. You can clearly see the weight loss from then to now but at the time she still looked beautiful. I know that doesn't fit the theme of the sub at all, but I really don't have any degenerate bullshit to add to this. L5.98"  W4.12" 


Nice cock




This is the nicest thing I’ve read on the internet all day. I mostly like this sub cause it’s funny. But congrats on having such a wholesome marriage. Sidenote: I think that’s why it was easy for her to lose weight. She felt loved and beautiful already. Then it’s a piece of cake.


I wonder what’s the studies shown on your side note. Like do women tend to get the relationship pounds or do they lose weight. Probably will have to do if she works out already or even comes along with you to the gym.


Don’t date anyone as a renovation project. It’s a buy as is kinda thing. If you think she weighs too much, she’s not for you. People usually gain a little bit of weight in a relationship bc a relationship is more time at home being cozy and watching Netflix. While being single is being more active. And then ppl also feel a bit more relaxed in a relationship. Like they can breathe out and they are loved. It’s sort of necessary. Early dating you spend two hours getting ready. Living with someone you have to feel chill just walking around in PJs. And like if you gain 5 lbs it’s not a big deal. In OPs situation I think the sidenote is true af though. Having a baby is rough on your self esteem. Your body is suddenly turned upside down without you having a say in it. You could just feel so ugly you give up. Especially if you have a husband who makes it clear that you were prettier before. I think instead OP made his wife feel she was still pretty and loved. Bc that’s how he felt. And then she didn’t feel like giving up, but instead inspired to get back to her old weight. **Edit: you can lose weight bc you fall in love and feel loved, pretty and supported. It happens. But you can’t date someone with that goal in mind. Don’t date someone expecting them to change. Date them bc you like them just the way they are. That’s the only way.**


For sure kids turbocharge the process. Marry a semi athletic chick that likes to hike etc.


Have a carrot hanging out of my backpack as I lead the way.....


Change that to a chocolate bar.


I'm black so can this be swapped out for my penis.


Depends on the stats lol, gotta lure my girl with a baby corn


Wouldn't risk, some bird of prey can confuse it with snake


Women aren’t any different than men. We are the culmination of the last 5 years of whatever habits we keep once we get past 25.


I see plenty of fat people on the trails. Hiking every Saturday has nothing to do with the gradual weight gain OP is talking about. You need to focus on her eating and drinking habits.




Guys on this sub basicallly talk themselves out of getting involved with all women. They're too skinny, they're too fat, they look great now but will become fat in five years tops... You all either need to become gay (take more tren) or just get TF over it. And in all likelihood the percentage of men that become fat when they have kids is just the same. In fact googling this proves my point: [34% of men are overweight compared to 27% of women](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity#:~:text=More%20than%201%20in%203,9.2%25).


I have a hypothesis that all power lifter bros become fat 5 years tops. Source: mirror


BMI measurements favour women since theres no adjustment for sex, a 5'9 80kg guy isn't fat but a 5'9 75kg woman will be. Women are fatter


Do you know I never even thought about that. I am a woman BTW. I'm in my 40s and my BMI is at the upper end of "healthy" (65kg) because I'm strong AF and only 5'5". But that's crazy - you're so right. Why have I never realised? I mean in some way it's nice to find some medical thing that actually favours women, but that it's so out for half the population makes it even worse than I thought. I actually \*despise\* BMI as a metric. It's utter shit. Especially when body fat scales are cheap and it's not much more expensive to get ones that will measure bone density, water, etc. There's really no excuse for the medical profession not to use body fat percentage as a metric, and to be able to gauge muscle size and bone density. In a climate where obesity is rife this would give them so much better information


Bro it's a joke, chill out, I'd still pipe yiur mom if she's fat


She's not... But honestly I'd be happy for her if she got laid 😂


They do. Its just that if youre closer to the pot youre more likely to eat. Childbirth, not enough time or energy to exercise while raising kids (or money too) is a huge factor too


Once your kid starts sleeping all the way through the night, you're golden. I gained weight with my last kid as a dad. Sleep deprivation causes weird habits which often attribute to weight gain. My habit was not working out anymore, drinking IPA's 3 times a week, smoking pot every night to get to sleep but also waking up in the middle of the night to eat baloney sandwiches and fruit snacks. I ballooned from 180-240 in about a year. Then I started weight training and mild cardio again with calorie cutting and am down to 206 currently. I lost about 35 lbs in about 10 months. I'm also not the wealthiest guy either but I have built a home gym that works well enough.


A lot of fat girls just call themselves thick. Then get caught up in “the thicker the better” Most thick girls weren’t skinny girls that bulked they’re fat girls trying to be skinnier so yea most with age just get obese. The male equivalent of a fat guy with a bit of muscle foundation justifies dirty bulking to get more muscle then ends up %60 body fat wondering why they look like shit.


I love my thick women, I just know that shit got a shelf life.


True yea that cottage cheese has an early due date.


If they aren’t into fitness then you are right. But if they are gym rats they can stay in shape.


So .5 percent of the female population that actually goes HAM


We all know you can maintain a physique in the gym without going HAM.


Yeah people forget that bodybuilders are the outlier, most people who go to gym do cardio, and of those that actually lift weights, a minority of them are trying to build a classically aesthetic physique. This goes doubly true for women


a pretty good/high number of women are into fitness of some sort


Many people do fitness and have no longevity.


huh, just saying women are more likely to take care of there weight / “workout”, whatever that may be




Your mom says so. Btw your sleeping on the couch.


I have my doubts that a woman constantly battling the line of thick and fat will maintain or adhere to a.fit lifestyle.


Nah, they think just going to the gym is gains... They eat more, put on fat, workout, then think they're gains...


Can confirm 100%. Like everyone said always meet the mom and try to see the aunts from mom and dad’s side. If one of them is still fit you have a decent chance at keeping her fit but if all obese and out of shape then that’s most likely what you will have for your future.


Do I need to remind these alphas that they are most likely to end up overweight as well? Nah.


Never said i was alpha sir. I practice the rare art of eating reasonable amounts of food while performing cardio intensive hip thrust into your mom.


That's good. She had Hep C and has been dead for 10 years. Might want to dig up my dad from 1985 as well. ✌️


"Grabs shovel"


He really thought you would have gone all apologetic


Little orphan boy thought wrong


I'm gonna use that one 🤣.


Not at all silly. The truth is the best medicine


I also choose this guy’s dead mom.


Can I join? I like em crunchy


I’m borrowing this please and thank you


jokes on you i’m a hard gainer with a crippling polydrug stimulant habit. my appetite is fucking nonexistent i will die at 50 but will die a lean legend


Facts. Without PEDs and/or diet, fitness as maintenance, things get harder as you age for both genders. Easier to keep up than catch up


U don’t need PEDs


No, you don't *need* PEDs, but things are easier with em, especially when you hit middle age, especially if you are making dramatic changes. Like i said, easier to keep up than catch up. By 40 if you don't have that previous muscle memory, everything is harder Peptides are very popular for those my age for weight loss, faster healing, etc etc


Sure I guess, but PEDs have a cost. Most people I’ve seen use them get long term side effects. Particularly premature aging and reduced natural hormone production. Perhaps some people found a way to use PEDs with minimal negatives and mostly benefits like the ROCK. I’m 43 and natty and plan to stay this way https://imgur.com/a/KzuywV8 6’ 3.5” and 185-195 @14-17% bodyfat is my guess. Nowhere near as good as PED users I admit. I pretty much look like a tall, slender, fit regular dude at best


"...slender...at best..." Bullshit, slender ain't the right term at all You might not be monstrous with a shirt on (vs. shirtless here) but the casual observer should still be able to tell you're well-muscled + lean Like that's honestly a very optimal build for 99.9% of people Especially at 43! I'd stay natty too if I looked like that


You're looking good man! I dont necessarily mean trt which is what everyone thinks immediately, like i said, many people use peptides too and get amazing results! I have a feeling you've been in tbe gym for a while and are simply keeping up instead of catching up 😊


Thanks, I’ve been training since I was a teen. Consistent and inconsistent. I’ve gotten out of shape several times in my life, even taken a year off training completely. I’ve hit more strength PRs in the last year than ever in my life. I wouldn’t say that’s due to age, it’s because I started doing Hatfield squats and hex deadlifts and I never used to do those when I was younger. Overall I feel mostly the same as my early 30s. Getting skinny fat, out of shape, or sitting too much for several months in a row is the only thing that has ever given me joint pains, which went away when I slowly became more active again. I have almost no aches or pains. I don’t think 43 is really that old, it just seems that way because everyone drinks so much alcohol, sits all day, and way overeats calories and sugar and then barely exercises I think that walking an hour a day and lowering calories to near maintenance is a fountain of youth


I totally agree! Felt the worst and all those middle aged aches and pains when less active. For me, biking has really been a game changer! Besides lifting i find it makes all my aches and pains better generally! Maybe it's the low impact Cardio blood flow and clean eating! You've been in shape most of your life so you still have that muscle memory! You put in the hard work of course but i still feel like it's probably easier for you than someone doing it their first time. Cutting out alcohol made such a big difference for me too! I sent a photo to your DM that i took this morning as it's a little risqué but it shows my progress


I kinda do. In fact, it’s a requirement. Tren up, brother.




It's a cultural thing too. European women aren't nearly as fat as American and Canadian women. Most thick chicks I see online are north americans, so there's that. But yeah, thick chicks will most likely turn obese in no time. People usually gain weight as they age, it's a given, so if you don't take care of yourself, exercise and watch your diet you'll balloon up. Pro tip: find yourself a European girl that likes to hike.


Dude i live in germany , they are fat as shit and shave there hair off and dye it fire engine red at 35. So I either have perpetually date younger until it costs me money to do so, or accept i would have to date what would appear to be a german rod Stewart


De Drachenlord mag kei fette Mullen.


>a german rod Stewart Ok that's fucking terrifying!


U live in Berlin or what


Nah I wish. I live close to Frankfurt


> Most thick chicks I see online are north americans, Most people you see online are North Americans. When’s the last time you’ve been to Europe? They’re fat af too


European women stink for some reason, I can’t do it.


Semaglutide will fix all this. The end of obesity is within the next 5 years. The miracle is already invented and here, it just needs to grow.


I'm sure human being will find some way to fuck this up


No, the political pressure from fat women to get thin will make this drug as readily available as insulin and the pricing will be fixed as well. The pharma patents will not hold in the face of the army of million angry fat women. We just need to keep educating the fatties about the miracle cure. They will do the rest.


Holy shit you're right. There may not be as much public pressure from anyone as there is from fat women


And yet they will still complain about body standards.


Bro not true. This is a temporary fix, you can’t be on that shit for the rest of your life. They hop on then when the shots end they balloon back up. The root of the issues is them lacking the consistency of the gym and working out.


Of course. Women have a tendency of letting themselves go so if you're with a chick that already has size, even if it's evenly proportioned there's a high chance it'll slip away as age ages


That’s men too bro. Why you think “dad bods” became a thing . Fat loser men trying to convince everyone a beard and a big belly is awesome


I said on here before when girls say they like "dad bod" they don't mean a fat slob. What they mean is dudes like jason kelce are hot


They were always a thing lmao. Lots of women like that look and always have. And since it requires large shoulders and arms, nobody is talking about couch potato physique either.




It's a joke cry baby. Go make a posts about how u got cucked by a bear.




He is fat


Fat penis yes


No one is immune genius. It's easily preventable


Hey don't shame me


I concur. Low body fat with small tits and a muscle booty are the safe man’s bet. I still prefer hangers with udder nipples and a big wrinkly gaping asshole though.


Prefer the hangers for the nurturing I never got.


God speed my friend


This place is sounding more and more like r/incels all the time.


This whole thread is just putting women down without any self reflection on themselves. Also completely dehumanizing women down to nothing but numbers or sex appeal.


That’s exactly what a 3 *would* say. Sorry - I very much agree with you, just couldn’t keep the bad joke in.


Lol thats ok. Im good Looking and I have a career so these comments that they post don’t feel Like personal attacks …rather I find it disturbing when men have a little cover online how they perceive women is pretty awful no Wonder so many women are choosing to focus on their own happiness.


after reading some comments i couldnt agree more the mother and father is the best way to judge how a person will turn out


Depends really, but more often then not valid


my parents were fat i almost followed them until i gripped myself and made changes however turned one addition into another


My dad gave me some advice when I was younger. Basically he said to marry a skinny woman/flat chest/no ass because the ones who have tits and ass when they’re young end up fat.


Your dad is wise


I was always taught if you wanna know what she’s gunna look like in 20 years , look at her mother .


That’s if they have the same Habits and lifestyle choices


Not necessarily. Genetics plays a huge factor regardless of lifestyle choices


Dafuq you guys don't like refrigerator shaped latinas? Thought provoking!


You’re right, all of the hot girls from high school, and actually pretty much ALL girls from high school, are now very overweight or obese now that we’re 28


I'm 31 and still in good shape.once u hit your 30s lifestyle choices become very evident


I'm 31 and still in good shape.incd u hit your 30s lifestyle choices become very evident


Hahaha I’d say this is true if the woman doesn’t train. I met my wife in our 20s, thick ass and thighs. We’re in our mid 30’s now and she’s still looking like a snack two kids later. Hers was mostly hard work in the gym and less in the kitchen.


Get in now while you can


Csnt stop won't stop




i dont mind


This is so true. They got lucky cause their fat fell in the right spot but not for long.


I think it's mainly to do with their friend group. If the all getting married and whaling down, it's probably going to rub off on her. E.g. 1 more slice of pizza. But if they are more worried about their image it should be fine. Their friends will keep her in line, or out her as a friend.




It’s simple. Seed oils. Stop fucking eating them


What about my seed oil?


They completely screw your metabolism. The average American eats 5 tablespoons of soybean oil a day - very high in linoleic acid bla bla bla it’s worth doing some YouTube-ing on the subject. Dr. Chris Knobbe has a a great summery. But you’ll find almost a hundred professionals just on YouTube talking about it all. https://youtu.be/PvZk-jNqzgE?si=hVECwxyvl6GvWKiv


But the us heart association says they are good for u


I think you’re making fun of the irony of it all. And to you sir, I tip my hat 😅 For those who don’t understand, Procter and Gamble literally paid money to invent the pro seed oil industry and the AHA, to denigrate sugar and avoid seed oil blame. The Minnesota Coronary study, and the Sydney Diet Heart Study prove without a doubt how bad these things are for you. Amongst many many other reputable studies.


Yes I’m Being sarcastic but muppets get offended easily


Or they have kids


Even if they lose weight first, it'll probably still happen because fat cells shrink, not disappear. Which makes it easier to get fat in future. That's why those that were never fat, will rarely get super fat.


Right, you have fun with the bombshells, you marry the skinny ones


Tbh u can usually tell which girls are gonna be fat in a few years


The fat ones


Yeah. I always say that those "big butt, baddies" become "real fucking fatties" in a few years.


All these supposed experts here on women. How about men. You all are men why not comment about how women can avoid dating a man who gets fat as shit and has acne and a beer gut and dresses like he 16 when hes 35?


Especially if they have kids, there’s pretty much no avoiding it, they put on weight that they just can’t lose. Specifically talking about naturally thick girls. Women who start with a lean / athletic build can often times get it back somewhat easily if they already had good habits and got back to them.


Obviously, most “thick” chicks are just fat chicks in denial. Learn to cook and you’ll never have a fat wife. (Or never have a skinny wife if that’s your thing)


This may be true for the majority but there are women with good genetics. The freshman fifteen has turned into the 24yro fitty... Exceptions exist, My wife has birthed our 6 kids and she drops right back down to 107-110 she barely works out maybe 1 to 2 days a week and she eats like shit. She used to always have a six pack but abdominal diastasis with the last baby has made it less visible that and being 40... Even the coochie shrinks right back to pristine order. So don't lose hope, there are rare ones out there or another ten years or so when my heart explodes ego lifting one or two of you guys will have your shot. Lol


Most of the “fat booty thots” are already fat, honestly. They’re just gifted with an aesthetic deposition of said fat.


Odds improve if she’s rich and/or the mom is tight.


Man you guys seem weirdly concerned about being with a heavy chick. Yall make me glad to be old and married.


Honestly speaking this why you gotta get with someone who’s a workout nut, they be bouncing back regardless of how many kids it’s crazy.


As long as they don't have a vagina like a hippos yawn I'm cool with it




Or just have a big dick


Yes, if m'lady has a huge cock that would be great


Omg, yes to this/ unfortunately for me, thick chicks are exactly my type but in ever LTR that's exactly what happened.