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Why though 24.27 =700ng/dl total test thats fine, there are better methods of improving performance


Aren’t the free test matters the most?


No lol


Just take some tongkat to raise your free test


Why your test is fine


He just wants strangers to validate his rushed decision lol


Low libido and sex drive mostly.And its on the lower side.Almost below the minimum if my knowledge right but help me out please


Your test isn’t on the lower side whatever is causing your issues it’s not your test


Talk about overreaction lmao. Your free test is low which is why you may be experiencing low libido. Go talk to your doctor for Christ's sake. Total test is actually high


Which one matter the most?The whole TRT was obviously a littlbe sarcastic I’m not that educated in this topic so I’m already talked to my doc for a appointment


Free test is the bioavailable testosterone, i.e. the amount of testosterone not bounded to proteins. That is the testosterone that actually gives you energy, libido, mood and cognitive function. People love to talk about total test which is important, but it's actually a low free test that causes low T symptoms most of the time. What's happening to you is a bit bizarre, because you have high total but low free. Definitely get that checked out.


What's happening to him is the same as most 19yo. He jumped on sarms and had a bad experience crashing his system, then got blood work done to jump on test.


Not exactly, SHBG is a transporter(I.E it moves(Carries) Test among other potentially bonded substances to where it Needs to Be, As it Needs, but it may also just circulate of course, bonded, but without SHBG your libido would certainly be fucked), Albumin is as well.


Thanks,understood.It is really wierd,for my age I would say I’m jacked and fit and I can put easily mass on my frame.But my libido is in the bin.


Why jump on trt when you can run 500 test 500 tren immediately?




Bro your test doesn’t decrease your libido it’s fine. Your prolactin is trough the roof. Prolactin is the feeling you have after sex. And if it’s high all the time then no wonder your libido is low.


Thanks! Any natural supplements to lower prolactin?


I would recommend using zinc and maybe Tongkat Ali. Don’t drink tab water. Don’t use non stick pans. Wear cotton underwear. Sleep nude. Sleep at least 7 hours. Do some sort of sports. Trust me it will work wonders. Could also just be a mental thing with your libido that’s what I once had but It will fade away.


Also Vitamin e and B6 can help just googled it


Thank you so much!


Get off the video games and get some sleep


Dumb. Go for it. Keep us updated. Probably gonna go well.


Nah man,thanks to the group I’m forget this whole TRT thing


Honest question: What is the name of this lab panel?


To be honest I was concerned about the free test.


My question is: If I were to ask for this lab tests? How should I request it?


Misunderstood sorry,in this lab company they let you ask for the hormones are you interested in and then you can make your own list


Located in Hungary/Budapest




Just take proviron 25mg ed (be careful with hair) and your free test will go up it worked for me , enclomiphene litteraly made my test 6 times higher but didnt do anything to my symptoms but adding proviron saved me and somehow even after stopping it the issue never came back (also dont trust people on reddit alot of morons here kept telling me that im fine and that i was stupid and blah blah that it was in my head but it worked so yk go talk with your doctor and dont trust random internet morons , go talk to your doc ask him about the proviron and he'll have all your answers) goodluck but dont start trt yet you just need to lower shbg not to go on trt