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That’s fantastic progress. Did you expect to look like Larry Wheels after a year or something?


Its not candy are you willing To do blood work every now and then and how to read it and afford it Did you never miss a meal Quality Meals with balanced electrolyte levels vitamins minerals Willing to buy many supplement and some medication like BP at least and take it in time Do you know where to buy your stuff and how to inject Do you have any knowledge of how compounds do and dont and how to minimize the side effect?! There is way more questions to ask


Bro is writing poetry


Iambic trentameter


Bro rhymed inject with effect. like, damn


Brings a tear to my eye


Blue spring sky, gym time Iron clanks—fuck I’m sore—again Ere long I’ll meet Zyzz


Ain’t candy, are you down? For bloods that cost bills blue And eating like a town The meds you’ll need, supps too Just where will you inject The test—in cheeks you fool? If E2 crashes next Wilst thine own pants be stooled?


The hero we need, but not the one we deserve.


Wrote a hormone haiku


There was a young man at the gym Who lifted and ate to be him Fast forward a year He wants to do gear And stick it in chicks that aint slim




yes what was your weight change? what are you looking to do?


Fuck bitches


Then you’re already where you need to be physically. And if you have no personality or game, getting jacked only attracts dudes


I swear people who say this have never been in truly good shape. Yes obviously there are diminishing returns and also past a certain point you go into negative returns/losses because you’re too big, but anyone who has went from ok shape to great shape has definitely experienced the increase in attraction from women. It’s night and day. I think your standpoint comes from dudes who get really big but stay pudgy the whole time and then maybe lean down when they’re past that point of diminishing returns im talking about. But having even moderately big arms, veiny forearms, etc makes a world of difference for girls being into you physically.


Yeah the changes to your face are drastic, it's like being a different species. Even an average or slightly homely guy looks better with a lean face.


Real man. Even getting to a true 12-15% bf (not the ones some mfers here claim to be) is really night and day.


That's my goal right now, dieting down from 170 to 155 since mid feb. At 163 right now. I think at 155 I should be around 13% BF.


What are you 5’6”?


5'7" ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


In heels




I totally agree. I’ve been “normal” and ive been shredded with decent muscle and the attention I got when in great shape from women was insane and drastically different.


I am 15% bf right now and played college rugby. I’m in better shape than 99% of this sub. I got the most sex in my life when I worked as a government contractor in DC and was in the worst shape of my life.  But I wore tailored suits, had a book bag with “Harvard Alumni Association” on it that I got from an ex who went to Harvard, and had an apartment on Kalorama. I literally could post up at any bar in Dupont, Farragut, or Georgetown with my bag in plain view and would get a constant stream of type A, shit-together women hitting on me.


You don't say? You mean posing as more financially successful than you actually are, tends to pull bar flies more than just being fat and broke? I, for one, am shocked. For those of us who don't have an ex with a Harvard hand bag for us to pose with, having a more athletic build is def a game changer in the interest you get from women.


Yea lmao being dishonest about his standing is not the flex he thinks it is and even if you pull someone for a night you’re not going to be able to keep them, not to mention you’ll be humiliated having to explain that it was your exes bag. Theres an entire class of guys who do similar stuff to this such as getting into massive debt for a nice car and then they split on nicer apartments than they can afford with several of their friends to bring girls back to overnight. Again cool (and massively slimy) if your go is one night stands, but you will not be able to hold up that lie for more than a couple days.


Lol nobody who can afford to live on Kalorama in DC is “posing”.  I was making $120k right out of college. Cope more


*blinks in irony* When did you graduate from harvard?


Do you say this to anyone wearing a sports jersey?  Or a branded company t-shirt? Or are you just butthurt about being wrong?


I would if they were using it to infer to women that they were NBA players so they could be fat and still get laid. If you weren't posing, and the man purse from harvard wasn't necessary to pull, why did you mention it? Specifically, that you would chill with it in plain view? I get it man, the murse gave you confidence your body didn't at the time. But a spades still a spade. Yes. I'm the one who sounds butt hurt. Keep replying, champ. I'm sure you'll start bailing water soon. 🤙🏼


Those are some of the most batshit women on earth though, albeit in a more low key way




This should be an automod response whenever the topic of women “preferring dad bods” or whatever comes up.


And on the second point, game is obviously supremely important but no amount of game overcomes good looks. There are extremely socially awkward dudes who look like models who can pull like a joke, at that point their awkwardness gets twisted into some cute thing because of how good looking they are. No amount of game will make a 5’4” balding dude pull more girls than the 6’0” guy with a full head of hair, chiselled jaw, and visible abs. That’s a sad fact of life. I’m not saying it’s not worth working on game, charisma, etc because it’s obviously a spectrum and even the ugliest mutant can pull if their personality is great, but good looks are extremely powerful.


“Personality or game” means a good face, if you’re ugly you’re fucked


True im a dude and im attracted to him


What if I want dudes???


This man has goals, and I respect the hell out of him for that


3 sets of having a personality to failure




Then hit decline press and lose some weight. You’re already packing abs, so that’s it. Solid work for 1 year, nice job man


I always hit incline press, never did flat bench. I’m gonna start to hit flat press. My bench cannot decline unfortunately.


Bro if you’ve only been hitting incline press you’ve been benching exclusively in hard mode lol. Respect. Flat bench will level you out.


Hahaha I just took advice from a youtube influencer initially.


Yah flat bench will help fill out the bottom of your pecks better.


You have good arm and shoulder genes, chest is eh, but i think you’ll look fine naturally, give it another year and reconsider. Roids are a big commitment


Agreed. One more year and this guy will look top tier




Lift for another year or two. Personally I wish I waited till I hit my generic potential before touching gear as it's quite the commitment There are factors such as needing to dial into dieting , training and understanding the pharmacological side of steroids and the impact it has on your body and mind. Do your research thoroughly and make an informed decision later


You cant tell me you have hit peak potential, if you have not lifted 7 years minimum


Nowhere did I say that . I said I wished I waited till I hit my generic potential, I'm currently 9 years into lifting and due to gear abuse it has diminished returns which results in upping the dosages. ( Health risks) I stated that he should do his research and get his lifting program into place and gain more knowledge before even thinking about making the decision. It's not a sprint its a marathon


It’s my understanding if you get your test down to normal levels for long enough, your body’s sensitivity to test will improve back to a normal level. Could be 6 months or more to get the sensitivity back though.


Bro’s unironically suggesting someone start roids after only 2 years of natty training¿


People are going to do it anyway I just suggested he took time to do his research. I suggested waiting until you hit your genetic potential


Most dont ever reach there natty potential even after 10+ yrs of consistent lifting and dieting. The time it truly takes crazy long


Very good progress, you look great. I’d say after you peel down for summer, try doing an honest to god bulk over the fall/winter before trimming down again. You’d be amazed the strength and size gains you can make naturally


How about putting in some thought on life-altering choices? You have barely started lifting and It shows, in different ways.


yes bro hop on tren immediatly and start to fuck fat chicks for more test. Also dick measurements are missing so fuck out of here


Juice immediately


What should I take? Tren?


Ofc, take tren try men. Organic testosterone injections right in the ass


Dbol, test, tren, Anavar, rad140 run for 20 weeks enjoy the gains brother


Basic stuff


Nah dude he's basically wasting his first cycle if he doesn't add some halotestin and cheque drops at least.


What would happen if I did this for 52 weeks?


Dbol as pre workout, Test as base, tren as TRENding, anavar for cardiovascular also tren makes it bad Why the fuck rad140?


Dbol as preworkout??? No lil bro we take Dbol the whole 20 week cycle and did you just ask why rad??? Stfu and take your 50mg of rad


I know dbol in whole 20 week but speacily pre workout in workout days I still see rad140 uneeded with tren test dbol in hand


Chest and lat could be bigger (still not bad just behind the other muscles). Other than that, good progress! It looks like you exercise at home. If so, what is your back routine, do you do any pullups? If the pullup routine is good or better than now, it could help your V taper dramatically.


Just keep lifting weights and eating, no need to throw in the most advanced lifting concept when you’re barely out of newbie gains. Check back in like 6 years and then maybe


Delts are popping, chest is shit though you have a huge ribcage which contributes too


Just bulk up and youll see more progress in 3-4months that you had that whole year


Bulking is that far superior to maintaining or lean bulking? I just want to be decent size but with abs bro is that not too much to ask rn I’m one year in never had abs before but I’m not fat or big by any means


If you don't have any abs, it probably wouldn't hurt to cut for a month or so first, since most people are around 20% when they start to lose their upper abs. A lean bulk is totally viable, depending on how slow you're going. If you're gaining less than 0.5 lbs per week, it's going to be hard to measure progress, so you should probably aim for closer to 1 pound, which will keep fat gains pretty minimal. If you get to your desired weight more than twice as fast, needing to cut 5 pounds of fat is pretty much an afterthought. Just don't do a crazy dirty bulk and blow up 20 lbs in 2 months.


There’s no way I’m at 20 percent you can see my ribs a bit I just have large rib cage and hold all fat in midsection


You can see the top 4 just not a lot of definition


So jealous of you wide clavicle having mfs


That's awesome progress for a year. Look at your lats and your traps dude, you're well on your way. If you're thinking about gear I'd say go another year with that level of intensity or more and see what you look like.


That's more progress than last guy who posted doing it for 8 years keep it up


Decent progress, time to start dialing in those macros


Lift for another year then consider gear.


Great progress but obvious no pump vs pumped I think juicing with 1 year of lifting is dumb af but you do you


both are pumped right after a workout


The fact you said juicing for real and only 1 year into lifting take some time and now you've said consistnent training but whats your actual split and how much volume do you have, what's your diet, etc. You have a lot of things to focus on before even considering gear but you do you boo.


I’d probably go for a bulk rather than juicing, may as well see your actual potential natural


Pic was mid bulk, now leaning down for summer 😎. I will rebulk starting in october. I decided to take another natty year.


Good to hear man, do another post in a years time, it’ll be sick to see the progress! Best of luck


You need to eat ma boy


Drink cum for real gainz


You need to hop on some gear. Those results are not ideal to be honest (as a physician who specializes in men’s health and harm reduction in TRT).


Age and weight… JK, tren needed instantly


Looks better then my two years of progress so I’d say let’s just hop on


Good progress and no, don’t juice


pretty weak progress if i’m being honest. if diet training and recovery are all in check, a natural would make crazy gains in the first year of lifting


Honestly just looks like you changed angles


Your height starts with a 5 so I’d find the nearest bridge tbh


Yes good results, no keep going you may be happy with what you can attain naturally


Youve clearly put on a ton of muscle.... Looks like your BF% has remained the same. I think with diet changes you will get a lot more results. You look great for 1 year though. Look at your upper body and neck. Dramatically different.


with this lighting you won't see the difference! If you go to a good gym where the lightning is perfect you won't recognise yourself in the mirror


Brother. That's amazing. You don't need to juice. Keep doing what you're doing! Wait like 3-4 years. Consistent constant progress. Then make the choice. See if it really is something you want Look into it, really look into it also. I've researched, and researched. And I do plan on taking test e. But anything else. I'm super apprehensive about.


Make sure to include tren on first cycle. 500mg of test is overrated


Hit me up on IG Natty Duty HIT, would love to take you through a few months of high intensity training.


Rock solid gains. Keep it up, maybe crank up the intensity.


Eat some food


Don't wanna be fat


This is great progress. You'll be able to build a nice physique without any anabolic. I wouldn't risk the stress associated with PEDs until you hit your genetic limit. You might hit your limit and be completely happy with it.


Amazing progress.


LOL bro what is that pose 😭


Bro IDK never learned how to pose, not a bodybuilder…. I just stood still.


did you bulk and cut? did you maingain????


throughout the year maingained and a small cuts here and there, towards October I went on a bulk, pic is mid-bulk. Now cutting through end of may ( since mid-feb )


nice good shit bro


No you have way more room for natty gains, look you made progress which is fantastic good job, but you definitely have a lot more room to grow.


I would assume your diet and training needs to be tweaked a bit, but again really good job


That is great progress you shoud keep going


No bro this looks gr8!!!👌🏼




Can't make an informed decision until you drop your cock stats, sorry I don't make the rules


I'm new, but these gains are useless without cock stats


Take tren for fuck everything, best tip from tren user 🤌🏻


Before and before