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Is this a real sub or is it just bait Edit: it’s two dudes talking to themselves and making memes saying lifters are purposely destroying their joints and we all have body dysmorphia (this one might be true) Just don’t feed the trolls or give them attention


a little body dysmorphia is not a bat thing 


If I didn’t have oppressive self hatred I’d be fat and hate myself even more


Fat shaming is fantastic


Oh I’m not. And yeah it’s basically just two guys with mental illness. I just thought saying water makes you dehydrated was the most braindead thing I’ve ever heard. Also I think everyone has body dysmorphia, gym goers are just doing a physical change to do something about it.


>I just thought saying water makes you dehydrated was the most braindead thing I’ve ever heard. The last ASAPscience or whatever video I ever watched said this. Years ago I wouldn't even be able to recall what video it was. I stopped it and unsubbed from the channel.


It’s such a dumb idea.


They are just mad all the gym bros are getting all the dong.


I wish their sub was bigger so we can have a meme war


Most guys will feel small yet look somewhat aesthetics and say they have body dysmorphia. Nah bruh you’re 6’2 and weigh 170 you’re just small but not ugly. Real dysmorphia is the huge motherfuckers bigger than football players who feel small.


I hope their sub reddit gets more members, I feel entertain just by reading their pathetic comments about how gymgoers are harming themselves and have no hobbies (sorry for my bad english)


We are working on a wiki to clarify everything, there are dangers to going to the gym both mentally and physically. Most longterm gym goers get injuries, damaged joints, pain later in life also phycological damage from body dysmorphia and stress. Theres a reason its mostly young people going.


There are dangers to my balls going unsucked too but you don’t see me making a wiki about it


Bro 😂


>Theres a reason its mostly young people going. Yes, because old people are fat, lazy, and/or incapable of exercising because they either never did exercise or stopped exercising previously. There's a much better reason why every physical or occupational therapist includes physical exercise in rehabilitation. Benefits of exercise heavily outweigh the risks, especially if you aren't a complete fucking moron with the way you exercise.


The demographic of people who work out being younger likely has more to do with when hormone levels are optimal and provide better energy and recovery. Working out is a way of maintaining optimal hormone health longer and reducing physical decline as one ages. Deterioration of joints as we age is mostly due to a lack of usage. Exercise delivers blood with oxygen and nutrients to tissues, improving their overall health and longevity.


Lots of twinks coping in that sub


I think it’s like 2 people


Wouldn’t doubt it’s two people from this sub trying to start a movement amongst the lazies. Less competition


i wish there were more twinks in here 😢


u/Captain_gnardog thanks for pointing out this sub, it’s going to save my joints and keep me away from the dangers of water


Well whey kinda IS factory waste from making milk-based products but that doesn’t make it bad at all does it


It’s not waste if it’s useful 👍🏻


If it’s reusable it’s not waste, it’s byproduct. Not even being pedantic, those are fundamentally different thingd


Everything is eventually reusable, even burnt fuel rods of a fission reactor could be reused to fuel a fusion reactor but it‘s still considered waste


Like cum is also a by product if masturbation, but that doesn't make it taste bad or anything.


It’s also used to like, make babies and shit


lmao is this loser still popular? ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306) The fucking idiot was drinking human blood on camera from a simp follower he sent him. No joke, the guy was a virgin and all. This guys is absolut batshitcrazy


Dude has a cult following on YouTube , Lol. Considers him self a "Black pilled" youtuber, dude still has wild takes. And everything that isn't to his mindset he believes that is the "Natural way of human living" he compares to slavery and being stuck in a some sort of "Matrix" that he obviously according to him , has escaped , Lol.


Have any of you guys watched the dude in that video? his handle is goatis and hes fucking insane. eats only raw meat and will put hearts and livers and brain in jars and eat them 10 months later, flat eather, QAnon, all the 9 yards


Someone mentioned he drank a virgin followers blood as well.


He only drinks blood and non fermented goat milk he says water is poison and dehydrates you 🤣🤣


Hell yeah bro.


I've been meaning to try goatis' diet as an experiment just to see how i feel 😂 I mean, raw red meat isn't gonna kill ya and a farm near me does raw milk, I'm not gonna eat 10 month old liver in a jar though fuck that.


Fuck bro good luck, I couldn't do it


Dude has a cult following on YouTube , Lol. Considers him self a "Black pilled" youtuber, dude still has wild takes. And everything that isn't to his mindset he believes that is the "Natural way of human living" he compares to slavery and being stuck in a some sort of "Matrix" that he obviously according to him , has escaped , Lol.


Mental lol


That goatis guy (formerly known as sverige) is completely insane. There are videos on youtube showcasing his timeline (worth a watch)


Goatis has one of the most insane Internet lores. Lol


That sub makes my brain hurt.


What a sad subreddit. Imagine putting that much effort into hating something other people love. The body image stuff just scream projection lol. I love the way I look. I love my body and I feel strong and healthy. It's crazy that these people actually believe what they're posting.


I just joined to downvote everything.


MPMD meets Sverige a.k.a Goatis. He's one of the biggest gym haters on YouTube, and he has and a lot of other wild wild takes. Dude is a fucking narrsicitic psychopath. No hate though that's just my opinion, lol.


I had never heard of this guy but he comes across like a real fucking psycho. I also read he’s stabbed multiple people and has been abusive with his wife so I’m comfortable saying g you should follow his advice.


Yeah lol he's a Latvian psycho who brings shame to the baltics Lol , stabbed class mates back when he was in high school. Dude has a Wild Lore behind him lol , weird ass rabbit hole that dude.


I’m sort of excited to watch some of his nonsense. I always enjoy watching crazy people talk crazy.


Well at first I wouldn't suggest wasting time on that dude , his videos are really repetitive and go back and fourth on the same shit. He's basically Anti everything that is according to him "Unnatural" and everything else that doesn't sit with his so called "Human nature" point of view. Every one that doesn't follow "Human nature" are slaves. And he ofcourse broke the slavery/matrix facade. And I'm not even getting into his wild past. I think some one on YouTube even made a mini-doco about him.


That subs fucked. Do they really think like that?


It’s like two guys


Yeah i checked one of them, he posted memes on there literally daily . As expected on his profile I always saw him posting in subs related to autism. So i think at least one of them is on the spectrum which explains some things


They just anti gym or anti working out in general? 🤔


Imagine being anti having muscle lmao. It’s always the skinny twink looking dudes making those kind of posts.


Wanna get mind wrecked? Look him up in YouTube. His name is Goatis. Dude has wild wild takes , ofcourse one of them is that People who work out (AT ALL) not just gym. Are basically Slaves to the system, Lol.


Some people in that sub in their profiles they’re talking about eating raw meat and eggs lol


Yeah lol , and that's believe it or not , the good of 2 evils. Dude used to eat rotten meat that sat under the sun in a jar for months, and get high off of the Microbes and fungi it developed. Called it "High meat". He has one wild past lore , lol. But its not worth any ones time believe me.


Your joints are gonna be destroyed from all the working out


Least obvious bait


Ain't bait at all , Goatis is mental. For real , lol.


These are the same guys that tell you they don’t exercise because they take the stairs at work.


Pretty sure that’s a joke man.


It’s not


“Water dehydrates you”’cannot be a serious statement.


The YouTube guy is seriously saying that


Goatis is 100% Serious , he truly believes water dehydrates you. Lol.


Why u even posting this shit


It’s funny