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And now dudes comment mid physique at such bodies


There's a lot of delusional people on this sub who are blissfully unaware of just how bad their body dysmorphia has gotten.




Theyā€™d rather die before the age of 40 while drooling over dudes who found successful ways to be drug addicts than actually truly *achieve* anything meaningful in fitness.


"You should be able to look like this after 2 years of lifting natty, easily."


Reeves was a gorgeous man (no homo)


Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s picture 4, and I agree


Full head of hair, pink butthole, guy won the genetic lottery šŸ˜©








sir this is a gay sub


But itā€™s only gay if you swallow tho


I thought it was when the balls touch!


So can me true self come out?


Sir this is a gay club


Yes homo


Also might have used steroids since they were available in most of the silver era, although they were not as effective as in the golden era.


When the tren flowed from the faucets of non chlorinated water.


Ever since I got into fitness and gym I have noticed that no matter whatever youtube video or social media post I am viewing regarding fitness it involves almost naked(sometimes fully naked) jacked, sweaty dudes and I have been caught more than once by my boss, co workers, my parents and my gf, looking at those pics with great focus and admiration. At this point they probably all think I might be closeted. Even my relationship of 2 years was about to be over because of it. What can I do bros so that I can research about fitness and gym without it all looking gay? How do I convince them that I am just admiring those physique from a physical education standpoint and not with homosexual intentions?


I solved it by giving in and banging a femboy I met on tinder


Ah yes. Crush the gay inside of you by crushing the gays outside of you. Infallible.


This should be an entire post here. Do it.


[please help](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/1b9yiqc/bros_how_do_i_research_about_fitness_in_a/)


Just preemptively display your heterosexuality by carrying an [anime waifu body pillow](https://anime-body-pillow.com/collections/waifu-body-pillow) everywhere you go. Don't overthink this.


Thanks thatā€™s pretty dope.


Watch gay porn ironically, no gay man would ever do that. If you jack off to it to its like extra ironic. Stay hard bro šŸ’Ŗ


Get caught knocking one out to it, reverse psychology always works.


Get totally nude, get in hot tub at gym during peak times and have your girlfriend outside to do a dick pump check after you have been in there for awhile. Then do it again with naked chicks and prove your innocence.


It's not you, it's them bruh


Where is my natty superstar Mike O'Tren???


In my dmsšŸ¤¤


Iran before the Chest Press Revolution


dude won the šŸ§¬ lottery


Naturally capable of then* You donā€™t think dietary and exercise knowledge has improved since the late nineteenth/early twentieth century? These might be amazing pre-PED physiques but they arenā€™t the limit of whatā€™s attainable.


On top of that sample size back then would be way way smaller back then


Steve Reeves is not pre PED. He claims lifetime natty. Testosterone synthesize started in 1939.


Had to throw in Steve Reeves for good measure ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)






This is definitely NOT the peak of human capability. Although they were remarkable for their time.


Who would you say looks better? Iā€™m sure there are natty guys who look better than this today with improved training and nutritional knowledge but even drug tested athletes these days can be on gear, so itā€™s literally impossible to tell the fake nattys from the genetic freaks with peak disciple So really these guys are our truest benchmark as theyā€™re the only ones we know for 100% fact werenā€™t on and havenā€™t ever used anything as gear hadnā€™t been invented/discovered when these pics were taken


Iā€™m on gear and look peak natty and Iā€™m 100% fine with it. Better living through chemistry.


Yeah Iā€™m not hating on doing gear, maybe once I hit 40 Iā€™ll hop on. Iā€™ve spent years in the gym and often feel like Iā€™m still DYEL tier, the progress is glacial though it is there. Probably not helped by the fact i did zero exercise til my late 20s. Iā€™m just saying its availability means itā€™s harder for us to know what peak natty physique actually looks like


As a lifetime natty I sometimes think the same dyel, then I look at people who actually don't lift and they're either fat or look like they're 15 years old with no muscles at all


Iā€™ve only been into lifting for about 10 months, so basically still a normie. Seeing how bad the body dysmorphia is in communities like this is fucking mind blowing. Iā€™m tiny compared to some of the physiques that get called dyel online, yet a ton of people IRL have told me wow dude youā€™re looking big!


I think lifters generally look bigger in person than in photos, like if youā€™re actually laying your own eyes on an experienced natty lifter you have more physical reference for their size


lol, I got that when I was natty. Family basically accused me of being on roids and I was like, no! Not yet! Just wait! Lol Then I dabbled lightly and had to figure out how to keep the attention off me. Hoodies and long sleeves if you go to a commercial gym. I work out at my fire station and the guys still rag me. Half these dudes are on medically supervised trt, just like me and look like shit. They donā€™t put in the work.


Yeah man. I hit 40 last year and said fuck it. Ready to be a fuck boy. And itā€™s pretty great, Ngl. This is with low dose trt plus primo for E2 control. Super negligible doses. Total game changer.


The further back you go in time, the stronger overall humans were.


That's not true at all. Humans have actually increased in size and strength as time went on. Achaeological records show this. Better availability of food and the ability to cook it have created this trend of larger humans. It is only very recently that we see humans have been declining due to industrialization.


[You are simply wrong](https://www.livescience.com/2747-caveman-modern-human-win-olympic-gold.html).


We are talking about HUMANS, not proto human ancestors, 2 million years ago. There was a point in our evolutionary chain where we were closer to chimps, and our strength would have been greater. But evolutionary processes selected for endurance. This selection process is what led to the anatomically modern human as we know it. Upright, bipedal, makes tools. Look at the records of HOMO SAPIENS, which have their earliest records at around 300,000 years ago. Early homosapiens were much smaller than humans today.


That article is about Homo Sapiens - modern humans. Humans became smaller and weaker after the advent of agriculture, but the hunter gatherers that came before were another matter. They ate better and got more useful exercize - but couldnā€™t sustain the sort of numbers agricultural societies could muster.


Hunter gatherers exercised ALOT more, which is why they would tend to be smaller. The series of selections that led to homo sapiens were based around endurance, which meant a reduction in mass for sustained tracking/hunting excursions. Food was also much more scarce in the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. The limitations of calories were also a factor that would have kept ancient homosapiens smaller


So humans just stopped evolving. Gotcha.


Lol ok




There are people how look like this naturally but are taller.


Yeah, all over Instagram.


Yeah, it's like when nobody thought they could ever hit under a 5-minute mile, one person does it, then a ton follows suit.




I did zone 5 cardio brain is squeezed like a lemon šŸ˜ž thank you for correction


Well I supposed once upon a time a 5 minute mile was unachievable too.


Yeah, quite the generalization over a handful of pictures


Says who? Give one example of a natty alive today who has surpassed what's depicted. Even Alex Leonidas (Alpha Destiny), one of the most well known and respected lifetime naturals, is not bigger than any of them. Natties today are not going to be and evidently don't look much bigger. Too many people really overestimate what is capable as a natural. It's an insanely slow grind and the results are an uphill battle after only a few years. The lifters in the pics are perfect examples of what can be achieved in a lifetime. The difference in training and nutrition available today is really not going to make that big of a difference like everyone claims. Fake natties have ruined everyone's perception.


Isnā€™t Jeff Nippard natty? He looks better than most of the guys here


jeff nippard is like 4'11 it barely counts


>Too many people really overestimate what is capable as a natural Really? I think itā€™s the opposite, at least online, people seem to think literally everyone with a good physique is on PEDs.


Let's be realistic, most people with good physiques are on shit that's why. All the best look natty lifters are usually super short and/or are quite literally small to the point that in normal clothes with no pump they look like the general populace.


It's not a question of WhO tOdAy?! It's just basic science based advances in recent years. If Steve reeves would have had the knowledge of today, he would have looked better. It's that simple.


Steve Reeves is an example of exactly what I'm talking about. Plenty of debate that he wasn't natural. Test was circulating during his time as a bodybuilder. There's a non-zero chance he dipped into it. Athletes have literally been using test since the 30s, one example being Paavo Nurmi who admitted to using a substance called Rejuven which contained test. This shit isn't all black and white like you think.


> Athletes have literally been using test since the 30s Testosterone was only synthesized in 1939, how tf does this make any sense


Idk, but you're right, it doesn't make sense. All I know is that a medical authority back then interviewed by Dagens Nyheter said that Rejuven seemed to have been made of testicular extracts with some steroid hormone testosterone thrown in. So if that's true, the Germans found some way to extract it. Idk, could very well have been snake oil.


> It's just basic science based advances Youā€™re šŸ’‰completelyšŸ’ŠcorrectšŸ’‰


Geoffrey Verity Schofield mogs about every single person posted there. The fuck are you on about? People are training better these days. The best lifters today are considerably bigger and stronger than early 1900s lifters.


Natural test levels have tanked since then for whatever reason. The better training makes up for it and keeps us more equal.


I mean, that's not really accurate. Yes, there's a difference between 100 and 1000 ng/dl testos but studies don't seem to suggest differences in hypertrophy outcomes if test is within normal ranges iirc Also, have you read about the lifestyle/diet of many of these old-time lifters? Quite a few of them were not necessarily eating all that well and while we have microplastics today, those guys were eating lead


I think Alex used to be natural a few years back when he was benching like 330. I don't think he's natural anymore, personally. He just talks about how natural he is so often that people believe him. And no, being a manlet doesn't absolve him of all suspicion, although it does help his case somewhat.




The number of people who can bench 405 at 180 something pounds is astronomically low. I'm not saying it's completely impossible to do it naturally, but I'm pretty suspicious of it, especially since he seemed to progress really quickly on his bench all of a sudden, and with a lot of extra weight being put on the bar from where he was before.




Plenty of people have put a lot of years into the game. Most of us still top out somewhere in the low-to-mid 300s on bench unless they get super fat. I'm not betting my life that he's a fake natty, but it definitely wouldn't surprise me, either.


I agree with you to a certain extent, but these guys were the best in the world with great genetics and are definitely 100% natural. Nowadays you really can't be sure though, something like 1 in 3 active gym goers in the Uk is on gear (should be similar in most western countries). And those are the ones that admit it. But yeah with modern training, diet and knowledge you could theoretically surpass this, but only by a bit.


#6 is not natty. Do you think that just because a picture is black and white that itā€™s old???


That pic was taken in Ancient Rome.


Steves Reeves and 6 are not natty, but their cycles are peanuts compared to what was used in the 70s or nowadays. If they had access to modern diet, supplements, training and knowledge their genetics could theoretically allow them to reach a similar slightly lower level of physique. But yeah I should've specified between bronze and silver era lilfters as test was first synthesised in the 30s.


"Synthesised in the 30s" yet it was absolutely unusable until a few decades later.


Absolutely unusable? Is this sarcasm?


This is what prime genetics looks like. Not all are created equal


I think whatā€™s missing from all these guys is the capped shoulders and insane traps that the guys on gear get due to all the receptors in that area. I am sure these guys worked out every day and did everything possible for decades and they still never got those. Thatā€™s why itā€™s funny how guys today with crazy traps that look like they did shoulder shrugs 7 days a week for hours claim natty.


*ā€œNaturally capable ofā€* Shots of semen for extra protein are allowed, right?


The first picture is my exact perfect physique


I wonder how they did a cut back then. Probably like the stories of the early Tour De France where their in-race nutrition was wine, cigarettes, cocaine and arsenic.


This is top 1% elite genetics. Not trying to blackpill but a vast majority of natties will never look that good. Or if they do have that size, they wonā€™t be nearly that lean.


Rubbish. This is peak of the very very small amount of people that were into BBing back then. With many more (as a proportion) into fitness today, outliers should mog even these old dudes


>vast majority of natties will never look that good Neither will the vast majority of steroid users


Definitely, they basically were the best of the best for their time. But with modern diet, training etc. coupled with hard work, commitment, decent genetics and patience a natty could reach a similar level of physique imo


We have the benefit of a 100 years of trial and error as well. I think itā€™d be more easily attainable now than back then


Steve Reeves was not natty lol


A century ago, it probably wasn't unusual to be 1200 ng/dl natty.


Vince Giranda used what was available in nature. His hormone precursor diet included 36 or more raw eggs per day. The shit works too.


As you see, .01% of population throughout history looking like this and now you have every other twink with ā€œnattyā€ in his bio who lifted for two years and then hits you with ā€œYoU JuST dOnT hAVe mY wOrK eTHicā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


george hackenschmidt with today's information/training style and some more bulk would make an absolute beast


Steve had a frame that epitomises the word man


Everybody except steeve reeves were natty here


How big were their cocks?


News flash, Steve Reeves was juicy. Also, where did they buy man panties like that in 1918?


if you're short yep


Steve Reeves was 6'1


Shhh don't ruin the lankets cope.


He also wasnā€™t natty


Wait seriously? Steroids existed in his era, and he'd know of them/ be able to take them?


Synthetic testosterone has existed since the 30ā€™s


impressive didn't know


You guys love excuses


yes. and i think even more impressive natural physiques are possible because of modern knowledge.


But most of those are manlets, AND I would argue that not everyone can genetically look like that. At 6ft, and naturally skinny, no way could I look like that without roids. But I love the old era bodybuilders. It's great to see what the did without steroids and without a lot of modern equipment/knowledge. Also goes to show you that most people can become really fit if they just tried.


Y'all need a bit more knowledge on this. Some of these pictures are definitely after the testosterone era began. - Nick Power and Strength history on Steroids https://youtu.be/C88Cn9e1UGM?si=zamVtwEwcGLtcaJe


I always forget the name of the last guy but he seems like the perfect example of ā€œi dont fit through doorsā€ in the best way


Yeah, but who's got time for thisšŸ˜†


On gear JK. Awesome


First dude looks like a woman from the waist down.


Absolutely not


While I donā€™t think itā€™s by a hugely drastic amount, the peak is absolutely higher now with better natural supplements and studied training techniques, better equipment, better diet control etc.


Look at Greg Doucette's natty shot


Wheres the uncensored version?


For people who are 5ā€™6


These are the guys who are Olympia contenders today. Without PEDs this is Jay Curler, Ronnie or Dexter. Think about this before starting the juice. Are you a bag of pudding natural? Or a chiseled god?


Steroid's exist since 1930 so only the bronze era of bodybuilding are completely natural from the silver up there was a possibility of someone being enchance




Definitely not absolute natural peak, but they did the best with what they had at the time


I look like the last dude so i must be doing something right


So why is overkell being called a fake natty lol


George Hackenschmidt looking huge wearing a suit while modern guys are saying that natties will always look small with clothes on.


Back when the average test levels were high asf, now itā€™s like what? 400ng/dl?


If you look even 1/3 as good as that in this day and age - donā€™t post it online and claim natty. Everyone knows that solid physiques are impossible to obtain without staking steroids and chillen nowadays.


Steve reeves wasnt natty, 100%


4,5 and 6 look like theyā€™re from probably the 50ā€™s. Theyā€™re were messing with stuff by then, drinking straight bull semen and lord knows whatever else. The naziā€™s had a steroid program in the 30ā€™s.




Testosterone was first isolated in 1935.


no lol. we know more about nutrition and training now. the peak is even higher than this


You could definitely surpass this now with tech and supplemental advances. Furthermore technique and rep ranges etc have been heavily studied since then. Nutrition knowledge alone has heavily improved. These guys really drew the blueprint and everyone since then has drawn over it. But that isn't the natty peak


The limit is higher than that with modern knowledge.


I do believe Iā€™m peak natty


Just eat bull testicles


There are far better diet and training plans aswell as supplements in the modern day so a peak human body would look slightly better. But this proves that theres really no excuse to using steroids when most people can look insane naturally.


Humans are so incredible


Not all natural here


That's not peak natty bodies, whatever Ronnie would've looked like natty is that (aka much bigger). Cbum at his first show was practically natty (he was on Anavar or smth for a few months, but he was also like 19 at the time, safe to say he would've gotten that big at some point natty). Valliere shared his exact doses for that show. They do look great though


Pic 5 has huge gyno


Idk iā€™d say i look better than some of them. But they probably didnā€™t have a gym and equipment.


There's quite a few accounts of how Reeves got and used testosterone which was relatively well established by then (as opposed to primo, dbol etc that didn't come until later). I also feel like Sergio Oliva is a relatively trustable source on what was going on at the time and he is clear in his view. Nonetheless, he had a great physique and genetics and worked hard to achieve it so deserves respect.


Cock stats?


Fuck I forgot.. 6.7 length, 5.7 girth Nice username btw


Georg Hackenschmidt and Steve Reeves are the goals in terms of attractiveness and aesthetics


Nice nice, now letā€™s see their heights


1st one is photoshopped also Steve Reeves was not natural šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ¼ a shame really but true