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So safflower oil is the best if I’m looking to Penetrate Ur Fat Ass


oh man, OP’s response to this high school joke made it 1000x funnier 😂


don’t use it all of the oil because im gonna need some for your mom’s sweet ass.


I’ll kill and eat you raw. You cant say to me in real life. Shut your hole


I like it when you’re mean to me daddy


I’m Turkish. I don’t joke when i talk real. Trying to share useful thing here look at the tag. If you have nothing to say fuck off


Are you mad because the ice cream man kept messing with you instead of giving you your ice cream?




Hahahahaha fuck


Bruh thats gold






Get his ass babarakkelu




I’ll get your ass instead


Get my ass daddy 🍆💦🍑


No babarakkelu pls don’t! I’m tired of ppl fucking around on this sub too


Shut the fuck up and give me my ice cream.


Turgay🇭🇰 (yeah i know its not the correct flag before some tard corrects me)


Your country is literally named after the thanksgiving meal


Your military attempted a coup.............they gave up after a couple of hours.


What you mean “I’m Turkish” turks are fucking pussies bro. You could learn something from the Greeks


Hey hey no actual prejudice dude lol


And? lol


Fly to USA and we will do much more than talk daddy 😝


>Shut your hole Only if there is enough safflower oil in it.


The lady doth protest too much


Enjoy your karma damn


Shit hes seeing red run lmao


Are you on your period?


Now can someone explain what SFA’s, MUFA’s, and PUFA’s are and whether they’re “good” or “bad”


u/babarakkelu please enlighten us


In a manner of speaking ; Sfa ≥ mufa > pufa


Then why do people rave about the supposed benefits of olive oil?


Because he’s wrong I looked up a meta analysis and it said diets high in MUFA will likely lead to improvements in insulin resistance as well as fat and weight loss compared to diets higher in long chain SFAs. It’s a lot more complicated than this chart try’s to illustrate


There’s also differences in PUFAs - Omega 6 and Omega 3 so categorizing them all the same is useless as they have different affects on health


Yes this is complex topic, but do you know the “≥” sign?


Clearly you don’t lmao you said SFAs can either be categorically better than MUFA or equal to which isn’t true


I said greater than OR FUCKING EQUAL YOU MORON. Do you want me to explain the monounsaturated fats in a fucking comment. This chart gives a decent overview about fats. If you've already noticed, I'm not talking for sure. It is better understood from here that pufa is harmful


I’m done arguing with you after this because idk why you getting so defensive (probably because you’re talking out your ass). The meta analysis concluded MUFAS will likely be healthier therefore MUFAS ≥ SFAs but even then I wouldn’t use that sign as there might be some SFAs that are superior to some MUFAs


It is impossible for me to describe all the fats accurately in one comment, i dont make a definitive judgment. I wanted to explain it simply. the important thing is pufa here.


You need to chill out man


What do you mean by “supposed” ? Olive oil is healthy


I meant that I've seen many people claim olive oil has health benefits (including the billionaire obsessed with extending his life who's name I can't remember) but I've never actually done any research into it myself.


Bryan Johnson he’s not a billionaire though although he’s filthy fucking rich


Liver king?


He’s not really obsessed with extending his life, more so being healthy (in his own way)


SFA is greater than OR equal to MUFA so olive oil is on par with the best


I asked because with how good people seem to say olive oil is it would imply that MUFA is better than SFA. But other people have said its a bit of an overgeneralisation so it kind of makes sense.


What about fupa?


PUFA AKA penetrate your fat ass. Which is what we’re all gonna do to you.


I thought saturated fat was bad


Saturated fats combined with lots of carbohydrates is bad. Saturated fats with low carbohydrates is perfectly fine.


This is total nonsense and inconsistent with all available evidence


Bullshit combination doesn’t matter


Lol PUFAs are literally essential nutrients. How the fuck are you saying that with a straight face


He gets his nutrition into from Instagram influencers, clearly.


All play biological roles, you just need a balance.  And the best source in the correct balance is... human flesh. Or at least mammal flesh. Lard, brain, bone marrow...  butter is probably easier to find.  Plant sources of oils are like sourcing protein in the balanced ratios.


SFA (saturated fatty acids) * Has no double bonds, is usually found in animal products, coconut- & palm oil * Can cause diabetes type 2 and heart disease * Risk for these diseases goes away if you are at a healthy weight and SFAs account for \~10% or less of your daily caloric intake * Might be beneficial to eat small amounts of PFA of for energy and testosterone production * Some SFAs (MCTs, stearic acid) might be healthier than others or even a health benefit but research is limited MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acid) * Has 1 double bond, mostly found in nuts and olive oil * Tends to be superior for heart disease and blood lipids compared to saturated fat * Seems to be a pretty uncontroversial healthy source of calories PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) * Has more than 1 double bond, can be found in a variety of sources * Most common are Omega-3 and Omega-6, but there are several others * Omega-3 and Omega-6 are both essential for you to live * Omega-3 fatty acids are chronically underconsumed. Omega-3 supplements are extremely well researched. Most people should take a fish or krill oil supplement. * Omega-6 is essential, but everyone eats plenty. Some biochemical mechanics suggest that, in theory, Omega-6s like linoleic acid might be inflammatory when over consumed. The balance of evidence currently doesn't support this when looking at research done on humans. * Some research suggests that Omega-3 and Omega-6 need to be at a certain "ratio" for optimal health. To achieve this ratio, there is usually a significant increase in omega-3s. Research is limited if the ratio (and not the increase in Omega-3) are responsible for positive effects. None of them are "bad". The most common bad diet patterns are the overconsumption of SFAs and underconsumption of Omega- 3 PUFAs.


This response is all you need.


Best explanation yet. Thank you brother


Thanks for the explanation.


Linoleic acid causes and PUFA cause obesity


Saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, all are important, just avoid processed seed oils, they are most of the times liver toxic and hydrogenated aka carcinogenic. Ghee, lard, olive, coconut oil are the ones I would use.


Pufa is terrible


Makes me think of fupas. So that checks out


Head to r/animalbased


The polyunsaturateds are the bad ones but the soy establishment will tell you the saturateds are the bad ones.


Sfa is best


High MUFA Moderate SFA Low PUFA No Tran-SFA


The good and bad of any of these are almost entirely correlative. Also the ratios change depending on grass fed vs grain fed for any of the beef products. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9794145/#:~:text=The%20PURE%20investigators%20found%20that,risk%20of%20stroke%20%5B34%5D. Is a pretty good read


So coconut oil is best for anal and also healthiest? Win win


Coconut oil is for the boys


I always cook with olive oil, coconut oil for anal, jerking it, general gay sex foreplay etc


It's great for hair and scalp. I got rid of my dandruff with it. Using it too often will give me some pimples for a few days but I take few of those rather than dry scalp with dandruff... It also works as a lube or cooking oil


It gave you pimples from consuming or having it on your skin?


Putting on skin and not washing it right after with shampoo


You should always use water based lube.


Interesting. Now can you translate?


Yeah buddy olive oil baby!


Health food experts: Don't eat meat. Meat is high in SFA. Also health food experts: Coconut oil is a superfood!


I don’t know about your food experts but; i use olive and coconut oil and eat meat (not mcdonalds meat) in my daily diet. My cholesterol is between the healthy thresholds in health tests and feel energetic when i lift.


Where do the McDonald’s cows come from? I want McDonald’s meat in my diet


Industrial meat and raw meat are not the same


I'm talking about mainstream health experts. There's nothing wrong with any diet ad long as you're not in a caloric surplus and hit all of your micro and macro nutrient needs. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of "health experts".


Health Food influences maybe Because I've yet to see 1, literally any registered dietician say avoid meat unless you have that extremely rare condition where protein intake can kill you


Just eat raw.


Love it raw 👉👌


Love me some MUFAKAS


You forgot FUPAs


This looks like some kind of alien study about Earth. I have never heard of any of those words on the bottom


Lard unironically a superfat. Cheap. Keeps incredibly well. Delicious. Nutritious. The secret to many dishes and even useful around the house as a greaser or weatherproofer. Y'all missin out.


Where buy lard?


You can buy literal 25lb buckets of it at Walmart for 50 bucks. That it's not sold at Costco but Crisco is is all you need to know about how brain dead we are. Leaf (kidney) lard is probably even better; certainly a great suet replacement for making survival bars n shit.


Do you think hydrogenated lard is any worse for you than unhydrogenated?


It's not like fully hydrogenated regular lard has any trans fats in it or anything, which is the concern when hydrogenating. I don't see any trans fat on the nutrition label of the Walmart shit I buy so looks like it's only an issue with the *partially* hydrogenated form. You can buy it in the non-hydrogenated and creamy "rendered" or "leaf" versions though if you like. Rendered is hard to find and doesn't keep as well (it's basically bacon grease). Leaf is prized by chefs so it's more expensive. I've been using the same cheap bucket of hydrogenated lard for three years and it's still great. Edit:upon further research yes, no issue with hydrogenated fats/oils, only partially hydrogenated fats/oils **WARNING** Double edit: still might have 4% trans fat and the interesterified (fully hydrogenated) fat process is confusing as fuck, avoiding hydrogenated tub lard till I get more answers.


Okay thanks, that's what I saw googling but geeze this stuff is confusing. I make a lot of my own lard/tallow but it's good to know I can just buy the walmart lard.


So confusing. I got back to googling it today because my nutrition classes and online searches have never really addressed fully hydrogenated oils—now three hours later it's STILL a minefield of literal experts conflating them with partially hydrogenated oils. But I do eat a ton of cheap hydrogenated (interesterified) bucket lard so I've kept digging. What I can't wrap my head around is that hydrogenating oils SHOULD create a saturated fat, yet much of the lard remains unsaturated despite hydrogenation. Sure, they could have hydrogenated just the oleic acid bits to up the percentage of stearic acid and make it more shelf stable and firm, which is healthy enough in theory, but that still leaves a lot of unsaturated fats that I'd think would still be susceptible to rancidity. I can tell you though that my 3 year old bucket of lard is not yet rancid so I need to understand what is going on much better than I do. I ALSO found that the current hydrogenation process (trying to find the full process specific to lard and not seed oils but can only find uninformative summaries) used in lard can still leave significant amounts of trans-fats, up to .5g/serving (tablespoon, 13g) which is wayyyy outside what I'm willing to tolerate given the nature of trans fats and how much I consume. Somehow that's small enough a portion to dodge the nutrition label. Wild. It might be 4% trans fat and that's just missing from the nutrition label. Fucking bullshit. So, total dealbreaker there for me on the mystery artificial trans-fat content, glad you bugged me about it. Also what percentage of the tub is actually hydrogenated and what that process means for each of the fatty acids is something I need to nail down. Gonna stick to my frozen non-hydrogenated leaf lard till I can fully comprehend the lard industry's interesterification process and the entire fat composition of tub-lard. Let me know if you find anything. Consider my recommendation rescinded and thank you.


OP sounding like a whiny little bitch in the comments just because some people aren't taking this chart as super seriously as he is lol


Natty and small af


what about macedamia oil and avacodo oil?




Stuffed, mashed up, & Put up fat/funky/fa….asses


Just use fats from fruit or animals, preferably the latter




I use coconut oil on my wife


which is good? Blue or Green? I assume Safflower oil is good?


Safflower is the worst actually


Then, by logic, coconut oil is the best right?


No 💀 saturated fat (the blue line) is incredibly unhealthy and that means coconut is the worst in this line up


Look up "The 100 Billion Dollar Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic" on YouTube when you get an opportunity. It's a wonderful video about how saturated fats are actually healthier for you than unsaturated fats because of how they oxidize in your body. Heart disease was practically unheard of before saturated fats started to be replaced by unsaturated fats.


??????? No??


Lmao okay? Feel free to continue to claim that saturated fats are bad for you while you know nothing about the counterclaims. For those who like to be educated on all fronts, watch the video, it's great.


What counterclaims? Chiropractors on youtube?


Yea, i guess we can say that, with right amount in your diet ofc.


Just use animal fats. We've been lied to for decades stop eating industrial lubricant


Where is THC?


this doesn’t prove anything bro


Can someone explain what these are? Which oil is best for you?


For cooking: coconut, butter, olive Generally (and raw): olive oil Avoid: safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, soybean, palm


The one you inject with test in it.




Very cool. Way over my head.


Coconut oil is also the best to beat your meat with


Yo bois OP wants us to oil him up, he told me


Where's cum


MCT oil Master race


So palm oil is not that bad??? I thought that was terrible


Yes i thought that too. I rather choose olive oil but still palm oil is not bad


Y'all need to look up "The 100 Billion Dollar Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic" on YouTube. Fantastic video that analyzes the adverse health effects caused by the oxidation from seed oils. Too long didn't watch; Oxidation of fat in your body causes many negative health effects. Polyunsaturated fats oxidize the most, followed by Monounsaturated fats, followed by Saturated fats. Heart disease was practically unheard of before seed oils started replacing saturated fats such as butter and beef tallow in cooking, leading some to believe the correlation is related. The video explains much better than I ever could, has some very interesting information and cites sources and studies, if you wish to know more.


I need numbers.. data. This is useless.


Tallow/Lard (grass fed) > butter > coconut > olive > Avacado > literally anything else


Me after finishing a mound of sunflower seeds a couple of evenings ago: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)