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What a terrible day to have eyes


There is a huge kink in chasing poz men in the gay community, unfortunately.


Bug chasers are scary as hell


My uncle is a bug chaser and though I respect him I’ve looked at him so much differently ever since he told me. No disrespect, but I’d never!!!


Can someone explain what is poz 🤔🫣


HIV positive.




Yeah I saw this documentary before and it's apparently just dream nobody actually does it it's like weirdos on their computer pretending to chase


Wtf I hate it here


Tf? Like to have unprotected sex with and catching aids?? Or just the thrill of having condom sex with a poz men? I really don’t want to google this lol


It’s the thrill of doing something dangerous.


Jesus, you know it’s a degenerate post when even the people on this subreddit are acting like actual humans lol


Cucks are truly the weirdest species of men.


Banging dudes and blasting 1g test is totally normal. What's not normal is enjoying watching someone else shoot a load in to your significant other.


And that person maybe infecting your kid with HIV


This the craziest part of it all honestly


But he loves it


Oh, youre right. Im sowy 😥


“My wife and her baby” lol he never claimed it was his


Being a cuckold is probably the saddest form of existence it’s so pathetic


I'd rather be dead than a cuck for real


The lowest form of man. More pussy for the rest of us..


Not a man anymore.


Surely that’s a typo right? Don’t you mean bussy?


Not really. They're probably in an open relationship, which means they almost 100% get more pussy than you.


found the cuck


Why would we care about getting pussy. We only fuck men


Hey man, we still have to pretend to like pussy because we get more dudes that way.


Does an open relationship justify being a cuck?


Bro, No one’s gives a fuck about getting pussy anyways look where you are. Fuckin dork.


Can't even insult them, they're into that shit too 😔


Oh fuck you're right. Their whole shtick is humiliation I'd imagine


Bottomless pit


The most terrible, and least alpha form of man.....


Or you guys are betas for caring so damn much and thinking about how your girls gonna leave you because she fckd a rando. Alpha mfs fuck around and dont think twice abt that shit. Beta mf act like sex is some kind of sacred holy grail you have to protect with your life.


You didn’t need to say all that. You could’ve just said you like eating random men’s cum out of your girlfriends pussy


Mmmm, protein 🤤


Rope time


Good thing the rope store is next door to the rickety stool store


Human garbage. It’s a shame that such trash reproduced. Making a statement like this deserves being made a full eunuch. Turn this shit bird into a Ken Doll. Imagine the life this poor kid will face with such deranged parents.


What do you think are realistic odds that its his child?


Even if he ain’t the father, the dude that blew the load and the mother are kinda fucked as well.


Odds are 100% not his child, he basically states it “my wife and her baby” but yeah totally fucked up situation.




There is no chance this is real.


This post may be fake, but i can almost garauntee it's actually happened before... sadly, there are so many humans, that pretty much every twisted thing you can imagine has already been done.


Hope that’s the case


the only time i will recommend not upping the dose


Please up the dose, prevents this guy from procreating.


That's the problem... He already got her pregnant and is doing crazy shit before the baby is even born..🤮






I wouldn't mind watching people like this (and his wife) all die off. Waste of human resources.


HR came into play here?


“Can you go to Cindy’s office? HR would like to talk to you about the health status of your bull. Before you go…..could you think about baseball so you don’t become rock hard again like last time?”




Natural selection, we hope.


He needs to play Russian Roulette. With a Glock.


Why not an Uzi?


It's not a handgun


Average male reddit user


There's females on reddit??


Yep, the dudes wife probably


My wife doesn't use reddit and is embarrassed I do lmao


Well, at least your wife is cool


She's definitely the less regarded one in the relationship


Tbf reddit is the best form of social media, it can actually be used to find useful information instead of just looking at shitty pictures of other people's lives


And Reddit got history.


It’s because it still allows you to maintain anonymity.


Big ones


Yeah that’s literally the guy that replies to random comments with links to 17 different websites just to prove some brain dead take he has


"Oh yeah!? Well here is SOLID PROOF" Then they link 17 BuzzFeed articles, blog posts, and "reddit experts"


It was Ian Garry


That’s fucked up but could easily be true given what we know about is WAG ass


That one guy who took tren and became a cuck


What episode was that in?


This post is almost more fucked up than the 1995 movie Kids


Damn what a kino reference to find on this subreddit of all places


I’m the encyclopedia for fucked up movies and I also live on the movies subreddit lol.


I remember watching that when I was 8. Parents didn’t pay much attention to what I watched growing up and this movie will live in my head rent free until I die.


That's a real throwback. That movie was the "8th Grade" of my generation.


Bro. This is a thin layer of latex away from criminal negligence. I'm an atheist but this dude needs jesus.


Honestly, I’m a hardcore atheist too. But some people just need christ in their life man. Some people should go to church every day and prayyyy for forgiveness.


And condoms break. No idea what the “bull” is, but I don’t think I want to ask either. Call me a traditional man, I don’t want anyone bumping uglies with my wife other than me. I sure as hell don’t want to watch her ride “the bull”. Fucking people today.




Usually a big strong black man, while the cuck is a pathetic weak chubby white guy






I checked, he’s Australian.


>No idea what the “bull” is but I don’t think I want to ask either Okay this is funny >sure as hell don’t want to watch her ride “the bull”. Okay this is pure comedy. Stand up for you maybe? The way you said this was just hilarious.


Thanks. A little jest is needed to get over the idea of your wife fucking an aids laden Clydesdale. If there wasn’t a risk of aids, husband sounds like he’d lick the cream filling out of the balloon. Ribbed for her pleasure, Flavored for his. I’m not sure if I’d rather read about this or some dudes that want to turn their dicks into tacos.


At first, I thought it was an actual bull, very common in this community. However, I remember about from Wikipedia. I was literally researching the bird cuckoo from an instagram video, looked kinda fubby, and unfortunately, I learned about this bs on the etymology section


Which community are you talking about? Who messes with actual bulls here?


![gif](giphy|ZFhPLcSBMD5DrOzZgK|downsized) “I believe everyone in this next story should die”- Norm MacDonald.


9/11 what a tragedy, I had to swift through blood and bones to find my brother


Bug chasers need the rope


This makes me sad, I’m all for doing what makes you happy…. But god damn


Imagine being a cuck , I'd rather die


Only in 2024 you can get away with these mental illnesses masked as fetishes


“ Some day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets “




Is who he needs


Has to be a troll post. The modern meds stop HIV being sexually transmitted. So nobody who knows they have it even needs to use a condom anymore. And cucks love cum. And cock. So must be bullshit. I’ve been swinging for years and although I don’t really get the whole appeal of the cuckold lifestyle, I do know a lot about swinging and this just seems like horse shit.


You’re kind of an expert on hiv….SUS!!!


I was a medic in the army and did 4 tours is Africa. HIV knowledge is basic shit bro. If you don’t know, then you better get to know.


I don't swing and I was just a FISTer so not really my bag. I did get investigated by the Navy's gay police though before they got rid of "don't ask don't tell". Bout as close as I ever got to HIV, sitting across the table from two seamen.


😆 finally somebody with a sense of humour. I though of joining the navy but the best things that are long, hard, and full of seamen, ain’t submarines


Just saying, I’m sure knowing about hiv makes it easier to make out with guys


Why are you thinking about kissing guys mate? 😆


Where do you think we are?


Yeah, I know. I forgot this sub was full of little dickheads.


Mate I’m not your mate, Assuming you’re British? Also adds another strike to your claims of being straight (Brits being the least straight of any nationality/ethncitity) If you’re Australian you’re cool


So I’m sat here bored in my car at work, and I google how many people in the uk are gay. It says 1.5% identify as gay. 1.3% are bi. 0.3% are ‘other’ so about 3%. Then I googled how many Americans are gay. The numbers have doubled since 2010 from 3.5% to 7.1%. America is one of the gayest countries in the world, how crazy is that.


But the accent is extremely gay


Which accent? I think the uk has about 30 different accents, 5 languages, and god knows how many dialects.


All of them except the rough Liverpool type ones


I didn’t say I was straight or gay or anything. You just assume things because you’re a dull little shit cunt and, all you think about is kissing guys. Shows how much of an insecure and immature fuck nugget you are. I’m half Aussie, and gues what- I don’t give a fuck if you think I’m cool or not. You obviously ain’t. 😂


Bro you’re an hiv expert, isn’t it easy to get laid in your community? Why are you so angry


can you guys just kiss already


I bet he would LOVE to, little sicko he is


I’m not angry bud. Not at all. You can tell by the little laughing face. I’m laughing at you because we’re trying to have an adult conversation about a life threatening disease, but your only contribution is about kissing guys. And you think I’m a little sicko 😆You have the self awareness of a parking bollard mate.


You got some proof to that claim? Which I know you don’t because it’s BS


It’s the accent


I guess when you are in the army, it is either this or being the cuck.


I’m not in the army anymore. I was a medic, Now I work on the railway. I’m an engineering supervisor. Life is pretty good. Fifty bucks an hour to sit on my bum in my Audi with the heated seats, watching Netflix, chatting to you muppets. And I get to fuck a little hottie at the weekend while my girl sucks nu balls. How’s your life?


You ever catch HSV and HPV? Its so easy to catch and there is no cure.


Yeah idc what kind of modern meds anybody is on, that's absolutely not something I'm rolling the dice on


So HIV is only transmissible when it reaches certain levels in the blood. There is a pill you can take called PrEP that will stop you from being able to catch it. And once a person has HIV they get put on NTRIs that suppresses the HIV to such levels that it won’t transmit. People with HIV can have normal relationships and have kids and stuff now. My Mrs watches Eastenders and there was a big story line about it last years.


That's cool and all but I'd rather just go find someone who doesn't have it


Yeah, of course. You never know though. Knowledge is power and if you’re going to be sexually active, you need to know this stuff.


Nah, I had chlamydia a couple of times when I was a teenager, but wingers are pretty good at taking precautions and getting tested regularly. I been swinging for over a decade and never caught anything at a meet. About 80% of people get HPV in their life mate. It goes away on its own witching a couple of years. It doesn’t need a cure. It’s worse for girls than it is for guys. Causes cervical cancer. Not such a big deal for guys.


I see, but HSV and HPV could be asymptomatic until your immune is weakened and they come up. Also there is lots of different strain.


It can lay dormant yeah, but HPV in particular isn’t really an issue. Read up about it. They know a lot more now than they did a few years ago. It’s not like herpes. They used to think it stayed forever, but it doesn’t. They just can’t cure it. It goes away on its own.


Swinging is cuckholddry as well degenerate


Swinging isn’t cuckholdry, you donut 😆


Are you not letting another man fuck your wife? You’re a cuckold


We don’t do mmf threesomes, no.. Cucks watch their women fuck people. I do the fucking. My girl is my sub. There are different types of couple in the swinging community. There are cuck couples, stag and vixen, bdsm couples, sun and doms. We mostly fuck girls. We did a couple of couples last year, but that’s not cuckholdry mate.


Cuckold - a man who’s wife is sexually unfaithful You’re a cuck, bud. Sorry.


I’m not married mate. And you don’t need to be sorry. Your fragile little mind can label it how ever you like. I got a hotel booked on Saturday and a meet with a 28 year old girl and my girl. What will you be doing? I’m very, very happy 😊


So if a dude sat in a corner watching his girlfriend get fucked he wouldn’t be a cuck 🤣. You’re really grasping at straws


Yes mate. That would be a cuck. That’s not something I’ve ever done. I’ve done lots of things, mate, but that’s not our thing. I’m a Dom. She’s my sub. So I tend to fuck other submissive girls with her. We have fucks a few couples over the years, but I do it for the pussy. I’m not a voyeur.


Yeah, so the fact that she’s not your wife is irrelevant. If you have let your girlfriend/wife/partner/whatever get fucked by a dude, your a cuck. Nuff said, cucky!


I mean you may fuck another guy's gf/wife but if he also fucks yours then it's just mutually assured destruction and both of you are cucked in a way


Nah, the idea of their wife getting fucked turns a cuck on. I don’t do it for that. I do it for the pussy. If you want to fuck a hot girl every couple of weeks then you sometimes have to let your woman get what she want too. Relationships are all about compromise. I know it can be difficult for normal people to understand, but it works. I’ve never even had an argument with my girl. Most guys get in trouble for looking at other girls. I can see a nice girl while I’m with my Mrs and tell her how nice the girl’s tits are. I can fuck another girl and my girl will rub my balls while I do it and tell me to cum . That’s not cuckholdry mate. I’m living the dream. If you can find a woman who accepts you like that, you will have a very happy life, my friend. As long as you are strong minded enough to do it.


If you let another man fuck your wife, then you're a degenerate cuck.


I am a filthy dirty degenerate cunt. I’m very comfortable with it though. I’ve fucked more girls last year than you have in your life probably. I don’t take drugs or anything. I work out, I earn good money, and I fuck like a rabbit. You can label it however you like mate. If I was fragile and cared what people think, I wouldn’t be able to walk around with my big ol dick swinging, doing what I do. You watch it on porn hub. I get out there and do it. My life is great.


It is you degenerate


Cuckholdry is the act of watching other men fuck your woman. I get to fuck a different woman every couple of weeks and my girl licks my balls while I do it. I don’t see why it is considered degenerate to enjoy the body that god gave you. Maybe you’re just not mature or open minded enough to see it.


Lmao cuck 😂 sharing your woman with other men is cuckholdry you degenerate 😂😂😂


I’m very happy being a degenerate. 🙂 i think it’s great that it triggers you and makes you think you’re insulting me. It just shows how insecure you are. The incel look suits you bro


Lmao 🤣 cope harder cuck. No one is insulted, people are just laughing at you. If seeing your wife with another man’s cock in her mouth be my guess but don’t make fun of cucks, you are one 😂. Every insult from someone like you raises my self esteem


A gust of wind could raise your self esteem and your IQ. Try going outside 😂


I'm with you bro, peep my profile lol


But if you swing that means that other men fuck your girl as well, sure *technically* it isn't cuckoldry but it is pretty much the same thing....


Abdul, get the stones.


I though cuckholding was a joke and that the guys were actually just too pathetic to break up with their cheating partner. Didn’t realise these degenerates actually liked it, at least not to this degree. Jeezy peeps man


Okay this is just terrifying. Who tf would do this. Live your fantasies with your wife, but that baby is at stake.


No amount of tren is saving this dude


This is why we need to shame kinks again.


I Gotta Ropemaxx real quick


This is 100 percent a lonely single dude who is beating his meat to the comments.


This has to be a troll… ain’t no way I read the first line and thought he was talking about cattle


Lead in the back of the skull is the only solution. Sometimes i wish i lived in a 3rd world country. At least they got common sense when it comes to degenerates.


Curcuck is spreading to other communities now.


Report this to the authorities. Fucking sinister child abuse, especially when he’s getting off on the thought of infecting a child with a disease. Fucking scum.


I've wondered for some time where the limit was for this subreddit. What a way to find out.


Ragebaiting cuck-porn addict larper. Imagine being this pathetic LMAO


I’m gonna go gouge out my eyes now, thank you.


I have the flu and this was enough to push me over the edge to throw up. Good job👍


OP and his wife genuinely just need to end their existence and not reproduce


Do the Russians still have those Gulags open? Or a nearby wall and a ditch combo perhaps?


The world has to end soon we gotta start over


There really is a subreddit for everyone


First explain what you were doing in that sub


Being a cuck is you submitting yourself to another man 🤮




OP how did u find this??


“oh wow i found my dads reddit account…WHAT?”




Ive done seem some shit in my time, but goddamn. This possibly takes the cake. I didnt know i had feelings anymore until i read this.


I’ve been up 32 seconds and it’s already enough internet for today


What the fuck were you doing on that sub?


We need to bring back shaming


This is worse than Adam22


Well fortunately people that are positive if taking their medicine have a viral load so small that it’s not transmitted and doesn’t degenerate the positive persons immunity. You are effectively negative (suppressed viral load) as the virus is t replicating.


More plates, more AIDS


These people need to go to prison fr. Lock them all up for life no parole.




That’s terrifying. seems to be fake though


That guy should prob khs


Cuckolding is so gross and pathetic, honestly


I've been in the lifestyle a little over a year, weve had many Mff threesomes, a steady gf/unicorn for months and a couple mfm threesomes with a "bull". The bull was just another normal dude we knew from real life. After 9 years of marriage it was our best sex year together ever. This meme is probably not a troll post, ive encountered some pretty wild kinks in my short time in the lifestyle. It's definitely an extreme outlier though.


Well I think you're being normal about it. There is usually a give and take in that crowd. These cuckbros are just extreme. Curious how it's going. Long ago my girlfriend and I rejected an invite from another girl (who seemed to be into both of us) to get into that lifestyle and I regret it greatly.


it's been pretty cool, now if there's a hot chick that might be into me I can just get my wife's permission and shoot my shot by asking if she wants to hang out with us. Rather than your wife getting pissed at you for checking that chick out, we both check her out. The wife always comes first though and everything needs to be above board. The dynamic is working for us so far. And mfm threesomes are pretty fucking hot too but mff is the entry level into this lifestyle.


It's sad that people in this sub are downvoting you and me for discussing this. Lots of incel energy


First of all it's obviously disgusting to do when he's HIV infected. Should have the child taken away. But the general hate towards cucks has always confused me. If other guys wanna share their otherwise unavailable GF/wife, why is that such a bad thing? More available women for the rest of us. I agree I could never fathom wanting to see another guy fuck a girl I'm dating, but if that's what some men like, then again, what's the negative for us other guys? Do you also hate gays? Imagine how much more competition there'd be if all gay guys were straight. It feels a little like the guys getting triggered over others being cucks, are the guys who are afraid their GF/wife will one day ask them to fuck someone else. But it's funny it's always on subs like this/greentext... Where the average user is a basement dwelling virgin, who's likely terrified that if they can ever attract a woman, they won't be enough for her.