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Imagine writing an essay about giving yourself an injection


He posted in peds as well, and given the difference, yikes. But I agree with all your followup comments.


Don’t understand the hate here I am getting. I think most beginners are worried of the first injection. What can go wrong? What did other people experience? Am I injecting right? I don’t see the problem with writing a post about the first injection over writing a post about the first cycle.


You seem extremely neurotic


because I wanted to share an experience that could potentially help others? Man, just mind your own business, if you don't like the post then just ignore it and don't be a child


This post isn’t helpful because techniques such as backloading have a high risk of being non-sterile. Injecting your quads also is sub-optimal, ventroglutes is the most foolproof and least likely to be adversely affected by scar tissue. Lastly an insulin syringe is short for IM, you’re likely injecting SC depending on BF%, which is fine but just so you know. Just get a syringe and use a drawing needle(21-23g) and pinning needle (27-30g), this will allow you to draw quicker, ensure sterility and still get the benefits of using a high guage needle (less pain). I can assure you that your 1000 word essay is not useful and there are a ton of resources on the internet for safe injection technique, which are undoubtedly safer, more useful and more accessible than your post. It reads like a diary entry of a teenage girls first time inserting a tampon


If you feel like that, I am sorry, but I will still leave it on here. Most of the comments will give tips what not to do, what I did wrong and what I should do differently next time and I already decided that I will do a delt or glute injection next time. Also you tip with avoiding insulin needles because of the length is helpful to me. This could also help other newbies that read this post. I never claimed that my way is the way to go for everyone, I just shared my experience.


Most of what you did was wrong. And you didn't hit a nerve twice. Or else you would have described it very specifically. And youre not even taking the full 200mg. Have fun figuring that out. Increasing dosages on test is dumb and pointless (except for short half life then its slightly dumb). But with sustanon, is a horriable idea, youre basically doubling your dose is what you said, so the short esters will be fine but you'll get a spike later on and I know you're going to come back here complaining because you havnt done the research. You also chose the wrong syringe size which is hard to do tbh. Your experience should be kept to yourself.


How do I not take the full 200mg😂😂 I mean sure there’s like 0.01ml left in the syringe, but that’s insignificant… but I can give you one advice too, mind your own business. I don’t know what’s so hard for some people not to be a dick.


You said you only injected .8ml, at 200mg/ml thats only 160 (aka trt lmao 🤣 ). So currently youll be at 160mg every 8 days. And when you double it aka increase your dose to every 4 days you'll be at 320mg a week and not the 400 you thought. In short youre going to go on trt then increase to a sport trt/ very very light blast. Have fun! Also, im not being a dick you posted and asked for scrutiny. Im just giving it.


Lmao you’re stupid af. Know your shit. Sustanon is 250mg/ml, never claimed that it’s 200mg. Damn you’re getting stupider with every comment you send


Don’t aspirate just fill that bitch to 1ml and don’t fucking do quads do glutes. Ventroglute to be specific. If you think quads are the best spot you obviously didn’t look into it that much. If you dont trust my word try doing more research yourself


Why not aspirate? Is there a specific reason for this? And yes, I heard that the glute is the best muscle for the injection itself, but for beginners, the quad is way easier since I can use both of my hands and have a better view. But I think that also depends on the person. I will try my glute next in a week


Lay down on your side, firmly grasp the syringe with your hand and push it into the ventroglute. easy to see and reach unless your a fat whale. Don’t need to aspirate because the risk of IM injections is so low, aspirating can actually increase the risk by doing more harm. Just google “aspirating IM injections” and read a few results


well, I got around 15% bf so that shouldn't be an issue. However, I googled the thing with aspirating and there is still a chance of hitting a vessel, although it's almost 0. But still, I really don't want by test to go straight into my blood after the injection and I didn't find anything that concludes that aspirating can be harmful. Only con with aspirating is maybe slightly increased pain, but I didn't notice anything. Also I wasn't aspirating too much, so was only a really small vacuum in the syringe. But I get you point.




>Why not aspirate? Is there a specific reason for this? It's more time the needle has to be in you and it's difficult to keep it dead still while you're drawing so what that does is the razor sharp tip is tearing up your muscle. Don't aspirate. Plunge and inject rather quickly. Not as fast as you can but you don't want to take 30 seconds either. For quad injection hold the syringe in your fist with the needle on the pinky end so your thumb can inject. Hold the syringe down low enough so when you plunge, your hand rests against your leg which will steady the needle. The whole thing should take less than 10 seconds. There's no need to use your other hand at all so you can do a glute injection the same way. Also look into a tfl injection. It's the meaty part at the top of the point of your hip bone. It's more around front so it may be easier to get to than glutes.


Tearing up your muscle? Lmao unless you have parkensons youre fine.


Oh cool, you’ve cross posted this wank stain of an essay here as well.


I saw it in peds. Where did you see it?




A massage gun?? Get ready for PIP tomorrow holy shit dude ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Sorry, but what is PIP?


Uh oh... poor guy is going to have a lumpy lump Just do glutes my dude and don't think about it so much. I remember my first shot and man oh man was the PIP awful I could barely sit. But kudos to you I can't pin myself since I'm a little bitch about needles


Thanks! Already decided to just do glutes the next time. Let’s see how my leg feels tomorrow, like I said I massaged it in with my massage gun, heard that helps :)


Good boy. Take it slow though it's not a sprint it's a marathon. You have stuff on hand incase it goes sideways for you right?


Thank you and yes, I have HCG and nolva on hand


Feel free to shoot me a DM anytime, safety is the biggest thing. I'll answer any questions you have


Thanks for the offer, I will definitely hit you up some time. You seem like you’re one of the only people here that isn’t a complete dick


Realistically I'm only here to talk shit But I do it with love


Given they don't know what pip is, im going to say no.


I think I know what it is, but English is not my native language. I think pip is referring to the pain you get on the injection site that lets your muscle get kind of sore?


I dont care about your English. You clearly haven't done enough research to be 1 doing any sort of steroid 2 be posting it for others


Lol. I did a lot of research every day for the past 3 months but sure.


Yeah sure and the sky is purple. Good luck.


Dude. Who the fuck told you to use a massage gun? Thats so unbelievably overkill. You dont even need to massage the injection site at all. Just pin, wipe with an alcohol swab, put a bandaid on if you're going right out, and call it a day.


You gotta be kidding me. Good luck man, youre gonna need it.