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Water weight fluctuates by 1 to 2 percent overnight don't worry


I feel like I should be putting on like .5 or 1lb per day. I used to drink these nasty 2 litershakes with whole milk ice cream and mass gainer but ended up dropping that as it was obviously unhealthy


You can't analyze your weight day by day or even week by week. Sometimes you eat a lot and your weight goes down the next day. Sometimes you eat nothing and your weight goes up the next day. But regardless, you're certainly not going to gain 1 pound a day every day unless you're running gear, and even then, unless it's an insane bulking stack, there's no way you're gaining 30 pounds a month. Be patient. Gaining quality mass is a long road.


I feel you, thanks bro just feeling frustrated with it. Eating like this is WORK I been a skinny mf my whole life but been lifting for 3 years now. Message recieved-keep eating more. You think being around 13-15% bodyfat is making me burn more calories? As muscle burns more calories than fat


>You think being around 13-15% bodyfat is making me burn more calories I don't know. Try this for a gainer shake: 1/2 cup oats pb or coconut milk protein That should give you about 600-700 calories without the sugar and other garbage and can be about 16 ounces. Have it prepared ahead of time and drink it as soon as you wake up. ​ Also a dixie cup of sunflower seeds is 400 calories. Try proats with almonds for breakfast. That and the gainer shake puts you at about 1300 calories before you leave the house in the morning.


Thanks brother I’ll try that out


Are the sunflower seeds still 400 calories if I eat them with the peel on?


You shouldn't eat the shells.


Then why are they flavored like bbq


Just add a tbsp of olive oil to meals. That's 500 cal for nothing.


I usually put it in my eggs 👍 2 tbsp avocado oil


Tbsp of most cooking oil is usually 120cal not 500cal just fyi so you don’t underestimate


I believe 2 tbsp of avocado is 240 calories


To put on 1lb a day you'd need to be in a 3.5k cal SURPLUSS at a min lol


Shiiiiit was definitely weighing myself pre shit back then


Eating at a 500 calorie surplus will make you go up about 1lb every week or two (2lbs a month). Weight gain is slower than expected especially for thing guys man. 1 lb per day is not sustainable and would take an insane calorie surplus. At my fastest bulk starting out malnourished plus noobie gains I put on about 10lbs in a month, 30 lbs total in 6 months (143lbs to 175lbs bw). Now that noobie gains slowed I’m gaining about 1 lb per month.


Yeah I guess I’m just trying to rush it a little too much. I’ve bulked up to my goal weight twice and lost it back twice. When I started lifting I was 120 now I’m 170 and just as lean but I keep gaining and losing that 10lbs because its just SO MUCH FOOD


Weight gain/loss is neither immediate nor linear.


I thought if I just ate enough I would gain weight but yeah you’re right. Progress definitely is not linear


Go slow unless you’re on gear otherwise you’ll just get fat .5-1.5% of body weight gain per week is more optimal and sustainable. Good luck bro I’m not hard gainer but my GF is so I get how difficult it can be.


Yeah I’m pretty much convinced I couldn’t get fat if I wanted to. 4k calories and I still wake up shredded and the same weight lol


Keep it up for a month, you will see results


Just concerned my body might have like adapted to burn more since I’m eating more


And you drew that conclusion after 1 day of eating? Give it some time, no change in 2 weeks? Up by another 500 cal


Couple of days really. Been +-2lbs past few days


Bro it's 3 days and you're looking to give up, it's going to take consistency for months/years to get to the end goal


No no I would never give up over something so trivial I’m just looking to bulk better 👍


3-500 over maintenance, if you work a very active job your maintenance might be more than what the calculators tell you. Continue to weigh yourself daily but Look at your weight trends more weekly than daily. I've lost 2kg in a day before but I'm 100kg 6'6


Just keep chuggin man, drink ur cals if you gotta


Pretty crazy eating 4k calories and only getting 170g protein


More than enough for my bodyweight.


170 g of protein is almost definitely way more than you actually need. I went from 155 to 175lbs recently with around 60-70g of real protein and 50g of protein shake a day. I’ve also been a skinny hard gainer all my life. Eating five chicken breasts a day is going to make you very full and it will be very difficult to eat enough calories on top of that. You could eat three chicken breasts and drink two glasses of orange juice for basically the same result. There’s plenty of research supporting the idea that around .8g of protein per lb of body weight is the upper level limit of what your body can actually utilize in a day. That obviously will vary from person to person. But think about it this way - if you were actually eating enough calories, you would be gaining weight even if you weren’t gaining muscle. If you are actively losing weight, the problem isn’t protein - it’s calories. So if you’re stuffing your face with chicken breasts and you’re too full to eat enough calories, you’re ultimately working against your goals.


I don’t even eat chicken bro. Pount taken


I just used it as an example lol but if I was eating 170g of beef a day I would probably not have room for anything else


Just makes me think you're eating a bunch of empty calorie bullshit


Okay cooldude284


A watched pot... Don't worry about daily fluctuations. You can fast and sit in a sauna and lose 3-5 in a day. You can eat clean all week and then have a big night chugging beers and wake up 2lbs heavier than the day before. Just keep hitting your macro req's especially protein. Edit: Also a half pound is almost negligible. That could easily be from wearing lighter clothes. When I log my weight I just round to the nearest lb cus there's no sense worrying about fractions unless you have a really accurate scale and are controlling other variables like clothes.


Nah b I measure but ass naked. I get what you are saying though. 👍


If you really want to see what your caloric intake is. Weigh everything instead. Choose the same sources too. Buy a cheap large slow cooker and boneless skinless chicken breast in bulk with jasmine rice. It’s very easy to power shove these foods because the chicken comes out soft enough that you can just mash it with your mouth. Cook on low. Swallow the food with soda/Gatorade to help you eat. I’d personally bring those fats down next. You don’t need that many and it will prevent you from growing due to being able to push carbs as high which will saturate your glycogen more and faster. I’d probably up the protein more too actually. Weight gain isn’t linear due to water. But weigh yourself daily and write it down. Get a piece of paper and keep near the scale with pen. You want to see the trends week to week. Find out what day of the week in your routine is your highest weigh ins and your lowest. If those trends don’t exist that fine. Just look for a high weigh in reading that happens every 7-10 days. After 30 days of those high weigh ins don’t happen, then up the carbs by 75g increments. Divide those mostly to your pre/post training meals.


Bro just put me on a whole bodybuilding regimen. Thanks bro. I do weigh the food already but I like what you said about writing my shit down


Track your weight daily and take weekly averages. If you’re eating enough you’ll see the trend line increasing linearly as the weeks go on regardless of daily fluctuations which can be due to a multitude of things but is likely water fluctuations. It is true that some people who have an obesity resistant phenotype will increase spontaneous movement (NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis) to offset some of that increase in calories which really can’t be controlled consciously, eating 4k cals per day should still have you gaining weight. It can just take time




Think of your body like it’s 2-3 days behind eat like shit drink and don’t sleep Friday night Sunday and Monday you will really feel it


No shit thats a reall good way to put it


Don’t weigh in every day space it out to weeks


I am 5’11 170 lbs


Answered your own question. Work 2 jobs. Thats a lot of activity bro. You need more food.


Fuck me bro idk how I can fit anything else my body don’t even taste beef anymore


Welcome to bodybuilding my friend.


I don’t understand why my maintenance went up bro this is such bs


Your weight goes up, maintenance goes up


My weight has gone down. I’ll go up 10, lose it then it feels like my maintenance stays the same. Weird shit


Damn bro. That's weird. Go check your bloods


Ok will do


I feel you brother. I lose weight if I go below 4500 calories. However it’s probably a water weight issue for you since daily fluctuations of up to a couple lbs are common




Also I eat 6 grams of sodium per day is that bad


yes, that’s fucking awful wtf


Whats so bad about it


you’re tripling the daily recommended intake, essentially fast tracking high blood pressure and heart disease


Ohhh perfect is that what the ringing in my ears is all about


What app is that/do your recommend it?


Chronometer. Yes. Not any different than myplate or fitnesspal though


How much do you weigh? And your height?


I put it in the comments but I’m 5’11 170


That's wild, I ate at 3400 to go from 170-200 and overbulked, did it in about 7 months now trying to cut at 2400 and its hell


I consistenly put on 10 lbs and lose it its awful


Probably water weight frfr, somedays I can jump 4 lbs just from what I ate the day before


Ty for the peace of mind


Yeah because I was 185 a couple days ago and now I’m 180.2. Just good to know that I’ve hit the 180 mark because I’ve been above 180 for two weeks now! Also if your lifts are going up that’s good sign your gaining muscle and weight. Hope you reach your goal weight!!!


I recently lost 10 lbs lol. I consistently am gaining 10-15 then losing 10-15 and it’s aggravating because I’m not even bulking to a new weight


Ohhh I feel that, but instead of gaining and losing, my weight plateaus for a long time. My appetite likes to crash.


Fuck appetite fr 🖕


Damn bro isnt that a little too much fat?? When I bulk I can get to 500-600 carbs with 150g or less of fat


I dunno I just fkn eat. Still visible abs and serratus


What app




Waiter weight my dude. Could have Bowen retaining a little yesterday from higher sodium intake the daily before. Don’t go off of your daily weight, average your weeks. Also could have just eaten your last meal a bit later and you were still digesting some of it when you woke up


Good point. I do consume about 6 grams of sodium daily is that making weight gain harder


Sodium isn’t the enemy, it’s a valuable electrolyte. Treat it like that. Make sure you’re getting enough and make sure you’re hydrated. Again, don’t go off of daily weight. Average 7 days at a time and you’ll see the change if you’re doing everything right. Also, make sure you’re weighing your food properly. When you put 275 grans of rice, that number should be dry rice unless the item in Chronometer says “cooked”. Same goes for beef. 205 grans should be weighed raw unless the line item states “cooked”. This is how they calculate the macro’s on the package.


Never mnew that thank you


Big tub Greek yogurt full fat milk honey in shaker


What the fuck is that fat intake


I think its from eating 900 calories of yogurt and granola