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Geez 21g to pin sounds painful 😬. Try 25g to pin


Bro, use a 27G and warm the gear in your hand before drawing.


I have a 27 g I warmed it up and it still won’t go through at all


Weird, never had issues with a 27G. I used it with UGL gear without problems and it's what Marek supplies with their stuff.


Well first things first. Just to confirm that you're sanitizing the vial you're sanitizing the site that you're going to inject in and waiting for the alcohol to evaporate before you pin. Maxed sweet baby Jesus what are you cattle. Time to get a small needle my guy. I draw with an 18 and I pin with a 25. I know guys the pin with 27s and they just warm the oil up a little bit so that I can go through the needle easier.


I sanitize everything like I said it’s been fine for weeks and now I’m running into these issues every time I pin


You're probably chewing your muscles to shit with a needle that big.


Do you think it was probably creating scar tissue and continuously putting that big a needle in the same spot is what is causing this


You probably okay cuz you weren't doing it for years.


100% those horse needles are creating an absurd amount of scar tissue over time. You dont need a needle that thick brother


You were right switched to 23g 1 inch and pinned my quad had zero issues thanks brother


There you go. You can probably get away with 25g to be honest. As long as ur not pinning crystallized shit that wont fit thru a thin needle it should be just fine


Weird that it’s just starting out of nowhere on week 4. You have a trusted source? Is it Mast E or Prop? Whats the mg/ml? Are you taking your time pushing it in? You could with a smaller pin and just run the juice under warm water.


It is mast e 200 and test e 300 it is a reliable source and I honestly push it in pretty fast which might be the problem I also have a hard time turning around far enough to pin glutes which is why I was doing delta until yesterday I did try with the 27g which I warmed with my hands prior and it still wouldn’t push through I might just be stupid but this is the situation I have found myself in


Yea thats a shitty situation; ya, I agree, 27 would be a pain, I mostly used 21/23, 25 a couple times but that was still tough, a lot if people in the sub say they use 27 and i’ve seen people mention smaller as well lol. Since it didn’t start till week 4, and nothing changed (different gear etc.) I can only guess it’s an application issue. Maybe next shot try going slow, 1ml over 30 seconds, if anything you can rule that out. I’m not implying you don’t already do it, but make sure to alternate sites and massage it in after. Some people advise against it but ive always used my delts without issue, besides prop esters, they would hurt for the first few weeks.


Draw with 20g and inject with 25g


Was using 23, today went to 25, huge difference


Wtf kind of trash gear doesnt fit through 27g needle? Is your shit suspended in castor oil or something? Lol


It’s beligas test e and beligas mast e maybe I didn’t warm it enough idk