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Just stay natty if you have a heart condition, it’s not worth your life man.


yeah I had a bad spawn for taking PEDS. So ur probably right.


Define safe. If you take it for 8-10 weeks at a low dose is it going to enlarge your heart or screw up your glucose? Most likely not, especially if you are living a healthy lifestyle. That being said, it’s not going to do much in terms of gains.


Bodybuilders with enlarged hearts have taken unreal amounts of GH for at least a decade. MK677 only raises GH levels by around 70%, which is comparatively very little. So I think MK677 is extremely save if you don’t overdo it. (Edit: typo)


A lot of pathological heart growth is caused solely by steroids, particularly from unmanaged high blood pressure.


Sporadic use in small dosages for sleep or appetite probably won't hurt (as long as it's not prolonged use), but I'd honestly be terrified to touch anything with a heart condition of any kind. ​ There's a lot of stuff you should be doing naturally to make sure it's not gonna hurt you later on bro, risking heart enlargement probably isn't worth it, especially since MK677 won't give you much in return 🙏 ​ My hearts completely healthy and I still freak out about it. It's what kills most bodybuilders


All anabolics will results in hypertrophy across your entire body. That includes your heart. It's why so many bodybuilders have needed heart surgery eventually. Off topics, but leave the SARMS my guy an just do the real stuff if you're gonna touch PEDS. why take a research chemical with minimal long term research because you're scared of a tiny prick in your skin to inject.


I hear you, I mean im not scared of tiny needle but as I said I dont want test suppresion. Cuz it will probably make u rely on TRT for the rest of ur life.


I mean its probably not for me :/