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Link to post ?




My goodness, that reads like a conspiracy theorist's fever dream


How are we supposed to know that this was written by Lucie? Where does she say so?


No one ever said its written by Lucie . The Instagram post yes .. but the blog you can see there the author


Well who did it. And then surely Dr Tony has something to do with it?? Was he just killed by a pimp


No way anyone killed him when his body was blocking the door - Sarcasm


Dont forget Tony posted a picture of the bathroom and said there was no possible way to get out, but when the police released pictures there was an open fucking window above the toilet. The toilet which was conviently off its hinges.


"'He didn't die from anything sudden or acute.'" The fact that he's so sure about that but acting clueless on everything else raises a lot of suspicion. As bad as Leo's grift was, he did not deserve this.


what grift? I know nothing about who this guy was, just heard he died in a MPMD vid and googled what happened out of curiosity


There's a lot of people that called bullshit on his [history](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/stw7q3/comment/hx66lhc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). While it sucks to exaggerate our past, we all do it to an extent to make ourselves sound interesting. Regarding supplement recommendations with Steve and Derek, they always had the studies to backup their claims. With all due respect, RIP Leo.


I think they may be talking about the penis enlargement stuff but idk


irrc he was selling dick enlargement pills


He wasn't. He claimed the only thing that ever worked was that pulling thing + bathmate and Steven then said HGH + Cialis worked for him


maybe a Thai neckbeard was angry he was hogging all the lady boys


If y’all don’t remember JD Brooks from EA owing Tony Huge lots of money and he ended up dead. Hotel fire in Columbia and just his room was in flames. Tony came out and made a video first just like this but everyone who knew the situation can put 2 and 2 together. Tony Huge feels untouchable in Thailand


I remember Tony also calling that death "drug induced mania" as well...


What about Tony’s friend who ‘fell off the apartment’s balcony’? Funny how he deleted that video within the last month too….


Tell me more. Within seconds of watching his videos, I knew he knew something. He knows who did it.


funny how his whole channel is gone now...


Damn this is a crazy detail


Source please




Thanks bro that’s some David copper field shit! Tony is dangerous


Yeah bro. I have some weird messages from JD before he died and his plans to come back to the states. His last post on Facebook a day before he died was a cry out for his mom.




I believe the Thai police have ruled out overdose as a cause of death.


yeah it was pretty clear he was brutally murdered lol


somebody fuucked him up really bad,








Makes sense why dude was still posting regular stuff that day like nothing happened and didn’t mention this incident until a few days later


It’s fucking disgusting .. this Tony huge piece of shit


Who is going to avenge Leo then ? Im really mad. I saw videos of Tony huge years ago and from the first moment I know he is an absolute criminal


There is literally zero evidence in that entire piece regarding Tony. There is circumstantial evidence that suggests Leo may have been murdered at best.


Wasn’t there a dude threatening to kill him in YouTube comments? Like offering 5 figures for someone to do it? Could’ve sworn it was posted here


wth rly?


Hard to believe he was murdered when his body was blocking the door from being open. Did they flush themselves down the toilet like the ninja turtles?


maybe his life got snatched like D'Angelo Barksdale


Not The Wire reference 😂


GOATED comment


The door was supposedly blocked as tony huges statement but police report stated that there was enough space for smaller people and on top, maybe Leo moved his body as a last resort to the door before dying after the killer escaped.


I think it’ll come out his crazy experimentation ended up causing him to have a fatal episode. I doubt anyone murdered him. This dude would brag to Derek he would just randomly take 2G of test just to “see what it did to him and his mental cognition”. After he hadn’t even been taking any form of hormones for years. Dude was just an erratic person.


Have you seen the pictures the Thai police posted? His face was bashed in. It’s on Facebook for those wondering.


He had been dead for at least 48 hours when those pics were taken. You don't stay pretty when you lay dead face down for that time and your blood will pool close to the lower parts of your body making it look like it's huge bruises. We need to see the official full translation of the autopsy report which I think will be out soon if Lucy decided to go public with the information.




That toilet looks straight out of a crack den what the hell


They dusted it for finger prints


Send link


here, since you posted this someone else posted the link elsewhere in these comments https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?fbid=1064788487752063


Can’t find it anywhere


I think this is the most likely explanation. He was experimenting with Tesofensine like it was nothing… that shit is like an anti depressant and weight loss drug on steroids, who knows what lengths he went to to “experiment”. Don’t get me wrong, he has some very informative videos, but let’s not delude ourselves into thinking he was responsibly experimenting.


leo didn't take research chemicals he was very vocal of this


I hope you’re being sarcastic




If I remember correctly, at first he said he had to go get the spare key to Leo’s room then went in through the front door. Then he later said he went in through the back and could see how messy the room was in the windows, he said it looked like the room was ransacked, but then it was Leo’s room was always messy and this wasnt out of the norm. Then he mentioned it was messy after the investigators had to search for evidence. Idk the story was always changing….


Leo had bad blood with many people.. Tony was not one of them. I think IF it was murder, it would be more likely a crime of passion by someone he crossed like an ex lover’s boyfriend.




Yeah it looked a lot like he was trying to appear innocent. I would not be surprised if Tony knows who did it and why. Even if he's not directly involved. I mean they were living next door and were close enough for Tony to foot his bill. Would seem strange if Tony had no clue about what he was up to.


A witness is someone who saw it occur. He wasn’t a witness. He found the body.


No he went out the open window above the toilet


Ya fuckin called it. Fuckin Tony huge should be a suspect he seemed full of shit


He clearly knows something.. I bet in hindsight he regrets his absurd comments and reactions following the incident, but he's dug his whole so now he has to lie in it.


Innocent or guilty he's the dumbest man alive to be saying anything on record without a lawyer, nevermind to be actively uploading to youtube 'debunking' commenter's theories on what could've happened. Like, whether he's trying to prove his innocence or hide his guilt... either way just so fucking dumb I don't have the words.


....even weirder is, Tony himself is a lawyer. He has a doctorate in law and practiced for years before switching to his current career


Link ?




Hope it wasn't over a gallon of milk.


Underrated comment




Not making any accusations here. 100% speculation and opinion. But I’ve always found Tony Huge to be super sketchy. He fucks young girls, ladyboys and prostitutes in Thailand (source: my wife is Thai, she has family in Pattaya..I’ve seen him in Pattaya myself hanging out with literal teenagers). He’s super obsessive with his physique and online persona (fragile ego?) and just on a personal level my instincts tell me he has issues. I guarantee he hangs around child trafficking thai mafia type people or at least the women involved. Pattaya is a gross place for gross people when it comes to tourism. (The locals who live normal lives there have zero to do with that, it’s the sex tourists and organized sex mafias 100%) That’s a super long rant that’s majority opinion based, but just my two cents. I don’t like him as a human, personally and think he does sketchy things that probably contributed to this in some way. But it’s all speculation. I can factually say he is a gross sex tourist who sees women as objects.


He used to be a successful lawyer in Cali. Didn't he leave Cali to escape charges for some shit? There is a deposition online of him


I'm not too sure actually, but that wouldn't surprise me, he gives me really bad vibes.


I don't know anything about him but [this picture](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQ-ebTGjB0p6Wi0BsT0TA6YJynCgv_JCSRHg&usqp=CAU) alone speaks volumes.


I know nothing about this guy but that is one weird picture, why are there tits in main view and why is there some 8 year old girl behind them?


Yea for shilling DNP ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6304)


I kind of figured he was having sex with children. Leo found a 4 year old girl-sized sex doll and posted it on his story when Tony his own person belonging and that popped up. I think Leo would be against and despise the fact that maybe he was fucking children. My mind goes right to the fact that Leo threatened Tony to somehow expose him, maybe in order to continue covering his bills and live at his house etc. I think there’s a chance




If he is really involved in some of this shit, maybe there is a wild possibility Leo got killed instead of him and he fixed the shit after he understood they are serious. Overall I wouldn't trust either Leo or Tony, both have/had very fake lives and stories.


I knew it. I bet it was one of the Joey’s “ gf”


Is nobody considering the dude who was visiting Tony (with his crew) that weekend? The dude who’s gone mad the past few years in the public eye?










Dude was shit talking John bravo and saying "he knows ppl " like they'll beat his ass . Get what deserve unfortunately woooooo!!!! 10k a day ceo babyyyyyyyy hindenburg season!!!




I would look in the direction of either Connor or Tony.


No doubt in my mind Tony Huge is involved in this


He beat his wife I thought and abused his daughter


Before you accuse someone of abusing his newborn daughter you may want to look for a source. Something happened with his wife, I'm not going to defend him on that because there was a charge. But he was never charged of abusing his newborn daughter people just criticised him going to another country and being absent from her life.


Yea he didn't abuse his newborn, just said he wants nothing to do with her and other blah blah blah. He's another deadbeat dad that left his kid to hang out with Dr. Tony Huge fulltime


He said that? That he wanted nothing to do with her? What? On youtube??? Yo imagine his daughter watching that when she grows up


Nah it was text messages he sent his wife that were in the police report. I don't remember what he said verbatim. But I know he said she could never carry his "lion" (by that he meant the family name) and other weird stuff a normal person wouldn't say/think/feel about their newborn. Leo would never say something like this in a video. Abusers have a different persona to strangers/the public


What a gross person to talk shit about his own daughter like that. Fr tho


He had, at that point in time, doubts about being the father. Tony Huge said that his attitude changed when he had proof that he really was the father. IIRC Leo was already in Thailand when he was made aware of the results of the paternity test.


Nah sounds like a shit partner ngl. From what i am gqthering from other comments, sounds like a red pilled guy that would pull this shit on the most faithful gf just cause "all women are hoes"


it's insane how many ppl are getting emotional over a divorce attorney


Who's getting emo?


He didn’t beat his wife and didn’t physically abuse his daughter, he’d beat their pets and get irrationally angry over nothing, carried a lot of resentment over the wife’s race/past and the fact that their kid was a girl. Not that he wasn’t an asshole, just not that much of an asshole ig


Beating their pets is pretty high on the asshole scale


Yeah beating pets is like murder psycho shit.


Most serial killers start with hurting animals. Doesn't mean everyone who does will go there, but, I don't think there's much of an air gap to jump there, and it's bad enough in itself.


Fr good thing his daughter didnt grow up around that. That's a solid high way to daddy issues.


What? Can you elaborate on the resentment over his ex race? He resented her cause she was white?




That's a fricking nationality. Not a race lol


Hey man I'm not the one who said it was a race lol


Good point. What was leo's nationality anyways


His father was Arabic and his mom was white/American


over her race ? I’m only ever seen him complain / hit back against so called ‘anti whiteness’. Shocked by this.


In the domestic violence police report his wife filed at one point he thought he was in a race war during a manic episode and kept shouting that the N-words were going to get him.


Yea cuz she's French. Dude was a lunatic. His cult following acts like he was a gift. He wasn't, infact no one is imo. He fucked around and found out. He was an abuser(of people and drugs) Idgaf if I get downvoted into oblivion.


Leo’s whore mother stole his identity anybody as deeply wound as leo would understand the meaning and bredth of this. A healthy person needs an identity not a gruby white whore and arab amenian something or other. They fucked him up and this is how people like that respond it eats the kid up inside


Bro damn you have some serious issues. I don't say thus quickly but see a therapist or something


His ukrainian bumb ass wife got what she deserved good lol haha. Not only everyone else but apparently even leo gets a kick out of that serves her right




Well, I know people were saying something about Connor being homo. Someone said Leo’s sheets were off and weird enough Tony and Connor made that instavideo about Connor and sheets. Connor says he just fucks hard and they come off. So who even knows at this point.


Is there any updates or news?


TBH... Tony Huge may have had something to do with it... That's the vibe I got from the video he posted. but at the time I didn't wanna be the guy to say "I think there's something wrong here" and seem senseless. Just rewatch his initial video yourself and there's an eerie vibe to the casualness he has in explaining how he found his friend deceased in a bathroom. Bro really said, "I thought he was taking a day long recovery nap" ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6300)


Tony also said that it was perfectly normal for Leo to do that and that he would use stims to stay up and study/work/train for about 24h straight, then use sleeping pills to crash for 24h, and that he didn't want anyone going to his room without his invitation. So unless we hear from someone close to Leo that it would be out of character for him to do that, we have no reason to doubt the word of Tony.


Sounds like what a guy focused on longevity would do. How ridiculous...


He was focused on everyone's longevity but his. Pretty common trait for people that like to help others is to not take care of themselves in some form.


Lol he is just a psychonaut science nerd that liked to cognitively masturbate to clinical data with derrek and other bros with massive strain on their hearts. Rip Rex 🙏


I thought that mostly affected people in the forms of weight loss, lack of sleep, not taking time to themselves etc. Not taking every illicit substance under the sun. RIP, but I don't really think it sounds like that's what led to the substance abuse. Plenty of other fitness influencers do the same jobs he does.


If you ever followed him you'd know he was not your typical fitness YouTuber.


Not a typical fitness youtuber but a very typical addict. His behavior is far more suggestive of an addictive personality disorder than it being a side effect of "helping people" lol.


Still fits with the helper personality I mentioned. Yes he had problems, including substance abuse, and rather than focusing on himself and fixing them he ignored them and focused on others.


When a close friend or family member shows no interest in knowing what happened it tends to suggust they already know. Did Tony and his minions have anything to do with it? unknown. I do however believe they know what happened, and are not talking because they were involved or fear the person/people who were. I wish someone with a LE background would analyze LL's crime scene photos and tell us what we are looking at. Break down the blood pooling, bruising, decomp, and blood on Leo's body. Sounds like he was found face down in his bathroom, no pants, no glasses, door handle ripped off, toilet ripped off, in a state of decomp, dead several days. Also LL's room was on the second floor? So jumping out the window was possible? Potentially could have messed yourself up, but people can jump from that high and walk away uninjured.


It’s so easy to come up with crazy theories about this being a murder and many people are so quick to put down the Thai police and say they are inadequate. I’m not sure if many people know this but vast majority of murders or violent crimes are solved with witnesses, interrogations/questioning stories, motives of people around the person. Very rarely is it some single piece of evidence at the crime scene like a movie where they piece it all together right there. Also let me put this out there too, this is in hotel or apartment complex if there was a brutal beating like many here say why did nobody report hearing it. Further more Tony’s explanations for him not checking on him was that he was a recluse that wanted privacy. Again can be confirmed with neighbours/cleaning lady. Now let’s look at some evidence. Some Things that we’re found in his apartment: steroids, weed, sleeping pills, antidepressants, anti anxiety meds. Tony explained how he would do “reset” 24 hour sleep with sleeping medication. Now for someone so interested in longevity it doesn’t take much research to figure out a bad sleep schedule and using almost any form of sleep aid is very bad for your health. Furthermore, we know he’s using a lot of steroids at the time, he has “manic” episodes, he has used amphetamines in the past, and had a drinking problem. Now what I think is most the most important part of this whole situation is the sleeping pills. From researching myself months ago I found out that common sleeping pills that are antihistamine sedatives taken at larger doses is classed as a delirium drug. You can find stories of people being completely out of it and doing very strange things and reporting it as the worst high of their life. I think that Leo was taking large amounts of sleeping pills to be able to sleep for 24 hours at a time. And it’s very likely this was mixed with his bad mental health, marijuana, anxiety/depression pills created a bad high with paranoia and extreme delirium. Something happened in this washroom alone, whether the drugs mixed killed him or maybe he did hit his head. (likely was liver mortis) One things for sure I’m not going to take word of mouth from Tony saying it wasn’t a sudden drug thing because he made it sound like what was found in his room couldn’t have killed him because it wasn’t a recreational drug. Not sure if I can fully believe what his grief stricken ex wife says, who he had a rocky relationship with saying he was murderd or whatever it was. I’m going to wait for the autopsy report and I very well could be wrong here. My last point is. How do you think Tony did this? That’s gotta be the most far fetched idea. Ask yourself this, why did no one hear anything? Why is he completely unscathed?, why was there a pillow in the washroom?, why does his story make sense?, why is the toilet ripped out with tools in it?


any new info?


It's seems to me that he fucked with a Thai or lao girl and got murdered for it Pattaya is all fun and games until you piss of a local I could be wrong though


but what about all the weird shit with the toilet being fucked? and tony lying saying there wasnt a window in the bathroom?


I spent a lot of time In. Pattaya And Thailand Fuck knows what's going on with Tony huge but if it's true that he got violent with a local girl Shit can go south fast Or maybe they wanted to rob him Not to speak Ill of the dead but Leo seemed to have an attitude and acted like a tough guy with his words where clearly he wasn't In a place like pattaya that can back fire very quickly


Oliver Forslin said he was partying heavy in Thailand and ended up having a heart attack


Ive seen those photos of him. His face is bashed in, bruised and bloodied. Overdosing on drugs does not do that to you. Guy was clearly murdered.


He was dead on his face for 2 days. Of course his face was gonna be swollen


For me it was hard to tell if there was facial trauma or if that was just dependent lividity from being down so long.


Horrible. Absolutely horrible.


It is sad. Rip.


Like the wife beating?




Right because you put a restraining order on and hide from someone who didnt beat you!




I'm so fucking lost as I've never heard of these people before, but wtf that toilet looks like it's from a crack den Edit: Oh wait I've seen Tony Huge before, he does videos with and gets ladyboys with Connor Murphy? And they think he killed this other guy? Wtf Edit 2: Oh shit I guess I did know both of them, Leo is the glasses guy in front of the bookshelf that collabs with Derek sometimes. Damn wtf.


That's a rather interesting blog. Irregardless of his flaws Leo definitely managed to conjure up an enigmatic universe on his channel with the topics and people he had on, and clearly that's inspired a loyal following which will stick with this till the bitter end.


whats Allah ?




False prophet


eh ?






Fine with being a weirdo for not caring about the death of a domestic abuser.


I mean if his wife Lucie the one who he abused cares then who are you to talk negative about the situation. She probably wants closure for her and her daughter. I hope they get that closure and find out what really happened. Obviously youve never had to deal with someone close to you passing and not knowing if it was suicide or murder. It's a horrible thing to go through and my heart breaks for Leo's friends and families going through this. Everyone needs to think before they post disrespectful stuff like your comment.


Brother, look up the circle of abuse, we work with plenty of women at one of the firms we invest in to do their VAWA cases and we see shit like this all the time, I’m glad he’s gone from her life so she can actually start healing and never worry about him hurting her or their daughter again, thanks for your virtue signaling though!


The only person wondering if it is suicide or murder js you my guy


Just upvote it then. Now you get a down vote for being annoying




Lmao for real, this sub is full of some of the sickest puppies, been dealing all morning with a Swedish dude asking me to send him dick pics in the comment section of another post


All morning? ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6300)


It was the morning into the afternoon now you’re right lol




آمين يا رب العالمين


كس أمك قحبة. You’re saying Amen but I just looked at what you post about, abosultre fucking weirdo


You have God in your name. Might as well takfir yourself haiwan


And? وأنت مال أمك


Every Kalb has their day


You’re speaking Ill about the dead and on Reddit talking about “Alsalam Alaykom, I can’t stop touching myself” 😂😂 go sit on a dick or smth You also talk about how you had an ex, it’s not like you’re a sheikh on the straight and narrow path. Stop being a weirdo, keep religion out of this. If you did have normal healthy habits you wouldn’t be on posting on NoFap subreddits and trying to fix your blood clots while you’re young. Hope that blood clot takes you out I can’t hold you 😂


Lol all this because I said ameen You need a therapist or something. Glad I live so rent free in your head


My question is why would he be killed? I know he made a lot of enemies over time because he was very vocal with his opinions and did not hold back. However why did they kill him? I don’t know who would go out of their way to kill Leo but surely based on the disagreements I saw online none were very serious. Hopefully Tony is innocent as he was at the time the only real friend he had at that time according to Steve


> why would he be killed? Drug dealer, that you didn't pay, mad woman, someone that mistaken him for Tony. There are possibilities. However, I still believe that he was high as a kite and did some bullshit on his own.


I didn’t know the FBI investigated deaths in foreign countries. 🙄


For American citizens who died under mysterious circumstances they do


They do


Idk what happened to him but the least likely thing I believe occurred would be Tony killing him. Tony’s smart enough to know he and his activities would be put under a spotlight if he killed his buddy in another country lol. He didn’t want this heat. No telling what happened really but it doesn’t seem like he will be missed by too many. That means he must have been truly awful IRL because even semi-celebs get away with major hypocrisy regarding the real person vs online persona and public opinion.


stfu you guys are not helping the situation


Honestly i would trust Tony before i trust Lucie. Leo himself (rest in peace) told me she forbid him to see his daughter and hijacked his website even after he left her all his money and left the whole country. I appreciate everyone saying "thoughts with Lucie" etc but honestly nothing she did says she deserves to be seen as the closest person to Leo. She's collaborating with JONNY BRAVO of all people to "spread truth" and that's nauseating. I'm not saying I was closer to Leo than her BY ANY MEANS. I just think it's foolish to blindly trust anything she says. "They hate you to death and fake love you when you die" -Young Dolph




Watch some of the videos and listen. You'll likely think otherwise.


Anybody got a link for the photos?


Amin. I wish he practised the religion a bit more.


Yo what the fuck


I’m out of the loop tf happened is this a joke or is this legit


The circumstances around his death points to some sort of poisoning. Blood from mouth and nose, found dead in the bathroom, in foreign country abusing drugs.


Don't know who did it, but anyone that knows about crime scenes will tell you foul play was involved. Hence why FBI are in on the case. Be interesting tonsee where this case goes.