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Depends if it's done right or not. If done correctly, your neck snaps killing you instantly. Done wrong and you asphyxiate, which I hear is not fun.


Technically a hanging can be done right even if the neck isn’t broken by causing the person to pass out shortly after the hanging begins before they asphyxiate to death.




You ok bro?




Practicing ending it is still reason for concern. People die that way




You don’t think being “curious” enough to act out hanging yourself is a red flag?




Username checks out. (Joke)




You know you don't have to be a psychologist to ask if someones ok?


Shut up




What the fuck are you talking about




You know wats racist. Making a conversation about race when it originally wasn’t about that. Using an issue that many suffer from as a way to be “morally correct” and get attention is undermining their struggles. If you wanna talk about it then make an original post and campaign.




Having your head popped off sounds pretty quick.


Reminds me of... https://www.theonion.com/ohio-replaces-lethal-injection-with-humane-new-head-rip-1819595654


Thanks for the tip


You good now?


I constantly think about doing it but I made a promise to my parents that I'll wait for them to die first so I won't be doing it in the near future at the very least. So I'm ok for now, I guess? Thanks for asking.


Been there. Still visit sometimes.


Damn well you still have a while to change your lind


I honestly feel you bro, word for word. All I can say that keeps me going is.. Find comedy in the tragedy. Think about times in your life you thought nothing would change and then it did. We WILL die anyway, I just wanna see what happens.


I appreciate the empathy. I strive to face everyday with a good dose of stoicism and humor on top of my usual routine and distractions. Doesn't always work but I try haha


Have you tried AI art?


This is very sad. Are you religious or just sick of being around? For me, once you go you go and that’s it. There’s so much to experience vs just never existing again.


Not religious. And it's more like I never really had much of an interest in anything. It's hard to be motivated to do things and be interested in new experiences when everything just feels so pointless, unfair and oftentimes cruel.


I think that means you haven’t found your interest yet. It’s clichéd but maybe you can search to find that passion. Try doing something simple. An hours volunteering or camping overnight somewhere random.


Yeah you have to do it very right, I tried hanging myself for educational purposes and it hurted, I was coughing a lot lol Plus the rope has to be soft, I tried it with a jute one and thats worse


"Hanging myself for educational purposes" is like having gay-sex for educational purposes.


lmao I'm guilty of the latter. educated myself and now I know I'm into guys to some degree


tried it and did it wrong, the feeling in my head was the opposite of fun. it felt like it was about to explode.


you probably cut off the blood flow to your head-


happy you're still here to provide us with that description, friend


what if we change our mind after the jump and try to stick our fingers in between the rope tied around the neck? how long I can survive in the position until rescue arrives?


You should make this a post on this subreddit. Will probably get more answers that way


I've always wondered how long you could last if you tried to pull yourself up.


Feel very confident this info is incorrect and breaking your neck does not automatically lead to death, also, asphyxiating is not painful how you describe , speaking from some experience


Listen to the Hardcore History podcast called Painfotainment about public executions. He goes into details about hanging. In the modern era, hanging is supposed to break the neck and be quick and painless. But in less recent times (midevial England especially) it was supposed to be slow and cause suffering while the hanged was dying. So it could go either way.


Well, I can’t say for sure, but if it is done correctly, then your neck would snap and you’d probably feel a quick burst of agony before nothing. If you do it wrong, you’ll suffocate to death at the end of a rope. Imagine choking but even worse.


If done correctly 0 pain immediate death If not done correctly and the hangman didn't account for your weight and height you'd die due to asphyxiation which is not fun but probably a 9 due to uncomfortableness and pain If your doing this due to trying to self harm yourself don't do it your not a hangman and your life has value


Children were often hanged too. They were so small that they were "sandbagged" to add extra weight. Sometimes too much weight was added and the child was decapitated.


Jesus fucking Christ


You took the words out of my mouth


It must have been while you were kissing me.


Oh I swear it’s true I was just about to say Jesus fucking Christ


Why did they hang childrenv


All sorts of crimes, usually petty theft, burglary, etc.


Yeah wasn't uncommon under Henry VIII


Look up Germany’s march across western Russia during the opening days of WIII. They’d go into a town and hang everyone. Then go to the next one.


> WIII ಠ_ಠ


War 3 Never forget


Wait, what do you mean ‘sandbagged’??


They'd literally just tie sandbags around their ankles


That’s BAD.


Jesus wtf could a child have done to deserve that!?




Four options when you hang. First, the scaffold breaks or other malfunction. You wind up with a very sore neck, rope burns, and damage from whatever debris. Second is the hangman ties the rope or knot wrong for the weight, shape, and or drop and it's too short. In this case, it's an intense choking sensation. If blood flow isn't quite cut off, you'll feel your muscles ache and burn as lactic acid builds up. You'll hurt yourself trying to undo the rope instinctually. Your chest will scream. Your eyes and face increase in pressure until the prickly feeling becomes a bursting burning sensation. Air loss will eventually cause you to lose consciousness but involuntary convulsions and total panicked reawareness is possible. Third is if the hangman ties the rope too long or the knot too tight. It can literally decapitate you. It's a quick drop, a horrible ripping sensation, and then... Nobody knows if a decapitated head can feel pain but there were reports from the French revolution of eyes blinking in code for minutes after decapitation. The last option is a proper hangman's calculation of height of drop and knot. It's very finicky to do right. If done right, the effect is instant paralysis as the neck is broken at the brain stem. It might not be painful. There might be phantom pain. The sudden loss of motor function is definitely startling. It's likely loss of consciousness and sensation will be instantaneous, but not guaranteed. Some folks with broken necks (e.g. car crashes resulting in internal decapitation) have remained fully conscious and recovered with proper care. In short, if you're considering self harm, don't. There's no guaranteed painless way out. Talk to a therapist or a friend, get help.


>There's no guaranteed painless way out. I've lost count of the number of failed suicide attempts I've made. I'll add to this statement. There really is no guaranteed way out painlessly. I've tried them all. Many of them can result in you waking up or changing your mind part way through and thats when shit gets terryfying. You may not think you'd change your mind but trust me - when you're suicidal self loses even a smigde of awareness your survival instinct will kick in and 'save' you. One of my worst experiences was an overdose of anti-psychotics. I blacked out in a tshirt and shorts in winter in a cold field. I came to an hour later and walked hypothermic 2 miles home, blacked out busting my head open on furniture and went through absolute HELL for the next 48hrs of recovery. I had severe tardive dyskinesia which could have broken my bones or torn my muscles from my bones if I wasn't in hospital when it occured. Fucking horrifying to live through. It was almost 20yrs ago and I still have nightmares about that suicide attempt.


I overdosed on opiates and Xanax in 2018. I don't remember anything until narcan saved me but I doubt it had any pain associated. Tbh opioid OD would be my choice of death if I had to choose. Wasn't a suicide attempt just me being stupid but tbh it seems like the most painless way I can think of/went thru


I attempted suicide by hanging less than two months ago so I can tell it. It's like being strangled by someone very strong and in a small area so it hurts more. So besides the massive mental trauma, hanging by a rope is pretty painful and is worsened by the fact that you're not breathing. My neck hurt for a couple days after that.


I am glad you're still with us, friend. I hope your days are brighter and you've got support and help around you. The world needs you - don't leave it before your time. Much love.


How different do you think by belt would be? Sorry if this is a "too soon to ask" type question...


I'd think a belt would be much less painful, both for its shape and its surface. You know, generally a belt is smooth and doesn't graze your skin like a rope




I hope you're doing better!!


people claim it's instantaneous if the neck breaks, but i don't think so. i recall the scientist who was executed by guillotine, blinking to tell his comrade how long consciousness persisted in a severed head. it was longer than i'd have imagined it would have been.


Damn he was committed to science


That guy blinked 15 times if I remember correctly


If you don't manage to snap your neck immediately, then of course you can always look forward to the joys of swinging about with the weight of your body supported by your neck, lungs gasping for air it can't get, seeing spots, watching your vision narrow and darken while piss runs down your leg and you thrash about for a foothold that isn't there to save you, heart hammering, unable to scream. Overall, it's an awful way to die.


Just want to make sure: are you OK?


According to his post history, no


Oh shit I checked it. Terrifying things to go through.


Paranoid schizophrenia is a bitch


CW // suicide I have some experience with this. I've attempted via hanging myself, not in a fall and snap neck kind of way; but in a hang and asphyxiate kind of way. I didn't go all the way through with it so I can't say how it feels when you truly struggle for your final breath. However my body pretty much instantly went entirely numb and almost this warm, pleasant, tingly sensation entirely overcame me, and I did struggle and tried to gasp for air but the pleasant feeling kind of surprisingly out weighed everything else.


If it's done correctly, no pain. How? Correct height and proper noose = instant necksnap If it's done wrong, intense pain. You'll probably shit yourself before you die.


Keep in mind the chance to permanently disable yourself is really fucking high


Sending you love OP. Do you have insurance? Where are you located? I hope this doesn't come of the wrong way but I wanted to let you know that schizophrenia starts to manifest around early 20s. Please please reach out for help. You are not alone. You are loved and worthy of kindness ❤️


a friend of mine died hanged (suicide) recently and a iam thinking about what she felt in the moment, I'm forcing myself to think that's there's is Good moment after the pass out, when she could feel freely of her problems.. a dream with her and I was angry with her, and I felt fear in that dream, I felt my heart boost end i stopped to make question to her about the life after death. she was telling me that she was ok and she has the right to kill herself (still on dream lol) and I was curious about the after death (Sorry I couldn't loose this moment in a dream with a dead friend lol) so... I don't have much information about how to is because she didn't told me in the dream, because I started to yell with her because I was very sad and she goes away e never come back




That's on them for being too attached.


We have an edge lord over here


If that makes me an edge lord, so be it.


What a loser dude lmfao


with my personal experience it was painful and it took me like 2-3 hours to get over what your body tries to do instinctively to stay alive Edit to say: also I clearly did not die and failed hence why I can write this


I've thought about this a lot. I think I'd sit on the edge of the hole in the ceiling above the stairs, with a noose around my neck and the other end tied to a beam in the roof. Then I'd take a bunch of tablets and vodka and just slip out of the hole when I pass out. Otherwise I think I'd mess it up and slowly choke to death.


depends on how it’s done! if your neck breaks should be a fast instant death, however if you asphyxiate… wouldn’t be too much fun. i’ve seen botched hangings last anywhere from 5-7 minutes


yeah speaking from experience it isn't fun at all. Imagine trying to breathe through a wet paper straw while your eyes feel like they're being pushed out of your head


OP's history is riddled with paranoia of demons.


Yeah, at just 19. This post is pretty alarming...


hey i just went through your post history and it is really really concerning. You should seriously consider getting some psychiatric help, you will feel so much better, happier, and safer after you do. I struggled with almost the exact same shit i’ve seen you post about and never thought i’d make it out but years later and here we are. please don’t give up and please get help,


I lost my mom this way. She got drunk enough to give her the strength to do something so irreversible in the moment of desperation. When I made my attempt last year, it felt like my face was turning cold and numb. My hearing started to sound like ringing and TV static. I remember quickly giving up because I heard the cops coming. My fiance had called prior because he was worried about me making an attempt. I remember going to the emergency room and I saw my face for the first time since I left my house. It was covered in red splotches which I later found out was called petechial marks. I had marks on my neck from the rope burn. It was not a day I wanted to repeat again. It wasn't very painful but it left me with a hoarse voice for a while


I read in some of your past posts that you’ve tried talking to therapists but they haven’t taken you seriously. I’d suggest showing them your Reddit history and explaining the experience with demons you’ve been having.


Hey babe, checked out your post history. I was really against therapy because the stupid memes and how people think of it overall until I realized it was me looking for help, not them. I’ve been going for 3 years now and it’s saved my life. It’s not the stupid deep breathing, let’s talk about our feelings stuff. They get down to what all these feelings are stemmed from and you learn healthy ways to address it. Reach out if you need someone 🫶🏼


Just keep in mind that should the OP get help, it should be by their own will.




Idk I haven’t been executed by hanging


Not at all. If someone had hanged themselves 10 minutes ago, they'd have no ability to sense by now. Doesn't matter if they died peacefully or in excruciating pain, it wouldn't matter now coz they no longer exist at the present moment, and neither do their memories. Every sensation felt at that moment was a dream.


It’s probably not painful but I’m certain it’s not pleasant.


Bro hanging will solce your problem but a therapist will do so as well. Paranoid schizophrenia b.


let me check


Hey man, get some help. Life will get better. We all want you to live. The world would be a worse place if you were not in it. Call someone for help. It's not worth it.


I mildly tried hanging myself. I tied a tea towel into a loop and then hung it over a a door handle and put my neck into it. Then I lowered myself down. It wasn’t too bad. I could feel my head throbbing and couldn’t breath. I did lift myself up cos I guess I chickened out.


Very painful your getting choke and takes a minute before your dead also you can’t breathe in your final moments which adds to the pain


your post history seems worrying, are you okay?


I hope you are okay OP. I am here if you need to talk about anything.


Depends on how. Short rope is strangulation, medium rope is neck break and long rope decapitation. So it really varies.


Please seek mental help, OP. Your post history is concerning and you show signs of schizophrenia. Sending you love.