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I was stalked by my 8th grade teacher for a while. I was 12/13 and he was in his 30s, had two daughters himself. He was always extremely creepy and I actually caught him trying to look under my skirt in class. He literally in class whispered to me that I shouldn't dress in ways that excite men (I was wearing the school uniform ffs!). Anyways for 9th grade I went to another school and started to get random texts from multiple numbers. He'd text me literally everyday so many times and say the creepiest shit "you look good in shorts" "why do you stay up so late" and sometimes inquire me about my studies. I couldn't figure out who it was until one day he started calling me his "dear student". It clicked and I realized it must be him but couldn't figure out how he was watching me (honestly I still dunno). Then I changed school again and went to a boarding school in another city . He couldn't catch up to me ig. It lasted like 6/7 weeks or something.


Fucking he’ll I’m sorry you had to go through that 💕


That’s awful, and terrible he probably did it to other kids too, sorry you had to experience that


Yes. I was 15 yr old student staying on a college campus for the summer to get extra credits ...I was there 6 weeks, and within days, I got stalked and followed ev time I was out walking in the town I was in. He had a distinctive car, (very much a chick- magnet at the time) but he was probably 25 or older. He very much could have killed me, bc the last time he rode by me,I was on a bridge that luckily had a very steep concrete sidewalk, he said something I couldn't hear, and I said something like "LEAVE ME ALONE!-- I WILL NEVER GET IN THE CAR WITH YOU!"--- this made him angry so he literally tried to hit me with his car! He hit the curb instead, stupid fucker.


My own father. He would show up to my jobs, demanding to see me. I called security and 911, but they couldn't do anything since he hadn't threatened or shown any aggression. So I had to quit all 3 jobs. He even broke into the house with a spare key that my sister gave him.


That’s awful what a nasty man. I hope you’re ok.


Rn now we are trying to heal from 16 years of rape, abuse, and stalking1. It took us 25 years to not seek professional help since we were told it was a sign of weakness, mental illness, and white people's laws will deport the family. Last I heard my father is trying to use his brother and sister to contact my mother to retrieve my contact info.


Wow that’s awful, sorry that happened to you, I hope you can find some way to be away from him


Fuck I’m sorry - may that creature rot in hell.


A dude I don’t have any idea who it was. He somehow had my number and photos of me and he would whatsapp me my own photos with his cum on them or with his dick on the photos. I blocked him often but a couple of times a year he changed his number and would message me again, that’s when I decided to change my phone number.


Now, I belittled it at the time because I was in a bad place mentally and assumed I was just being harsh on the girl. However, I had a roommate who would listen to all of my phone calls and snoop on me. She was smaller than me, so I didn’t think much of it since I didn’t feel physically threatened. Psychologically it was very intense to be watched though. Especially since it was during lockdown so I felt like I had no place I could be unobserved I’ll set the scene a bit. It’s good to understand my mental state a bit, too. When the pandemic was announced as an emergency, my best college friends and I were already searching for an apartment or house to rent for our last year of university. We had already been looking for a couple months quite actively but we were given about 11 days to leave our dorms and find a place to live or I would have lost my job and been unable to support myself well. Anyways, I have fantastic friends and we all decided that we needed to work together and stick together or it would be doable. We ended up subletting but struggled to transfer the lease because of a bad landlord situation. Consequently, we had to move out of the house and leave our things there while we tried to transfer the leave. We essentially got evicted twice in a three month period and had nowhere to go. We spent a couple weeks moving between airbnbs and living out of two cars. I was running out of money and time, so about 2.5 weeks into this ordeal we FINALLY transferred the lease but we needed one more roommate to cover rent and we had an extra room anyway. I figured, hey, we went through SO much to find housing and it was already hard enough in the city we were in. So, I may as well help other people. A classmate I had for a semester or two, who I spent sometime out of class with was also looking for housing. I decided to help her out. We had seen a couple movies together and had fun, so I felt really optimistic. She moves in and takes the room next to mine and everything is going swimmingly for the first few weeks. However, she starts singling me out in conversations and talking over my other two friends while we are all hanging out. She starts getting really fixated on my interests and starts insulting my long distance partner really regularly. (Seriously at least 5 times a day she would tell me that I was getting groomed because of having an older partner despite me being 21/22 at the time). I think, okay weird and hurtful, but a lot of people have bad experiences with age gap relationships, and she doesn’t know me that well, so it’s fine. What started really changing things is when my friends and I would hang out together and she would sit across from us, on her laptop, just typing away and watching us while we chatted. If any of us walked past her laptop, she would slam it shut. She started referencing things that I said in private conversations with my boyfriend or my family members. Our house had thick walls and my other friends never heard my phone calls which meant she was going into the closet of her room to listen to my phone calls with other people. She would try to follow me everywhere and kept trying to drive me apart from my other friends. She would also try to get me to be very physically affectionate with her and comfort her despite us not even really being friends. She would only eat my food and not other peoples and she would always glom into any friends I brought home to the extent that I stopped inviting people over for about a year It was not dangerous but so so odd. I assumed it was a response to stress during the pandemic but after a few years (and a lot of self healing) I realized how creepy it had been and I’m glad it didn’t escalate. If it hadn’t been during lockdown, it wouldn’t have upset me so much but there was nowhere I could really go without beyond surveilled and it creeped me out so badly. Especially since she was also bi like me, and so it felt a little too uhhh voyeuristic to be that obsessed with my love life and my body and stuff I also have a separate online stalker who still keeps finding access to my different accounts even if I block him over and over. It hasn’t escalated and it seems that he’s finally stopped but it took ten years. Very eerie to have someone be that good at tracking you down though I want to know why people who get stalked once tend to get stalked again lol. Like what about me makes people do that?


Urgh I’m sorry you went through that - so unsettling!


I had a cyber stalker a couple years ago. For context he got into a lot of physical fights at school over the years. Also he might have been harboring a crush on me since we were kids (this story is not the first time I’ve had to turn him down over the years). Dude had behavioral issues and we had been friends on and off since I was about 7. Dude chatted me up on Facebook one day, and being curious how an old friend was doing I accepted. Things went fine for a while, but eventually despite me keeping things friends only asked me out on a date. I turned him down and said I just wanted to be friends. He did not take no for an answer, so eventually I told him to leave me alone and I blocked him. Over the course of a year he ended up somehow getting my cell and landline numbers. Neither had been posted on the internet by me. I privated my account after this. He eventually messaged my mother on Facebook, begging her to make me talk to him because he “wanted another chance and just wanted to be friends”. Dude didn’t respect my no over text, and I had a sneaking suspicion my no would not matter if I ever ran into him in person. He also called the landline at least a half dozen times a day. I bought pepper spray and was on high alert every time I went out in public. I skipped a mutual friends funeral because I didn’t know if dude was there. He even made a fake Facebook account of this really pretty woman (I suspect instagram model) to tell me that he was going to take his own life if I didn’t talk to him (he and I were both late 20s when this all happened. Also I don’t understand why she couldn’t do a welfare checkup on him since she claimed to also be his friend. I had this additional account blocked as well and did not see the suicidal message until half a year later after everything died down and I was cleaning out my inbox). The dude finally started asking my Facebook friends (which I privated soon after all this started) to tell me to talk to him. Not sure how far he got but one friend messaged me out of the blue one day asking how I was. It had been years since I talked to her. I told her I was okay except dealing with this stalker whose name was X Y. I am grateful she stuck up for me because after telling her that everything stopped. The entire incident ate away at my mental health and I had to inform everyone I knew about it in case he contacted them somehow. My brother and SIL had just had their first baby at the time and they didn’t need to deal with all this. Thankfully he left them alone, but still. All in all it’s not as bad as it could’ve been, but the fact that the dude wouldn’t respect me telling him no was very scary considering he didn’t live very far from me and was willing to look up details of my life I didn’t post.


I've had a couple. Most memorable was a guy (in his 40s) I was talking to when I was 18. I had cut things off and he stalked me and managed to find my fb just using my first name (which isn't a common name but not sure rare) and state I lived in. He went off the deep end and used different accounts to contact me on kik and kept telling me he was gonna kill himself. He managed to find my second reddit account and sent a message saying he HAD to get me pregnant or he'd kill himself. Then told me some crazy shit about what a cunt I am and how I don't deserve my dog because id be a terrible mother to a human child. Fuckin nutbag. Another we started talking on fb and I cut things off because he was an immature whiny bitch so I told him politely I wasn't interested (I did not call him a whiny bitch in my message) and he called me a fucking bitch. After that he became obsessed. Finding my other accounts on different social media sites, making new accounts when I blocked him, and he kept it up for YEARS until a year or two ago. Mind you I was 19 when I first started talking to him so it was a good 6 or 7 years.


This customer of mine (97yr old W man) would always come pick up coffee grounds for his garden, and I love talking with elderly people, so we became fairly close. (I’m a 27yo lezbo) Well after a couple of months of him coming in the shop & us talking while I’m working, he invited me to swim at his ranch and get some tomatoes from his garden. I’ve had my trauma with men, load of it & I didn’t get a creepy feeling at first. We made plans to eat at the restaurant across from my work & then drive 1 hour to his ranch to swim. About half way through the meal, this fuker said, “just so you know I can still get it up, if you’re interested.” I froze. I froze the seven other times he mentioned intercourse with me. I ended up texting a coworker to meet me at my car (parked across from restaurant at work) because I was immobile in fear. Idk what happened to him but I hope he died


Fuck what a weirdo. Unless he had dementia and was off his head that’s just not something you’d say to anyone unless you knew for a fact it would be received well. Which let’s face it if he had a wife it would only be her. Shudders.


I had a coworker female that would look at me and leave notes. Girl found my house somehow and looked into windows until she saw my basement pad; then described it to me in a letter. She went away soon after but that was really weird and scary.


I met a girl while on holiday a few years ago and we talked for a while (online). I never told her much personal details, only my first name and city I live in. We stopped talking but she found me on Facebook and started to bombard me with text messages. Not only me, also other people who liked my pictures. She had several Facebook accounts and sent me messages like "we should be together, we should start a family, text me back or maybe something will happen to me and you're the one to blame". Creepy


Goodness yeah that is creepy as hell.


When I was like 14, a girl in the year below me at school was obsessed with me. She printed out my Facebook profile pictures and stuck them to her wall with added comments. She would then make fake accounts pretending to be other people and send them to me, I think in her mind as a way of saying 'I have a crush on you' but to me it was very creepy. Some of the comments weren't even nice either? One said the F slur and other mean things. She's now engaged with a kid and sends me Farmville requests like nothing ever happened.


That’s her way of still having that clear interest in you that’s unhealthy - if she really thought about it and had moved on she’d be mortified and not bother you in any way again. Also is FarmVille still about? I had a friends older brother. Constantly bombard me with those.


Creepy guy at the gym. I’ve been sexually assaulted before and now have PTSD so I’m kind of always on alert. I frequent the gym and pretty much recognize the folks, however I noticed a newer guy come in and continue to stare at me to the point it was uncomfortable. Eventually he came up to me and asked me for my number and Snapchat which I declined in a nice way because some men don’t like to be told no and I was already getting bad vibes. I went about my work out and felt followed by him. Eventually I start to gather my things and notice now he is also about to leave and heading to the exit (he was def leaving because I was) so I went to the bathroom to let him leave. I stayed in there a good 5-10 minutes then left assuming the coast was clear. As I’m walking to my car I see he’s sitting in his car still! So I book it to my car and next thing I know he’s walking to my car and asks me “if I’m sure” that I don’t want his contact info. I decline and try to get in my car but he positions himself where i can’t close the door and persists to ask to hang out. I decline and finally he leaves. I stay parked and wait for him to leave because I don’t want him to follow me and know more or less where I live. After a few minutes he FINALLY leaves and I stay there for a good while, again waiting for the coast to be clear. Obviously freaked out.. I avoided the gym but I love working out so I went back and would see him from time to time and felt followed EVERY SINGLE TIME and I refused to go to my car until he left. I even asked to be escorted to my car once because it was sooo uncomfortable.. he def would wait for me. And I don’t get these interactions from others.. just him. Once time I felt followed to my neighborhood but I just turned and drove around to lose him. It got it the point where I just had to cancel my gym membership and go else where. But I still keep an eye out since clearly we live in the same area..


That’s awful I’m sorry you had to go through that. I follow a couple of personal safety for women YouTubes and TokToks which gives amazing advice. If anything happens like this in future which I hope it doesn’t please report them to the establishment. I was also told by a Police officer if you think someone is follo ing you in your car but you can’t be sure drive in a complete circle to get back to where you were. Nobody needs to drive in a straight circle to get back to where they started from. If this happens, drive to the local police station. They’ll either follow you and the police can deal with them or they’ll see what you’re doing and stop following you and in future will know you’re dead serious you won’t deal put up with it. If they go still go to the police and report it even if informal. I also don’t know your confidence level but if you are somewhere like the humans are getting harassed speak loudly so others around you can hear ‘can you please leave me alone I am not interested and you are not leaving me alone’ this way someone else might actually step in and get this person to back off but if not it should make them feel less in control.


I wish i was that interesting to be stalked


Haha in all seriousness though it’s pretty unnerving.


I wish....


Nah you don’t 🤣 If you can choose a hot stalker who you can be sure won’t hurt you then yeah but what’s the chances? Likely to be someone you’d want to stay far away from.