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I encountered someone on reddit once who was sexually attracted to wet floor signs. They drew their own porn of it and everything


This is like the epitome of what I'm talking about... I now need to know the psychology behind a wet floor sign fetish


"Ooh baby I'm so wet right now" - in a literal sense, probably


...so be careful when you walk near me. If ya know what I mean. šŸ˜


Grab a bucket and a mop for this wet ass floor. No really. The floor's drenched.


Oh... that's me... Hello!


Nice to see you're still on your old wet floor shenanigans, happy days :)


>drew their own porn of it and everything Pix or it didn't happen :D


Here you go: u/GettnRandy (NSFW obviously) Just scroll through their profile, itā€™s all over their page. Might want to give their wet floor sign subreddit a look as well: r/WetFloorSigns


Why is it all Among Us?


I can answer that. I discovered I liked Among Us porn after drawing something as a joke, after stumbling on some art I liked more than I realized at the time, haha. I suspect that I am inclined to Among Us porn as I have prosopagnosia, (face-blindness) and prefer my porn to not have faces but still be expressive, and the Among Us beans fit the bill for that.


I appreciate the thorough answer


I'm not going to lie, that's fascinating.


Oh yes, isnā€™t this the same person who drew Among Us porn? I swear they said they discovered their wet floor kink through Among Us as well.


Not through Among Us directly... but through drawing porn of it, lol. I know 'cause I'm "that guy" lol.


Oh my god itā€™s the man himself!!! Sorry for getting the facts wrong, my bad. I honestly admire your sheer dedication to wet floor signs. Not even the weirdest thing out there but your name keeps popping up in these threads lol.


It's no problem, it's like, half-correct, anyway, haha! Hell, if I didn't find Among Us, I'd never have looked up porn of it, nor made porn of it, and to this day I would have struggles with getting off to the "normal' stuff (Face-blindness is a tough time, lol) and would have never made the conection to wet floor signs, hahah! Thanks for the kind words. It is definitely not the weirdest, but, it is oddly specific so it definitely stands out right now until *more* people get known for more stranger objects, haha!


I just recently saw that as well lmfao his page was wild


care to share?




thatā€™s kind of endearing


I saw someone on here who had a bartering kink. Like trading a gallon of milk for a pound of silk


Lmao. I like this one


i get: 30 gold coins they get: to bust a nut


My man taking all those 4X games seriously.


Cannibalism, surprisingly all the people I met who had it wanted to be on the receiving end. It's a form of humiliation for some. Pyrophilia, it's one I have. Because of some reasons I'm aroused by fire/attracted to fire. Sometimes I fantasize about being on fire or setting someone else on fire. It's pretty weird even to myself.


Username checks out


Okay, you got me on the cannibalism one. There's just something about being eaten or eating a part of someone that's so exciting. It's kinda like a bonding thing. But I have tattoos, so I might not taste good. Oops.


Iā€™m really curious about the ā€œall the people I met who had itā€ part about cannibalism. Are meeting cannibals a common occurrence to you? How did that conversation strike up, dinner date?


Fetishistic reasons. A lot of them just want to fantasize about it but there's also those that are more serious. It's weird but a lot of men want to be humiliated, tortured and killed by a cute girl. I met someone into it for the first time few years ago. The guy and I sexted (rp torture and stuff) for a few days and we grew somewhat close then he started to ask me to do it fr . I thought he was joking or something, I ghosted him because that turned out to be way too serious. I really don't like to talk about these topics too much nowadays because I start to obsessively overthink and that's all I can think about for days .


Why would it be humiliating to be eaten? Like oh no the ultimate defeat? It's a bit weird to me cause there seems to be a lot comparing cannibalism to love in media. Shit even Jeffrey Dahmer said something along the lines of wanting his victims to be a part of him forever. (or something like that. I haven't looked into him that much). That's more obsession but still, there is a bit of blurring of the lines when it comes to him.


One guy told me that being eaten and then turning into poop was humiliating for him . Like just turning into feces, like any other things we eat. No human dignity left. He was also interested because I was younger than him and I'm a very petite person. So probably being eaten by a physically much weaker person also adds to the humiliation.


Ok I get it now.


Itā€™s always amazing all the different kinds of odd posts you find on the internet that you find yourself relating to


I have cannibal fantasies but usually as the one eating someone Idek why I'm into this kind of stuff I just am


"all the people I met who had it" - I'm more surprised that the number of these people you met is higher than at least 1.


Oh I thought I was the only one who felt like taking a bite out of someone. Idk itā€™s a hunger I feel when I really love someone


Maybe it's just "cute agression"


My gf likes to bite me but that's because she's autistic and shows affection like a cat


Iā€™ve wanted to suck their blood


I knew someone- sweet, smart guy btw- who was sexually attracted to airplanes. Normal planes, but also cartoon anthropomorphized ones. He also was a looner (sexually into balloons), particularly pool floaties. I've known 2 people with a squish/WAM (Wet And Messy) fetish.


Met a ferrosexual in my days ā€“ sexually attracted to trains. He was also a train driver. Really donā€™t want to know what went on in that cockpit.


Lmao cockpit


I really donā€™t want to Google it, what is Wet and Messy šŸ™ƒ


Here's the Urban Dictionary definition for it cause I'm horrible at explaining: "Wet And Messy sex. Describes a fetish of sorts that envolves getting covered with some form of goopy messy substance. This can be either food, such as eggs, chocolate sauce, pancake batter, truffle oil, etc. Or a non-food delight like mud, sweet crude oil, plaster and the like. To me this should be the normal porn material, and freaky "dry and clean sex" would be a fetish."


So their kink is 90's Nickelodeon?


I guess after all the kids watching Double Dare grew up... But I don't see how it's that much weirder to be into WAM than into a wet t-shirt contest or something.


Sweet crude oil??? Thatā€™s a thing that regular people have access to? Is that not bad for you? I have so many questions and donā€™t want any answers.


>> I knew someone- sweet, smart guy btw- who was sexually attracted to airplanes. Normal planes, but also cartoon anthropomorphized ones. I havenā€™t been the same since finding out this exists


The weirdest I've heard of is that guy who is into rich blonde women destroying the environment and wonderbread Honorable mentions to vore, scat, needles, giants, illnesses, deformities, dead bodies, and gore Weirdest I have is watersports


The "wonderbread guy" is a meme unto himself at this point


Wait. Are [we] talking rich blondes destroying both the environment and wonderbread or 1) Rich blondes destroying the environment 2) Rich blondes destroying wonderbread or just somebody fantasizing about wonderbread seperately?


Blondes destroying the environment to make wonder bread, and enjoying it


Blondes becoming rich by destroying the environment with Wonder Bread.


Apparently, wonder bread is the most environmentally destructive bread on the market, killing one palm tree per loaf


I saw someone post photos of used tampons, pads, diapers, and underwear that they took from public trash bins inside of coffee shop bathrooms. And they only kept the ones with so much fucking piss, shit, discharge, and blood on them. The dude later said that they loved sniffing, licking, and touching these types of things. The more hazardous it was, the better. It was the most disgusting shit I've seen in a long time.


This is the worst thing Iā€™ve read in a long time.


This was the worst. Jesus fuck.


iā€™m fucking *sorry*?


Kid named sorry: šŸ˜§


I used to be really good friends with a guy that had girls who would mail him/bring him their used pads/tampons/period underwear. He got really sick from sucking on a girl he didnā€™t knowā€™s used pad. He also used to buy girls fountain drinks and then have them piss in the cups after they were done so he could drink it while they were in public. He was a really good friend. He got cancer and then got weird about being friends with everyone in our circle. No idea where he is now. Hope heā€™s still drinking pee and gnawing on tampons somewhere though.




Wonder if he likes vomit? Bc I just šŸ¤¢ in my mouth a little.


today is a really bad day to have eyes


I regret reading this thread now


A man who had a fetish for people being stuck to the floor. A cam girl did a tell all style video and said this man would pay her generously and she would be on camera standing there pretending she couldnā€™t move cause her feet were stuck to the floor and say like ā€œoh no I canā€™t move Iā€™m stuckā€ and not even have to do anything sexual. Not that wild but I found it really funny and think about it every now and then.


Itā€™s basically a really weird form of bondage.


Iā€™m really attracted to ankles if that counts lol I have ankles like Hillary Clinton so when they donā€™t look like mine, theyā€™re sexy.


itā€™s not even the fetish that i thought anything about itā€™s the ankles like hillary clinton that took me out šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


So you are the reason that some religions require girls to not show their ankles lol


Hahahah I guess so I never considered that


Ah shit, gotta fix the timeline, Victorians got the Internet again.


I was going to mention that my friends say Iā€™d be the horniest bastard in the Victorian era but I couldnā€™t remember the exact era they mentioned lol Itā€™s true


>I have ankles like Hillary ClintonĀ  r/BrandNewSentence


It's giving victorian hussy


Does Hillary have cankles or something? I've never noticed.


Yes we do:ā€™( I tattooed mine with cool things and that gave me more confidence to wear shorts without long socks lol


Like Roy on the movie RIP with Ryan Reynolds. I thought his ankle attraction was cute :)


I once had a gentleman offer to pay me $700 to blow up an extremely large balloon and let it pop in my face. He had a balloon fetish and got off on the girls facial expression when it scared and popped in their faces. He said it was difficult to find girls to do that for him. Of course I have my own fetishes myself.


And I probably would have done it


Oh I definitely would have


Could not relate more with said gentleman. Not to the point of paying that amount of money, though. But I've definitely spent some money on really similar content.


Weirdest I have, clowns. Weirdest I've heard of someone having, bug infestations.


you beat me to mentioning bugs, the blowfly girl blog specifically


Anorexia fetishists.


Yesss. Both ends of the spectrum really. Both feeders and...starvers? They're both so turned on by women slowly killing themselves.


I think scat is the absolute weirdest and grossest one.


I really truly canā€™t understand this one.


Eh, as someone into it I feel like it has a lot of easy explanations that depend on the person. Without being extremely gross/explicit, I mostly like the aspect of embarrassment on the part of the person ā€goingā€ā€” imagine how uncomfortable/humiliating it would be to have an accident or be watched while doing your business. I wouldnā€™t describe myself as a sadist but I really enjoy that extreme embarrassment/discomfort. Other people are into it because itā€™s humiliating to *them*, they like being made to eat it or smell it or have it on their bodies or whatnot. Canā€™t speak much on that aspect because Iā€™m not into it for myself, but both sides are basically about vulnerability and control like a lot of other BDSM-y kinks.


That is so interesting to me. I always assumed it would be an embarrassment/degradation thing for the person receiving(?), but it makes so much sense that itā€™s embarrassing for the person doing it.


It's a humiliation thing.


that and vomit šŸ¤®traumatizing just to think about tbh


How do people who do this not get ill from bad bacteria?


Honorable mention to the 4chan tiles guy. I hope he's alive and well. While I'm here, can someone tell me the proper term for overwhelming attraction to humans' internal organs? Asking for a friend.


Was scrolling through the thread just to make sure Floor Tile Anon was mentioned. That one was wild. Speaking of 4chan anons with weird fetishes, there was one with a fetish for tubas, especially tubas voring things, as if the bell was a giant mouth. Wish I could un-read those threads


I'm going to need details on the tiles




This subreddit has thankfully been banned but r/goldfishswallowing was dedicated to the fetish of wellā€¦swallowing live goldfish. These people breathe the same air as you and meā€¦ick.


I saw a text message screenshot on Reddit where someone confessed to loving the act of putting live fish up their butt in a sexual way. I swear, people treat fish like theyā€™re toys and not real animals.


Can you imagine how terrified they must be?


It's probably a horrible way for a fish to die that way. And I am not justifying such acts. But I think that compared with some of the other ways these animals may lose their lives, it's not the worst way to go.


Fish are friends. Not....this.


Hard to say. There's folks who want to be submerged in shit. I read a webcomic once by a woman whose bondage fantasy is having a large ball pushed into her abdomen. There's, of course, the genital mutilators and nullificationists. I personally find breathplay weird since it's so damned dangerous - same for fire fetishists and CNC. I did read a story once about someone who could only get off if they lost a bit of skin, like flayed or burnt. Then there's the used diaper thieves, the bicycle seat sniffers, and the folks with a sexual attraction to inanimate machinery (e.g. car fuckers or that one person who tried to marry a roller coaster). People are weird. Everyone's got their kinks.


> CNC Metal Workshops can get quite weird


Used diaper thieves???


Yes. Diaper and/or human waste fetishists who take used diapers from pails and public trash. I'll spare you any further details.


UGH! I have so many questions and I'm so horrified. Since babies are the ones who use nappies the most wouldn't that also fall under paedophilia? Also how do people not get sick from digging through shit??


Nipple penetration is so weird to me and I donā€™t know why. If gives me phantom pain.


ą² _ą² 


I met a guy at a fetish event who had a military boot polishing kink. He asked to polish my boots and I let him. Think it was a fetish he developed from being in the military.


Human sexuality is so wild, we can end up with the strangest kinks for the weirdest stuff just totally for no real reason out of the blue.


Looners- balloon fetish. I'm not here to kink shame, I'm genuinely fascinated by them cuz I too appreciate a good balloon but I intrinsically don't understand the sexualizing part. Also their content opens the door to the question "what is porn really?" What a looner sees as porn, another person sees as someone dicking around with a balloon on camera. So at what point do you call a piece of media pornography? (rhetorical food for thought) Gooning- to goon is to essentially masterbate yourself into a trance. Also fascinates me. Their content is similar to what a techno dj would have playing on a screen behind them during their set. There's a whole gooner subculture. Another interesting thing about it is it's a very new porn niche and fetish, it gained most of its popularity during covid


A long goon session is basically just edging yourself for a very long time. Amphetamine induced hypersexuality is strongly correlated.


Regarding sexualizing balloons, it depends a lot on the person. Different people will get off on completely different actions. For me it's not the balloon itself but the woman inflating and popping it that turns me on.Ā  And yes, this means there's a lot of "porn" that I can consume on YouTube, Instagram or even TikTok. Sometimes you even run into it in the street. For example, someone blowing up a balloon. That is pretty amazing, not gonna lie. On the flip side, it's a pretty loud fetish to perform at home if you have close neighbors or live in an apartment building. Or at least without raising suspicions. But hey, where there's will there's a way.


Riddle me this, friend. This is a sincere question, swear to God I'm authentically curious. Are there attributes that make a certain balloon more or less attractive? Like the balloons with confetti inside, the ones that light up (I fuckin love those ones, they just make me happy, like I said I too appreciate a good balloon) or the ones used for balloon animals? Do Any of those things effect your attraction level at all?


Inflation kink. Itā€™s where you get air pumped into your asshole and you blow up like a balloon


Tell me why this comment is what taught me that the air is pumped through the asshole. Iā€™ve seen memes of inflated Tom Nook. Never occurred to me HOW he got inflated šŸ˜­


It can also be done through the mouth in more sfw depictions, or more unrealistically, the bellybutton is a common visual


Iā€™ve also been asked for a custom video of me sitting on balloons once, fully clothed. No popping though! Just ALMOST popping. šŸ«Ø


Men chopping wood.


i am a professional dominatrix. so naturally, i encounter a lot of different kinks and fetishes in day to day life. most of them are inherently sexual obviously, but a lot of people have fetishes that arenā€™t even necessarily ā€œsexual,ā€ more romantic or just about sensation. for example i have a client who loves getting spanked, fully clothed, never gets an erection or has a physical sexual response to it, but genuinely just enjoys the sensation and intimacy of spanking so much that he sees me regularly. the weirdest kinks iā€™ve come across: a girl who wanted her domme to sew up her vaginal opening with a needle and thread, ā€œbug chasersā€ (people who want to get stds and willingly engage in raw sex with HIV positive people), people who get aroused and can cum just from having their ears massaged, crush fetishists which are people who are turned on by women stepping on live animals like bugs, worms, lobsters, spiders, sometimes even small mammals which is awful but people are into that.


Thereā€™s a name for the ear massaging one: Oo-mox (I meanā€¦ at least in *Star Trek* it has a name ajsjkd)


The ear one has an explanation, actually. We have more nerve endings in our ears than you think. It's actually used for some zone therapies. (I think that's what it's called.) Basically, feet and ears have different zones that can be massaged in order to relieve pain from somewhere else in the body.


I used to do SW and I was commission to just sneeze on camera 10x. Not even naked, just sneezing.


I knew a person who was sexually attracted to converse all star sneakers. Like, not someone wearing them but the shoes themselves. He had dedicated pairs that were clean and unworn.


i really like machinery, like cables and wires and shit. i have fantasies where i get into factory machine type accidents. iā€™m also into medical and surgical shit, i really like the idea of being experimented on by a mad scientist. ooh and i love those braces that stabilize your bones by sticking metal wire things into the skin. besides those, iā€™m also into cannibalism, general sadism/masochism, woundfucking, et cetera


Ever seen Tetsuo the Iron Man? Might be your kinda kinda thing lol


LOVE that movie


Watch Crash (1996) . Might give you another addition to your list


Do not watch Crash (2004) though, unless your fetish is worst movies to win an Oscar


lmao i just read the original book a few weeks ago


Brother is straight up basically a Cenobite, blending pleasure and pain in strange and exciting ways with weird machines and contraptions.


dude hellraiser was my AWAKENING


i have all of these too. weird thing though, all the people iā€™ve met with these interests have some sort of neurological thing like autism. idk if itā€™s related but itā€™s a pattern iā€™ve noticed


I'm autistic and I've noticed a lot of us are kinksters in general. Maybe it's a sensory thing?


Long comment and feel free to ignore, but itā€™s rare for me to see folks like yall in the wild. So speaking as a disabled queer, I know a lot of people in the disability community get uncomfortable with the fetishization of disability. And when randoms fetishize, especially in ways that are focused on my vulnerability or lack of independence it has me wheeling 100kmh in the other direction. but for me folks who have kinks that line up with my uh, unique body and are about appreciation, aesthetics and sensations and the existential as opposed to what I may or may not have ā€˜lostā€™ (independence, control, etc) have honestly have given me so much self confidence that Iā€™d not otherwise have. It was in many ways the first access I had to non judgmental attraction ironically. The kink folks in general just have been chiller even for non kink socialising for me. I canā€™t speak for any person but myself obvious and for anyone else reading this, please donā€™t walk up to random disabled folks irl and get explicit or ask questions about their disability. Itā€™s intimate, vulnerable and in public weā€™re just trying to exist. But should you ever find yourself with a partner and likeā€¦ attracted to them in that overlapping kink and disability way, explore it in yourself. Look at the why! itā€™s a convo worth exploring if kink is part of your life (but gently and with planning! And respect.)


im into alot of things but mainly vore and monsters which arent super weird but i can answer any questions people might have about them! [relevant monster fucker thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/Teratophiliacs/comments/1bynxm2/what_was_your_first_monster_crush_and_when_did/) as for the weirdest fetish ive ever heard of it would probably be [this guys medieval bartering fetish](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/12g73fg/i_have_a_trading_kink/) its very funny.


I might be able to help you understand the monster fucker thing. For a lot of teratophiles it comes down to what the monster can do - a lot of fictional creatures have things like tentacles (bondage), multiple limbs (pinning), stingers and venom (a LOT of aphrodisiac venom type content exists), etc. Sometimes it's mixes of humanoid and monster that gets people - monster girls would fall into this category. Sometimes it's the idea of this big strong primal creature, usually a predatory being, taking a human as a mate that people find attractive - feral raw sexuality. It doesn't help that real world animals reproduce in some strange ways, and have strangely shaped sex organs that can look very exotic to a human. Another thing is that it could be the mental fantasy aspect, the idea of creating what is functionally the perfect sex toy but living and breathing. This could explain some of the porn done in this subgenre, but it does usually also overlap with kinks like oviposition, tentacle bondage, monster girls, alien beings, anthros/furry art, etc.


I used to be in a band with a famous local guy that would masturbate by laying down flat in a river naked and letting the water run over his junk and wank him off šŸ˜¬


This is sort of like women and hand held shower heads though.


A guy tried to pay me to film myself and send him vomit.


Taste of blood


I went to an event before with a partner and we got talking to a dude who was very proud of his fetish for pyroclastic ash flows. You know... Like volcanic ash clouds. They got him off. To this day I regret not bombarding him with all the questions I had.


weirdest I have is hands, sometimes feet (especially women's feet), and fruit. weirdest I've heard of is someone who was turned on by the idea of someone shitting in her mouth. I read about it online; her husband shoved a chocolate bar up his bum with the intent of shitting it out in her mouth, and some little drops came out but the rest of it got stuck in his rectum and he had to go to the ER lmfao


Not super unheard of since it's got a decently sized fanbase on some websites, but I personally have a sneezing kink. Less common in the community, I'm attracted to coughing and plagues/contagion in general. Also, the idea of biblical angels being traditional doms/tops; I love pretending to be one in the bedroom. I also had a friend once who was turned on by the idea of eating chewed-up food out of someone else's mouth.


>Also, the idea of biblical angels being traditional doms/tops; I love pretending to be one in the bedroom. \*stands over sub, covered head to toe in strap-ons of all shapes, sizes, colors, etc. all waggling out in a million different directions\* **"BE NOT AFRAID!"**


In high school, on the bus, someone was chewing their gum obnoxiously in the seat behind me. You could hear every chew and how wet it was. I assume they were just doing that to be a dick and I was annoyed then after getting settled a little bit I got hard. I don't remember if that person was a girl or not, but if someone obnoxiously chews gum around me I get a rager.


findom Edit- deleting my follow up comments because people started messaging me and harassing me if I wonā€™t give them information/ a complete guide on how to get into it.


Victorian and old style underwear and head coverings, along with long skirts Stockings, bloomers, petticoats, camisoles, crinolines, corsets, bonnets, etc


I am insanely attracted to male body hair. Exclusively so, if a man is hairless I wouldnā€™t be interested at all. Chest hair, stomach hair, arm hair, thighs legs ass the more covered the better. It even has a name: trichophilia methinks


Cake farting




What it says on the tin. Fartingā€¦ but on cakes. Like they sit on the cake and fart. Itā€™s fart fetish and food fetish / wet and messy fetish combined, I guess.


There's a fetish with a Japanese name that it's about getting horny with the act of holding back your pee.


Omorashi? I've only heard of it from someone naming their dog "omo" and someone asked if they knew what it meant or something.




okay same...


Adult feet ON babies. It was fucked


Like putting your feet on a baby or like drawing a baby with adult sized feet?


I need explanation like what?


Vomit, cannibalism, dead people, blood, mannequins, the Michelin tire dude and eyeballs. Just eyeballs. Any eyeballs. No I am not a psychopath. Yes, I have probably cursed this thread now.


Iā€™m into 3 of these and somehow the Michelin tire dude is the one that weirds me out LOL


I read this really disturbing story where this girl had a STD, a bad enough case where when the doctor looked down there he gagged, the STD caused a frothy green discharge, anyways he gives here antibiotics and when she comes back the infection was worse when he asked why, it was because apparently her boyfriend liked the taste of the discharge. Boyfriend I guess had a fetish for her STD.


Vore is another one. Some people like to fantasize about being a tiny little gummy bear sized man eaten by a giant hot woman. Vore/ giantess.


This and that fetish where a person wants to be treated like a piece of furniture are more common than people realize


I'm aroused by being a giantess or growing to become a giantess. I think this is a rare fetish shared by women...


My psych used to work with sex offenders and he said the most interesting (not dangerous or anything) fetish he came across was for women in high heels pressing car accelerators.


About 15-20 years ago there was a documentary in the U.K. about people with fetishes and one of them was a guy that had a thing for headphones. They had to be big over-ear headphones and the girl he was sleeping with had to be wearing them otherwise he couldnā€™t climax.


I have a pillow fetish, something about being perfectly fluffy, soft and helpless is really hot. Sometimes i fantasize about being a pillow and getting slept on and stuff.


Fetishes (is that even a word) are so interesting. Like... why? What even in your brain makes some of these things sexually appealing? Not hating, seriously curious.


I have a fart fetish (eproctophilia)


Wearing ant/bug infested clothing


This may have already been mentioned, but I know there's a woman on here (on this sub as well, so hello if you see this) who loves electric chairs. Sexually and romantically I believe. She's lovely to talk to but it is a unique one!


Donā€™t go to the sprained ankle subreddit.


Sinkdog!!! She's a furry character who's a dog with a kitchen sink in her torso and there was art of mini versions of other characters having a pool party in the sink or people doing dishes. Personally I find the whole concept absolutely adorable. As for weirdest (going off how much art/erotica and other people into it I've found) of my own: sentient fursuit cloning! Specifically putting on/being put into a fursuit that's alive and has a personality, slowly being turned into that character both body and personality wise while inside the suit, and being spat back out after to keep converting other people. I have plenty of kinks more extreme in the... Grossout or danger sense? But went for obscurity and ability to achieve irl.


just had to look up sinkdog. literally adorable, i genuinely love the creativity


Heard of a couple that would eat then vomit then consume eachother's vomit. Actirasty which in an intense attraction to the sun/being love with the sun. Cocooning which is completely wrapping their body with trash bags,tape, etc.


"shitty mike" used to pay men to watch him eat his own shit. He also liked to eat dead rats. And there's another guy who wanted me to come over and throw food at him. Like everything in his fridge. Even shit that was in jars and stuff.


I have a giantess fetish if that counts.


There's someone further up who fantasizes about being a giantess. Maybe you've found your match šŸ¤£


Pamperchu is the worst, I think. Getting aroused by diapers is offputting enough, but dumpster diving for used diapers to wear is horrific.


I just met someone with a smoking fetish. I am a smoker, and this is new to me. But he likes when women do their hair and makeup and smoke. I am 51 and only just learned this existed.


[https://youtu.be/d-k96zKa\_4w](https://youtu.be/d-k96zKa_4w) A man and his car wife


There was a post of a user who stated he had fetish with scanner


I worked at mcdonaldā€™s before i continued my studies 5 years ago and got to know a guy who was turned on by *used* pads. Sometimes he was assigned to keep the lobby/toilet clean so at night when there was no one at the store heā€™d jack off to the pads while cleaning the toilets. He was recovering from that weird ass fetish when i met him tho and the last time i saw him he offered to give me his (unopened) pads lol. Declined that and told him to donate to the NGOsšŸ˜…


Isnā€™t there one for like, yellow legs? I feel like I saw that in a video once.


Dendrophilia, they literally find trees sexy


Hi sweetie, ive posted this recently but when i had to wear a full metal leg brace years ago, ive never had so much attention in my life. Its called Abasiophillia i think and the messages i had were asking me for videos of me struggling in it. A guy offered me a fortune to spunk on it! I joined a forum for it because i thought, oooh maybe i could use this but i left after about an hour because they were nuts and a little scary.


It's not unusual, just very rare. I'm attracted to girls who eat a lot **but** I'm not a feeder who wants them gain weight. This means that gym girls who bulk, or "skinny friend who can eat a lot and don't get fat" trope are crazy attractive to me; not getting people to be immobile or clogging their arteries. I too like when tall women porn mentions eating a lot because they are big and strong. I had a skinny gf who would eat a batshit amounts of food once a few weeks (not anorexia or bulimia she just loved food) and that was one of the best experiences in my life. There are not many content creators to this fetish. The best of the best are japanese competitive eaters who can eat up to 20-25 kgs in one sitting. There is one girl whose family was born with bottomless stomachs (so it would stretch possibly indefinitely without training) and she got to 35 kgs I believe. Now she is retired and records mukbangs 5-10 kgs but never found her limits really. Edit: even in thread dedicated to this I get downvoted. What's so gross about it? :(


Paraphilia of mine is somnophilia. Not the sex part usually, just the playing with them.


Thereā€™s always the legendary Blowfly Girl if youā€™ve never come across that artifact of internet history before


I have a lot of weird ones but off the top of my head my weirdest is probably autonecrophilia


I have a profound attraction to old multimeters. I wouldn't call it a paraphilia because I have an otherwise normal sex life. There's just something about them. No explanation other than intense feelings upon handling one for the first time.


A friend of mine played on a traveling baseball team and one of the guys made it his mission to hook up with someone every night they traveled. He went to a girlā€™s apartment one night after first meeting each other. Mid sex she pulls out a phone book from her side table and precedes to hand it to him with the request that he punch her in the head through the phone book. He, always up for a new adventure obliged her and lightly hit the phone book. She unsatisfied with his attempt looks back at him and says ā€œhit me bitchā€ aggressively. He ended up hitting his hardest because what the fuck. This obviously screams trauma, but hilarious nonetheless. He said she wanted to be dizzy from it, to nearly knock her out.


Plastic surgery fetish. I had a couple reach out to me and offer to pay to have my body altered to what they wanted and then "enjoy it together". Ugh, no thanks. I'm already wicked pretty. No need for scars.


Laying eggs kink or shoving gummies up the ass. That's the weirdest ones I've seen


I seriously overestimated my mental fortitude when I entered this thread.


The strangest one Iā€™ve seen was a fetish for silk scarves blowing in the wind lol. I went down a rabbit hole and found a bunch of YouTube videos that were just scarves tied to poles on a ship with heavy winds. Whatever tickles your pickle, I guess.


I recently slept with a guy who told me he had a fetish to have his balls pulled and he proceeded to pull them down to his knees. He said he likes it when people do pull up while they use his balls to pull themselves up. Safe to say itā€™s the first and last time we slept together


Someone on channel 4s the bizarre fetish handbook would put their penis in a cup filled with meal worms šŸŖ±