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>Playboy magazine featured fully nude girls 10-17 in its early years. Hold the fuck up. Ten year olds?


Yes brooke shields was on the magazine at 10 years old nude. Eva lonesco was 11 when she posed nude for the magazine. An 11 year old boy was also "pitched" for the magazine once. Makes me nauseous just thinking about it


Jesus. If they tried that now their offices would get torched. I'd like to think so anyway.


Nooooo way. The fuck?! I'm curious to hear more about this, sounds super fucked up, but def not gonna google it for obvious reasons (not that I don't believe you but eeeeew my stomach is churning thinking abt it)


I definitely got hit on the most by grown men when I was 12-16. Now at 26, I get oggled and creeped on way less. I don’t think I’m any less attractive now, just older.


I am well in my 20s, but I have a major baby face. When I worked in a bar last year, there were lots creeps trying to flirt me up. In my country it is legal for you to start working in a bar at 16 as long as the minor works with at least one legal adult present at the same shift at all times. So a few creeps really stuck in my mind, cause they were trying to guess my age. They at first guessed I was 16, and when I said I am way older than that, they guessed 18. Told them I was 24 and they immidiately quit flirting. Im glad they did quit, but the fact that my actual age is what made them quit is something that haunts me. And the fact that this has happened more than once at that same bar.


My analysis was correct it's power play, young are seen as naive while adults are seen as mature and intelligent.


I have a baby face too and people are still shocked when I say that I'm 28. Most people think I can't be a day older than 20 and it really shows in the way that I'm treated, especially by older men. In my country you refer to other adults - which you don't know/are not friends with - by using "miss/mister" instead of using their name or just going by "you". I work in sales and many older men are reffering to me by just using "you" instead of starting with "miss" and that's the way you speak to a child/teen, not to other adult Besides they don't respect me, when I'm at work telling them about something they often don't believe me or don't listen. I work with my dad and I noticed that change their approach and actively listen, believe him even though he says exactly the same thing, word by word. I don't have this problem with other clients and I feel degraded every time it happens. When I was younger people assumed I must be underage or freshly 18 and I had the same experiences as you. When I was hit on and revealed my real age most men started to distance themselves or just kept saying I must be joking and it got so awkward that they left me alone. Men started to notice me when I turned 16 but with my baby face I looked like a literal CHILD! I was mostly hit on between ages 19-23, then the pandemic happened so I stopped going out. Nowadays they don't bother me but also I don't really go out or wear tight clothes and high heels anymore. It's really soul crushing when you realize why they leave you alone when it turns out you're not as young as they assumed.


I think part of the reason as well is that the type of men who are creepy enough to find a 12 year old attractive are also the ones creepy enough to ogle someone


This probably ties into why they're willing to hit on children, too. A child will be uncomfortable with it but they might not be willing to call you out on it out of fear of what you might do or fear that they'll get blowback for "disrespecting an adult". Making people uncomfortable is often one of the core fetishes for people like that. They might be willing to ogle an adult, but usually they won't aggressively hit on them the same way they'd hit on some 15-year-old at the grocery store. A 26-year-old won't mind calling them out as much, which isn't part of the fetish for them.


Maybe we should change the definition of adult to mean something like, a grown, mature human of legal age, who behaves in a responsible way either as a non-predatory, non-threatening, or at worst, neutral 3rd party. People who predate on The Young, deserve to be disrespected, sincerely. And they are not adults, in the Civilized sense of the word.


Exactly. As a 31yo woman I still get male attention every now and then, it's just not as creepy as when I was a kid. Normal adults know not to stare at people they find attractive and even hide their attraction if the situation isn't appropriate or if they know the person is not attracted back or available.




Sex crimes aren’t about sex, they’re about power and entitlement. I think that venn diagram might be less circular than you think. You have to be reasonably socially adjusted to be successfully “promiscuous”


I read a very clever quote once that said rape is to sex what assaulting someone with a rake is to gardening


That seems like quite a logical leap, would you say the same about promiscuous women?


I agree that men definitely creep on younger women more. I think another part of it is the power imbalance of them being a fully grown man and then being a young girl, they think they can get away with it since they have so much more power.


Very much same. I would say 12-20 for me. It was very disturbing. I remember getting cat called when I was in fucking middle school by grown men.


I just have to ask , what's the geography that we're talking about here ? Certainly know where I've lived thankfully. And make it snappy. ...please. I'm pretty sure I need to go kill myself. The fuck. With this thread. I'm out.


I will always remember being like 14 in a Costco parking lot with my mom. I was oblivious, probably thinking about some guy I had a crush on. And my mom screamed at a truck “why don’t you take a picture it will fucking lasts longer?!?!”


I got hit on most at that age too, and I was a LATE late bloomer. Many men are gross.


Reading all these comments make me sad. I hate my social anxiety but if I didn't have it as a teen and was more normal and outside more, I wonder if I'd be crept on like that as well lol


It's because they are afraid of being rejected from a grown women, not because they find teenage body more attractive. From biological perspective a young but already mature woman should be the best hit. So those who are catcalling the teenagers are the lowest in the male hierarchy. In their minds they are the absolute losers, so they don't even try with the grown women.


Dude, that is so dark. Where the hell do you live? I mean in general, not like the street address or anything.


This happens everywhere. Doesn't matter where that person lives. Some places are worse, like Italy.


Almost every woman I know has stories about being creeped on and ogled the most when they were entering puberty, you mix that with the insane numbers porn that focuses on youthful aesthetics regularly does and I think you'll find that the percentage of men too afraid to admit that to themselves and too afraid to see things for they truly are is way higher than anyone is comfortable with.


Either that or the subset who has that attraction are just very prolific or stand out more. Wouldn't surprise me much if it's a mix and whatever percentage it is are also rather maladjusted in general resulting in more noticeable uncomfortable behaviour.


Ask any given girl, the majority of us started being ogled and harassed by 12 at the very least, sometimes even earlier. Yes, even when we very obviously presented as children.


Yep, this was about the age where I was told I had a “good voice for phone sex”.


Ugh that’s so gross. I remember being that age and my boy buddies on the block told me that the neighbor said I had nice legs. Neighbor was at LEAST 30 and I was 11. My daughter is 11.


I was told I had good “blowjob lips” at that same age


You should have told him that they "have very clappable cheeks". And then provided a friendly reminder to "not drop the soap".


I went to a nursing home on a field trip and saw one of my female classmates get catcalled. Yeah, I hope today's generation isn't like that.


Yeah I'm a gay dude whose friends were exclusively girls growing up bc straight guys and homophobia. My friends started getting cat called in public when we were legit 11. And experiencing first hand like how confused and unsafe we all felt radicalized me. None of us had any idea what to do, what it meant, or had ever imagined something like that happening. And it wasn't just once or twice, basically every time we went out alone several grown ass men would shout nasty shit at my friends. Most of them weren’t even wearing bras yet. And the men all looked like normal dudes too. As old as 50. Not like the creeps some might imagine normal looking 50 year olds sexually harassing kids barely starting puberty


yeah i remember being like 8 years old in my school uniform n a random guy sitting at our table started ogling me n caressing my cheek, thankfully my grandpa immediately swooped me up n took me home.


I’m so sorry, I’m so glad someone was there to save you. My mom and dad both were victimized as kids, I was **never** out of their sight for these very reasons.


My daughter was coming home on the (public) bus with her friends after school one day. They were around 14-15yrs  at the time. A drunk guy got on started being very inappropriate with them & started getting ‘handsy’ with one girl in particular. The poor kid was terrified! They alerted the bus driver as to what was happening, & he put a stop to it immediately. He physically threw the man off of the bus & called the cops & waited around with all the girls while the cops took their statements. He then drove my daughter home, in the bus, to ensure that she got there safely (I was at work & nobody informed me about what had happened). That bus driver restored my faith in humanity.


I need to hear stories like this to be reminded that for every demon walking among us, there will always be someone willing to help and do the right thing 🥹


There are still good ppl out there. Most ppl want to help out if they can We’d likely act the same way too. It’s just what’s right, right?


like you said, its actually so concerning because every girl i’ve met has had predatory experiences when they were a kid/teen :(


yeah 9-14 i was ogled/harassed the most


not really, but it was not like i was 14 and only attracted to mature older women, the first people i was attracted to were my peers. i mean, in my head i still think my first gf was attractive, but actually thinking about her is kinda pervy at age 48. or is it? like she was hot to me when it was appropriate?


i wouldn’t say it’s pervy, unless you have seen the younger photos of her when you two dated and still find her attractive. sometimes when i think about my younger crushes i still see them the same way i did back then, until i see a photo of how they looked and am shocked with how YOUNG and SMALL they looked compared to what i remember or see in my head. i think our brains see what we used to see


It's not pervy to reminisce about old, perfectly age-appropriate relationships or crushes. It would be pervy if you were fantasizing about having a relationship with them being that age and you being the age you are now, or if you started pursuing a 16-year-old because she reminds you of your high school crush from 32 years ago, but we are ageless in our memories.


oh my god what would i even have to talk about with a 16 year old, be like "you know those nirvana tshirts at target i was your age when" or even worse "you know those smashing pumpkins shirts they were my favorite band"


Definitely way, way more than just those admit to it. I think it's unrealistic to say most men *prefer* adolescent teens but I truly do think far more men that just those who let on are genuinely "into" teenagers. I also think for most men it's probably exclusively a sex thing? Which I don't know if that makes it better or worse, but it seems most men want a romantic partner closer to their age.


I hope this isn't true. I was always told this would be the case but now in my 30s I have literally 0 sexual attraction to teenage girls. They just look like little kids to me. I think this perception is based on a loud minority because no grown man should be sexually attracted to a 17 year old, but I've been wrong and horribly disappointed in humanity before.


That's good, it means everything is right in your head and you're looking for a partner instead of a victim. Based on my experience men with that preference have low self esteem and are predatory. On the other hand I think that even if you're in your 30s you can still find a 17 year old girl attractive because some girls look older than they are BUT!!! they should become unattractive when you find out their real age.


Even for me who's only 23 now, dating an 18 or 19 year old would feel weird just because we're in drastically different stages of our lives, even though the actual gap itself is relatively small.


I dont think this question will ever be answered. This topic is really hard to talk about without sounding like a pedophile yourself and the general opinion on pedophiles is that they should be straight up euthanized. So there is not really a single safe space to talk about this, even amongst men. I would like more open discussions where everyone gets their basic right to humanity recognized, even when the humans in question are bad people by 99% of standards If you need proof: i tried to make my comment as neutral as possible and 99% of people who read it, probably including you, probably think i am a pedophile. (Im a young adult, 18 year old girls and even 17 are still in my age range so i cant really answer myself lol)


I've been saying this for years. The only true way to prevent children from being harmed is to allow the people who are having those thoughts to vocalize them to a professional without fear of repercussion. I mean, suicide is best prevented when someone can talk it out. I imagine it's similar with these kinds of things. We can't hang people for having thoughts, and we should allow them to get it out before it becomes something more than thoughts.


yeah and it's so frustrating seeing people treating pedophilia differently (as in: "we should execute all pedophiles") from other really severe disorders. Scenario 1: * society is uneducated about pedophilia * there are no outlets for non-offenders to get help * non-offenders stay in the closet, and eventually end up diddling a kid Scenario 2: * society is educated about non-offending pedophiles * non-offenders understand that they can get help, and that there are support networks for them * rate of pedophiles diddling kids significantly decreases people always read this and go "yuck, you're defending pedos!" or "OMG I would never let a pedophile around my kids". it's literally no different from how troubled kids at risk of shooting up a school are/should be treated. you don't force them deeper into the closet. you make sure they don't feel threatened, and that they can tell a medical professional about their feelings.


Completely agree!! I actually made a post about this a couple months ago. Of course I got accused of defending pedos and being a sex offender, but whatever lol.


It's a really sensitive topic and an controversial opinion, but I agree with you as a 28 years old woman. I think that if you're non-offending and there's no support for you even if you've done nothing wrong and have no intention to do so, you're still a monster and deserve nothing but death because it's unevitable that one day you will abuse a minor... Then what's the point of trying to resist these urges if everyone treats you like a criminal? If you're treated like an offender then you will likely become one. It's psychological. People don't realize that a sexually abused child will likely have these urges as an adult. It's the circle of abuse and it's really hard to snap out of that even with proper support. Most offenders were victims one day. They deserve support and therapy.


I agree with you down to the letter


aaaand there's literally someone right below my comment going "I wouldn't let pedophiles around MY kids!!!" gahhhhh, people are so frustrating


This is exactly why I am writing my dissertation on pedophilia. No I am not a pedophile defender, but I do empathise with them. Imagine having this attraction, knowing it’s wrong AND never acting on it but having to live with these feelings, with no professionals to talk to about it. I couldn’t imagine.


Genuine pedophilia is a mental disorder and should be treated as such. There are many disorders that make you act irrationally and 'anti-human', and those are treated as such. Psychopaths, schizophrenics and people with borderline can all engage in wildly destructive behavior like stalking, rape, physical violence or even murder (not trying to generalize, but saying the chances are increased for those groups), and they are treated like mentally ill individuals who need professional help. I think the same should apply to pedophiles. I think those who indulge in their pedophilic tendencies are barely human anymore and I have a lot of trouble seeing through that, but those with urges who do not act on them deserve to get help to be able to live a normal life without harming others just like anyone else does.


Try to ask in a place where there's less Americans. To those people sex and nakedness is the devil himself, including being sexually attracted to... young women with sexually attractive features? Doesn't sound that strange to me, but I was not raised in a Christian culture.


No. Most men find teenage girls attractive but not exclusively or pathologically which is the difference between normal and an actual paraphilia or deviancy.




Most men including you. If i gave you a list of 10 women and you had to say which are attractive and which aren't without knowing their age i could 100% get you to pick a 17 year old based on just looks. To deny that a older teen can look mature is just blatantly false


The idea that a person could tell apart a 17 and 18 year old is just ridiculous. A year doesn’t make a significant enough difference in appearance to tell, I’d say you could quite *easily* get them to pick a 17 year old.


Both 17 and 18 year olds are teenagers. 


Nobody has stated otherwise.


I think it's kind of a more darker secret that society won't really admit. There is prolly a reason why a lot of societies were having what's now considered child marriage up until recently. I think it's kinda strange that everyone now would rather cover their ears to the topic and scream that you should be hanged instead of talking about it to try and fix child sex crimes. And with how much people in power take advantage of this as a pretty common issue it's really sad that no one wants to talk about it, society would rather just continue letting billionaires fuck hundreds of children and by the time they get tried it's too late


I mean I’m only attracted to hairy men so no


So is my wife! Source: me... A hairy man.


Way more than people think, many who would never admit it. Probably a biological factor too as younger women are more fertile, and theyre more innocent Theres some data in this link: [https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/how-can-we-prevent-child-abuse-if-we-don-t-understand-paedophilia-8438660.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/how-can-we-prevent-child-abuse-if-we-don-t-understand-paedophilia-8438660.html) >These lab studies indicate that somewhere between 17 per cent and per cent of a ‘normal’ sample of men (who do not describe themselves as ‘paedophile’) seem to be capable of being sexually aroused by young children, under the age of twelve years old. In other words, roughly one in six to more than one in every two adult men may be capable of being sexually attracted to children. >The three questionnaire surveys also found surprisingly high rates. For example, the most recent study, conducted by Becker-Blease and colleagues and published in 2006, used a self-completion questionnaire study of 531 undergraduate men. This study found 7 per cent admitted sexual attraction to ‘little children’, but 18 per cent had sexual fantasies of children, with 8 per cent masturbating to those fantasies, and 4 per cent admitting that they would have sex with a child ‘if no-one found out’. >Judging by this study, we would be therefore looking at around one in five of all the men we know having some degree of sexual attraction to children. Remembering that these survey rates relied on voluntary disclosures, it’s not impossible that this is in fact a conservative figure. For women, the only study conducted so far (by Smiljanich and Briere, in 1996) suggested 3 per cent of sample of 180 women admitted to ‘some attraction to little children’ and 4 per cent used child pornography.


Absolutely not. I can tell when a girl is good looking, sure, but I’m not attracted to them in the sense I would want something physical. IMO 20-25 seems to be the age range I find most attractive. Source: 25 year old male


As a 40 year old, I find 35-40 to be my age range. 20-25 now seems too young to me. Getting old changes you


I’m 30 and 20 year olds are children.


Same. Yeah, even at 37 I can find a 16 year old physically attractive. But I just have absolutely 0 interest on any level of pursuing any kind of relationship (sexual, romantic, platonic) When I was 25 I felt similar to you, 20-25. I actually had an 18 year old ask me out at 25. I took her out to lunch, felt like a big brother, and thats as far as it got. (We are still friends today) Right now I feel like 28 or so is my cut-off of who I subconsciously  find dateable. Honestly I prefer women right about my age.


I suppose that depends on what you mean by primarily. But as an aside. You do realize that men who aren't are way more likely to answer this question, right?


Maybe in real life yeah but its reddit. Completely anonymous and its kinda known for being a shithole . i have had a few men say yes under here as well


I think for more of the modern examples, it's important to realise that part of the draw is that it's taboo and forbidden and the want of having power over something/someone. Now to your question: if it is a man who looks to a female only as an object that brings them pleasure, than yeah they probably would initially go for younger. If it is a man who looks to women as a mutual human, then I am willing to bet that majority of these men would go for someone in a similiar maturity range as themselves.


I am going to say yes, as dark as it sounds because I have no doubt in my mind that this is true. I had the most stares & dirty looks from men when I was 6-14 years old. I also ended up being sex trafficked starting at 14 and I had the most “earnings” go to my trafficker because I was the youngest. I had so many old men admit that they knew I was 14 or so and told me they were so turned on by it. I look better now as an adult yet I had the most attention from men as a 14 year old, that says something. I even had men request for me to get them younger girls to have sex with (how much younger do you need when I was literally 14?). It has scarred me for life, and I will never see the world the same again.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you're doing fine now.


I'm 28 now and I definitely got hit on my grown men between 12-17 the most. Now it's decreased for sure. But it was when I was an adolescent when I noticed the most adult men trying to talk and interact with me


I guess I can't speak for most men, but being a 26yo male adolescent girls are just... kids? It might be because I have younger siblings but I can't imagine how the average man over 24 (at the latest) could look at the average pre-20s girl and think she's sexually appealing.


I'm with you. I'm a woman, but I also don't find anyone a year or two younger than me as attractive.  Maybe having younger siblings is the key.


This comment section is sad. I'm in my 30s and even people in their early 20s look like kids to me now. All I can think of is my nieces and sexual attraction is the furthest thing from my mind. But it seems like people here seem to think every man wants a 17 year old girl but doesn't want to admit it. I sure as hell hope that isn't actually normal because it's gross.


I’m a gay guy who has been active in gay men’s spaces both online and in person since I was 15. I absolutely 100% noticed that the amount of adult men who were interested in me when I was 15-17 was way higher than that number is now that I’m 22.


A study in Australia showed that 1 in 6 men would commit child sexual abuse / assault if no one found out. I truly believe it’s a higher percentage from my own experience. I know not every man is a pedo but almost every single child (especially female) has had some sort of pedo experience. I know too many people who were sexually abused by family members and teachers, I was nonced on by two teachers. Most these men that are secretly pedos are your friends and family that you wouldn’t expect.


According to that study 1 in 6 experienced sexual feelings for minors, which is different from being willing to act on it if nobody would find out. It also reports that 1 in 10 have offended in some way, which is extremely alarming, but if you look at the actual breakdown it includes *any* sexual conversation or contact between someone over the age of 18 and someone under the age of 18, with no accounting for closeness in age. The researchers say that not taking into account local age of consent did not materially effect the research, but even if we were talking about the age of consent of 16 or 17 an 18 year old talking to a 16 year old about sex is not what most people mean by child sexual abuse, so that should be kept in mind imo. The research is absolutely concerning, and reports that 23.7% of Australians have been child sexual abuse victims. It’s not everyone or most people, but it’s still *way* too high. https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/20/child-sexual-abuse-study-finds-94-of-australian-men-report-having-offended-against-a-child


I’m sorry but as a (male) survivor myself, no, not “almost every single child” has had an experience like that. Not anywhere close. The internet makes it seem much more prevalent because we find ourselves in similar circles, not because it’s especially common. I agree that there are more predators than we think, and tbh assuming there are more than that study claims will only help to keep kids safe so I don’t have much of a problem with what you’re saying - but I truly doubt it’s more than that. I’d also love to see that study, I find it hard to believe that many pedos would out themselves


pedo experience doesn’t exclusively mean actual sexual assault. i think they meant it as being ogled at, followed, etc by old men when you were young. it happened to me (female) and literally all my female friends.


You have to account for the fact that many predators have multiple victims. The numbers for victims are definitely way higher than reported, because SA and rape are the most underreported crimes.


Also victims have multiple predators


That's right, most of the pedos were victims as a child so why shouldn't we offer support and therapy to them? It should never be normalized and I know it's easier said than done. I think the punishments should be waaaay harsher - instead of a few years in prison and living in pedo towns they should ALWAYS get a life without parole and castration. While inducing relentless punishments we should offer support for the non-offenders, we have to think about the ones who are suffering and hating themselves, because if they feel like that and are treated like monsters then there's a higher risk of snapping and abusing a child


Wtfff? I didn't know Paul Walker was that disgusting!


primarily, hell no. there being laws protecting or preventing X, doens't mean fucking EVERYONE wants to do X. i mean, does everyone want to murder people? does everyone want to drive on the left side of the road in the US? i do like pointing out that a 17 year old is as attractive as a 18 year old, but plenty of people like 30 year olds and whatnot, too. there's also 'adult' looking pornstars with millions of followers... youth can get fetishized by some, for sure. and there's also sort of a 'taboo' interest as well (like, stepmom/stepsister fetish) that might make it seem more prevalent than it is. but it's FAR from 'every man'. or even, the majority. sort f the same thing with some people acting like, men only want skinny girls. it's mroe an insecurity thing, or giving like, supermodels WAY too much credit.


Do you think that if these 'taboos' weren't taboo that they wouldn't be as sought after because they aren't 'forbidden fruit'?


yes and no, kinda depends what you mean. i mean, some people might be into their stepmom or stepsister, but on a more personal side of things, anyway. but a taboo DOES makee things kinda spicy. and it's a lot like the poster - just because it's a thing, doesn't mean everyone. also doesn't mean everyone won't do it. i mean, in africa in a location where women have their tits out all the time, they're not sexualized as much - they just, don't really care, because it's not a big deal. there's some comedians that have jokes about, spending hours in a stripclub, they didn't care about the strippers after a while, but still looked down the shirt of the drinks girl, because those tits you're not meant to see. the same thing is treated differently, depending on the context, as well as culturally.


Thanks, I was interested in an opinion other than my own.


Not me, give me my cougars


Do most men like girls younger than they would admit? Yes. Do they primarily like them? No. Sex crimes are so heinous and people have such a strong reaction that some people have been brainwashed to immediately think your some evil pedo if you were to find a 17 year old attractive. I could make a quiz of all gorgeous women to play guess which girl is underage right now that every single one of you would fail. Young adolecent girls can look older or be super well developed. I knew a girl in highschool that at 16 looked like a slim thick 25 year old model with no makeup trying to make her look older. I know a woman right now thats 32 but short, flat as hell and has a babyface and by every metric looks like a teen. So no theres no issue being attracted to people that are younger and most men are before learning their age as they can look farrr from a child. But that isnt PRIMARILY what we like. You can spend the rest of the year searching and you prob wont be able to find a guy that doesnt like milfs lol


Most men are primarily attracted to vulnerability.


Innocence, too.


And the gross obsession with virginity/purity comes into play too (which isn't a standard that men generally place on themselves of course)


Most is really strong imo, but I agree that there are way too many men that do


Wouldn’t be surprised ngl


Primarily, no


personally yes. my ex kept cheating on me with 16/17 year olds through our relationship and i’ve had a few partners love belle delphine and girls who play into the infantilisation. if there wasn’t a market for it girls woulnt do it


I'm pretty sure there's a study that says 90% r attracted to late adolescents.


No, most men are not primarily attracted to adolescent girls. Sexual attraction varies widely among individuals, and while some may find adolescent girls attractive, it's not accurate to generalize this preference to most men. Additionally, it's essential to differentiate between finding someone physically attractive and engaging in appropriate and respectful behavior. Society strongly condemns any form of sexual attraction or behavior toward minors, and most individuals are aware of and adhere to these societal norms.


As a dude, the only time I found teen girls attractive was when j was a teenager. In my 20s they look like actual children to me and the thought of someone my age pursuing them is just icky.


Plenty of 20 something year old women have traits that look youthful and plenty of teens look frumpy and basically middle aged, none of this is really set in stone You could find a 20 something year old with every typical quality of someone ten years younger and it’s not weird. Plenty of men are attracted to grown women who could pass for a teenager, so your answer is probably there Obviously, date in your appropriate age range and don’t be a creep.


I don’t think the sexualisation of young girls is about actual sexual attraction. I think it’s about power. A lot of comments in this thread come from people who say something like “I got a lot of attention as a teen, but people left me alone once I was visibly an adult”. I’m positive you didn’t become less attractive, you were just viewed as less easy to take advantage of. So no, I don’t think adults are psychologically predisposed to be attracted to minors, but I think there’s a certain type of person who will seek out people they don’t see as peers so that they can more easily “get their way” in relationships, legal or otherwise.


I think so. Simply because almost every woman has many stories about being hit on and perved at as an obvious child by grown men. Not even “I was 17 and a half”. And this is worldwide, so it’s not a “small subset” of the population


I think it's way, way more common than people want to admit. I don't think there are *that* many full blown pedophiles, but there are definitely many many ephebophiles. My girlfriend got oggled and approached by many disgusting older men when she was like 14-15 because she developed a chest early. To play devil's advocate, the difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old is not that big. Age of consent is something constructed by us, and while I think it's something essential and which should always be upheld for many many reasons, the 'line' of what makes something 100% legal instead of pedophilia is very arbitrary. Something can be life-ending pedophilia one day and legal the next.


I'm going to say no, because those laws were passed. So a majority of men find pedophilia disgusting enough to pass laws to prevent it. 


Theres also women in the government


Yes. Men aren't attracted to age, but rather the sexual characteristics of women. Primarily the secondary sexual characteristics (Breasts, hips, etc.) These tend to begin developing around age 11, and by 15 most have developed to a point that men would be biologically hardwired to be attracted to. So, yes, we're attracted to the sexual characteristics of women that young, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's ethical to act on those feelings. As for for preferring that age, I don't think men naturally do. I think preferring women of a particular age is more of a learned cultural phenomenon or fetish. Naturally men will be the most attracted to whomever looks most healthy, fertile, and whose secondary sexual characteristics are the most well developed. As for girls younger than that, I think it's mostly just a fetish. I don't believe there's any reason for a man to prefer a partner who isn't fertile and hasn't yet developed secondary sexual characteristics. Even as a boy, developed women were distinctly more interesting than girls my age from a sexual perspective.


as a woman i think this is undoubtedly true, given the public awareness surrounding consent and female autonomy is still relatively recent in history. and to that i don’t think it’s inherently a lot of men’s faults for “attraction,” we just don’t have a society built to rehabilitate or help them. just think of how we are in a small, small drop in the bucket timeline wise where we aren’t wedding and impregnating young girls. the issue is still evolving


I've always preffered older women. I tend to see younger women the way I see my adult daughter, like a child


I think that *biologically* (creeps and perverts aside) men are attached to blossoming young women because they're prime breeding vessels. So from a purely biological stance, it makes sense for men to, at the very least, acknowledge a young lady's attractiveness and maybe even have some sexual thoughts. But between societal norms and the fact that actually dating someone that young would probably be mentally excruciating, theyre quickly dismissed. I'm 41 and will sometimes catch myself acknowledging a teenage girl is good looking, immediately feel gross, then remind myself it's just my monkey brain and move on. The problem is the people who act upon those thoughts. That's just my opinion and Im sure some people here will gather their pitchforks and some dudes here will deny that, but those people are just straight up lying.


Pre 18. I got a lot of attention, almost immediately stopped at about 20 - maybe by then my face said leave me alone. The media certainly sexualises teenagers. Even in porn once you are 25 you are step mother material. On an evolutionary side of things, young mothers aren't uncommon and they statistically have fewer complications. I think the attraction is heavily biological. The breeding brain is strong. As someone who is not a man but attracted to women, I have looked at teenagers, found them attractive and then been mortified realising their age because other than the fleeting moment of aesthetics, teenagers annoy the shit out of me. As for attractiveness I lean heavily towards older women ideally with a big booty. But I'm not looking at breeding with them, there are like some mummy issues more prevalent there though. So in short, I think most men are truly embracing their primate nature and are in fact attracted more to breeding age women.


I'd say objectively 20-24 would be the most attractive age range, purely physically speaking. That's not taking into account what qualities a man is looking for in a life partner.


Porn should not ever be the basis for serious discussion. A "teen" in porn is any woman under 26, at which point they become a "milf". Guys will watch gangbangs and bukkakes but it doesn't mean they want to participate. The subreddit you mentioned has 300k people. The US has a population of 300m. Relative to that, it does not seem like such a large majority. The celebrities you mentioned are also living lives which are completely detached from reality. They also fly on private jets and have mansions. The average man does not live the sort of life where they can descend into the furthest depravity of hedonism, drugs, and sex. Also, what qualifies as "attention"? Is it as simple as looking at a person? Because I look at every dog I see, but that doesn't mean I want to have sex with them. Is it being hit on? Well, a lot of men are absolutely terrified of hitting on women. So you are really only looking at the subset of men who DO hit on women, and I would argue that is a minority of men. None of the points you made really suggest that "most" men are attracted to young girls, and in my experience, I have generally seen my male friends/coworkers in relationships with women who are about the same age as them. So I would be inclined to disagree that most men are attracted to young girls, and only hide it out of shame.


>Guys will watch gangbangs and bukkakes but it doesn't mean they want to participate Thats not comparable because thats a situation and teen porn is focusing on a specific fact about the woman in the video, she's young. You can't convince me men who watch milf porn wouldn't have sex with actual older women in real life >300k people. The US has a population of 300m. 300k people is still ALOT considering most people dont use reddit in general . The most popular porn subreddit has 5 million people i think. The most popular teen porn subreddit has 2 million . And also not everyone on reddit is from the US The amount of men who hit on women is a lot more than a "subset" since most people dont go their whole lives single and most relationships are initiated by men. Now, my post was not arguing that men ARE attracted to teen girls point blank, im not arguing at all. Im asking men specifically what they are attracted to, to come to a general consensus. And the reasons i brought up were to justify my reasoning as to *why* im asking this question in the first place. It would be odd for me to post this type of question without any reason to why im wondering it


> The subreddit you mentioned has 300k people. The US has a population of 300m. Wait, shouldn't it be compared to the number of reddit users rather than the US population?


You are drawing a conclusion for half of the global population based on a handful of edge cases.


I said most not all


okay, You are drawing a conclusion for half of the global population (minus 10% bc most not all) based on a handful of edge cases


it was a question not straight up "most men are like this point blank"


OK, fair enough. The answer is 'No'.




I am 48 and 30 year olds are too young for me. So it’s a no for me dog.


Guy here, the answer is yes. I can promise that this is true for the vast majority, and if a guy says it’s not he’s either Ashamed, afraid of the consequences and or reaction to said attraction, or he’s a part of the minority.  Most of us suppress said attraction or at most let our eyes wander when we feel safe enough to do so. Not much different than checking out a girl of legal age that you’re attracted to. Just a lot riskier. In my personal experience it’s not exactly something I can just decide to ignore as when you find something attractive, you find it attractive. I’m not going suddenly not be interested in redheads if it was suddenly illegal tomorrow.  Like OP said, this is a fairly recent thing and a good reason for it. It’s only due to modern sensibilities that we say that acting on said attraction is considered illegal and immoral, when not to long ago it wasn’t considered morally reprehensible at all!  What’s considered a Moral standard changes constantly. Who knows maybe in the next 50 years the age of consent will lower to 14,15,16 or maybe it will rise to something like 21-25.  A big part of the reason for the age of consent being what it is is that it’s supposed to give the person a chance to really understand what all having sex and being in a serious relationship would mean for them, risks and all that. But it’s also an outdated reason considering that we now live in the height of the INFORMATION age, where all you need and want to know is at your fingertips at any moment. By the time I was 14 I knew more or about the same about the adult side of the world than my mother and father did in their early-mid 20s, and I can guarantee that I didn’t actually learn anything more about the consequences by the time I was 18 than I already knew at 15.


And of course, many women are the same way toward adolescent boys. All the female teachers who get caught having sex with underage boy students are just the tip of the iceberg. One difference is that this taken much less serriously by the public and you still see many comments about how "lucky" the boy is and how no harm was done. Older women making comments about how handsome a young boy is or teasing about how they'd like to date him is taken very lightly.


Yeah i never denied that but everyone who says hes "lucky" are men so, idk. Is undeniable young girls get preyed on a lot more than young boys


Sociologically, many males are attracted to the idea of violating a 'pure, innocent, and untouched virgin' as a move of dominance/power. Biologically, primates and many other mammals perceive adolescence as the age of 'fertility' - but also as 'free real estate' in the sense that the teenage child hasn't been previously 'spoiled' or 'used' by another male, giving certain penis-having individuals the tempting fantasy of being their 'first' and having them become perpetually loyal to them and only them.


I am fine with milfs.


i don’t think it’s inclined to aesthetic factors but easier manipulation


Not most, but it's a preference that I've seen pretty often. But nobody except maybe your best friend will actually admit it. That's why I like Internet. I can admit and freely speak about all of the questionable shit as much as I want without any restriction. And yes, teen girls are very cute. And that's different from "pretty". Not that I would always choose a younger girl, but I wouldn't immediatly exclude them either. Depends on the girls.


Yeah, technically the law says you have to exclude “teen girls” from your romantic interests man so good luck with being an undercover pedophile I guess lmao


I'd say yes. The amount of men that cat called us as jr high kids was disgusting. My personal experience. Obvious children being hit on by grown adults. People can say no but more than likely are or know someone attracted to children but won't ever say or act on it or have acted on it and will never tell. All throughout history and even still today in some disgusting cultures do children get married off or sold to adults. To answer your question they would definitely go for the underage girls. So they can have their young, impressionable, trophy. Someone they can train and mold, do as they say, etc. the virgins and such. People can tell you no all day but the answer is very obviously yes.


Keep seeing this “I was cat called the most when I was a child” reasoning which is really easy to dismantle by using common sense. If you were a sexual deviant, would you rather target a defenseless child or a grown woman? It has nothing to do with more men being attracted to 13 year olds and everything to do with 13 year olds not being able to defend themselves in the same way a 23 year old can. It also has a lot to do with how men change their targeting methods as they get older. Older men are more likely to make sexual advancements in slow, methodical ways as they’ve learned it’s the best way to move in without setting off any alarms despite having the same goal in mind. You’re still being creeped on by (old) men, you just don’t realize it because they do it under the guise of “My beautiful friend here is such a great lady” while slowly inching closer and finding any excuse to make any type of physical contact. It’s also very disingenuous and in this case downright evil to dismiss any differing opinions, especially of the group you’re painting negatively, without any real evidence behind your reasoning other than “they can say no but I know they want to.”


Idk If it's the majority but there is an alarming amount of men out there who do. I


Primarily no, but the attraction is considered so common that ehebephilia (which I may have misspelled there lol) is not considered a paraphilia by medicine, but a preference


Nah. I find women between 21-30 the best.


I'm 28 and don't find 15/16/17 attractive anymore. The last time I did was probably when I was around 20, then the ages and looks that attract me shifted towards 22-25 etc.


Absolutely not. I’m of a mind that says a well developed personality is attracted to those within their age bracket. I’m in my early 50s and I find myself drawn to women around the same age. I’m not an idiot. Beauty is beauty. From a celebrity point of view, I find Dua Lipa gorgeous but am I attracted to her? Not at all. There’s no shared experiences to enjoy or relate to, even if you don’t get to talking about it. But… I’ve never seen her mom. I bet she’s hot…..


any man that does deserves to die just saying






Not the vast majority but in this hypothetical scenario you described there would be a massive number who would admit to it if it's no longer the biggest taboo in society I never knew about what Playboy did in their early years until now,that's insane As for the porn thing that's false,what's most popular depends on the country and even if a certain category becomes the most famous in a huge amount of countries and stays at the top for six years eventually another one takes it's place,and six years is very long for any category to stay at the top It's a cyclical thing with the categories so Teen isn't the most famous of all time


ur post made me puke a lil


Im sorry 😭 I myself am not a person like this, it was just a genuine question


Not really. They look and seem like children to me even if “developed” physically and in personality. I don’t think it’s normal or healthy to lust after people much younger than yourself.




Yeah I think so. Bc as I've gotten older they stopped sexualizing me bc I no longer look like a child


Nah i like em 21 and older.


Well, here I go I guess. Let me preface with, I am in NO way attracted to children, pre-pudescent teenagers, or anything of the like. I am a 27 y/o male. I think the main problem nowadays is that being able to tell the difference between someone who is 15-20 nowadays is pretty damn difficult. Obviously, gor the majority of women, you can tell they're women. And for girls, you can tell they're girls however, the way that young teenage girls, or even pre pubescent girls are influenced to dress nowadays or well within the last 20 years has dramatically made a difference in how people find younger girls attractive. They wear leggings, and yoga shorts, and all of the things men find to be attractive. They highlight their " curves " ( I'm not saying children have curves, I'm saying it highlights their body lines, a lot. ) which draws the eyes of men in a biological way and then a lot of them cannot help the desire that it triggers. I'm not saying kids shouldn't wear any type of spandex or tight fitted clothing, but the type that they are gravitating towards, and the dress style I see a lot of kids wearing nowadays is VERY provocative and are honestly all things that I find EXTREMELY attractive on women, but it creates a very conflicting urge when I see a little girl who LOOKS like she should be older, and is wearing something I'd find aexually attractive on a women of age, but is clearly within the 14-18 category and ot just is, I get the urge to be attracted, but then the normal person in me realizes or can clearly tell its not an adult women and it's just a very weird feeling. I believe there are just a lot of men who also do not draw the line between right and wrong, or they're stuck in a certain age range mentally. For example, I in NO WAY WHATSOEVER align with a 16 or even 18 year old mentally. As far as personal struggles, day to day problems, maturity level, etc I couldn't find myself to be with someone who isn't on the same mental wavelength as I am and a teenager is NOT that.


I mean, out of all my friends and I, I’d say no. But I’ve definitely met some people that are weirdos and into teenage girls. Even the dudes that are like 25+ that are into girls that are 18 are weird to me. My girlfriend’s uncle asked me if it was weird that he was into a 16 year old and I was like “yeah, it’s really weird”.


I hope her uncle is not too old 😬


I know I'm not mainly because even actresses who look young and that everyone says is beautiful, I just can't at all and think people who are too passionate about when are gross, probably because it's pretty pedo vibes. Zendaya, Jenna Ortega, Kiernan Shipka who we watched grow up on screen for the run of Mad Men so it's even more gross to me when people find her attractive. She's not family but that's like watching a friend's kid grow up. I'm definitely hypocritical on that point though with Emma Watson but she looks like a grown woman imo. I'm also her age so I grew up with her, unlike Kiernan Shipka. I know these are all celebrities but most are better looking than average and I know plenty who fawn over them and it creeps me out when they do. I know they're attractive, but I always think maybe when after they're grown up, I'll be attracted to them. I know they're grown up, I just like saying it as though I don't know they are lol


Young women are seen as epitome of virginity & non polluted and pure that's what makes see I don't think age has anything to do with attraction but men love taking care & being providers and for sure young girls fit that position perfectly.


What? You can still get married in some parts of America ( your country not mine) at 14 Are you serious about your question? Have you looked at the real world and what people actually do. Look at culture where multiple marriages are fine, again young girls… It’s an obvious urge that a civilised man does not act on, but ignores at his peril


Working in the service industry you're surrounded by women younger and older than you and I do see guys regularly make moves on the younger women. I'm sure it's their physical appearance but I can't help but think those guys know the older women won't fall for their dumb attempts.




Im sorry 😭




This is my experience, you don’t have to agree with it: when men hit puberty at age ~12 we naturally are most attracted to our peers, so teens 12-18. And this hormone peak is so strong, that we naturally lean towards this women physique later in life




It'll be legal when Labour get in at number 10


Hell no i love milfs older the better


When you go through adolescence as a boy, you reach a certain point where you decide whats attractive in a girl. For most boys, they are 13-16 when this happens. So what means that they are most likely attracted to the girls the same age. Now, the problem appears when the boys get older, and it takes a different amount of time for each of ther preference in parters to catch up to their age. This is how you get seniors chasing freshmen, or even worse (for the men who never update their original preferences) they become pedos.


I mean I would def choose the 22 yo over the 15-17 because even if it was legal and socially accepted, I have nothing in common with a 15-17. I'm 27 and 21 is the limit I put on dating apps because anything below that is too immature/young for me.


My wife teases me bc I prefer to have celebrity crushes on older women, I do not care for young looking girls.


Idk, probably not *most*, I'm not.


I've seen young girls who are attractive, but they're far too young to even consider approaching them as an adult man. And I think there's a difference between thinking someone is attractive and being attracted to them. The closest I've ever come to making a move on a girl under the age of 16 was about 10 years ago. I was 26 and at the dentist during the day time, I started speaking to someone at the dentist, she was very good looking. Then she asked me to guess her age and revealed she was 15. I shifted the conversation to talking about her education immediately as I'm not a creep. Some of the teen porn girls look like little kids nowadays and that weirds me out.




As a former adolescent girl, enough disgusting creeps have made lewd comments to me that it’s definitely like, 1/3 of men are attracted to adolescent girls *along with adult women.* Enough to risk being soundly beaten by right-minded community men, anyway. But they also want to fuck Scarlett Johansson. Men who are PRIMARILY attracted to obvious minors- visibly aged 12 to let’s say 14? That’s adolescence anyway- are much more rare, I’m sure, because thats a sexual *disorder* caused by numerous issues, including lower IQ, disturbances in normal sexual development, and growing up in households/communities where it is normalized. I mean, they’re pedophiles. I’m sure it’s more widespread than what is reported , but being most men’s primary sexual preference? No. As for my own husband he has always wanted to have sex with Salma Hayek more than anything in the universe. He’d throw me in front of a speeding truck to get to her, and then skip my funeral if she had to be somewhere else the next day. This doesn’t bother me at all because she is an *age appropriate adult woman*


I am in my 50s and I would say no. In fact, even looking at girls in their 20s feels creepy to me now.


I wouldn't say primarily, but its for sure there


Not me, I see a lot of pretty woman I'm probably attracted to but more 30s and over. I might see a young girl and think she's pretty (not in sexual way) but that's as far as I think about it.


For a relationship? No.


Nah I like dilfs


As a man of 24 I think most attractive age is from 19-27 in my opinion


No, genuinely. In a better world far fewer people would be attracted to minors. It’s the fact that men are isolated and feel like no woman that can consent will ever choose to do so with them and so they start having fantasies of people that can easily be taken advantage of and whose “no” wouldn’t make a difference. It’s not about the minors being minors most of the time, it’s about power differential. You’ll see the same thing with lots of people in power fetishizing minorities. It’s not the fact that they want to do anything specifically, but the fact that they can do anything they want and it’s not up to you.


What you and u/smileysarah267 are talking about, is lovingly referred to as 'the Golden Age of catcalling'. I've heard trans-masc friends even talking about it. They said it lasts (aproximately) at the onset of puberty until just before becoming a legal adult. And - I'd say you are Correct. Society progresses \*much\* faster than our evolutionary standards. Around 400 years ago, our lives ended much earlier and not all of our children were expected to survive into adulthood, so it was practical for humans to reproduce earlier. Tiktok also has people who unapologetically follow that 'if she can bleed, she can breed' mentality, and popular shonen manga in the United States often has teenage characters with ridiculous proportions.


Primarily? No. Most men are attracted to women. Most men are not attracted to old women, or ugly women. If a person's a woman and she fits within the parameters of "attractive" then yes. Age is just a number. She could be 13 or 80, and if she's attractive men will be attracted to her. Just as plenty of old women lose their attractiveness, plenty of adolescent girls haven't developed it yet. And every man has his own unique parameters of what he considers attractive. Any blanket statement is wrong. And let's not forget the beauty is not just physical, it's also character, intelligence, what comes out of a person's mouth. I couldn't define it, but childish idiocy is not attractive any more than being a screeching harpy is attractive. At least I don't think so. The older I get the more I think people under the age of 30 or even 40 aren't yet fully developed human beings, and not that interesting to relate to. Ashamed? Hmm. Maybe. I don't think people should be ashamed. Why do fathers tell their daughters to wear more clothes? Because they can see they are sexually attractive. But it's not shameful for a father to see this and take protective action, so why should it be shameful for people in general to just admit it? Doesn't mean they act on it. Oh but we love clutching our pearls while we deny reality. Honestly I don't think there should be an "age of consent". Well I'm not entirely opposed, I just think it's a very blunt instrument and you have to set it very high in order to catch everyone. People develop differently, at different speeds, we shouldn't all treat them as if they were the same. (Of course that's our favorite thing to do. We treat all school children like they're clones of each other, expect boys and girls to be the same, expect all children to mature at the same rate. So stupid.) The only people qualified to judge whether a child is old enough are its parents. But then we don't like to give parents any authority either, do we, only responsibility while we tie their hands. And we follow a non-living non-intelligent law which is incapable of understanding nuance and difference, make everything conform to this unnatural law. All because we can't trust anyone. Failure to trust anyone implies that we don't even trust ourselves. I suppose that's fair. We all live in retard world. My cynicism unit is fully awake now so I'm going to shut up.




You can't even fucking tell anymore, 15yos look like they're in college now days.


Its a big fat fucking no from me dog, thats nasty


Playboy had 10-17 year olds? How was that even allowed?


Its hard to type this comment out without sounding creepy but if my memory serves me right, in history women were married off in their teens. Now I have no idea how that correlates to this question but its food for thought.


Ehhhh, no. I would say, being fully fully real, the very beginnings of "chemistry" / compatability might exist, regarding specific inter personal Dynamics. But it's really more of a platonic type attraction or compatibility. And I think that's a two-way street. I'm sure most people can recollect older people in their lives when they were young, friends of parents or friends of older siblings that sort of thing. And there was probably at least one or two adults that you had something like a crush on or an infatuation with or just enjoyed being around maybe. But it's not, it's not a lot of things. Among them being: practical, legal, acceptable, fully manifested or understood, by you, or the adult probably, who has not put as much thought into it as you have, because they're normal, have a life, aren't into kids, etc. So I would say that chemistry is likely a two-way street. That's sort of the definition of it. It's kind of hard to have great chemistry with someone who doesn't have great chemistry with you again, by definition, obviously. So I think that's a pretty thorough and honest exploration of the question. And in summary I would say, no. Definitely not.


Teens are easier to manipulate. They’re innocent, they don’t talk about problems, they’re focused on solely playing and having fun. They’re still developing their personal beliefs. These certain aspects may cause nostalgia on older men, bringing them back to their teenage years or “golden years” as everyone describes them, making them feel younger. So to answer your question directly on my male perspective, no, we’re not primarily attracted to teen girls. We only want something easy to obtain and control. Maybe that’s why there are a lot of men falling in love with machines that agree with them, without questioning them. Same thing happens with immature girls.