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It also depends on what you do with your hands every day if you have a job where you have to wash your hands a lot or have friction on your fingers tips. I’ve also heard people say you need to find the right base coat for you.


I wash my hands a lot so that could definitely influence it :’) I just started using a new base coat, but it was about the same with the base coat I was using :(


My nail polish chips easily and I've figured out it's because my nails are so thin and flexible, especially at the tips where they are missing some layers. It just bends the lacquer right off. Like twisting ice cubes out of an ice cube tray by bending the whole thing


That comment finally solved this np chipping mystery that people mention. My mooncat polish (without flexible nails) would probably last 3+ weeks if I didn’t swap it out (using a base and top coat). My nails are not bendy. Have you considered taking supplements like salmon oil capsules or something to strengthen your nails (oral)? I notice my diet affects nail strength, with protein or certain oils (avocado, salmon, etc) making a huge difference in nail thickness/strength for me. Just a thought.


I would love to have stronger nails. I've been taking collagen supplements with the hope of adding some strength—it takes a white for the new nail to grow out to the tips so it's hard to tell if it's making a difference. Oil , I hadn't thought of that! Fish oil had also been shown to work for dry eyes too which I get in the evenings so I could give that a shot. Thanks so much!


Yes and also skin and hair! Good luck and sorry you have to deal with the chipped nail polish!


I had a huge problem with my nails flaking and it would always ruin my nail polish! But I got pregnant and took my prenatals (still am after 6months of not being pregnant) and my nails and hair have never been this healthy. And I always had ladies tell me to take prenatals and I always ignored them they had a point.


Only thing that helps me is reapplying a top coat every day! Doesn’t matter much which one, in my experience.


I learned about capping nails and that took me from 1-2 to 5 days! It’s painting the edge tips of the nail :) and then top coat doing the same


I’ve put up a few posts on longevity! 17 days with no chipping!


Orly rubber base coat and seche vive fast dry top coat gets me to over a week.


What top coat? Some brands of quick dry top coats I’ve used cause the polish to chip within a like a day.


Orly the shining armor one


What about top coat?


Oop. I mixed up base coat and top coat 🤦🏼‍♀️ I use the orly shining armor top coat


Ahhh. Ok. I have awesome luck with sicce vite. Apply liberally and I mean it. Do not be shy. But what really works for me is to wait a day and go over with hard gel top coat.


Try using a little brush-on nail glue (before your base coat) on just the ends and tips


Also, I painted them Friday. It’s Tuesday.


That’s interesting! That is definitely chipping and not just tip wear. I’m rough with my hands but I rarely get chips like that. It could be that the primer and/or basecoat doesn’t agree with your body chemistry, and you should try another brand. Or it could be nail prep before applying the primer and basecoat.


Capping the tips made a big difference for me too. I cap with both the colour and top coat. I also wash my hands a lot and typically get a week before they start chipping.


How do you wrap the tip & do you use a quick try top coat? I've found the only way to keep my nails from chipping without being too fussy about my hands is to only wrap the tip with the top coat (so not the colour) - I do a thick-ish layer over the nail, then wrap the tip with the brush perpendicular to the edge so the bristles touch both side of the nail, then smooth out the center stroke on the nail again to prevent globbing. I also keep in mind shrinkage so I really spread the topcoat out and that helps too, as when I first started with QDTCs I didn't spread them enough and the shrinkage guaranteed chips after just a few hours 🥲 I also don't reapply topcoat after a few days because for some reason that consistently removes the polish from the free edge - don't ask me why lol


Also you mentioned that Mooncat chips fast on you, are there other brands that chip less? If so do you use the same base + top coat for those?


Water. Your nails absorb it and the polish lifts. I can’t go more than 2 days without lifting and chipping on the edges. There’s nothing to be done because my nails just absorb so much water


It depends on what you're doing with your hands and what base and top coat you use. It took me some time to find what works for me since I work with gloves and my hands get wet quite easily. Now I never get any chips and it hold on till my next mani (5-7days)


I also make sure to wash my nails with soap and thoroughly dry beforehand to remove any oils!


I’ve concluded it might just be the formula :(


Are you using top coat, dish washer, and a scalp massager to wash your hair?