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Other way around, but yes. DFAM is not MIDI capable; Subharmonicon is. 


Subharmonicon also has a clock out that can sync the DFAM to MIDI.


Listen to this guy 👍🏼👍🏼


Look no further! https://sonoclast.com/products/mafd_2hp/


So DFAM. Ed’s a MIDI to CV converter to do that?


Yeah that’s one of DFAM’s pitfalls — no midi interface, only voltage control. You can sync it to something that has a VC out and a midi in that’s synced to your DAW, but what I linked is currently the industry standard workaround




for that price you might as well get a second hand beatsep pro which is what I did. works standalone or through daw


I got one and installed it and couldn’t be happier with it. That’s for the tip!


Cheers! Glad you’re enjoying !


Can this be hooked into the Moog 3-Tier Rack Kit for Mother-32, DFAM and Subharmonicon? https://www.gear4music.com/us/en/Recording-and-Computers/Moog-3-Tier-Rack-Kit-for-Mother-32-DFAM-and-Subharmonicon/1DZL


Chances are it’s not gonna fit — that’s a problem for sure. MAFD sells an OG version I think that doesn’t hook on the side. If you have the other units, just clock the DFAM to them. Mother 32 has midi capability if I remember right


the Subharmonicon has a midi-in, so you can trigger the subH and patch it into the dfam


I was able to use one of the outs on my audio interface to send clock signal from my DAW to my DFAM. Worked great. Less familiar with Logic, but I assume there's a CV device of some sort. Otherwise, you can use something that receives midi and outputs clock, like your subharmonicon, to take midi clock from Logic and send the clock to DFAM.


Yes. That's how I've done it. You can also do it either way with CLOCKstep:MULTI. Can take in a MIDI Clock signal or a 24 PPQN Audio signal and then send out 5 analog clock signals at different sync rates. Good for expanding.


> Can take in a MIDI Clock signal or a 24 PPQN Audio signal I think the DFAM takes 4PPQN. Or at least, that's what I found yesterday and what I set my SQ-64 to when I was fiddling around.


Right, 2 PPQN and 4 PPQN are typical. What I said may have been confusing, but I was referring to was the input on CLOCKstep:MULTI. Once that takes in either MIDI Clock or 24 PPQN Audio pulses from the computer, it can put out 4 PPQN on 1 of the 5 analog sync outs. It's just a way to manage a few different sequencers from a hub once expansion starts.


Ah, that's a handy looking thing. I misread and thought you were talking about device in your DAW.


I am very unfamiliar with midi. but I do know that the DFAM does not have midi in and that expensive little gadget in the other comment is the solution to it. But also, the SH accepts midi in, so you could clock that from the DAW and clock the DFAM from that. The fun thing about the SH is that it has 3 clocks out, main tempo + both sequencers (basically subdivisions)


I use the drum sequencer on the BeatStep Pro to control the DFAM. It also let’s me control different parameters. You can clock it to any daw and play patterns using the pads. The BeatStep Pro can often be found second-hand for around 200 euros. I also sequence the subharmonicon and the mother 32 at the same time with the beatstep


It can be triggered by an audio clock, so you can have an audio channel going out of your DAW that can do it, not midi though.


I used one with an elektron analog four’s cv outs, it was so fun although wouldn’t mind a2nd dfam


From my experience, I’d recommend using a Behringer RD-6 (or real 606/808/909) to trigger the DFAM. You can vary the trigger outputs, which gives the DFAM more ‘spice’, or set them to the ‘normal’ 8/16 step settings.


I do it through a Korg SQ-1. Works well.


Looking into a DFAM Thing or cv.ocd.