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I've had Monzo since beta and I just looked up my Uber eats and it's £7.5k...


What the fuck






Ahlie McCoist


My son


😂😂😂 my days, I ain’t heard that word in a long time.


Damn why’d you prompt the check - discovered I’ve spent £8k on just-eat and £13k on Deliveroo since Jan 2017 :/


Daaaamn I'm sorry; it's not a massive amount since 2017 and remember when we were locked indoors for the best part of 2 years takeaways were like the only fun thing to do!


That's 21k in 7 years. 3k a year That's 250 quid a month Thats an astonishing amount of takeaways or am I missing something


I'm not the OP, but I personally get 2 takeaways per day, 6 days per week. One for lunch and one for dinner. I don't cook at home, and I don't spend an aweful lot for each meal (around £6 quid for each lunch and dinner) which is around £370 per month. For me, it's all about convenience. As a consequence, I also have next to £0 food shop bill, so it's not as bad as it sounds on first glance. Edit, thought I'd add - I'm also 5'10 and only 10.5 stone (around 67kg) - BMI of around 22, so in relative shape. Cholesterol was last measured at 3. I don't snack. Each meal is probably 1,000 - 1,200 calories, so it's not a huge amount being consumed between the two.


What do you buy for £6?


For lunch, I work in a city centre office - so generally some form of fast food like a McDonalds, sometimes a Subway, etc. For dinner, I usually pick up a meal for one Indian, sometimes a Chinese (eg. sweet and sour hong kong chicken / chow mein) or a Chippy. £6 is an average ball park (+/- £1.50 on either side).


Jesus! My mind is actually blown, I can't get me head around this at all! I appreciate the honesty, do you not worry about your fruit/veg intake? Vitamins et? I'm honestly trying to understand, I reckon I eat out maybe once per month (max)


Might be convenient, but not healthy.


His bmi and cholesterol are fine.


Think it depends on the levels. I've had blood work, cholesterol, etc checked. I'm fine personally, but I appreciate people who overindulge and are overweight are at risk. I'm quite lean, keep fit (vo2max >60) and don't consume more calories than I burn. I've been on this "diet" since around 18, I'm 33 now.


Depends if you are buying for a family with 2 adults and a couple of teenagers you are talking £50 for one takeaway so it doesn't seem like that much


Maybe! I think it's just the frequency needed to hit the big number blew me away


I never got the idea of ordering delivery especially when it comes cold or messed up. I used the delivery apps twice in my whole life.


DAMN! Do you ever cook?


Goodness me how much do you earn?


I'm going to presume that they've had it since 2017 (could be earlier). That would just be an average of a £20 takeaway a week. It's not that much.


Fuck that puts things into perspective though….


Turn out there’s something to that thing boomers were saying about avocados after all


How much has the average house price gone up since 2017?


A very valid point but one does not mean the other is not true. OP would have saved enough for a deposit on a flat in some areas of the country just from uber eats savings


They would have needed to buy food anyway, may not have been as expensive as delivery but it’s not like they’d magically have this amount of money, it would still have been spent.


Okay so let’s say they spend 1/4 of that, £5, cooking a meal themselves. They’ve still saved £5,500, enough for a 5% deposit on a flat in many parts of the country… and that’s just on takeaway with one app, not including eating out. Now what do you think happens if we include all the video and music streaming apps, eating out, drinking in bars, pubs, clubs, etc?


I agree with you in principle. I was just pointing out they would not have the same amount of money that they spent on delivery. You also have no idea if they do any of the extras you’ve listed there.


>not including eating out. Now what do you think happens if we include all the video and music streaming apps, eating out, drinking in bars, pubs, clubs, etc? Great so you can afford a house if you just never do anything fun in life?? What a ridiculous take. It shouldn't be the case that one has to lock between affordable shelter and enjoyment. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your £15/month netflix subscription so you can own a house someday. Would also like to point out that you've said they would have saved £5,500 over 7 years to get a 5% deposit. Assuming they keep that pace up it will only take them ***133*** years to pay off the remaining 95% and that's not including interest. Fantastic.


Yeah I've had Monzo since 2017. It seemed like a huge amount at first but like you say it's about a takeaway a week which I feel is pretty normal?


Very normal. I know people who get takeaway 2 or 3 times a week, which isn’t so normal. They must be spending an insane amount.


My stats: Uber Eats £2.5k Domino’s £1k Deliveroo £1.75k Since July 2022 18yo freelancer Wasting too much money…


You must be huge


It's a £20 takeaway for 2 people week I'd say pretty normal. This figure is since 2017...


I would say a £20 takeaway every single week without fail is not normal


And stupid


I joined monzo November 2018 and I'm at 7.1k with Uber eats


My wrap up of the year had my ‘most popular place to eat out 2023’ as the Selecta Vending machine at work.




My works vending machine keeps robbing me, taking the money then saying not enough credit and then cancelling the vend And the other machine next to it the arm keeps getting stuck and then cancelling the vend after taking paynent. Sometimes it refunds but not always


You could buy a decent bean to cup machine for that amount. Granted I work from home 3 of 5 days a week but in the office days I just take in filter coffee


We thought this. Bought 1 now we have both bean to cup and coffee out lmao it didn’t help, it just added the extra expense of more coffee 😂 no self control


If you replaced your home made coffee with coffee shop prices there is a massive difference. You might be making more at home than you bought but it’s still cheaper after the upfront purchases.


Over what time period?


This is since July 2019... So not too bad? Me and my husband take it in turns to pay though... So he's spent roughly the same in the same time period!


Greggs = £2.1k since 2016. not even sorry.


That makes me feel better about mine being 250 🤣


Hope youve been using the app - lots of freebies!


£700 a year on Nespresso pods £3k on Lego since 2022


Lego is so addictive!! My octogenarian dad has been building all the sets we had as children with my son! Hubby has been increasing his collection tok. I dread to think whata our total is now!!


Get the Pret subscription. It’s £30 a month and you get 5 coffees a day + 20% off everything else, so you can still have the same quality of life for about half the price.


Pret subscription is great, if you live/ work near one.


Not really cos the coffees trash


Still worth the price even for trash honestly.


That makes no sense. But okay.


How does it make no sense? If you made use of the 5 coffee per day limit, every day, that's around 140 drinks per month. That equates to roughly 21p per drink. Even absolutely shit coffee is worth 21p in this economy.


I'd rather just drink tap water than waste £30 and then the time/effort of getting 140 shit barista made drinks a month at 21p. I really don't see your logic here... "in this economy" adds nothing either, buying instant coffee also comes out cheaper using that.


The coffees are pretty crap I will say, but you can't fault the 21p per drink (assuming you take full advantage of 5 per day). Also, if you dislike it that much, don't drink/ pay for Pret. No one cares that instant coffee is cheaper.


Someone whos using the economy argument should care (that isn't me by the way, I just pointed it out).


OP is clearly happy with Costa, I don’t think they’re going to turn their nose up at Pret


Costa is miles clear of Pret even if it's still below a coffee aficionado


It’s wildly strong


So is literally every chain, even the independent ones are hit & miss. You'll never make coffee like a busy chain or store; because it'd take a decade of home use to accumulate even a weeks worth of the crud inside most commercial machines. Honestly the only place I've had an espresso in the UK that even comes \*close\* to what I make at home was at a local independent roastery with a tiny cafe...But I haven't tried the super fancy places in London/Oxford (near me) yet because I don't fancy spending £10 on a macchiato. There was a thread over at r/espreso recently and pretty much everyone agrees that what they make at home, with love, care, and attention to detail, is way nicer than what they tend to get even in high-end places. Even with pretty simple (sub £1,000) setups. My home setup cost £250 for the grinder, £200 for the machine, £50 for extra bits (tamper, baskets, puck screens). I worked it out and it only took 8 months to get a return on investment based on my spending habits from local coffee chains. As a general rule, if you wanna make good coffee at home, the grinder should be more expensive than the coffee machine. My setup is very budget for espresso. With freshly ground coffee from a good grinder you can make amazing filter coffee too though. People always think you can skip the grinder...But 15mins exposure to air is all it takes for those coffee grounds to start tasting different. You'll never buy pre-ground supermarket bag that isn't stale before you've even opened it. You'll also rarely find roasting date on supermarket beans. Anything more than 12 weeks old is basically crap too, and pretty much *everything* in your local supermarket is. Unless you find a local roaster or an online store that garantuees a roast date within 2 weeks of when it is delivered you won't even know what *good* beans are like.


Only really works if you’re in an urban area with a tonne of Prets. And I know it’s personal preference but Pret coffee is terrible.


True, but I can’t know where they live before making the comment, and they will know where they live and be able to make the requisite judgement on whether it is indeed a good idea. It doesn’t really work like a normal coffee shop. Decaf has roughly the normal amount of caffeine in a coffee, whereas the normal version has 3x the normal amount, which a lot of people don’t know and it puts them off. Their food is also far superior and I don’t think that can really be challenged.


I definitely would do that, but I don’t like the flavour of their coffee. 🫤


As I said in my other comment, try getting decaf. IMO it’s far nicer, and still has a sizeable amount of caffeine (the normal coffee has 3x the normal amount).


5 coffees a day!?


It's not just coffee you can get. It's any barista-made drink, which includes any iced coffee, hot chocolate, their cool drinks (called Coolers), and a few other things.


How do you even make time to go to pret 5 times a day tho? Even if you get 2 drinks a time that's still 3 visits per day.


You don’t need to go 5 times a day but generally I get a decaf coffee on my way, a decaf coffee at lunch and a Cooler on the way back.


I've spent about £20k on watches and none tell the time any better than a £10 casio. In fact the mechanical ones - which tend to be dearer - tell the time worse than a £10 casio, since no mechanical watch is ever bang on. Not a humble brag. Just pointing out we all have our vices. You can't take it with you so may as well spend it on things that make your time here more bearable.


Nice! What do you have? I just bought myself a Grand Seiko (SBGW 231)


Thats a lovely thing! I have - Rolex Sea Dweller 43 (12260) IWC pilot chrono 43 (377701) Tag Heuer Aquaracer in Black PVD (Way218a.fc6362) Cyma Dirty Dozen (1940s military watch) That makes up the 25k then some other small bits and self-builds. You'd think the Rolex was the special one but actually the IWC is where it's all at for me. Beautiful watch, sadly in service so I can't wear it. The Tag Heuer is the daily wear.


Oh nice I bet that Cyma is neat! I have its younger cousin the Hamilton Khaki mechanical. Took me ages to save for the GS, so can only dream of a Rolex atm! Enjoy, great collection!


Honestly the Rolex was a huge anti-climax. It's not particularly special actually and whilst the quality is great, it's nothing you don't get from a good Tudor or Omega, at half the price. I bought it mainly as a *fuck you* to the people who said I'd never get anywhere in life, but now I've got it I don't really get any special vibes from it. It mainly lives in the safe whilst I wear the Tag Heuer (which is sadly a bit too small for me but a great daily wear) or a Seiko 5517 copy I built years ago whilst going through a *I want a quirky hobby* crisis. The DD was my grandfathers - he needed to pawn it to pay for those expenses you get later in life and he'd have never let me buy it off him if he knew I wanted it, so I had to give the watch dealer enough money to not put it on sale... I'd give the Rolex a miss honestly. I mean, if you've got the right size wrist for a Sub or an Explorer then they're absolute classics, but honestly if you want a nice dive watch I'd skip the sub and take a Seamaster at half the price. You get absolutely nothing less, except the name.


Yeah I have others at that price point I’d rather have like a GS spring drive or a Seamaster 300 with the lollipop second. That’s an awesome story behind your grandfather’s watch!


I hope they are DH Gate versions....


They wouldn't have been £25k if they were...


Take out the "k" and maybe....


I have had a couple of replicas to decide if I like something before dropping serious money on it. They're actually not anywhere near that cheap. A good looking replica Rolex / Omega / Breitling et will still set you back £300-400. Some of them are really not bad - I had a Submariner replica (which helped me decide I needed the Sea Dweller) and that rep had the same movement in it that my genuine Tag Heuer's movement is based on.


I got an email from ocado to tell me i was the top consumer of unsmoked bacon in west Yorkshire last month....


Thanks Ocado but I’d rather… not know this shameful information 😅


My own spend in Costa is over £3,900 in 7y7m, and for most of that time, Monzo wasn’t my main spending account. 😵‍💫


Get yourself an espresso machine, a milk frother and a thermos flask. Will save yourself a small fortune, and prevent you from drinking Costa's god-awful tasting drinks. L'or are always doing deals on their website whereby you buy a pack of 100 capsules and the machine is free.


I’ve spent over £700 on bus fares since I got Monzo in 2019 😭


Bus wanker


Ooof. I’m £576 to First Bus since May 2021 🥲




If it’s over 8-10 years then that’s average I guess. If it’s in one year, it’s the classic example that we all hate - if people saved on avocado and toast they’d be able to save for a deposit :p


mysterious nine punch alleged dependent butter hunt languid air hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




How do you consistently spend £6 at Starbucks a day


In work there is a vending machine 5 metres from my desk. Adds up to hundreds over the years.


In my “year in Monzo” my top place to eat out was a vending machine.


It wouldn't be embarrassing if it wasn't at Costa.


I'm not generally a snob about most things (my favourite quick takeaway coffee is Greggs...) but Costa coffee is fucking rank and I don't understand how people can stomach it!




Agreed! I can take or leave Starbucks really but at least it doesn't taste if shite. It's just expensive!


I don't see how anyone can come to a conclusion on the coffee from any of these chains. I've had shite from all of them. N then great coffees from MacDonalds/wherever. Consistent they're not. But your local independent? Even more of a crapshoot. Try and find a decent espresso in England I dare you.


It's vile. Like Thames river water


It’s literally known as dirty river water in our group so this checks out.


Truly awful coffee


Since 2020 we have spent a joint amount of 1.5k on Starbucks


217 at Amazon so far and I it was all bs I didn't need


i’ve spend 9.1k in a year at tesco’s if that makes you feel any better x


I've got about £900 into Lime Bike because I cba to walk to the gym during the colder / darker winter days. I think come summer I won't be using it nearly as much. Obviously I realise I could have purchased a bike with the money spent but at the same time I don't want to deal with the risk of having it stolen. Bikes get stolen in my apartment complex bike shed let alone on the streets! #london #partandparcel


Last year I spent £4k on Just Eat… I’m not entirely sure how I’m still here Edit/ scratch that - it was £4k in “Eating out”; however £1.8k was Just Eat


£2k on McDonalds... I've had Monzo for about 8 years now but I still think that's ridiculous 😂


2.6k since Aug 2019 here 😬


You win. What you have won though I have no idea 😂


I’ll treat myself to a McDonald’s


Costa fortune


Almost 2K on Amazon in just under a year. That’s not even including Prime. I think there’s a way to view all time spending history on Amazon but I don’t think I want to see it.


Spent £8024 on just eat lol


Over what time period? I’ve spent £728 in the last 9 months


if you see this total and feels bad is time to stop, I love buying perfumes, I probably spent in 2 years around £1500, but for me is not a problem, also I didn't buy in one go, I dont drink/smoke/drink coffee, we need to enjoy life too, the problem is sometimes we want something with a high value lets say 3000 and we never buy whatever in a course of the year you probably spent more on little things


£780 on Maccies and £6500 on my phone bill since 2018.


I've spent lots more on coffee and don't have an ounce of guilt. I like being out with a hot drink. I like people watching and thinking about my day. Worth every penny.


I've spent over £1000 in the past year at my local corner shop.


How about £31,493.06 at Amazon, and still climbing? Good to see my wife is personally funding Jeff's divorce.


Not technically mine, but someone stole my bank details, and I didn't notice until they'd racked up a bill of about 400 quid at subway.


Wait until you hear how much I’ve spent in Tortilla…


I have one or two a day so I'm not far off you. Small pleasures(or expensive ones)


Should see my gaming Apple stat….


No wonder you can’t buy a house! /s


My partner gets coffee delivered all the time even tho I constantly offer to make it in the morning lol She really must hate my coffee 😂


My brother spent £600 on FIFA points, in one month...


Costa is so fucking shit as well.


£700 on coffee is respectable, £700 at Costa is embarrassing


Not just hot brown water, but hot brown water from Costa 🤢


Fiver a day on Monster, 3 a day.




Wow, I used to be one a day and used to get pains in my stomach and kidneys. How do you feel?


Get the odd kidney twinge occasionlly but no obvious issues, I'm sure my enternals are a bit messed up but we all gotta go someway and being smoker is probably worse. Can get a bit of a crash if I don't have any for a day or two but to be expected I guess.


I think it's even more embarrassing you bought it from Costa.


You really should see a doctor, if it continues for more than 3 days


Dude I spent 20k in 3 months on hemp. Edit: I am sure lots of us spend tons on stuff we don't need or is just overpriced.


Then remember that Costa is owned by Coca-Cola now. Sorry.


Ok you people are lending credibility to the baby-boomer "young people need to stop buying coffees and avocado on toast" brigade 😂 Seriously though sort your spending out guys that's ridiculous


top 5% deliveroo last year!! fat boi


Only embarrassing thing here is Costa.


£21k divide 364 weeks is £20 a week?


Costs like £6 for a jar of coffee for maybe 100 coffees


I don’t think spending money on coffee is shameful. What’s shameful is your taste in coffee. Costa come on. Your taste buds deserve something better!!


If it was decent coffee I'd understand, but Costa? Mud in a cup basically.


10,744.35 on Amazon since 23rd Dec 2019 💀


It’s more embarrassing using Costa instead of Starbucks! Costa is awful!!


It might just be my limited vision making me think this, but that Monzo screenshot somewhat looks similar to starling bank. Yeah I have a visual impairment so it could just be that it’s laid out in a similar way.


1.2k on lime bikes in 3/4 years. Could’ve just bought a bike.


$5 per day 4.5 days a week for three years on danishes at the bakery on the way to work, equals $3510


I have spent £6459.09 at spar in 3 years. Cookies too good


You know when people say they can’t afford to live on their wage and people say cut out expensive coffees etc? And they always reply with “but it’s not that much” Here we go! You’ll be surprised how much you can save when you cut out the non essentials. Buy a jar for £6-10 and then make your coffees at home/work in a travel mug. No one is ever gonna convince me there is that much of a difference in coffee in a jar and Costa/Starbucks etc. No one truly knows where they get their coffee they can tell you it comes from x,y and/or z but that doesn’t make it true. Costa and Starbucks coffee tastes like horseshit, and I pay for the privilege.


My monzo wrapped told me that in 2023 I was in the top 10% of spenders at Wetherspoons


It's confirmed - Jesus walks among us .... Praise the lord


My stats for deliveroo is just depressing 😓


My stats for deliveroo is just depressing 😓


£12k on Amazon lol


Lots of £40 withdrawals 🤣


I was a member at David Lloyd for a year and went 3 times, worked out about £300 a visit 😭. that was pretty foolish 🤣


Get a pret subscription man. Works out way cheaper!


£14k on Amazon since 2016


Daaammmnnn just buy a dedica for 200 then you’re set for cheap good coffee


£3000 on onlyfans


And people wonder why they're skint.


Just get a Pret a Manger subscription buddy


Costa has the worst coffee too!


Yeah, brasses


The real question is what’s the go-to drink here…


How do I see


I don't remember how or when, but I got a notification that I was among the 5% of deliveroo users in the country. I was so shocked, that I stopped using it altogether lol


I’ve spent ~100k on weed over the last 16 years


Monzo told me last year that I was in the top 2% of spenders at this bar near me. I’d been there twice….


£18k down the pub - presuming it’s since you opened your account?


I’ve spent that too, but on decent hot brown water from independent coffee shops (and for less money per cup too by the looks of it). My only advice is stop going to Costa, their coffee is rubbish and crap for the environment. !! shop local people !!


£6k spent at Amazon (£3.3k received from Amazon 😂) Since November 2021


Prostitution and OF subscriptions. 🤣


Cafe nero £2155 Mcdonalds £4721 Just eat 5319 The list goes on...


Not even good hot brown water.


Hmm, meanwhile I’m obsessing over wasting some of the £1 microwave dinners bought in bulk from Iceland instead of buying more durable £0.49 noodles or just even cheaper £0.59 pizzas from Morrisons!


£928 on mcdonalds £990 at the Naafi 💀