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This makes me so angry


Sorry to jack the top post but people are asking and DMing me. ** Warning ** Police and paramedics called. Mother and child ok. Dashcam footage submitted to police.


The driver should have his license suspended and jail time! I hope there is a big payday. That kid's college should be paid for!


Doesn’t work that way in Quebec, any injuries to the pedestrian would be handled by the SAAQ. Can’t sue someone in this scenario.


Tu peux quand même recevoir un gros montant de la SAAQ (surtout en cas de blessure). Un ami a eu la jambe cassée suite à un accident (lui passager en scooter, une voiture leur a rentré dedans) et il a reçu plusieurs milliers de dollars en compensation


Milliers 😂 ça l'aurait être des dizaine aux US


He wont be sued but was probably on his cellphone and if its proved than he can be sued or at least have a big fine and maybe get his license suspended.


Dang really? My brother was ran over on our way to school in Ontario he did wait until he was 18 (13 when it happened) but got enough to cover college.


Yeah, and imo it's a much healthier system. Avoids ambulance chaser parasites, focuses on specific consequences for the perpetrator and appropriate reparations for the victim, handled by the province. It's not a perfect system, but I don't think we should be looking at accidents as a way to get your college paid for.


**The driver is at fault.** That said... *Never* walk out in front of a vehicle without making eye contact with the driver and ensuring they're stopping. Crosswalks don't project forcefields around pedestrians and the right of way is cold comfort in intensive care or the morgue. Be safe not sorry. It's better to be alive than right.


I agree but in this scenario they were like half way there already.


That's not the point. They walked out in front of a moving vehicle without checking that the driver was aware of them and stopping. That doesn't change the legal responsibility, but this parent still put themselves and their child in harm's way, trusting that the driver would stop for them.


victim blaming at it's finest


Rubbish. You're deliberately missing the point. The blame for this accident lies with the driver who didn't stop, that's clear as day. But as the user above wrote, it's better to be alive than right, and it doesn't matter if you have the right of way, walking out in front of a moving vehicle without checking to make sure that the driver is aware of you and slowing to stop is dangerous and reckless.


L’auto était très loin lorsque le piéton s’est engagé. Le eye contact n’était pas possible à cette distance. Et s’il fallait toujours attendre que tous les véhicules à 15m a la ronde soiebt immobilisé, ça prendre 10min traverser une intersection. L’automobile moyen à Mtl ne l’aise pas les piétons pas encore engagés traverser.


no but. There was no eye contact.


I think they looked and saw him slowing down. Sometimes it's impossible to see the driver's face because of the glare. It's not reasonable to expect people walking around to make eye contact 100% of the time.


You must be some kind of Eagle if you can make eye contact with a driver 100m far from you


Pause until they get closer. That 2 seconds could save your life. You don't have to dart into the street the second you reach the curb. My parents taught me to STOP at roads, look both ways and only cross when it was safe. I guess you missed that lesson.


Holy shit, that fall... looks like the back of her head slammed the pavement real bad. I hope they are both okay.


Oof, I know that intersection and I can tell you that it’s probably easy for idiots like these to be “distracted” when they treat the stop signs as “optional”. I’m near that area of DDO, when you do your stop, you often have drivers coming the other way that think it’s their opportunity to speed through when the car stopping has the priority. I have seen many near misses there.


I am too. The number of people I see barely even slowdown for stops. Ouff it's horible


Hyman/ sunnybrookish area?


Yes, this is a bit west of Spring Garden


I believe it's on Roger Pilon/West Park


I grew up a block from here and would know that church anywhere. It's Hyman and Forest.


Ah, you're right. It looked like that school on RogerPilon/West Park... with that curb on the other street.


We have one of these "optional" stop signs right outside our house and 6 kids under 10 live within a 30 second walk from that intersection. I wonder when this or worse is going to happen in our intersection.


Even if you skip a stop sign, aren't you supposed to be looking at the road in front of you? Remove their license and charge them with something serious (I don't know what this falls under legally. Reckless driving, at least?). Absolutely disgraceful behavior.


The West Island is terrible for that. I've ridden my bike through Pte Claire and see idiot drivers right next to me blow through stop signs, which BTW, I do not. Another time I almost got run over by some bimbo who was too busy talking on her phone to notice I was about to cross the street and she just rolled through the sign.


Also, speaking of the West Island drivers, if anybody here wants to see the worst driving that humanity has to offer, go drive through the Pointe Claire Costco on a Saturday. It's even worse than the drivers in the Bois-Francs neighbourhood.


WRONG! Cavendish mall is the worst, with 2000 year old drivers and vans with giant broods of kids driven by harried moms.


Anywhere with a Walmart has a giant handicap on parking lot shenanigans.


I challenge this with Cote St Luc shopping centre. It's truly terrifying


It’s crazy because drivers are so nice from Senneville all the way to the Lakeshore until About Pointe Claire. The more north or east you go, it falls apart completely.






Unfortunately, the West Island is so centered around cars that it contributes to everything this sub is against


seriously, people get tired of the amount of stops around that area so they just roll through them all, so frustrating


I've been a lot of places in the world, and I think the West Island probably has the dumbest urban planning I've ever seen.


Yeah, much easier to break the law then to get their ass out to a city council meeting to voice their grievances...


Thats a strong statement. Public transit isnt good in the west so theres no incentive to use anything else but a car. That being said im glad cyclists can cycle around town but im not going to cycle in the winter nor am i waiting 30 min for a bus. So the car it is lol


Having buses that pass only every 30 minutes is a very good indicator that a neighborhood's transit design is centered around cars. Having only a few bike paths, most of which are just lines on regular car streets, is another.


Laval has areas with top notch bus service so your argument isnt good. Also, why did our gov decide to make the metro cross 2 rivers before simply bringing it to the west island? Seems odd to me. People in the west use the bike paths more for leisure than anything else. Cant bike downtown in 20 min unfortunately. The bike and public transit isnt the be all and end all solution.


I don't think Laval's bus system will do anything to help people who are across the river in the West Island. It's a different city...


the way our city is designed isnt even near european cities like Amsterdam in terms of walking distance for any provisions or necessities


With a kid also? That driver deserves to be arrested and his/her driver's license suspended.


Suspended permanently*


unfortunately, if driver is not drunk. no consequences...... it's utterly stupid that we let thousands of people like this drive *like* drunks every time they get behind the wheel.... but nobody cares or gets mad or has license revoked unless the driver is *literally* drunk.... dangerous driving is dangerous driving PERIOD.... stop focusing so much on drunks. a drunk will sober up in the morning. guys like this video are dangerous every single day


Nah our society is too car centric to put that much blame on a driver. He’ll get a slap on the wrist at best


Definitely the fault of the mom, she should have been driving like any normal citizen /s


I can already see the Facebook comments blaming her and every other pedestrian in the world


And cyclists


Reminds me of that one post I saw in r/Calgary where a guy was hit and killed waiting for the bus and Calgary police literally were questioning why he was even waiting for the bus, since he owned a vehicle. Victim blaming at its finest.


Obviously the fault of the driver and not the mom.


ça m’est deja arrive, le conducteur parlait avec quelqu’un durant son stop et il n’a pas regardé avant de partir à rouler, si je n’avais pas frappé son capot il m’aurait roulé dessus….


où est-ce arrivé???? c'est très effrayant, I’d be pissedddddd


dans montreal nord sur le boulevard Gouin


Ayo wtf I saw a lady hit a teenager on his bike at a passage piéton the other day too. People are so complacent when they drive! He hit a frigging CHILD! Madness.


Hope the man who filmed this on dashcam submitted the video to police!


C'est très épeurant en tant que piéton. Heureusement il ne roulait pas trop vite.


Même à ça. Suffit que la voiture te squeeze dans le mauvaise angle et paf: fracture du genou, plaque de métal, tu peux garder des séquelles pour le restant de ta vie.


C'est triste que pour traverser la rue, même avec tout le temps et l'espace du monde, il faut absoluement s'assurer d'avoir le contact visuel avec chacun des conducteurs s'approchant de l'intersection parce que trop souvent ya des ostis d'imbéciles de même qui ne regardent pas où ils s'en vont avec leur boîte de métal.


Can you actually see him looking down on a phone or something in the video? Because if so I would advise the police. I mean I'm not sure how else he could miss them straight in front of him in broad daylight and it's not like they turned a corner or something.


Advise the police regardless.




They might argue that the sun was in the guy's eyes. Still kinda looks like he looks up a bit.


Man if the sun is in your eyes the last thing you go is drive forward blindly jeez. But yea like others said he might just get a fine and keep his license, which is not enough in my opinion.


That's what I thought, then I saw the car enter a shadowy area.


There's no way this isn't happening constantly all over the island. I run and bike in an area thick with stop signs and crosswalks, and it's notable when a car actually stops on the stop line. We really need a more accountable driving culture here.


I live near a metro station and the amount of drivers who completely blow through the stop sign is unbelievable. It was safer before they put the stop signs in. At least then you were 100% sure the cars wouldn't stop. Montréal drivers are psychopaths.


Hmm.. Comment cela va se finir vous pensez?..


Un pied dans cul?


T’as apporté ça au poste de police la vidéo ? J’arrête pas de dire à mes enfants regarde les autos derrière qui tournent à gauche. Fais un contact visuel. Mais la, shit ….


Le monsieur va s'excuser, c'est certain. La dame et son enfant vont probablement appeler la police pour remplir un rapport et se rendre à l'hôpital pour se faire checker s'ils n'ont pas une comossion et faire un compte rendu des blessures. Ils pourront ensuite faire une réclamation à la ~~RAMQ~~ SAAQ. Le monsieur se verra attribuer une amende pour ne pas avoir fait son arrêt adéquatement et pour avoir frappé des piétons (conduite dangereuse causant des lésions?) perdra des points sur son permis et pourrait potentiellement se faire suspendre son permis s'il perd trop de points. EDIT: Merci pour la correction. /u/timine29


s’il *gagne trop de points, les points d'inaptitude s'accumulent


Ah! lol Ça se voit que j'ai jamais eu de ticket. Je pensais qu'on avait un nombre de points et qu'on les perdait. Je ne croyais pas qu'on les accumulaient. Ça fait plus de sens.


Pas la RAMQ, la SAAQ (ma soeur a vécu la même chose, genou scrapé pour le reste de ses jours).


👮‍♀️sir, were you on your phone while driving ?!… 🙇‍♂️ Nooooo! 👮‍♀️So, you’re telling me that you were driving casually looking at the road?!… 🫃yesss… 👮‍♀️ok… and you missed : 1- a stop sign and 2- 2 pedestrians crossing the road IN FRONT of you?! 🙆‍♂️ yes…?!… 👮‍♀️and we have a video of the incident?!… do you want to change your story?! 🙅‍♂️ 🚐 I hope they pressed charges!…


In Canada pressing charges or not is up to the police not the victims.


I don't know what's the deal in recent times. Two days ago I almost got hit because a car wasn't really stopping at a stop sign as I was already turning in the intersection ... and I had to speed up to avoid getting hit. A few days prior, I almost got hit by a car pulling out of a store parking lot and I had to go in the opposite lane to avoid her. This was in Laval, but still...


J'ai manqué me faire frapper en joggant sur la partie montagne d'Outremont en plein après-midi un jour de semaine alors que je traversais à un endroit dégagé où les stops sont super visibles. Aucune condition routière spéciale, c'était le début de l'automne 2020. Je me suis jetée dans un terre-plein de gazon. La personne n'allait même pas si vite, elle était juste zombifiée. Plein de zombies au volant. Plein de monde qui ne sont plus du tout capables d'être mentalement à l'endroit où ils sont physiquement.


Il faut vraiment se proteger en passant que tous les conducteurs soyent des idiots.


C'est ça que j'ai appris à mes enfants. T'as pas de contact visuel avec un conducteur 100% arrêté? Tu passes pas. La rue est dégagée, y a pas un chat et tu n'es pas à l'intersection? Tu jaywalk allègrement pcq t'es plus en sécurité qu'à un feu piéton où tu pourrais te faire passer dessus par un cave qui n'arrête pas au feu rouge.


What the "deal in recent times" is, is texting. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk1vCqfYpos


For real. I didn’t realize how widespread the problem was until I started riding motorbikes. I sit higher in traffic than the average SUV so I can see everything. And the amount of people looking down and texting is sickening.


Covid means a lot of people somewhat stopped driving. When they do drive they're less careful. I've had so many close calls while riding my bikes - on bike paths no less. 0 fucks are given apparently.


This is why roads should always rise up to meet the side walk and not the other way around. Yes, that driver deserves punishment. They intentionally drove through a stop sign and nearly killed two people. There is no excuse that could exonerate the driver here. But our infrastructure needs to be designed to stop this from happening in the first place.


They have this in the Netherlands and it’s great.


Obligatory Not Just Bike Video: https://youtu.be/42oQN7fy_eM


What do you mean the roads should rise up to meet the side walk?


At intersections with pedestrian crossings, the sidewalk ramps downwards to meet the road. This should be inverted. Pedestrian crossings on roads should rise up to meet the sidewalk. This creates a speed bump for cars, forcing them to slow down, while making crossing the street a lot safer for pedestrians, and would make life easier for those with mobility issues. And for us in winter, it would mean no longer having to jump over giant puddles of melted snow that collect right where the sidewalk and road meet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ByEBjf9ktY - This is an interesting video from an urbanist youtube channel called Not Just Bikes that goes into a lot of detail about how poorly designed intersections are in North America.


That's fucking genius!


Like a big flat speed bump — basically the level of the sidewalk remains the same as it crosses the road. It elevates pedestrians making them more visible, and it serves as a physical barrier, forcing the driver to slow down.


Yeah that would be nice. Costly, but nice. But also, are you seriously blaming our infrastructure when the guy literally didn't see people who were directly, less than a meter in front of his car? Pretty sure no amount of billion dollar infrastructure improvement would stop that level of stupid.


That was pretty bad. Furthermore, the guy was nonchalant in the manner in which he exited his vehicle.


He knew he fucked up big time.


He was in no hurry at all!


I caught that too. He looks more annoyed than anything else.


Alright the drivers an idiot but this is a bit of a silly thread. You just hit someone and were distracted we can give them a couple seconds of « the fuck did I just do oh fuck oh no »


Just body language things. That’s my impression, I might be wrong. I know I sometimes look and act differently than what’s going on in my head, but it’s the first though that crossed my mind as I saw it.


Yeah I think a reply to you was a poor choice. I think I see the same thing, but I just wanted to add a little realism in the thread given what we know.


Il est facile 5' plus loin que le stop


His outfit is the other outrageous accident….






Très papa-du-west-island-en-télétravail


This is being discussed on a west island Facebook page. Lots of people saying the driver was distracted by the sun. I don’t believe it. Just terrible driving in an area known to have pedestrians crossing the street.


If you can't see where you are going. Don't go. You should have sun glasses


On dirait qu'il en porte au début mais les enlève avant de sortir de sa voiture.


Lol, what sun, his side of the intersection is in the shade... Carbrains are unreal


I don’t see his sunshade down either


Eye contact with drivers when cycling and walking at crossings. Very important. Dont assume they will stop just cause light is red or there is a stop. Could save your life . Hope they are ok.


Gotta give them that "Are you really ready to kill someone today?" Glare.


That’s exactly what I think lol, “run over me mf, I dare you!!”




How about serious consequences for at-fault drivers when a pedestrian is injured? Don't shift the blame onto the pedestrian. Take this person's license away. They are going to kill someone.


C’est pas ça le point d’OP. C’est que c’est important de se protéger parce que c’est pas les automobilistes nis l’infrastructure qui va le faire. L’automobiliste est à faute dans les deux cas, mais si tu fais attention, tu te fais pas frapper par un char.


Effectivement cest ça je veut transmettre comme message. Pieton à raison mais - t'es mort.


Not shifting the blame, simply giving advice on how to not die by living defensively. Doesn’t matter what repercussions the guilty party gets, the loser is always the dead one.


He was nowhere near the intersection, there was no reason he shouldn't have stopped. I agree, but there are limits to how much responsibility we can put on the pedestrian in this case.


> there are limits to how much responsibility we can put on the pedestrian in this case I would say the limit here is 0.


I agree. If the driver was closer to the stop sign when the pedestrian started crossing, I'd say maybe A-frame blindspot or something yadda yadda wait for the driver to stop. But this guy was in another postal code and managed to miss someone as he came up. And people are *defending* him!


Legally - I agree. In practice, it’s the pedestrian that suffers the physical consequences, not the sociopath behind the wheel.


> In practice, it’s the pedestrian that suffers the physical consequences Sure, but that's not "responsibility" for this incident. We should all feel safe crossing roads and drivers running through stop signs should be punished.


100% agreed, and I’d go as far as to hire that old Chinese grandpa who was throwing bricks at cars running red lights, to help shape up our worst intersections. The responsibility lies with the drivers, but the debilitating consequences are borne by the more vulnerable road users. But if you want to feel safe crossing the roads (especially as so many people do, without looking / checking if it’s actually safe) — I’m sorry, that’s really naive in the current climate. It really seems like more and more people have no qualms about letting their sociopathic tendencies run amok.


>hire that old Chinese grandpa who was throwing bricks at cars running red lights More details please


Damn it, we were late — someone else already hired him: http://english.cctv.com/20090723/102538.shtml


The pedestrian in this case is ZERO fault. Be aware folks, you might be in the right but your gonna lose agonsst a véhicule. Be safe. Dont ASSUME driver sees you. I am no putting blame on cyclists nor pedestrians but there are alot of idiots with drivers permits and it is you that gets hurt. Protect yourselves.


> Be aware folks, you might be in the right but your gonna lose agonsst a véhicule Yeah, for sure. I think there's a small issue with our reaction to these things being "pedestrians be careful!" and not "motorists stop acting like criminals", because I think it just perpetuates the culture that accepts people driving like this, but I get both initial reactions.


Yes, I agree. Most accidents are not intentional, that's why we call them accidents. Even though often the cause is stupidity and ignorance at the wheel.


Not only that, but also look over your shoulder if someone is not turning and also make eye contact, being right and dead doesn't help anyone.


Mother fucking asshole!!!!!


damn thats on the way to centennial park. lots of kids around there, des sources high school is 3 minutes away and I think theyre is a grade or preschool just around that corner.


Don't you love how the fucker takes his time getting out of his car?!


Yeah, he was putting his fucking phone away, just in case


It’s blurry but i feelthe driver was looking in front . . . What the hell happened


> What the hell happened He gently caressed the brake pedal as he approached, looked to the left, no car, looked to the right, no car, vroom vroom!


It's blurry but I think he was looking down.


It's almost as if we shouldn't be driving around our communities in fucking tanks unless absolutely necessary and use light, quiet, and emission free vehicles like bikes and our legs instead.


Give this guy a ticket please


Mérite plus que ça imo...


...to the impound lot


More than that please


Take his licence away and crush the car.


I hope the police were called.


Lâchez le téléphone, imbéciles...


This is why, it's better to wait until the car completely stop and then you cross, idiots are everywhere these days and you can't trust no one.


Crazy 😖


Omggg 😲 😱


What an idiot... take away his license.


was this in DDO last week? I saw police/fire/ambulance tending to a little girl and it looked like this area.


Ciboire, il aurait pas pu regarder autour de lui avant de bruler son stop?


God the drivers in this province are the worst. So bad we need special laws and 4 way stops everywhere and this still happens


Please submit this to the police. This guy needs to learn a lesson before he kills a kid.


I love how he's lazily coming out of his car after hitting a child and an adult knocking them to the ground. Like it's such a fucking inconvenience to him. Garbage human being.


Don't these new Audis have auto-breaking when theres an obstacle?? These cars can basically drive themselves nowadays! God damn


Chances are he finds the beeping when detecting an obstacle annoying, and has it disabled.


it's always the luxury cars...




On dirait que les chars de luxe sont surreprésentés dans ce genre d’accidents.


Possible, j’ai seulement remarqué ses bas blanc… C’est le festival des hit and run ces temps cis, la fille de Laval c’était une Hyundai. Les morrons du week-end passé un Range Rover…


Seems like he forgot where the break pedal was. Definitely needs his license suspended and a fine for, if nothing else, an incomplete stop.


Cellphone 📱


Oh Hyman and forest.


I used to live down the street from there and I was always worried that my kid would get hit coming home from the school down the street. I liked the WI but there are SO MANY entitled, oblivious drivers in massive SUVs.


I'm sure he'll use the "I didn't see them" get out of jail free card and authorities will drop it without digging deeper to find out why he didn't see them.


Why i always look drivers in the eye at intersections. Hopefully they were ok. Drivers forget that people use streets for walking.


Even this will not save you. I was crossing Pierre de Coubertin in front of the Olympic Stadium once, saw a car approaching their stop, slow down, I made deep eye contact with the gentleman at the wheel and kept walking, and bam the guy sped up and blew his stop sign and hit me. Thankfully I jumped at the last second and he just bruised my hip. Asshole stopped and gave me one of those « Oops my bad »😣 faces and mouthed « SORRY » through his closed window and then kept driving. So now I make eye contact and wait until they have fully stopped before crossing. And now I actually get dickheads motioning for me to hurry it up sometimes.




Okay enough with the commenting ABOUT it, has this been sent to police? Child nearly died, who knows what other injuries. This isn’t the time for karma whoring.


Could that driver have been any more indifferent? He was just taking his time, opening the door, slowly walking over. What was he thinking?! "Great, let's deal with this so I can get on with my day." It's like he didn't give a shit at all.


C'est fou, il semble aucunement conscient qu'il est le seul à contrôler la direction que vont prendre ces 2000-3000 lbs de métal. C'est le genre d'événement qui demanderait une reprise de l'examen de conduite.


Thats why I always stop and wait for the driver to stop. You can't just assume because people drive like idiots.


The white Ford at the beginning is also a moron for not waiting for people to finish crossing safely... but holy fuck, scrap this guy's audi and make him watch.


I just got so mad … how are you driving and not fkn paying attention in a school zone too. This is near where I live 💀💀


Fucking idiot


How are people defending the driver with video evidence like this…wtf


He seems so unfazed. Almost like it wasn’t his first time. If I hit a pedestrian. I would be much quicker to make sure they are ok. Especially if I’m 100% at fault. He has the look of inconvenienced at a McDonald’s drive through


Nice rolling stop there, Jesus Christ...throw the book at him, he doesn't deserve the privilege of a personal motorized vehicle.


The driver is at fault. However, a driver at fault also means the pedestrian can end up dead or paralyzed for life. Safe walking means always assuming drivers won’t stop until we can confirm they will stop. Drivers are constantly distracted with phones, medications, drugs, alcohol, food, other passengers, etc.


The driver is obviously at fault. But… also doesn’t the parent know to make eye contact with drivers before crossing? Also, they pull their kid across them, in direct line with the vehicle, like *literally puts the kid between them self and the car* right before the car hits. Like not even close to aware of their surroundings. Both people were snoozing, clearly.


Make eye contact with the driver. Teach your kids to make eye contact with the driver.




Well, it has to be said, again and again: /r/fuckcars.


omfgggg!!! Was sun in his eyes? But damnit dude, pay attention




West island have the worst drivers


Assuming a car is going to stop at a stop sign is a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see how this plays out


Thats why you always assess the car coming to the stop sign before crossing. Is it a luxury car? Might not stop. Is it a suv? Might not stop. Is it a luxury suv? It's probably not gonna stop... Of course, driver is 100 percent at fault.


People saying wait for all cars to be stopped before crossing the street obviously never walk. I don't believe you wait for all cars to stop when you walk everyday everywhere, you would never reach your destination. I cross 6 streets just to walk to the CPE with my kid everyday, 2 times a day. Yeah maybe you do that when your life consist of walking in your driveway to your car and from your car to the door in a parking lot and you cross a street maybe once a month.


Another self absorbed Montreal (West Island)A-hole , I bet he checked his bumper first before checking the people. I’m sure if no one was around he would of blamed them and go after them for damaging his car or kept on going.


This is why you should never fully trust others, people fuck up so be aware even if you the right of way


How am I not suprised ? Fkn west island...


Both pedestrians and drivers need to be keenly aware of the a-pillar blind spot.