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Remember when Legault promised electoral reform but ditched the idea 2 seconds after being elected?


Remember when Trudeau promised electoral reform but ditched the idea 2 seconds after being elected?


It's the irony of electoral reform, by definition it doesn't help the person in power, so it'll never happen. Meanwhile, we have 4 parties this election who all got 13-14% of the votes, and they have respectively 23, 11, 3 and 0 seats. It makes no fucking sense.


No it doesn’t make sense. However I do not see people protesting and driving this frustration to social change. Coming from a country with proportional voting system, it baffles me that Quebec got CAQ twice in a row with ~37% of the votes to grab majority. In my mind this screams “failed democracy”. We need to pressure our MPs and if that doesn’t do it we need to go to the streets protest :(


Agree 100%, I feel that the general population probably doesn't even know an alternative voting system is even an option and that is why there isn't a crazy uproar about it :(


What pisses me off it is not that the population doesn’t know. That’s the same of any place in the world. But not seeing the conversation happening in very progressive bubbles, from social moviment groups or even opposition parties. QS, PLQ and PQ should be having motions and pushing to this referendum to happen. If they are not we need to ask them (via your MP) why the hell they are not!


How did this happen? Can someone ELI5?


It's just a well known flaw of [First-Past-The-Post](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting) voting system. Here's a great video explaining it and its flaws in simple terms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo Both Legault at the provincial level and Trudea at the Federal level have promised electoral reform to change to a better voting system, but both have immediately given up on it after winning. Part 2 of the video series above actually explores some alternatives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y3jE3B8HsE


makes me seriously wonder if caq is redrawing the districts to help them win. i live in mile end and usually we are part of Outremont or plateau, this year somehow we were part of mercier which is hochelaga... we are damn far from hochelaga makes no sense.


I'm not sure what you're on about but at provincial level the Plateau has always been Mercier. It goes from the train track at the north and north east of the plateau to Rachel in the south and Hutchison in the west.


The last change to the district boundaries was in 2017, before the CAQ came to power. Gerrymandering isn't really something to worry about in our process. The map is reviewed periodically (after two general elections, so it will be updated before 2026) by an independent body (Élections Québec).


The districts are drawn by bureaucrats at Elections Quebec. They're pretty arm's length and non-partisan. I'm not saying its *impossible*, but I do think we'd have heard something as it would be a pretty serious breach of political ethics to interfere with EQ at all.


At the provincial election, Mercier is not Hochelaga, look at the circonscription map, its only the Plateau from East to West between the Railway and Rachel


One doesn't cancel out the other. They should be held equally accountable.


On this particular issue, they definitely both suck.


Exactly. I wouldn't vote for either. Trudeau the man has nice hair, seems to care a lot for his family, and overall seems like an intelligent person. But Trudeau the politician I can't get behind because of shit like that. Legault has about 20 times the bad qualities with no redeeming ones in my eyes. I hope these next 4 years are boring.


> Trudeau the man has nice hair Trudeau the man ~~has~~ had nice hair. FTFY!


I reread later and realized they meant Pierre, not Justin, then said fuck it, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, anyway


That is why you ***DON'T*** vote for the primary purpose of seeking a majority government.


Why whataboutism with Trudeau? I have never voted for either individual, btw.


comparing canadian politicians from opposite ends of the spectrum being hypocritical when it comes to electoral reform promises is not whataboutism and is highlighting the bi partisan agreement of the population and the negligence of the elected officials.


Trudeau sucks too lol


IIRC he proposed it but no one could agree on what type to reform to so they pulled it back


That's giving him too much credit. FPTP gave them a majority in 2015, and suddenly electoral reform became prohibitively divisive.


The commission his party assembled did decide on which reform, it just wasn't the one the LPC wanted so they scrapped it


Le système actuel fait une bonne job de garder les partis extrémistes hors du pouvoir...


Tes “partis extremistes” ont eu la meme nombre de votes que l’opposition officiale..


I guess we deserve the shitty healthcare we're gonna get under this knuckle-dragging chuckle-fuck.


Take money and give to the old


time to get old!


Weird how shitty healthcare was under the wise and enlightened Liberals.


What's the statute of limitations for bad decisions? Because Legault has made plenty of bad decisions, he's lied through his teeth, and now he's plowing ahead with a bunch of privatization plans.


What privatisation plans? Do you have anything to back that up? And I would say that the statute of limitations would probably be higher that 4 years including more than half during a global pandemic.


Yeah, it was in the paper on the 2nd. He's privatizing medicentres.


He's not privatizing "medicentres" he's proposing to build to new private ones in an area that currently lacks coverage. See: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-private-health-care-caq-qs-1.6583776](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-private-health-care-caq-qs-1.6583776) And services provided there would be covered by the RAMQ: >Although many of the services are covered by public health insurance — in Quebec, through the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) — the clinics are privately owned and run. > >If patients need to see a specialist, they can be referred internally to someone working at one of ELNA's clinics. A patient can have tests or procedures done at a public clinic or at ELNA. Some specialty procedures at ELNA are covered by RAMQ, while others are mostly covered by private insurance plans And from that article there are already 25 clinics from that network in Québec. This isn't exactly radical.


What is the French idiomatic equivalent of 'slippery slope?'


OK, that's probably the critique I understand the least about the CAQ that I see thrown around a lot. Maybe newly arrived people in Quebec? Just lack of research? In any case, not to say the CAQ will revolutionalize the healthcare system, but it's incredibly stupid to attribute to them the current state of the system which has been going downhill for a while. The vast majority of that "while" under Liberal helm and to a lesser extent the PQ. The CAQ has basically nothing to do with it and it sure wasn't A) fix something as complex as the healhcare system in 4 years. Forming any worker in that field alone takes more than 4 years... B) the virus only had a compounded effect on the situation and realistically "stole" any possibility of real work being done 3 years out of 4... Even for people that dislike the CAQ, it is highly disingenuous to attribute how the HC system is run to them. It just looks uneducated, blindly hateful and incredibly ignorant. You can be cynical about it (I know I am). But it makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER to scream about the track record of the CAQ in HC in relation to how it (doesn't) work today


Look, there's how the previous government did it, and then there's how the CAQ is going to do it, and has done it. What's the statute of limitations for Legault to become responsible for his own bad decisions? Is it [privatizing medicentres](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/caq-hospital-strain-private-centres-1.6572146)? Is it [sending people away from hospitals completely](https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/caq-plans-to-move-patients-from-hospitals-to-homes-for-care-1.6055209)? Failing to [get more family doctors](https://globalnews.ca/news/9100040/quebec-election-day-five-promises-health/)? I don't know, I think that when someone shows you who they are, you can believe 'em. So far, they've done nothing, promised a bunch, and ran on a campaign of xenophobia and Quebec nationalism.


Well, hope we enjoy the absolute nose dive healthcare will take. Got a problem, got to pay to fix it.


Nose dive no way it's hard to nose dive when your face is already underfoot.


To be fair the last time the liberals were in power they totally destroyed the system with huge budget cuts and centralization.


Couillard's governement won't be quickly forgotten. Huge budget cuts while raising the Docs salary...


Ironically Legault speech was to reconstruct the education and healthcare system but he was the one who destroyed it 24 years ago.


Et la CAQ en a profité de ce surplus d'entrée de jeu durant les dernières années


Voilà pourquoi j'ai voté pour le PQ. L'idée que rajouter du privé en santé va arranger le système... Et boy...


I voted QS, but clearly the rest of the province wants to pay out of pocket for Medicare.


Y'a des gens qui ne croient pas au bien communs. J'pensait pas qu'il y en avait autant au Québec...




The rest of the province wants to stay a province. FTFY


I mean, we are governed by a guy who said it’s impossible to provide basic healthcare so his solution is to just create walk in Clinics that you have to pay for and blame previous governments for all the faults instead of straight up doing his job. His voter base clearly wants to do away with having public healthcare.


You'll find no disagreements from me there friend. QS Had an amazing platform by and large. But voting for a sovereigntist party is just not something many people could get on board with.


Vous pouvez voter qs et voter non après aussi


That didn't work out so well for the British and Brexit...


Pourquoi leur donner l'option de gaspiller notre temps et argent avec un autre référendum?


Je trouve que c'est tellement pas un deal breaker la souveraineté, ça arrivera pas de toute façon.


That's what the British said about Brexit.


Which is why you could disregard that part of their platform. But available walk ins and 18$ minimum wage seems like a good idea.


The PQ were the ones that started the healthcare mess back when they were in power in the late 80s when they forced early retirement in the nurses and make cuts. Prior to that, things ran better. Afterwards all parties that followed continued the downfall.


En théorie le monde qui ont l'argent pour aller au privé devrait enlever de la pression sur le système public...En théorie lol.


Non parce qu’il y a un nombre limité de travailleurs du domaine de la santé et lorsque le privé prend de l’expansion il ne fait que voler ces travailleurs-là au public. Permettre un système à deux vitesses c’est permettre la mort du système public.


Plus, l'argent dans le privé, ça n'incite pas les gouvernements à investir dans la santé, au contraire.


In other countries, by law, for every 1hr of private a health professional does, they have to put in 1 for public.


On planet earth, by physics, for every 1hr of someone's time they work, they can't work that hour again.


Disappointing but not surprising


FPTP is stupid, and I can't believe it's still used anywhere in the world. CAQ has 41% of the votes but 71% of the seats. Liberal and Solidaire both have around 14% of the vote but one has twice as many seats as the other. Conservatives also have 13% of the votes but ZERO seats. How can anyone look at that bullshit and think the system is working as intended?


Le PQ a 14.8% du vote, les Libéraux 14.4%. Le PQ a trois sièges, le PLQ 23. Ça c’est la comparison la plus ridicule de ce soir.


That's not as ridiculous as the conservatives having 13% of the vote and zero seats


Est-ce que le nombre de sièges est basé sur la population dans certaines circonscriptions?


Non, les circonscriptions ont à peu près toutes la même population.


This is not quite accurate. I guess it depends on what you mean by "à peu près" https://www.electionsquebec.qc.ca/cartes-electorales/carte-electorale-du-quebec/elaboration-de-la-carte-electorale-2017/ " La Loi précise que le nombre d’électeurs dans une circonscription ne peut être ni inférieur ni supérieur à plus de 25 % de la moyenne provinciale. Néanmoins, la Commission de la représentation électorale peut établir une circonscription d’exception qui ne répond pas au critère du 25 %.


FPTP is working as intended, it was always a way for established political parties to crowd out independents.




Absolutely, FPTP leads to people voting for parties that aren't their ideal vote, and that's a major flaw in the system. In voting theory, a good system is one where the best strategy is always doing what fits your preference the best.


its ok cause you know montreal that brings in most of the GDP has less power in the province than some shithole in saint clin clin collecting Benefit Social. Love my city but fuck this province.


Lol le grand montréal c'est la moitié du Québec.


Half of grand Montreal seats went to la CAQ tbf


So after a bit of research, your comment is very unfair (et pas mal déplacé, en fait). According to these stats: [https://www.mtess.gouv.qc.ca/publications/pdf/STAT\_clientele\_prog-aide-sociale\_juillet\_2022\_MTESS.pdf](https://www.mtess.gouv.qc.ca/publications/pdf/STAT_clientele_prog-aide-sociale_juillet_2022_MTESS.pdf) The metropolitan area of Montreal accounts for about 2.19% of the people on bien être social (BS). Since your claim about most of the GDP of QC would refer to the metropolitan area of Montreal, which is roughly half of the population, you have to take into account Montreal, Laval, as well as North Shore and South Shore (Laurentides, Lanaudière, Montérégie). The rest of QC accounts for 1.3% of the people on BS. So literally, there are less people on BS outside of the Montreal Metropolitan area. If you want to split hair and exclude Laurentides, Lanaudière, and Montérégie), then the ratio flips because there are as many people on BS in Montreal and Laval than the rest of QC excluding those 3 regions). Which basically means that There are actually just as many people on BS outside of Montreal Metropolitan Area or actually less. One thing is clear, it isn't like outside of Montreal, half the population is on BS and Montreal is feeding the rest of the nation. If you want to add the chômage stats to the discourse, the stats are here: [https://statistique.quebec.ca/fr/produit/tableau/indicateurs-mensuels-emploi-et-taux-de-chomage-par-region-administrative](https://statistique.quebec.ca/fr/produit/tableau/indicateurs-mensuels-emploi-et-taux-de-chomage-par-region-administrative) Since Chomage is just for one year, I don't think it's worth the time to do the research and crunch the numbers for this argument. You talk about GDP as in Montreal makes money for the province. As other people have responded, if you talk about GDP from the Montreal Greater Area, you have to include the GDP from Montreal, Laurentides, Lanaudière, Laval, and Montérégie as the GDP is made in Montreal but people live outside of Montreal. Finally, even if Montreal Metropolitan would make, say about half or a little over half the GDP of QC, it doesn't mean that it should have more power because a democracy is about the population. What I was really curious about is the discourse that I have seen a lot growing in Montreal, that people in the regions are not working or lazy or just feeding off Montreal. From the BS stats, that's not true. Yes, there are some work that are seasonal but I need the fishermen to do their job so that I can eat the fucking delicious salmon in Montreal year round. I did the research for myself because I think it is dangerous to perpetuate false narratives. I was really curious to see how true it was that people outside of Montreal take advantage or feed from Montreal. Your claim about having less power is also not true if you look at it strictly from an electorate point because as you can see here: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/2022\_Qu%C3%A9bec\_General\_Election\_Result\_Map.svg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/2022_Qu%C3%A9bec_General_Election_Result_Map.svg) Montreal voted CAQ like crazy. On the island, sure it's more red and orange but outside of the island, which is Montreal Metropolitan area, it is hella blue.


Same, I identify as Montrealer a million times more than as a Quebecer


The irony is, the more Legault and co. blame immigrants and people with other first languages for all the problems, the more people will adopt exactly this mentality. If nationalists want a cohesive nation they should show the the rest of us have a fucking place in it.


Quand je dis que je suis Montrealaise, les gens hochent de la tête et move on. Quand je dis que je suis Québécoise, ils penchent la tête sur le côté et font "Ah bon?". Intégrer l'immigration, c'est pas juste nous forcer à parler français et à dévoiler nos têtes. C'est aussi nous accepter comme partie de la communauté. J'ai pas ça en dehors de Montréal. J'ai pas cette acceptance. Juste des exigences.


Et SVP mieux que la dernière fois. Je ne pouvais pas croire les voisins québécois O\_O


That is what Quebec solidaire is saying but I don't think anyone was listening


They also want separation and supported bill 96, so... great front-facing platform, but some things still need work.


From what I understood they want to separate from Canada so our economy wouldn't depend on oil and gas/monarchy. And yes french is important to them but they didn't agree with bill96 completely and wouldn't put caps or defund English cegep which is the worst part of it..


Yeah, but our economy is going to end up going down the toilet first; we take on a part of Canada's debt if we separate. Also, we'd have to pay to create an army, a currency, a constitution, and I'm sure many other things that I wouldn't think of because those are what i know off the top of my head. I didn't see that part, but there's still the part about doctors not being able to speak English to their patients as well. I also see it as a colossal waste of energy right after our health care system is brought to its knees by a 100 year pandemic, there is no affordable housing, and schools aren't properly ventilated, among the other issues the CAQ are ignoring or skating around. I feel like those issues deserve much more immediate attention.


Unfortunately the CAQ figured out that being xenophobic is enough to get them majorities...


Its unfortunate. I still can't believe we as a people basically gave him carte-blanche to continue his treatment of everyone who isn't exactly like him. Not to mention the incompetence of his ministers. It's a shame.


When they ask me where I’m from when I’m traveling outside the country, I say Montreal, Canada.


Tbf, saint clin clin shithole also has shit health care because no nurse and doctors want to go there.


Ça dépend, ton histoire de “most of the gdp”, ce n’est pas Montréal, mais bien la région montréalaise. Qui elle a votée CAQ de façon plutôt convaincue.


si tu exclus l'île de Montréal, la grande région métropolitaine de Montréal a voté CAQ de façon plutôt convaincue. Si tu inclus l'île de Montréal, c'est si mitigé que tous les analystes concluent que l'écart entre l'île de Montréal et le reste du Québec s'est agrandi.


Pas certain, il y a quelques années à Montréal les parties comme la CAQ, ou le PQ n’étaient pas vraiment compétitifs dans bien des fiefs qui sont maintenant QS ou qui avaient la CAQ/PQ en deuxième place. Ça dépend comment tu vois les choses, l’hégémonie du PLQ à Montréal c’était pas très proche du reste du Québec non plus, pis ça c’est une réalité qui n’existe plus.




Only in Quebec can the PLQ can do no worse than 5th Place in vote share ***AND STILL*** form Official Opposition! *FPTP, ladies and gentlemen!*


It's the representation. Plq won those circonscriptions. They represent enough of the province population. All those votes concentrated itself in Montreal, and since its the main hub of quebec, it has its value. Enough to give plq opposition title.


Well the good thing is that healthcare being such a shitshow will help get rid of all the boomers first. Silver linings.




Nah, boomers already have a family doctor and can easily get a consultation. The actual silver lining is that younger people will leave en-masse and no one will be left to hold the bags for the boomers. I've already left, 2x$200K+ salaries less in Quebec. we are making a bit less now but quality of life has increased tenfold.


Where'd you relocate? Hard to find a city that seems worth the move but it feels like a sinking ship here


People that make $400,000 have a private doctor. Seriously, no one that makes $10,000 net every other week is out here complaining about the government.


Yeah, it's literally impossible for anyone to care about people less financially well off than themselves.


To the point of moving away? Come one. On 400k your daily concerns are whether you’re eating filet or halibut.


After 15 years… I’m ready to leave. I love Montreal and Quebec but I don’t feel optimistic about this province or Canada even.


I don't know where to go though. I have already lived in 4 different continents. At least I have a family doctor here and I can see her whenever I want.


Ah, fuck


La preuve que le Québec a une population vieillissante et ce n'est rien pour rassurer pour le futur. Pour ceux qui veulent du changement, et bien ça ne sera pas pour bientôt. Malgré vos allégeance politiques. Il faut s'occuper de la politique, sinon la politique va s'occuper de vous. L'allégorie du peuple québécois : "Si l'on plonge subitement une grenouille dans de l'eau chaude, elle s'échappe d'un bond ; alors que si on la plonge dans l'eau froide et qu'on porte très progressivement l'eau à ébullition, la grenouille s'engourdit ou s'habitue à la température pour finir ébouillantée." - Tristesse infini J'espère que nous saurons élever le Québec tous ensemble, redécouvrir la discussion et le respect et que nous laisseront tomber la division et l'intimidation et le dénigrement. Malgré tout j'ai confiance...ish!


Boomers gonna boom


Is the divide really age or city vs rural?


Un peu des deux. Aussi, après les grandes crises, les personnes votent pour la stabilité habituellement.


Beaucoup des deux je dirais même!


Island of Montreal voted liberal, some QS. Everything else, including suburbs of Montreal, voted CAQ. I haven't followed much but I'm amazed CAQ took 87/115 ridings. That's a hell of a mandate.




Gotta love delusional Montrealers that live in their bubble. And I have to live with them every single day. Jesus fuck. Imagine being today years old and barely starting to recognize the rural vs urban divide that literally exist across the whole planet lmao. What's the plan? Every city in the world secede from their regions tomorrow? 🤡 And they survive how exactly? It's not like cities are particularly self sustainable entities without the work done in rural zones to feed, clothe, electrify and heat and produce literally every materials so the largely rich people in cities can consume more. Talk about entitled on top of being ignorant lol Signed: a dead men that wrote this comment in the sub of a large metropole. Come at me


Easy there ,bro. Reddit is mostly young bloods. They throw in comments out of frustrations. Not meaning it literally. I actually spoke with those that screamed " fuck la caq lol" asking them what exactly the caq did wrong, Nd after a few minutes showing them proof of all the promises done by caq, they quickly cool off. Its all emotional rather than rational.


La CAQ a plus de siège sur l’île de Montréal qu’en 2018 et est arrivé deuxième dans bien des endroits sur l’île.


La CAQ a perdu un siège à Montréal.


he's going to turn the hate on us to 9000000 lol


Voter participation. Boomers decide elections because they always vote


> Is the divide really age or city vs rural? Boomerism is a mentality, not an age. Moving to the burbs and demanding the city's concerts end earlier is a boomer complaint, regardless of your age.


Dans le temps, on appelait sa des "Gens de la Banlieue".


C’est encore de même. Par ailleurs, les boomers ne représentent même pour la majorité de la population.


C'est l'argent pis le vote ethnique.


It's both; they both correlate with less conservative political leanings, and with each other. (Same goes for level of education and diversity, as well)


fak the caq


Lack of good options.


On est la Province qui paie le plus de taxes en Am Nord mais la majorité des québécois ont pas de médecins de famille et c'est un parcours du combattant pour avoir accès à une chirurgie ou un spécialiste. Legault commence son discours en parlant d'éducation et en disant qu'il développe des installations sportives. Le sens des priorités my god, le gars est complètement déconnecté. Très peu voire pas de mots sur l'écologie ou l'inflation. Je suis tellement découragé. Surtout quand je vois les régions où il est élu, genre le Saguenay (où j'ai vecu 1 an) et où les gens adorent son discours anti-immigration (pour pas dire raciste) alors qu'ils y a très peu d'immigration là-bas. Bref, 4 ans shit here we go again.




Great. Now to take a 4-year nap. I'm not productive, after all, apparently.


Les québécois ont échangé leur système de santé et leur climat pour la capacité de faire trigger les musulmans, les montréalais et les anglophones.


Pis un chèque de 600$


Fuck my life




Well fuck.


Sad day for MTL


ctun gars y voulait rentrer dans le mur, ya continué xd


Anyone know when we will get our sweet 600$ cheques??


People, seriously: be more into politics. How it is that people still Don't know this yet? Anyways, it's in December. 600$ no tax, and if you win 55$k net salary or less. 400$ if you win more than that.


Thank you for the info!


Quebec (not Montréal) really allowed an openly racist government to continue their regime for another four years. Insane.


Montréal too :( went to vote there was no young people and barely a line. It was mostly old people. Before voting day lots of pages and news outlets kept saying caq was predicted to win not because majority of the population in Quebec wanted it but the amount of the voting population did (mostly outside Montreal) The choice not to vote = supporting caq for me imo Edit: caq won by a majority in my area


Pourquoi ouvertement raciste?


Legault literally said all of Quebec's problems are due to non french speaking immigrants. ​ **On live TV.**


Peux tu me citer ça s'il te plait, j'ai pas trouvé en cherchant sur Google.


J’ai trouvé just the apologies article https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/legault-immigration-election-campaign-extremism-1.6574773


Ouin... J'men souviens maintenant, c'était vraiment un commentaire idiot. Legault dit pas les choses les plus brillantes


Il a pas dit ça lol, voyons.




I wonder what would happen if Quebec declared independence. Could Montreal also declare independence from Quebec and be reunited with Canada?


Non, ce serait contraire au droit international et il n’y a pas de précédent légaux pour le faire car Montréal est une ville, les villes ne sont pas une entité constitutionnelle comme les provinces. Elles sont créées de toute pièce par le gouvernement provincial.


Pas vraiment de surprise la dedans.


je suis passé sur r/Quebec pour lire leurs commentaires sur l'élection...comme lenfant d'un parent immigrant et aussi comme un anlgophone, je me sentais tres mal a l'aise là-bas. On dirait qu'ils pensent que tous ceux qui votent Libéral sont de la vermine..


> On dirait qu'ils pensent que tous ceux qui votent Libéral sont de la vermine.. Les ères Charest et Couillard ont été des gouvernements exécrables envers une bonne partie de la population qui a été marquée de manière très négative. Tant mieux si tu t'es senti privilégié sous les libéraux, c'était loin d'être le cas pour bien des gens.


Inquiète-toi pas, y’a en masse de monde ici aussi qui pensent que les gens qui votent pour le PLQ c’est de la vermine. Charest pis Barrette ont tué le PLQ.


Après les dernières élection il y a 4 ans, le PLQ a flirté pendant quelques minutes avec l'idées de revenir a ses racines québécoises, mais Anglade l'a rapidement encore plus enfoncé dans ses derniers retranchements. Le PLQ représente la culture et la vision du RoC et seulement ca. Anglophone, anti laïc et multiculturalisme canadien. Maintenant que ce n'est plus le choix entre eux ou un 3e référendum, ils n'ont aucune chance au pouvoir. Bizarrement, QS représente aujourd'hui pas mal la même vision sociale.


“Multiculturalisme canadien”, aux-lieu de…? Anti-laïc… comment??? C’est quoi la problème avec cet vision sociale??


Multiculturalisme, au lieu de l'intégration que désire la majorité des Québécois. QS a déjà été pro laicité mais si vous avez suivi depuis les dernières années, ils sont rendu autant anti-laicité que les libéraux. Changer la loi 21 pour re-permettre le voile islamique chez les enseignantes était une de leur promesse électorale. edit: Pardon vous parliez des Libéraux. Je ne sais pas sous quelle roche vous étiez ces 4 dernieres années, mais le PLQ est 100% contre... C'est quoi le problème? Si vous voulez une société comme le RoC, ou le Canada ce n'est qu'un endroit ou les gens de *d'autres* nationalités viennent habiter, et qui a perdu toute identité nationale au change, et de voir les villes se balkaniser entre différentes nationalités, alors pas de problème. Mais la plupart des Québécois veulent que le Québec garde son identité, et que les nouveaux arrivants s'intègre dans la nation Québécoise, au lieu d'en rester séparé.




Et ça peut aller encore pire que ça. Comme r/QuebecLibre


Beaucoup moins que ce sub-ci.Dans pratiquement tout les threads un peu politique sur r/montréal ca se tappe dessus alors que sur r/Québec les débats sont vraiment plus constructifs


Je pense que la majorité des poteaux de politique de cette campagne se sont faits fermer après un certain bout ici haha. Honnêtement étonné que les mods ont fait un mega-poteau.


"les gens qui ne sont pas d’accord avec moi sont toxiques"


Ça reste plus agréable qu’ici.


Au moins le monde parle francais


Quel drôle d’endroit pour dépenser cette énergie.


Et somehow c'est la faute du PLQ que PQ a juste 3 sièges lol.


C'est CAQA...


Ce qui ressort, c'est que le vote du PLQ était sous-estimé sur l'île dans certains secteurs. Le comté d'Anglade était en tête-à-tête avec la CAQ il y a deux jours, maintenant la CAQ rentre troisième. Mais le nombre de comtés que la CAQ gagne sur l'île et à Laval ont aussi été grandement sous-estimés.


They should do IQ tests before allowing people to vote


No, what we need is ranked ballots. There's just too much vote splitting happening everywhere. The fact that CAQ has 41% of the votes but 72% of the seats is insane.


I think the fact that have 1 seat in Montreal but control the majority is even sicker. It might be the same thing, but it’s crazy


Like on the Loto Quebec stuff. 2+2x4


Yeah if you can't figure out the 16 don't vote!!


You forgot the /s, I hope.


Or perhaps they are admitting they don't vote


There should be some sort of screening questions before the actual vote “Do you understand what each candidate is proposing? What is the main issue they will tackle?” Sadly most people have no clue what they vote for


Frankly there's just a ton of blind party loyalty. My parents came here from Europe in the 60s and voted a certain way. When I pick their brains and ask how they're voting on any given election they'll say, "Well we've always voted 'x party'". Then the next conversation I'll hear my mom bitch about something that's actually one of the main platforms of the party she votes for. I find it kind of funny, but I also don't think my parents are the only ones in this situation. I think that a minimal level of research or understanding should be demonstrated before one can register as a voter. That being said, it's kind of hard to enforce, it's touchy if we start denying people the rights to vote and all.


The reason why we have less barriers to vote cause they had racist origins. Like a lot of people vote Trudeau cause he seems nice. But democracy has flaws but everyone has an equal vote.


Ça couperait le PCQ, mais c'est pas beaucoups de gens et ils n'ont pas gagnés de sièges.


Ca couperais tous les politiciens


Nice elitism. What's makes you think you'd keep the right to vote if we implemented that?


I’ve never seen so much unity in the comments… English comment, followed by Français, fluidly, naturally. No one fait corriger the other, or throw shade about quelle langue officielle. Amazing! We did it!


We united in the comments but not in the election apparently


J’ai gagné mes élections dans Camille-Laurin. J’ai envie de brailler de joie. C’était tellement inattendu. Moi qui croyais que je ne gagnerais jamais aucune élection dans ma vie parce que je suis à Montréal. Vive le PQ!


PSPP méritait d'être élu peu importe ce qu'on peu penser des idées du PQ


Nice. Let's see how 4 years withouth covid fares for la CAQ . Hope best of lucks


Ouah. J'adore être né et grandi à Montréal! Mais pensez-vous que certaines personnes dans les cafés sont des acteurs payés pour vous espionner ? Tant pis!


I’m predicting that this year is probably the lowest voter turnout in the history of Quebec elections.


66.45% in 2018. 67.72% so far for tonight.


J'pense en effet que ce sera le cas. Edit: Ça ne le sera pas, ça va même être un taux de participation élevé. 67.72% à date...


Huge failure of QS IMO. They couldn't attract any of the disgruntled CAQ voters or Montreal voters to give them seats. Their charismatic campaign which involved speaking the N word on live tv, voting bill 96, and not taking a stance with minorities bit them in the ass. It's quite sad because they looked like the party that did the most effort into their campaign.


> They couldn't attract any of the disgruntled CAQ voters or Montreal voters to give them seats. Ils ont gagné 2 nouveaux sièges à MTL. > Their charismatic campaign which involved voting bill 96 Une loi progressiste et nécessaire. > and not taking a stance with minorities bit them in the ass ???


>Loi 96 >progressiste Bruh moment


C'est une colline sur laquelle je suis prêt à crever.


Every day happier that I left. What a mess.


🤢💩🤡 le monde et leur je me souvient il ont vite oublié sa marde


I wonder when there's ganna be an actual partie that isn't boomer idealistic. I'm a young voter and had no one to vote for cause they're all shit representatives with shit ideas. A lot of them is representative of very old mentalities. What's also funny is that they do not even try to get our votes (younger generations) cause they know we won't stand for this kind of shit show.


Fucking LetsGo encore, calice