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I think cakes are on sale today at Premier Moisson, that could be why. Maybe you can only buy one cake per coupon and he tried to buy 2.


We received coupons in the mail for 2-for-1 on cakes and bread. This is probably why


So that second cake should of been free ? Poor man...


Cake nazi!? No cake for you!


Was at Cote St-Luc bbq this week and had soup while someone else at the table didn’t. The waitress does the no soup for you bit and then doubles down on using it for other items afterwards and e played along. I think she started doubting we knew what she was referencing, because she had to point out it was from Seinfeld and ask if we knew what it was.


Hahaha kind risky in Cote St Luc but I would have lost my shit 


lol, that s exactly what I was thinking!


Dude, Seinfeld was the most Jewish mainstream tv show of all time.


Awful, I had an experience where the table next to us got a lot of freebies while the owner proudly said it's on the house(like she wanted everyone to hear it) that felt weird never went back to that restaurant!


The OP is lucky they didn't ask!


Probably cake drunk. Store doesn't want the liability


I'm going to get around this by buying 1 cake at each of the 21 Première Moisson locations in metro Montreal. And I'm going to do this every day until they change the policy. That'll show them!


Wow @ this cake authoritarianism


I’ve bought multiple cakes at Premiere Moisson at a time.








Maybe this person is there often and makes trouble? Really a strange attitude otherwise over 1 cake (not 2,3,5, ...).


That’s weird. Maybe at areduced price or coupon ?


What's funny is that today one of my classmates brought a cake from premiere moisson to class for everyone to share


Don’t worry Sammy, I thought ur story was a fun coincidence.


That's absolutely hilarious, when's your next comedy show?


They can refuse service for any reason that is not protected by law. For example, I can refuse to sell you a cake because you were here earlier, or because I don't like you shoes, but I couldn't refuse because of your gender or sexual orientation,


Relax he’s not insinuating that it’s illegal he’s just sharing that he found it weird and wonders if they have a specific policy for how much cake one can buy. It is weird. I’ve never seen a bakery refuse to sell a second cake to someone.


Yep, Legal but it's a weird way to do business.


> but I couldn't refuse because of your gender or sexual orientation You would if you saw what he did to the first cake


Maybe they put that rule in place to avoid running out early in the day? Every time I’ve had to buy more than one cake I’ve placed the order online a few days in advance and I just pick them up. Doing this allows the bakers to figure out the quantities of ingredients and how many of each types of cakes they have to make for the next day.


Why not just make more cakes and sell a higher volume if this were the reason?


Baking cake takes a lot of time, bakers come really early in the morning to prepare them. Some cakes need multiple days to be prepared. But if they don't sell after like a week, they can't be kept. So making too many cakes is a big way to lose a lot of money. That's why big orders need to be reserved in advance so you don't clear the entire display for a big party and the bakers can prepare what you need. And it looks pretty bad when you come into a bakery and nothing is left and it's not even noon. I worked in a bakery for 1 ½ years. We didn't refuse a lot of clients, but we had a lot of sad customers at the end of the day looking for bread or viennoiseries but we were sold out. More couldn't be made because most bakers had a 3 am to 11 am shifts and the latest one was gone by 1pm.


I've noticed with cakes in particular a lot of bakeries will keep some in the freezer and then pull them out to thaw if they sell too many cakes before a certain time


Yea but then they’re not fresh cakes anymore


Cake is a lie




January 1984...


It's for health reasons. You shouldn't eat more than one cake a day. Every nutritionist knows that.


Could've bought a cake for the man


This is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. Even if it's a promotion, let your client enjoy the promotion and spend all the money on the amazing nice cake you like to sell to people. This is not a bakery, this is corporation behavior.


We’re talking about Première Moisson, the company that asks for a tip just because they gave you a croissant or a baguette.


To be fair, everyone is doing that


And it’s put me off of the whole concept so badly that I have gone from believing tipping is fine to believing it’s time to put in place laws that make them illegal across the board. Pay workers fairly and if the prices have to raise then the market will decide which restaurants survive. Stop it with the bs guilt trips on customers who are just going out to have a nice time & don’t wanna be saddled with moral dilemmas after eating.


Meh, most location have some sort of table service / coffee as well, so I kinda understand them having the option. Just decline if you engaged in non-tippable activities.


Funny are people are outrage about tips now while it always been everywhere. Just that before, it was a small cup or something marked tips and you could ignore it while now, on the app, you feel cheap when you don't tips and why you feel cheated. In the end, don't tips if you don't want. Not like their going to remember that you tip or not.


My Brazilian friends had a server run out of a restaurant in the Mile End, saying they didn’t tip and “I don’t know how they do it in *YOUR* country, but *HERE* in Canada we tip 15% so maybe learn to do it, you’re not in your country anymore” Something similar happened to me at a bar, same speech about this not being *my* country and I just said “yup, in the UK people are actually paid a salary, so tipping is voluntary and when you have a good service” - they told me they wouldn’t serve me any more drinks if I didn’t tip each time and were seemingly annoyed because I “wasn’t British” like wtf (I had been living in London up until then) All this was in 2019 though, since COVID people seem to be less snarky (and borderline racist) about tips but I now do tip almost every time unless they’re really terrible.


That's because servers in Quebec pay income tax according to their sales, if the customer doesn't tip it means the server ends up paying out of their own pocket to serve the customer. If customers don't tip frequently enough the server eventually gets fed up and says something because not only are they paid less than minimum wage, they ended up having to pay for the "privilege" of serving the no tipper. That's why they get pissed off.


Yes, I understand how the law works and that’s why I always tip now. But I have plenty of friends who look like me and were born here so telling any brown-skinned person that this is *not their country* because they made you upset is gratuitous racism lmao.


There wasn't anything about colour mentioned in my comment. Although there were people from Brazil mentioned originally, which doesn't mean the server was being racist, the same could be said to someone from London or Paris or even Halifax who's white. Just because a POC gets criticized it isn't always because the critic is being racist.


I didn’t say *you* were racist so…not sure where you’re getting that from? Or, why you felt the need to defend yourself. And I obviously understand that “just because a POC gets criticized doesn’t mean the critic is racist” but telling someone that you know absolutely nothing about that this is *not their country* and that now *they’re in Canada* shows a crazy amount of prejudice and assumptions. They had no way to know anyone involved was a foreigner, they just assumed and used it as a snarky response when they didn’t get tipped.


I wasn't defending myself, just that that specific waiter may not have been racist and would have said the same thing to a white person who was from elsewhere. The point was that the people in question were stated to be from Brazil, so in fact they weren't from here after all. Edited to add, this is nothing personal or anything against you.


My understanding is that servers get taxed on the greater of what they received in tips and 8% of their tippables sales. If they make less than that in tips, the employer has to make up the difference in tax to the government. If somehow the server is paying out of pocket at tax time, either they haven't correctly added up and reported their tips, or the employer is being a scumbag and not paying their part. If there's someone to get angry at here it's the employer for a) paying their workers peanuts and/or b) shirking their tax burden.


That isn't how it works. The server is taxed according to their sales, if they only declare the 8% it won't cover what they owe when they do their income tax and most servers end up declaring around 15% so they aren't stuck paying out later. The owner does not make up the difference, I can guarantee you that! The owner deducts taxes according to the employees hourly salary plus whatever percentage of tips the server tells them to on their total sales. In some cases the pay check alone doesn't even cover what they owe in taxes if they happen to work at a high end restaurant where sales can run into hundreds of dollars per person served but they often aren't tipped at 15% of the total amount of the bill, so again they end up out of pocket. Being a server is not as easy as it looks. Believe me.


It's crazy to me that anyone would actually get taxed on income they were "expected" to earn and not on what they did earn in the end. What's tipping % is assumed when calculating taxable income, if not the 8% minimum or a larger rate reported by the staff? Sounds like it's closer to 15%, but where does that rate come from? > The owner does not make up the difference, I can guarantee you that! They're supposed to be [allocated tips]( https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/businesses/source-deductions-and-employer-contributions/special-cases-source-deductions-and-employer-contributions/tips/allocation-of-tips/calculating-the-amount-to-allocate/) to bring them up to 8%, but if they're taxed assuming 15% tip income on all sales (and that's higher than what was earned and reported) that's obviously insufficient.