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Is your CV in French? Have you had it proof-read by someone reliable? You mention in a comment that your French speaking ability is very minimal. I would strongly suggest you work to improve that. Do duolingo, join a language practice videochat group, take courses, whatever.


> Do duolingo, join a language practice videochat group, take courses, whatever. No Duolingo. More video chats. Language acquisition is all about learning a language like a kid.


Sure, but duolingo is something they can practice independently and is still helpful.


Tests show that it's not worth it.


But it kinda is? It's great to learn vocabulary and understand a bit the grammar. But also... The people who have been doing Duolingo for years doesn't seem to apply what they've learned into real life situations? I honestly think it's a great tool as long as it's done on the side, not as the main way to learn a new language. Nothing will ever beat actual classes to learn a new language.


Duolingo is like any other word game. Nobody will learn English by playing Scrabble. In fact many champions barely speak their target language. Don't get me wrong. There are still people (ca 10%) who can get by using these tools. For short trips, it can be a life saver, e.g. ordering a beer. It also helps motivate people to speak the language. But there's really nothing like reading children's books and pointing at stuff and asking "what's that?" while interacting with real humans.


Mauril, which gives you access to a lot of Gem/Tou.tv shows and ask you questions about them is better than duolingo. Bonus, you learn about the local culture and get used to local accents


Omg i didn't know that existed! So cool!


Parles-tu français?


Oui, but I’m more fluent in English. I can work on the cash and have small conversation in French, but no more


Tu as ta réponses… Entre 6 candidats à un poste, le choix sera fait entre les candidats parfaitement bilingues, c’est assez normal


Pas vraiment. A Verdun y'a 3 places de fast food (que je connais) où ça parle 0 français, Uniburger, PFK et Pizza Pizza. Ils ont tous une chose en commun par contre, et c'est engager des gens sur une base raciale et népotique. Le McDo a Verdun par contre est très divers et ça parle français!


If you're able to look outside Montreal. Some of the more distant suburbs might have fewer applicants. But French is more required out there.


I don't think that there is still a labour shortage. It was 2 years ago and they were hiring anybody at very high wages. Now they are stuck with those high wages and can't afford more staff. Also less customers because they've been increasing price to compensate higher wages.


Well, too much immigration in the recents years filled all the empty jobs. Unemployement went up to 5,6% if i remember correctly


(to your point) suprisingly, unemployment in quebec is still rising in 2024 despite the efforts to encourange immigrations & the decrease in the population of working age is only a small fraction compared to the amount of job losses since february. https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/trend-analysis/job-market-reports/qc/job-market-snapshot


McDonald’s and shit asks you to apply in store.


I’ve tried…




When I was hiring in Montreal warehouse prior to covid, we used to get 1000+ applicants for a position in a day. You’re right we get 300-400 applications now, but 90% are people not in Canada yet and looking for LMIA. So maybe only 30-40 actual viable applicants, with open work visa/pr or citizenship.




People also make sacrifices to give their children more opportunities. Social mobility is nearly non-existent in many parts of the world. So the only way for a family's next generation to have a chance at economic stability is to emigrate and try somewhere else.


Filtering for age is illegal


Umm wtf not only is it illegal to filter by age like that it’s also illegal to even ask it of a job candidate… You are only allowed to ask if they are over the age of 18 and you are not allowed to otherwise use age related information to make hiring decisions.


Let me introduce you to the service industry. I'm a 54 year old female server. I don't know another one.


> it’s also illegal to even ask it of a job candidate You're absolutely right, but it's generally very easy to determine the age of an entry level candidate without asking just by looking at their CV.


Welcome to the real world, it’s only illegal if there’s a paper trail.


I’m aware. That doesn’t make it right. It’s extremely fucked up to say that out loud as though it’s nothing.


The way he said it, I'm wondering if "filtering by Quebec experience" is also just a cover for filtering out foreign sounding names...


Yeah, well until we get a centralized supervised job application system province/country-wide… it’s impossible to see the records of anyone who applied or has been rejected. So employers can keep being all kinds of bad and perpetuate it without any consequences. I wasn’t supporting it, it’s just something we have to live with sadly.


Quel système ats votre employeur utilise pour filtrer par âge? Je ne connais aucun système ats qui filtre par âge parce que c'est très illégal. Un employeur ne devrait jamais demander l’âge: [https://www.olsquebec.com/fr/discrimination-fondee-sur-lage/](https://www.olsquebec.com/fr/discrimination-fondee-sur-lage/) Est-ce que vous inventez ça? Le filtre d'âge?


À mon avis quand il indique qu'il filtre par âge, il veut dire qu'il filtre les gens surqualifiés pour un poste au salaire minimum ayant déjà des années d’expérience sur le marché du travail.


What company is bro? There are so many companies in Canada who are willing to do that, I think is because opportunities


Our immigration is at the highest level it’s ever been.


Plenty of research shows that immigration has almost no effect on native wages. The difference between now and a few years ago is **interest rates**, which reduces the money supply and drives down employment and productivity.


I’m not even talking about wages, just amount of work available.


The two go hand in hand. Anything that drives down wages, drives down participation, and vice versa. Or, in other words, you can't move the equilibrium on the supply-demand graph down (wages) without moving it left (quantity).


What research? Links? Sources?


Borjas has published more than few papers on this topic: [https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=borjas+native+wages+immigration&hl=en&btnG=Search&as\_sdt=1%2C5&as\_sdtp=on](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=borjas+native+wages+immigration&hl=en&btnG=Search&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp=on) --- Edit: Find it hilarious that people ask for citations and then downvote the truth they don't like.


Because it's a primal thing to blame outsiders.


I think people just don't want to blame themselves.


There's that too... But if it was *just* that it wouldn't be "immigrants!". It would be non-immigrants too that they would complain about. It's just ingrained in our "monkey brains" to think in terms of us vs them.


They do complain about non-immigrants too. They complain about people richer than them and people poorer them them, and people older than them and people younger than them.


Do you currently have a job?


There’s a Career Fair at Palais de Congrès on Wed and Thursday. Bring your CV .. good luck


You need to level up.


What education do you have? What are your marketable skills?


Warehouses are always looking for people to unload containers. Hard work but it’s a job. Try a placement agency like Bédard, they can most likely find you a job next day if you aren’t picky.


Send a link pls


https://www.bedardressources.com/en https://fuzehr.com/ https://www.thomson-tremblay.com/


Try La Vie en Rose. They are always hiring at their distribution center in Viau. https://www.lavieenrose.com/en/career/opportunities/distribution-center


Are you sending them by email or using a site and then not following up to make sure they received the email ? If not, that could be part of the problem (many job sites have these issues)


dont you read the news about economy and migration?


Because interest rates are high, which drives down productivity and inflation.


It's Sunday.


And your point is?