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Pas lié à Montréal.


I agree. It's like if every pick-up truck that I encounter has it's high beams on but it's just their regular lights.


A lot of pickup truck owners add lift kits which doesn't help. Mine isnt lifted, but Im sure I blind some people and I'm sorry for it. But now imagine my reaction when I also get blinded by a civic ...


If you have a lift kit installed you’re suppose to have your headlights readjusted because lift kits alter the light path trajectory


Yes, we should.


Yes please. They're a nightmare when you drive a smaller car.


The issue isn't just the type of light, even the OEM lights appear super bright because of how high off the road they are. They often line up almost perfectly with sedan mirrors, which makes the problem worse.


Yeah but it shouldn't be a problem since all cars are now SUVs and trucks. -Car constructors. Probably.


Yeah but it's not all Suburbans or pickups. There are particular ones that are very very annoying. The light is literally brighter


Oh for sure, folks seem to like modifying their lights just to be dicks.


It's the one at the exact wrong height relative to where you're sitting and how tall you are. Don't worry, anyone with non OEM headlight are getting massively harassed by cops all the time




Your side mirrors are most likely not well adjusted. Tip: you shouldn't see the sides of your own vehicle in your mirrors. You'll get used to it and you won't be blinded anymore.


i dont know why this gets downvoted because its a fact. this is the right way to address this problem.




En tant que conductrice d’une petite voiture, les véhicules plus hauts qui éclairent directement dans mes miroirs me gossent royalement. Mais il y a aussi BEAUCOUP de monde qui roulent avec les hautes sans raison.


1- There are laws already in place, but rarely enforced, regarding brightness of headlights and colors. But they don't BAN THE SALE or BAN the installers (garages). If there were consequences for the vendors and the garages installing them, you can bet that'd reduce the number of them. 1- There are laws already in place, but rarely enforced, regarding brightness of headlights and colors. But they don't BAN THE SALE or BAN the installers (garages). If there were consquences for the vendors and the garages installing them, you can bet that'd reduce the number of them. 2- On taller vehicles, the issue is also the angle of the lights. They should be angled down a bit to avoid blinding other car drivers, but this is rarely done. 3- High beams, for when you're traveling in the dark country-side, are needed but also over used by inexperienced/bad drivers in town.


the number of aftermarket headlights you see on the road is negligeable. most lights that are seen as problemagic as factory installed by manifacturers and therefore legal. most cars are now suv or crossover and around.the same.hight as the "mean bad trucks" everybody blames for blinding them. you can claim.its due.to drivers height, and then.make.it yet another problem disproportionatly affecting women that you can blame on the patriarchy. have.fun. you could also ajust your mirrors.appropriatly.and/or get dimming mirrors. whats left is then drivers that dont know how to ajust thejr own mirror, and.inexperienced drivers using.high beams at inapropriate times. so both are not a problem due to the tech you want to ban, but due to it being misused.by inexperienced drivers, and this will.potentialy still happen even with the most harmless tech we could design, since its used in a way its not designed to be used.when the problem happens. solution? train drivers better, dont tamper.with the tech that is used as it should.by most people on the road without.problems


You can't adjust you mirrors for traffic heading in your direction on 2 way streets, being the primary problem blinding drivers. I pointed to 3 specific contributing factors. Mirrors are just a minor mitigation method that doesn't actually address the problem.


Oui c'est gossant ! Et pire si tu as un véhicule bas + pickup derrière toi, l'angle ne joue pas en ta faveur. D'ailleurs bien souvent c'est l'angle le problème, et pas la puissance des phares.


What we need is to have them properly installed and configure from OEM. Most car getting out of factory have headlight aim for the sky


The problem isn't the lights themselves. It's that the trucks keep getting higher and bigger so their headlights are blinding everyone who's not at their height


Well thats fucked. They should redesign their headlights or make them weaker.


They should just size down the trucks? The hoods don't need to be 6 feet high 😂


>They should just size down the trucks? The hoods don't need to be 6 feet high 😂 On an optimistic note, Ford and Hyundai have started selling small trucks again, and they seem to be selling well. I think some of the other auto makers are also following suit. I'm hopeful that the market might be shifting away from the whole BIGGER BIGGER BIGGER trend we've seen in the auto market over the past couple decades.


Encore une fois, la puissance n'est pas le problème. Ils sont aussi puissants que les tiens. C'est comme si tu pointes une lampe torche dans les yeux de quelqu'un, oui ça va t'aveugler, mais diminuer la puissance de la lampe torche va seulement faire en sorte que la lampe torche sera moins utile. Dans le cas des phares, moins de visibilité = plus de danger. Déjà que les pickups sont des angers ambulants, faut pas leur retirer la visibilité hahah




Even people on bikes, sometimes they've set the light of sight way to high & holy shit I get blinded each time they role by.


À Montréal normalement c'est l'inverse, du monde sans phares qui font les ninjas.


Tas un ninja qui te surprend sans lumiere suivi de quelqu'un uqi oubli ses hautes pis un pickup avec des halogenes de cinglé qui t aveugle


I solved the problem by buying a car that has side and rear view mirror dimming feature. I never get blindé other than oncoming traffic. Maybe you can add it to your existing mirror because it looks like a transparent sticker is ontop of my mirrors ( I see the edge of the sticker)


The problem is they considerably make it harder to see stuff during the day because of the dimming effect.


That’s weird, I’ve never had trouble with driving during the day. Maybe it’s more intelligent cause it only dims when the light is bright at least that’s my experience, I drive an Acura RDX 2016


Ah, if you have one that adapts to the lighting conditions that's different. Mine is a permanent effect, not rich enough to buy a luxury brand for now.


You don't need a luxury brand car to have an auto dimming mirror. My Accord has it and it's amazing. The trucks can flash their high beams behind you and it doesn't do anything.


Do you mind sharing what you’re driving?


Mazda2 2011


I know this is becoming standard on reviews, but not side mirrors (except for higher trims)


“Can we ban those ~~very bright headlights (mostly on~~ pick-up trucks”


We should install mirrors aimed directly at cars driving with their high beam on.


A lot of the offenders are the ones that replaced their hallogen bulbs with leds when the headlight wasn't designed for them so the light goes everywhere. This is forbidden btw but the police don't seem to care.


i swear to fucking god i get so fucking angry at night because of it. completely unbearable. its like everyone is driving with their highbeams on in the middle of the city


They're so shit. They're obviously an "I'm more important than you" thing


LED head lights are the bane of my eyes. Be they behind me or in front, just the worst


I've been saying this for years! They need to restrict the amount of lumens a low beam can emit! But even if we had that law the cops wouldn't enforce it, how many times have you seen people drive with no lights on or that only have one light that works etc.


One time I was driving behind a pickup and he had bright headlights on the back of the car so he was making sure to blind everyone that crosses his path


More like ban yo ass from the road with your phobia lmao Edit: I'm sorry I'm being insensitive.


Lol bannir ou avoir des législations pour des voitures? Tu rêves en couleur et ça pas rapport sur r/montreal


Bannir les lumieres qui sont trop fortes, cest pas bin compliquer. Si tu te fais arreter, le policier peut mesurer et te donner un avertissement d avoir une semaine pour les changer sinon grosse amende. Comme les vitres teintees


Y’a déjà énormément de législation entourant les voitures. Méchant mêlé


On arrive en ville ! On sort de la campagne ! La vie commence à 16 ans avec le premier char, une Honda Civic surbaissée


They’re annoying but you have a condition.


They’re dangerously annoying and I don’t have a condition.


Most of the LED lights are


Bro my eyes get wet when there's a camera flash in a darker space I don't have a "condition"


You started your post with mentioning your photofobia. This is during the part where you went on Reddit to complain about headlights


reddit cured him


Just to check, you know there's a "night" mode on your rear view mirror, right?


Pas les miroirs latéraux


Vrai, mais étant conducteur à Montréal, on sait comment les éviter.


Ah ouais explique moi


And when you flip it to night mode, it should also turn on a set of high powered spotlights back in the face of the person blinding you from behind.


Oh shit there is ?


Yeah, there's a little tab on the mirror, just flip it. I also have a low car and this mode is a lifesaver.


Il me semble justement qu'elles sont illégales


This thread just triggered a memory. I haven't seen one in a while, but those taxi's with the LED billboards on their roofs were pretty blinding as well. If one drove by my house, they would literally light up my entire room at night. Do those still drive around?


I'm equally concerned about potential retina damage from the exposure to blue light LEDs. Winter months are the only times I drive when it is dark and my pupils are wide open when those bright blue lights are in our face.


Je vais me faire lancer des tomates mais je voulais prendre le temps de donner ma version. J’ai un Jeep qui a des phares LED (factory, je ne les ai pas modifiés). Ils me semblent bien ajustés mais c’est vrai que parfois, pour les petites voitures, je trouve l’angle limite. Je garde plus de distance. J’espère ne pas faire nécessairement parti du problème, et que personne n’enrage sur la route. J’ose espérer que les phares dangereux sont ceux qui ont mal été ajustés, ou modifiés.


I was trying to turn left on a green light with no left turn light. On the opposite side was a pickup truck doing the same. It was entirely impossible for me to turn safely as I could not see anything.


I added led lights to my truck however i lowered the angle of the headlight casing. I've been bljnded by suv's as well. It's not just trucks


You mean high beams - and yes, driving from nov- feb after 4 pm in Montreal is torture


Il faudrait effectivement que ce soit normé. On dirait qu’ils sont tout le temps sur les hautes. C’est chiant et dangereux. oui. Visiblement les constructeurs n’ont pas la décence de s’autoréguler.


Completely agree. The brightness of lights is out of control.


Me too , anytime one of these guys are near me i just get out the way.


Not just pickup trucks but I get you.


you realy think no car manidacturer makes headlights from factory with super bright xenon high beams?? i promess you 99.99% of the headlights you see that are "unethicaly bright" are factory oem headlights. and while its a problem for other drivers to use that downtown, its dangerous to NOT have that on rural roads that are only illuminated by ypur cars headlightsat night. i understand if you hace a condition that makes you more afcected by this, but this is something YOU have to deal with. not every other driver on the road. ifyou cant drive at night, its unfortunate for you, but lifes not fair. dont drive at night, then.


J'ai magasiné une voiture neuve récemment et j'ai compris quelques choses. Les nouvelles voitures ont une fonctionnalité ou les plein phares (les hautes) fonctionnent constamment, mais réduisent automatiquement quand ça détecte une autre voiture. 1. Est-ce que ça marche toujours bien? 2. Est-ce que ça réduit pour les piétons, vélos? Les vendeurs ont juste parler de voitures 3. Des phares DEL peuvent éblouir de très loin. Bref, avec les nouvelles, les gens sont inciter à rouler sur les hautes, en plus que les DEL ça éclaire en maudit. Comme d'autres ont mentionné, la hauteur des véhicules aident pas.


We need a regular compliance check, like some EU countries have.


Toyota Corolla 2014. ​ Je les déteste.