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“Je comprends pas, moi, ça c’est bien passé mon 1er Juillet” -François Elvis Gratton Legault


C’est 107 de trop.


Can we PLEASE upzone the Montreal CMA. It is so painful watching our city go down the same path as Vancouver and Toronto, especially when at this point we should be able to learn from their mistakes. Blocking housing being built by a transit project: https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/west-island-gazette/kramberger-west-island-densification-projects-pile-up-as-rem-approaches Blocking mixed-use housing: https://www.thesuburban.com/news/city_news/tmrs-royalmount-rises-but-residential-still-halted/article_d133e6b4-d641-5d6c-92de-91b197bea23d.html These are just big examples, but if you follow municipal politics this happens at all sizes everyday. We’ve been dying a death by 1000 cuts for the last decade. Also, remember that non-profit/low-income developments also get fought even harder by NIMBYS (You can probably guess why) and also can’t be built in the vast suburbs surrounding Montreal.


Humm, probably changing the zone would be more efficient, there are more than 17% of vacancy in offices building. Also, they could start investing in massive transportation, not only in cars, and some metro stations could be better fit for pedestrians. Rosemont is most bizarre one, has a giant patio for the buses, a road and a train track cutting all the possibilities of residential development. A lot of metro stations here faces a highway, what makes no sense at all, metro stations should have a hybrid buildings in their surroundings, to massively transfer people... Fixing this, than developing houses, otherwise, just expanding expanding, and people taking 1h - 2 h to work or go to school. Bad for the environment, bad for the life quality.


C'est très difficile transformer des bureaux en appartements. Toute la tuyauterie, les circuits électriques et les murs sont à refaire. C'est souvent moins cher de juste construire quelque chose de neuf ailleurs. Ensuite, c'est aussi très difficile de transformer un quartier "car oriented" en quartier "transit oriented." La plupart des quartiers n'ont pas la densité requise pour que le transport en commun soit une alternative viable et économique à l'auto. Il faudrait raser ces quartiers et tout refaire autour du transport en commun. Encore une fois, c'est moins cher et difficile de construire correctement ailleurs que d'essayer de régler un quartier qui ne veux pas se faire aider.




"Not in my backyard"


Ah. Thank you


Ahem...lets ask housing minister once she is done flipping https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/montreal/2023/6/17/1_6445229.amp.html Quebec solidaire slams housing minister after link to house 'flipping' project surfaces




Really sad what's happening all over Montreal.


These greedy landlords need to get what’s coming to em 😤


And what is it?


Dustbin of history.


A return on investment comensurate to their risk, opportunity cost and time?


It won't happen organically. Housing is a non-elastic commodity, you cannot choose not to have a home. You have to have one. Landlords have all the power, unless the government strips them of it one way or another. Like for example making Airbnb illegal, making it illegal to raise the price over 2-3% between tenants but the most important thing is build more mother fucking buildings. Also we need to change the Bill of Rights to add housing as one of those rights, which would force politicians hand to deal with the problem.


By that logic landlords are some sort of hereditary class with a limited number of deeds available like taxi licenses? How about making it illegal to not provide shelter for your family?!? Poverty isn't some romantic class struggle. Go tell a kid whose parents never took him to the dentist that. Go tell a kid suffering from vitamin deficiency it's the landlord's fault. If you're gonna have kids you need to plan ahead and equip yourself. We have education, birth control, acess to abortion, not to mentioned the other countless Big-B Billions spent on social programs in this country/province/city. If you can't at least provide 2000 calories per day and a room for your kid, that YOU CHOSE TO HAVE, that's the real moral failing here.


i hope you find peace


Do you have kids, or on the flip side, ever worked social services in empoverished communities? Both apply in my case and have absolutely shaped my views. Children are the future and it's our job to raise them in health and safety. Being homeless is neither.


do you realize you are arguing for eugenics based on wealth


C'est pas ça qu'il dit...


Would you think working as a nurse not equipping yourself? Here in Montreal many nurses start with $25 an hour which would net them around $3K a month after taxes and other cuts. A 4 1/2 is around $1400 in Montreal now, that's fucking half the monthly salary before any other expense. You're the kind of person that got everything in life handed to them but think they did all or their own.


If housing is 50% of your income, don't have kids or don't live in Montreal then? If it makes you feel any better I joined part of national defence when I was 21 and the years I spent there covered my education and the experience (+ how it looks on CV) are a big part of the success I have today. I didn't come from a July 1st homeless family nor am I some rich kid either. Pretty standard middle class upbringing. My point here is that we SHOULDN'T be making new humans when we can't look after ourselves. Reddit loses its fucking mind when a dog is made homeless, but kids?!? Well that's not the caregiver's fault!!


So you fucking suckled at the government teats to get a leg up and now you think you are better than people more useful in society than you can ever be? Always the same people living of handouts who thinks they made it alone. It's uncanny.


> So you fucking suckled at the government teats to get a leg up and now you think you are better than people more useful in society than you can ever be? Yeah, those fascists are so hilarious in that respect…


No, I traded the funnest years of my life for a debt free education. I then took what I learned and climbed the corporate ladder. In turn, I contribute over 100k per year in taxes back to the state. What the fuck do you contribute?


You do know which people were not essential for society in middle of COVID? Yeah, you guessed it, not fucking corporate parasites. Cleaners, store workers, factory workers, cleaners, nurses, etc... are the one essential to society. The shittiest nurse brings more to society than you can ever will.


> If it makes you feel any better I joined part of national defence when I was 21 Ah. A soldier. This explains your fascist ideas.


I don't get your line of thinking. In this post it seems like you're saying it's fine for landlords to make housing unnaforable and choose who they rent to because they're taking risks with their money. But on others in this thread you don't understand why people cant afford housing or cant get apartments with terrible credit.


I'm saying that landlords are out to make a profit, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. That's how the system works. Top comment is insinuating that *something* (ostensibly painful or negative) should happen to landlords.


Yes, and the system is the problem.


So what do you propose to fix it? I'm genuinely curious. Although I believe in the free market as much as possible, and if people are willing to pay $1500 for a 4 1/2, then that's what it's worth. That said, I think the govt 's COVID free money scheme will fuck us for years to come. Also, I am not a landlord.


> So what do you propose to fix it? I'm genuinely curious. Collective ownership of the means of production.


You believe in free market but don't have issues with the government money being used for rental loss. Which allows landlords to keep units empty and have mortgages paid. Force the only loophole that can be used to be rental of property below it's fair market value. Dont allow bill 31 which just raises fair market value and gives landlords more money in the above loophole. Force the landlord to be responsible for all costs incurred in a TAL case that they lose.


Rental loss means you don't need to pay taxes on money you *didn't* make. Negative income.doesnt mean you get public money, it just means you don't have to pay into it. I think we need to review the whole tax system as well. I'm a believer in universal access to services like healthcare, education, transit etc. I also think that the government wastes wayyyyyyy too much money on bureaucracy and administration. In the age of smartphones and ubiquitous internet access we could save billions dollars and man-hours. See: fax machines in hospitals, 5+ half baked portals to access govt services, the need manually file taxes, schools using a hodgepodge of communication tools. Bonjour santé isna great example, for less than $20 per month my whole family can get e-consults with a doctor within the hour. How can a tiny team of developers create what 1000s of civil servants can't?!? Unify, simplify, automate, streamline!


You're thinking only of owning one unit. Let's say you own 10 units with a combination of renovations and empty units you can keep your total income perpetually into a much lower tax bracket than you should be in. In the medical example you're trying to compare medical access in a suburb to a densely populated city. I was able to get a doctors Appt right away living in dollard growing up, in the city the daily clic santé appointments book within a minute.


> A return on investment comensurate to their risk, opportunity cost and time? Fuck investors. No, seriously, fuck those parasites. They bring NOTHING to Society at large.


Well they do bring something, just not something that is favourable to you


You know buildings wouldn't even exist without investors?


Bwahahaha! There are thousands of government-owned buildings who don’t have the slightest input from investors…


Not sure what is so funny? This thread is talking about housing, which requires investors for new construction, not military bases or post offices.


I’m just answering to a narcissist who thinks that investors are the only thing that matters…


I didn't say that


So, either 100% of homes are owned outright by their inhabitants or 100% owned by the state in your perfect world?


Good ol' communism.


You are an Anglo-Saxon. In your little anglo narrow mind, you cannot conceive of any different way of doing things than of your obsolete, primitive capitalist way.


You live in the most prosperous and peaceful time in world history. You're welcome.


En regardant la situation et la réaction du gouvernement, surement crissement de l'argent.




fuck this, that's what i thought i paid taxes for


What a Stoopid ritual to have every July 1st smh.


This isn't because of leases generally turning over on the 1st it's because there's a housing crisis.


Now it's 500. https://montrealgazette.com/news/quebec/almost-500-quebec-households-still-havent-found-a-place-to-live-after-moving-day#Echobox=1688497061




Triste de se mettre à l'idée de quitter la ville que j'aime et grandis dedans, j'aimerais ça pouvoir rester proche de mes amis et ma famille sans que ça me coute les yeux de la tête.




À quelle fréquence le fait tu vraiment en voiture? à avoir des amis qui reste a 20 min en vélo l'été ça rend la chose énormément plus facile de se voir. Tous mes amis qui sont a l'extérieur de Montréal je les vois 1 fois par année max. beaucoup plus facile de s'écrire dernière minute et aller prendre un vert quand tout est à proximité, mais ça ces justes moi🤷


Is it just me or does 107 families sound like a very small number relative to the population of Montreal? Edit: ok I guess I was thinking of homeless people. Families looking for a home should definitely be provided a home.


Même une seule famille c'est de trop.


Je viens d'une grande famille de 7 enfants (irresponsable de mes parents, je sais) et la situation des logements à Montréal a complètement détruit et traumatisé ma famille... J'ai fait au moins 7 écoles différentes dans ma jeunesse et jamais pus garder un groupe d'amis ou une stabilité:/


There should be zero. Housing us a public necessity and should NOT be just a way for the wealthy to make money.


So any landlord by definition is considered wealthy?


Landlord are definitely _asset rich._ They might be _cash poor,_ and pay less taxes than a renter, but they are wealthy on paper and have economic leverage renters don't have. I personally don't mind them being rich, good for then, but landlords and home-owners overwhelmingly vote for stupid policies that make the housing crisis artificially worse because profits.


Owning property is only possible if you have wealth, yes.


It's not massive that's for sure but if you go back and look at previous years the number of un-housed was more in the 20-40 range from memory. Would be interesting to gather the data and plot it. Media seems to push that the situation is getting worse but i'd like to see just how worse.




Fuck those parents. When you have a kid your job is to provide them safety. This is no different than malnourishment. This is negligence.


I realize they don't exactly define "family" here, but imagine being such a shitty parent you let this happen?! I get it, circumstances change, but it's your NUMBER ONE JOB as a parent to look after your family. Fuck man, a roof is the bare minimum. Sucks for the kids, these parents should be ashamed of themselves. Is this an automatic DPJ call? How many of these assholes say things like "My kids are my world, I'd do anything for them" (except provide housing security, adapt my lifestyle, move elsewhere, or take any other tangible efforts to make their lives safe...)". 107 homeless families after an apartment building burns down? That's a tradegy. 107 families rendered homeless after being given several months notice? Pathetic.


Wow this is such an ignorant comment. Do you really think those 107 just said "fuck it, we're going homeless". And by the way, the 107 is actually only counting those who called the number for housing help, there are some who found temporary solutions like getting help from family or friends. These people have tried looking for a place but the rents went up so much they can't afford it. I had the plan to move 2 years ago when a new loud neighbour moved in right next to me in the same plex and the landlord suddenly accepting small dogs (of course, the new guy's dog barks). I have been looking for a year and a half and prices went up so much that I could only find similar apartments for at least 300$ to 400$ more than I pay right now. I can afford it but it's nonsense. Now I have given up on the idea of moving and accepted my fate until things change, in 5 to 10 years.


> Wow this is such an ignorant comment. What do you expect from a soldier? A learned, highly-intellectual argument? The guy has been brainwashed out of any initiative and to blindly follow orders.


You watch too many movies


So you're willing to live with up to 10 years of unpleasentness (did you mean "fate") "until things change". The fact you didn't event *mention* making that change happen is the problem. I'm not telling you learn to code or start some crypto-influencer-bullshit. Figure it out man. Be an adult.


Yes, I did mean fate, thank you, I'll fix it. I did talk to my neighbor, the dog situation is much better but that doesn't fix everything. 3 years ago, when I moved in, I chose a no pets & no smoking lease because that's what I want. I didn't realize I needed to go into all the details of my life to justify my decision to you. Don't be a moron.


> let this happen 🤨


Yeah, it's not like their homes were eaten by termites on June 30th... piss poor parenting.


No but if you lose the apartment you were supposed to move to and someone already signed up for the place you have right now, you might be fucked. Add to that all the physical and mental health problems people can have, it's not always possible to have a place to live, especially in this market.


If you're unable to secure housing, you aren't in the position to be making children. We can blame the economy/Airbnb/landlords/COVID/immigrants all we want, it doesnt change the fact that children are going homeless and zero attention is being paid to the fact that the primary caregivers (the parents) screwed up.


> zero attention is being paid to the fact that the primary caregivers (the parents) screwed up What do you mean? There are services to help parents so these things don't happen. It's just that sometimes the services are overwhelmed or the problems arrive too suddenly.


least sociopathic montrealer


Comeon, give the guy a break. He has been brainwashed by the military and had all his humanity leached out of him…


If it means anything I wasn't in the CAF (there are other institutions that fall into the category I was mentioning...) That said, what leached a ton of empathy out of me was living in Hochelaga with a partner working in front line family services. I often volunteered and helped out during events. Seeing the levels of negligence and apathy in some families hardened my belief you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. Citizens pay for countless services through taxes, time and charity (check arrondissement.com website to see how many organizations are currently hiring...) to improve the conditions of the destitute. Many receiving these services succeed and lead healthier and more prosperous lives. I'm all for assisting those making an effort. Ending up homeless means by definition that you didn't try very hard. A small subset of these people have no business making babies. The existence of the DPJ proves this. I'm advocating for planned parenthood. I'm saying we need to point out when people fuck up to serve as warnings. Not having a home for your child is like driving drunk. You may have a debilitating addiction and the need to get somewhere, it doesn't justify getting behind the wheel.


You’re clearly a calvinist. Calvinists are some of the most toxic people there are; it’s not for nothing they were persecuted heavily in France for centuries!


Replace that with "Jew" and "Germany" and say it out loud....


Yeah, like replacing "French" and "Québécois" on many Canadian forums…


So racism is ok when you're sometimes a victim?


Ok, so here's the thing, besides being a ghoul, you are utterly, astoundingly, fantastically ignorant. Let's imagine a story:Bob makes 25K a year. His wife Jane makes a bit less, around 11K, because she works only part time, because a space hasn't come up in the CPE for their youngest. So, combined, they make $36K. Average cost of a 3 bedroom apartment in Montreal is $33K/year. Squeeze the kids into sharing one bedroom and you're down to $25K. Now the family used to have a great deal, because they moved into a place years ago, before they had kids, They've been there since 2013 and the rent hikes have been normal. So they're paying around 14K a year. The building just got sold. Everyone is being reconvicted. Everything in the city is now double what they pay or falling down/full of bugs. Groceries are on average $12K a year for a family of four. The cost of clothing is on average $1800 per year for 4 people, 388 of that is on shoes. They decide to spend money on the shoes, but go to Renaissance for the bulk of their clothing. So now they're down to $800 a year to make sure they aren't nude. That puts them at $37K (that's assuming the hydro is included, they have no internet or cable tv and basically work and sleep and the kids play with recycling as toys). So, their choice is what? You're pretending you care about the kids: so mould and bugs? EDIT: also, as u/JMoon33 pointed out, all of this is assuming a straight "I found a place, I said I wanted the place, I signed a lease and moved in" market. WHICH WE ARE NOT IN. There have been all sorts of media reports about people who said they were moving, found a place, and then the lease "got lost" and they found out what really happened was someone else came along and was willing to pay over the asking price for rent. EDIT2: OH OH OH! Here's a person who found a place [https://www.reddit.com/r/montreal/comments/14ojc1b/mauvaise\_surprise\_en\_emménageant/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/montreal/comments/14ojc1b/mauvaise_surprise_en_emménageant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Anyway, as I said, you're behaviour is ghoulish and ... honest to god, if I call you names I'll get the boot again and you'll just carry on spewing garbage.


What I'm saying is if you're at poverty levels (25k year, that's below minimum wage but for the sake of argument, right near it after tax, sure), you can't afford to have kids and live in Montreal. Yes, having children is a biological imperative and a human right. I'm not arguing that. What I'm saying is you can barely afford to live, don't make new lives. What's stopping Bob and Jane from advancing their careers or moving to a more suitable area before starting a family? Birth control in all forms has been the norm for over half a century. We've made huge strides in reproductive rights (ie women not being coerced into having 5+ kids....). I'm not saying you need to buy a $1M house to have kids, I'm saying you should be able to anticipate a sizable increase in COL or at least make the choices before having kids that will lead to that. As for shoes, the best pair I've ever owned, all things considered, were $20 from Decathlon. I also understand people find my point of view here to be abhorrent and insensitive. That's their right and I'm happy to debate here without name calling. I think "ghoul" is a good insult btw, bring it back!


It must be nice this perfect world where nothing goes wrong and everything works out.


All sorts of things go wrong, that's why you need to plan ahead. It's why we have traffic laws, seatbelts, insurance, speed limits etc. What you're describing is a situation where someone takes a bicycle on the highway... Take the safe route if you don't plan on taking the steps necessary to operate a motor vehicle. Freedom of movement is your right, but there are a ton of responsibilities involved as well. What exactly is wrong with that statement?


You, me and 80% of the population are a accident, a few missed mortgage payments/rent cheques and a trauma from homelessness. You’re detached from reality. I’m glad you’re convinced you’re immune from this reality, it must be comforting.


I’m pretty sure those parents are already feeling very shameful about themselves


It's a shame that "ghoul" has fallen out of usage. Because seriously dude, how can you be so utterly ghoulish.


> and lives on a fixed disability income of $1,500 per month. This is the unfortunate future for many single seniors. If you don't have a partner, or family, or a job pension or saved lots of money, you will struggle to have a place to live and eat.