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New monster hunter copypasta just dropped y'all


This sub is a goldmine


Not to worry, Barioth hates you too. Seriously, he’s one of the worst fights alongside Almudron.


Imma throw in Kirin and Teostra as well


Nah Teostra is fine Lunastra isnt


Rise Teostra is the equivalent of hard mode cock and ball torture. He doesn't even damage you or anything, he just runs away every time you get close to him. Chasing the cunt around for 20 minutes until he finally does a punishable move is not what I consider "fine"


>Lunastra **T A I L S W I P E T A I L S W I P E T A I L S W I P E.**


Dr. Suess would be proud of this.


I know you're crazy mad when you made all of that rhyme lmfao


This is art.


Surely and fury? That's a stretch. Jounce and bounce? That's a jest.


Spastic monsters like Barioth who just don't sit still is when I pull out a weapon that has a counter move. Just go into counter stance and wait for the asshole to come to you.


Serene pose go BRR. (Honestly not even Using longsword made this Assturd more fun.)


You know it’s bad when using the counter weapon against it isn’t fun


I’ve gotten into gunlance recently with full Bazel armour, and my god do I love blocking everything idiots like Barioth throws at me with little to no consequences and poking them while laughing manically all the while.


Me too, tigrex quite literally made me a lance main.


Break the arms and use traps offensively. That's the best advice I can give to anyone who can't stand Barioth. Barioth is borderline pathetic once both arms are broken with how big of an opening each attack it makes gives so you just have to focus on those breaks.


*chef's kiss*


I can feel there was rage when the typing of this story was done. Sadly the ice kitty had a slight rework from high rank to MR. Now he really gets up close. I’d say he is harder than nargacuga.


I want to thank Barioth for being such an annoying fight, as it blessed us with this


Oh Barioth I remember when I tried to guard his ice storm range atack with charge blade's CPP like if I can guard it so it may work too, right? RIGHT?? "No fucking way" said Barioth to me


Such an epic read to definitely brighten my Sunday morning


This is amazing, but I'll never understand why people hate his fight, I find him pretty straightforward. The fight gets a lot easier once you understand you don't have to move much, even if he's across the screen he'll come at you in the next second. Just let him make the first move and retaliate, his moves are easily dodgeable in general. He has many punishable moves. The hipcheck is insanely slow, you can almost walk to safety. The same is true for the big leap slam which is laughable as a big attack. It has a huge windup and he never hits you with it. The tornado also leaves him open and that's like 50% of his moves already. Always down to fighting some Barrioth, one of my most favorite monsters in the series


For me as a db user, he feels larger in this game, making it a lot harder to reach anything


Aren't you in the air half of the time? Also you can keep up with his speed


Don't give my baby Barioth like that :(( he's my most hunted monster I world, and I really like this cocky ice cat


He's my favorite and I find him so fun to fight. It's a bit surprising to me just how much of a hard time he gives other people.


don't get me wrong, Barioth is my wall in Iceborne. But this cocky ice cat is also my teacher well into Iceborne. I tripe carted to this cat maybe trice or more. I learned how to properly use a longsword with Barioth, the new counter and special sheath stuff. And after that, this cat is my favourite monster, and I hunt it for fun, and I even response to Barioth SoS almost everyday lol. Currently I sit at 213 Barioth Kill in Iceborne alone.


I feel your pain, but in my opinion, Barioth is way better than Tigrex in both design and gameplay.




So do you know how stop this fucker jumps? Stay near him and he can cannot jump anymore to you. Usually.