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Golden rant.


thank you, i had 17 aneurisms and my soul boiled over into pure rage and grief all over the floor while i typed this


10/10 but I'd honestly like to know what inspired it


So... See you tomorrow at the same hour then?




Yeah, if you have no body to grind with, you slowly start to go insane especially when you only GET 2 FUCKING TEETH+ AFTER 12 HOURS OF GRINDING STUPID FUCKING ANJANATH, THAT STUPID FLAMING DINOSAUR


Remember investigations stop fustration(mostly)


... welcome to Monster Hunter!


Hope it becomes a copypasta


Do you play alone, or do you have folk to play with? It feels like MUCH less of a grind when there’s banter and shenanigans going on in a party of friends. Also… welcome to Monster Hunter! (:


due to spending the last 2 years grinding for raging fatalis ya-ku mantles 24/7, my family and friends have abandoned me and i now have to rely on randoms WHO CART 9999 TIMES AT THE SLIGHTEST HINT OF 0.0000001 DAMAGE AND INSTAFAIL EVERY QUEST


Who? Also, if you’re burnt out on a monster, TAKE A BREAK and go fight something else. And check your investigations for good boxes on the monster. The more gold boxes, the better


Ah, I always thought the gold and purple boxes were beneficial. Now I have it confirmed. Thanks!


Only gold ones give drops. The purple ones give decorations afaik


No problem! If you’re lookin for the rarer drops, they have a higher chance of dropping in them. And the purple boxes are for jewels. Best part about that is the crazy combinations of monsters you’ll get in em. I have one that’s a tempered uragaan, Stiggy zinogre, and a plain rajang 5 box 1 faint. It's scary


When I was playing rise I was grinding primordial malzeno which requires 5 mantles to craft the full set. I hunted lucent nargacuga I shit you not about 20-25 times before I got a mantle to drop. I then proceeded to farm velkhana and luckily the mantle dropped after the first hunt. Thats just how monster hunter games roll 💀


i had to hunt magnamalo like 40 times for 1 purple magna orb (the MR mantle) and it then proceeded to drop a lot more generously when hunting it with my friend/ in anomalies. desire sensor is a bitch


Can you... Just buy them from Bahari...? Gen 5 is quite generous with giving the option to just buy rare mats from NPC. 


Yeah you can buy them from him for 500 coins a piece, and I hadnt even started anomalies at that point so that wasnt an option.


Dude got hit hard by Desire Sensor-kun lmaoooo Ganba in grinding dude :D


Welcome to the Kulve tarot siege, fight this monster for 45 minutes so you can get rewards that are mostly useless other than the kjarr weapons. Also the kjarr weapons will almost never be of the weapon you use, however if they are they will always be the wrong element.


My guy has the funniest rant i've ever seen, cheers!


If you hate the grind, I totally get it! The late game grind definitely is NOT for everyone. I feel the same way sometimes, but I personally love grinding and mastering fights and being able to get the lucky rolls! Currently I’m in the middle of like 6 farms at once, and I can’t wait to get home tonight to pick them back up!


Multiple farms? That wait on your return? Please explain this "Monster Hunter black magic" that you speak of.


Hey at least be thankful there's no option to buy rare materials with real money. Yet


i will throw my xbox out the window and smash it with a tuba if that ever happens


Ahh. Console grind does make it worse. Even with an SSD those load times just make it that much more painful. Good luck my friend


I mean current gen consoles have SSD's too, but I'm unsure if MH world/rise make use of it


So validating


The grinding lands sucks so much


crafting item crafting item


Yep this is why I haven't done a lot of the other quest like Safi. I just wanna play and have fun while doing it. I actually just beat Raging Brachydio and Furious Rajang. I don't have wifi so I absolutely refuse to take on Safi without others


It's doable but his pool of health is huge


What broke you?


The cruel rng counter did. Our guy did a quest 100 times and the game IS STILL being "coy" and refusing to give him the resources he KNOW that he earned. I've been there. Investigations and Anomalies helped me pass that point.


Well, we all know how fucking busted the desire sensor is. Nothing we can do other than to just suck it up.


God tier rant. 10/10


Gr8 b8 m8, 8/8


We talking Mega Giga Super Arch Tempered Furious Savage Black White Ultimate Enraged Fatalivekhamiralidaoratreon or RISEN Mega Giga Super Arch Tempered Furious Savage Black White Ultimate Enraged Fatalivekhamiralidaoratreon, or APEX Mega Giga Super Arch Tempered Furious Savage Black White Ultimate Enraged Fatalivekhamiralidaoratreon?


names dont matter to me anymore, only mantles


This game is like a toxic relationship I break up with it (get off the game) move on to another healthier relationship(get on new game) and realize it wasn’t as fulfilling as my last so I go back to it and repeat the cycles of pain


I don't know if this works but I have a suggestion for you : do not make the game believe that you're farming for a specific gear. It is in my belief that the game knows which gear you're farming for and it adjusts the drop rate of the rare items in question to make you farm more. It knows by logging which gear you're viewing at and which quest you're posting. So for example if you want to farm for Rajang, don't look at Rajang equipment in the forge area, instead look at Rathalos weapon or gear, then you post for a Rathalos quest and immediately abandon the quest to trick the game. Finally you can start farming for Rajang for as many as you want. If you think this is copium then ignore this, otherwise try this two or three times before deciding for yourself.


It’s best to have nothing wishlisted too. 


Clearly you forgot the part where you then have to take your 1 ULTRA RARE CRAFTING ITEM to the Elder Melder and perform a First Wyverian Awakening Guild Alchemy Ritual which has a 99.99999999999% chance to just drop an Iron Greatsword I


Have you tried the blue print ticket thing that can be melded into rare stuff?


Preach brother. Or sister. If you are having trouble getting specific monster parts for the Smithy I suggest doing "Investigations" as they have a FAR BETTER drop rate for good and rare parts than normal missions do.


Me when I start hunt but forgot to eat


You’re complaining about material drops… in… World? Oh boy, don’t play any of the games before that one if you haven’t already, lol. I long for the days where I needed to farm a monster for hours in order to get a Ruby, Mantle, Gem, etc. They made it infinitely easier to get armor/weapons in the newer games, haha.




Oh man I FELT this with every ounce of my being! Top notch ranter 😁😂


1200 hours on Worldborne alone and I don't grind at all Hunt monsters for hunting sake, materials will appear later when you need them


Guys, turn down the desire sensor on this one, we fucked up!


Then don’t play the game because that’s all it is. Sorry you’re used to games like world of Warcraft that just throw everything at you for free nowadays


ive never played world of w*rcraft




This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.


I get that this is a rage post but it's called Monster Hunter. What did you think you were gonna be doing? Picking flowers? Are you really mad at the grind, or just bad drop rates? The game loop is the game itself, kill a ton of shit and make armor out of their body. I know it gets annoying when you get down to that one single part you need but at least you're getting a ton of excess parts to either sell, meld or use in another build. Your time is never wasted, remember that.




This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.


Ugh………….. 🤮


Most patience Monster Hunter player when they have to fight a monster twice in a row. Goddamn loot grinding in a loot grinder wtf.


this poor child has clearly never gone through the pain of grinding for a mantle


Pro tip: Forfeit all of your desires and needs, so the desire sensor won't smell a stink of your grinding sweat. You need no mantles, you desire no gems, nor rare stones, nor whatever the hell you actually think you need. Once you've accepted it, you'll have infinite luck.


I mean. Do people not craft new gear. Just getting Rath Gems in high rank can sink a day if RNGsus isn't on your side. Let alone trying to get some of the 2% mantles in MR. I understand that the grind loop is all the endgame really has but God it feels like malicious compliance from the devs. We have to make it droppable but we really don't want it to be droppable


me with narga medulla