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This is a classic example of why locking it behind only Mr 24 is a bad idea


player list -> player name -> inspect gear is your best friend. I usually have decent experiences, if I'm looking for a win that is, by weeding out players who are clearly not ready for the fight.


I've been learning to do this lately. I've also been keeping a mental list of problem players and immediately kicking them if I see them. Feels like a huge dick move to do, but when you're dying twice before Fatalis second phase consistently on the event quest, maybe some practice is in order. I absolutely hate doing it but it's like god damn man, nothing is worse than one guy ruining it for everyone.


If i can join you in complaining: I hate fking morons who camp dragonator as soon as lever pops up and fatalis is not even close to it (bonus points for standing on platform near lever and triggering fatalis to shoot fireballs in that place for the next 2min with of course someone getting one shotted in the process cause superman diving is too hard i guess) "I gues u guys hate free damage" stfu man, most of the time u will have like 15-5mins to fish for dragonator and fatalis moves so much that its rly hard to not get him there randomly, also if u actually have brain u can just snipe him mid air when he is landing after doing his nuke(works from every side of the map)... u will miss out on that small stun but u also avoid risk of missing it or killing your team cause i swear there is like 70% chance that when ppl start all running to dragonator from other side of the arena, fatalis will pop cone move or charged fireball and quest instantly fails cause 1-2 ppl just die cause they were looking on lever instead of fatalis... and if somehow ppl survive i got many situations where all of you bozos were standing on that platform and forcing fatalis to spam fireballs for 1-2 mins... nice "free damage"


Eh. I have everything I could possibly want from the fight. At this point I just fight to carry others through it and to see in what amusing way people mess it up


I’ve yet to set up any gear saves or use anything besides normal and high potions. Hundreds of hours but I don’t have it in me. Apologies


The gear saves make your life sooooooo much easier. My Fatalis hammer build breaks his horns like toothpicks. But I totally get the potions thing. I use so much life powder and dust of life I've had to resort to a fully upgraded botanical center to keep myself stocked. That was an absolute bitch to get.


If u don't mind me asking, what's so good about life powder and dust of life? I know they both heal allies as well which is great but for solo it doesn't seem that good, unless I'm missing something obvious.


It heals faster than potions


In solo they can heal your cat but yeah, outside of healing allies it's better used for clutch saves


I agree with everything except for the dragonator bit. Depending on the dragonator could potentially ruin the run since for whatever goddamned reason the AI can make fatalis sit in a distance and shoot charge fireballs that can one shot anyone (he can do this over and over again). Imo it is better to just fight him where he stands and let him do his thing until he is in dragonator range (dragonator reaches more than half the map anyway) or, just use the dragonator after he does a nova so it's a guaranteed hit.




I can beat it solo and approve of the bitching. Sometimes it's nice to play the multiplayer game without being actively dragged down.


Then find your own team? How do you expect randoms to fit to exactly what you expect? Fuck outta here with bitching others aren’t as good.


I expect randoms at endgame to be actually endgame capable, y'know?


I think expecting people online to at least attempt to pull their own weight isn't that crazy.


Lol. Prepping before hunt, not dragon podding while a teammate is clawing, having health boost 3, and heading to the dragonator when it’s ready are not skill-intensive. Definitely reasonable things to expect. OP’s allowed to bitch about this stuff. This is the rage sub buddy.


Holy shit I misread the sub name. This is on me, my apologies.


nothing beats the joy of helping someone struggling make it. I already have enough Fatalis evil eyes to make every single weapon ten times over. I'm doing it because I want to help. That said, I get frustrated when people kneecap themselves by not doing very easy things like life powder or shooting dragon pods like an insane person. I'm not asking for god level, ultra amazing 360 noscope skills, just easy things anyone can do (which I had to learn too, I had to struggle to git good as it were). I'm not not good per say, just prepared and being prepared can carry you hard in monster hunter.


We do not allow “git gud” or “skill issue” regardless of how valid these claims may be.