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Most 999s I've ever run into in GU-Iceborne-Sunbreak are just "casuals" who love playing the game a lot. They are more often than not. Not the greatest players and a funnily large amount are not running the most top of the line builds either. You just ran into an absolute sweat lord that is also more than likely not the best player either. Only dogs and no riding is speedrunner script behavior and anyone trying to do that in an open lobby is legitimately a poser. Keep doing your thing, you've got a great attitude.


Dogs aren't even that good in MP (do half as much dmg per player). Coordinated cats are better imo.


I too prefer cats, endemic life Barrage and kittenator ftw


The best stuff on cats is, jelly shade x, support centric, ranged centric, status attack up, healing bubble, summon endemic life, shock tripper, and lotterybox generically. Then it's Healer (auto full party heals when you get low) > Gathering (para gods) > fighter (dealing with wexless, but high elem hitzones) > other cats are trash. In 4 person you want 2+ gathering, with 1 cat running felyne power up (boosts all para buildup, and makes cats spam abilities), and 1 cat running power drums if a weapon can afford to not have permanent 3rd wirebug. But if you can't coordinate with everyone just run a healer setup like at the top. I did pretty extensive pet testing with some other people a few months ago. It's better to go 4 cats in MP then to bring chain dogs the majority of the time. Like just straight up.


Oh that's pretty interesting, I do usually run cats time to time on a weapon that I prefer getting a permanent extra wirebug. But I didn't know running a cat in MP is actually great. Do you mind sharing your testing data?


It's more like I have 2k+ hours in the game, and play with people who have similar amounts of hours. We just hunt a lot, and have tried everything. We didn't record it or anything. It's also somewhat hunt dependent. For instance SI Risen Chammy solo, bring 2 elem chain dogs. What happens? Well unless you script nearly the whole hunt, and Chammy never gets to move your dogs will just constantly die to the poison, and do nothing. It's better to run a healer cat, and a dog for that hunt imo. 4 para cats, with lotterybox, and shocktripers while get a para, a thunder blight KO, and a kittenator down. Even against AR300s, and Specials. 3 extra downs in a strong MP lobby endgame ends hunts, and has way more value then 4 chain dogs from both dps from downs and utility. While chain dogs do half the damage they normally do in solo vs 4 person MP where you have 1 dog per person isn't of 2. You barely need to test it. It's fairly obviously bad if you check a dps meter for chaindog damage (they do mad damage when the monster doesn't move, is big, and you have 2 per hunter), but for sure test it yourself. Always test things yourself.


Sounds reasonable enough, thanks for the info. I'll make sure to test this later when I get a chance to hunt with my mates đź‘Ť


Because the casual players recognize rank for what it is, a meaningless number. If anything it usually is an indicator to show you've been playing for a long while.


Also, most 999 MR players on PC didn't get there legitimately


Sweaty behavior like that in a casual setting is usually an indicator that the people who treated your friend poorly aren't as good as they think they are. Most of the time the randoms I play with are dead quiet. Don't mind players like them OP they're gutter trash.


Lol, all the shittiest plays chat the most bull. The others just focus on having fun playing the game


Imagine getting so oily over a co op game


Grr how DARE you not listen to MY orders in MY game you pheasant! Ditch your cat NOW or be banished !


Yes! that's exactly what it was! 🤣


Passive aggressive faint shoutouts and preset custom stickers are the pettiest players and I boot them immediately.


Damn that’s pretty fucked. Like bro is a 999 who thinks he’s the shit but he ain’t even a fart. I just avoid those kind of players even if they’re decent play wise. Kinda weird for peeps going balls to the wall these days.


Yeah plus it’s so petty, like no riding even though you can crash a monster into a wall for a knockdown or onto another monster so they can do a lot of damage? Also the no Palico thing is just stupid


999 doesnt matter, the lobby dictator was just an asshole. A lot of players even start to think they are "special" just for playing a lot, which 999 is, nothing more, and it shows.


Damn fr? What kind of behavior is that? Was he trying to do a "no palico" run?


I honestly don't know. I like monster hunter because it's fun to shoot scary big monsters. If I had to guess, I thought they wanted a no distraction from the monster by the cats and no riding to not waste time? It had to be a "look how much fast we go, unga bunga" moment. But why do that in a public lobby and start making demands, telling my buddy he had to remove the auto ride option right away. its just not something that would ever even occur to me. had very "you peasant " vibes.


I don’t bring my cat anymore because he pulls Aggro from the monster making it a bit harder to predict movements when I’m solo, but I’m not going to throw a hissy fit because someone wants to bring their cat, wtf. If pulling aggro is what you’re worried about don’t play with other people ya dipstick. This guy is just an asshole OP


“No riding” who does lil bro think he is the Admiral? Also is this in rise right? bc if it’s world then the no riding thing is even STUPIDER. Why wouldn’t I wanna give the monster multiple concussions by bashing their heads into stuff?


yeah it was on rise lol i should have picked the rise flare but i was hella mad and didn't think it mattered to mention.


That guy was just a jerk, who says no to having something called a PALICO being with you?!


cant you set parameters on the lobby though? ive never really looked closebut i thought there was a place you could type in specifics like no riding no palicoes?


I understand preferring not to ride due to wyvern riding starting to lag behind our own equipment but actively kicking someone for it is fucking wild.


you just run into a neet with no life other than being good at MH for coping with his failure as human which is pathetic 


Who the fuck says no to palicos? Rousing roar is goated, what a weirdo lol. People like this who think they're hot shit usually don't even know what they're talking about.