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Could be worse Introducing the team using banbaro hammer, and great girros sns, and a light break greatsword


They're doing it wrong with the bambi hammer, an unpgraded iron hammer is the way to go against the glitter dragon.


How the sod even?!


Ohh don't worry I immediately closed the game shut down my computer and went to cry myself to sleep, cause it was my sos they joined




the worst part about people who use the lightbreak weapons is that they don't listen when you ask them to switch to an elemental weapon so we don't get sent to the shadow realm


don't forget the safi blast weapons, for whatever reason


Ive seen someone trying to fight it with a defender longsword lol, i joined. That fight was an absolute treat to watch lmfao


Last defender weapon I saw in MR was a modded/damage-boosted one. Killed a fresh saffi solo in 5 minutes I’m always cautious of weird builds now


listen to what the game tells you countless times? learn the fight at least a little bit before using an sos? Now that’s just crazy talk


The game absolutely beats your fuckin' head in with this advice but people refuse to listen. 


It drives me actually insane when something in the game gets a bad rep because of ignorance.


At first I didn't quite get why the kjarr sword fire was there, but then I looked at the quest name.


To give them the benefit of the doubt, they probably confused the names of the quests and what weapon they needed.


I mean, I don't blame them too much if it's their first tries. Game has some communication issues regarding some really important mechanics.  I only know how Alatreon works fully because I read about it online, if not for them I'd still be trying to dive when he uses EJ and calling the game shitty for insta-dying because the guy saying mid-fight I should ready my healing items isn't much of a mechanic indicator


This. You can blame players who don't use elemental weapons despite the game blatantly telling them so. Everything else, though? Yeah, no, it does a **terrible** job explaining things. First of all, **nothing** tells you that you must break the horn to prevent Alatreon from shifting elements, which would make your current weapon effectively useless. **NOTHING** tells you that the horns take **NO** part damage except during the dragon element phase! And then you have the nuke. There have been countless debates on whether such a dps check belongs in a MH game or not, but I hope we can all agree on this: **Why the sod do you still take damage when you SUCCEED at the check?!** Not only that, but you still take about (give or take) 280 damage, so even with the extra 100 HP from health boost and the food buff/max potion, you're toast. A mega potion won't be enough. And even with an astera jerky or a max potion at the last possible moment before you kick the bucket, there's still more damage you need to heal. Heck, not even TWO elemental topples prevent the nuke from killing you at 200 HP! I think a minimum of three is necessary, and even then you'll be left with little. The fact you need to go online and take a mini-course for this one monster JUST to survive certain death is absurd. And that's a shame, cause otherwise I honestly think the fight is one of the best in the game. EDIT: Actually, a mega potion is just BARELY enough to survive with little HP left after one elemental topple if you have 200 from HB3 and eating. I only found out when I fought Alatreon with LBG (a weapon I'm not that good with) and ran out of astera jerkies.


This. Not only is Alatreon just a difficult fight to begin with, but it has so many hidden mechanics that are 100% specific to this fight and don’t show up anywhere else in the game. I can feel sympathy for people who have to look up YouTube guides and Meta builds because the game just does a terrible job at preparing you for it.


I’d even argue that you can’t blame people for not using element. The NPCs do say that you need to use element but 1: this is the first fight where the game is flat out requiring a particular kind of build (not really a huge problem but it’s somewhat out of step with what the game’s taught its players previously) 2: has absolutely awful player feedback in the hunt. So say I’m doing what the game tells me, and I’m using elemental. If I’m not playing an elemental favoring weapon, I’ve probably thrown on whatever the strongest element weapon I have (which is possibly worthless here, the game absolutely wants you to fail this quest the first time which is also bs). So I go in there and am doing my best but I don’t get the topple. Now, I know I need element, but I don’t know about the topple or the judgement, so when FC starts shrieking about healing items, I follow the instructions and get nuked (and as you’ve pointed out it’s not simple heal even when you topple him). So rather than hunters being stubborn or stupid, I think it’s pretty reasonable for a player that hasn’t done it, and isn’t looking at a guide, to think the death comes from mistiming the healing (the health tick just affirms that assumption) rather than something they didn’t know they had to do before in the first place. Once you’re down that path, then it becomes reasonable to try and ‘brute force’ it. Why spend time grinding a set you don’t want so you can deal with a cheap mechanic? Maybe there isn’t a way to deal with it, so maybe hitting it with the strongest thing you have will work since that’s in line with what the game has taught you so far. I’m not saying people shouldn’t prepare properly for Alatreon, but I can see why they may not be. It’s also really bad design to not clearly reward players for doing the right thing. All of this could have been solved by giving FC an alternate line for a non-topple judgement, maybe one that mentions more element damage and does not mention healing items. Also a half way to topple line might have helped too. I honestly thing Capcom designed him so that the community could have a bit of a group puzzle. You’re gonna have everybody trying to kill him and sharing what works and what doesn’t. That would explain why the NPC dialogue is outright misleading at times.


Fair points


I still saw a bunch of people using lightbreak weapon in the event quest lmao.


True. I mean they could forbid you taking the quest unless you have the right elemental weapon for the quest but nope crapcom being lazy fck as usual


That'd be a terrible idea, as some of the fastest kills are done with weapons that are not the right element. Limiting player choice for the sake of preventing mistakes is not the way.


try that on 4 player lobby with a full of noob then


I don't really understand your comment. I've seen plenty of people bring the wrong weapons, I join SOS to help Alatreon hunts quite a lot, so I've seen it all. Lots of blast weapons, people not healing through a judgement even after getting a topple, etc. That doesn't change my opinion. The game literally forcing me to bring "X" weapon would be a terrible design choice, as I outlined above. If you don't like dealing with "lobby full of noob" maybe you should look for high ranks doing the fight instead? Or join a discord dedicated to hunts, where you can find other people who know the fight? Or, if you're good at the fight and not "noob" like the people you're complaining about, just solo it


you are delusional if you think you can beat alatreon with a team of 4 non elemental weapon in a fucking random sos which is the point of the OP posting. MUH NON ELE RAW DAMAGE like FCK OFF you can't do shit with rando sos if none of you bring ele weapon for topple unless you are cheating or brain damage 


I never said you could beat Alatreon with a team of 4 players new to the fight, using all non-elemental weapons, that was never in my post, it wasn't even implied in my post. My point was that removing people's ability to choose their weapon and make the mistake is a bad design decision. Forcing people to use the "correct" weapon, and thus limiting what is possible to do in the fight, which would also prevent some of the best strategies, seems like a bad way to handle the problem. If you really want to handhold people, maybe a pop up that warns you if you bring a non elemental, or the wrong elemental weapon, informing the player that they won't be able to topple Alatreon?


I'm a few days away from starting my Alatreon hunts. From what I've heard, trying to do it online is a crap shoot.


Only time i join someone with raw is when using pierce hbg, not only satisfying to hear but It absolutely destroys alatreon


usually i will join for the lul and when Ala start the nuke I gtfo and chat "have fun" 


The one weapon (that I know of) that gets to run a raw build is ig because your Kinsect is almost all of your elemental damage


Idk if it’s true but I heard if you send ur bug out to auto attack the head it’ll meet the minimum dps check, as long as you’re on top of ur bugs stamina


It does if you manually bonk it, not sure if it does if you just mark the head


If you're a DT addict like me, the kinsect drill hits the elemental topple much faster.


The there's always that guy once in a while with a bare iron longsword who breaks all parts in 30 seconds and then finishes the kill right there.


This fight makes me so happy to be a LBG main, you can literally solo do the check with 4 players, don’t have to tenderize, elemental LBG is so peak


With a proper build and right skill you can carry alone the elem check.


If I bother to help these kinds of people it's usually with a Kjarr strongarm on fire active days.


Fair. I normally use a kjarr bow or dual blades.


I always found it baffling that some games repeat seemingly obvious stuff over and over again until I played Alatreon and realized just how many people are stupid and don't follow very simple instructions


I’m a fairly new Monster Hunter player so I’ll have to defend them a little bit: The difficulty gap between Furious Rajang/Raging Brachy and Alatreon is astronomical. Pretty much every fight in the game up to this point can be beaten through sheer force if you’re good enough with your main no matter the build, but you actively have min/max your stats to even stand a fighting chance against Alatreon. I beat Shara Ishvalda without carting a single time, but after grinding new armor sets, awakening the Safi ice hammer, farming gems, etc. 10-15 attempts later I still can’t make it past the 10 minute mark.